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Hi! My name is Jack. I'm 31 and I live in California, in the northeastern SF Bay Area. I'm the human behind the following Flexible Survival characters. All of my characters are Nanite Adepts in addition to whatever other dedications they may have.

Acetyl is my primary character. Neuter. Native Storm Dragon. Necromantic Acolyte. Head of Xanadu R&D and caretaker of the hunting territory known as Xanadu Gardens. Uses male pronouns most of the time despite being neuter. Dimensionally Touched and a bit off in the head. About half "SCIENCE!" and half ravening feral. Does his best not to descend into his more wild side. Does not always succeed. Other than science, learning, and knowledge, Acetyl loves reading books and whatever other forms of the written word he can get his hands on, surfing, hiking, camping, hunting and fishing (of normal wild animals, mainly for food), crafting, and hunting for salvage. He is driven by strong impulses that are both creative and destructive, leading to a lot of internal conflict and guilt feelings for him. Acetyl is my "Zephyr alt".

Xolotl is a Quetzalcoatl dedicant who strongly favors her supernatural dedi form, but tends to mutate a lot and so may not always be seen as a feathered serpent. Technically a Promethean, but in reality she functions as a feral. Tends to use female or neuter pronouns, but is a herm as often as not. However, like her form, her sex changes constantly. She has fully embraced the nanite plague and revels in her changing body. Unlike Acetyl, Xolotl barely comprehends even the concept of guilt and doesn't feel bad about anything she does. She can be kind of scary. She's not invariably malicious though, just extremely self-absorbed. Xolotl is technically my original "Promethean alt", but she's more of a straight up feral in practice.

Delve is a xenobiologist working for RSX. She is one of their rarer mutant agents, being an anthro coyote, though she has had the Advanced Inoculation and does not mutate uncontrollably. Despite being a mutant, Delve is much more reliant on technology and civilized ways than on mutant powers. She prefers high-tech weaponry and, if necessary, her booted feet and fists in combat, resorting to such methods as claws or biting only if desperate, and in general still sees herself as basically human in spite of her outer form. She feels an attraction to Coyote but has so far resisted this draw.

Hailey is a feral Egyptian Mau born after P-Day. She belongs to Trace as his pet/breeder/slutkitten. She's pregnant with her first cub by Trace and is very much looking forward to being a mother. A little odd in the head, but a sweet girl who is genuinely grateful to Trace for giving her a home and a purpose in life - such as it is. It's more than she had before, though. As with Xolotl, Hailey is technically a Promethean but in practice is a feral. Life with Trace may uplift her to some degree in certain ways, even as it devolves her to a pet in others - this remains to be seen.

Saxon is a relatively new character who I have yet to RP. I plan to eventually make him a Lunar Touched wolf type. He is male and was an adult when P-Day happened. Music is very important to Saxon. He has Survivalist and anarchist leanings and will probably end up as a Survivor although he is a Promethean at this time. Saxon tends to be a loner, both attracted to and repelled by people in all their fascinating contradictions, their goods and their evils.

I currently have two (2) empty alt slots. I may or may not ever use them. We'll see what happens. I feel like I have my hands full with alts at the moment, but you never know, I might come up with some new personality I want to RP.

-Form Stuff!-

I enjoy writing forms! I mean, a lot. I write a lot of forms. The following forms were all written by me originally, though some have since had kemo or splitter compatibility added by other writers - I didn't write the kemo descs for Storm Dragon, for instance. I do hope to update many of these to give them kemo and other compats. In fact, as of 9/22/16, that work has begun! I'm going in alphabetical order, but if you particularly want to see something for a certain form of mine - say, Color Chooser on Gryphoenix, just as a random example - let me know and I'll move it up the list!
Also note that I DO take requests and commissions! Bookwyrm and my planty forms were written on request. Page-mail or PM me, or catch me in the channels on the MUCK, to ask about form stuff! I really need both positive and negative feedback and heartily encourage both! Positive feedback tells me what people like and enjoy, so I know what I've done right and what is popular. Negative feedback tells me what I've done wrong, so I can fix my current work and improve my future work. Both are extremely important, indeed essential, to me as a writer, so if you feel the urge to praise or criticize anything I've written, PLEASE tell me about it, in as much detail and specificity as you can. It will be hugely appreciated, even if you're telling me everything you hate about everything I've ever done! I can't emphasize that enough!
Anyway, here's that list of forms. (An asterisk * means the form is approved but not currently on grid for one reason or another, whether needing some revision or, more commonly, just never having made it to the grid yet.)
(Currently in the process of adding Kemonomimi and Leg Splitter compatibility to ANERY STRIPE CORNSNAKE, also other updates and fixes, as of 9/22/16.)

Anery Stripe Cornsnake
Balaur Taur*
Psilocybe Dragon
Redwood Unicorn*
Sandfire Dragon
Social Butterfly*
Storm Dragon
Stygian Hound
Vampiric Wolf
Wild Cannibal
Xanadu Bird

For those who have been asking, here's a list of the forms I am currently in the process of working on and their rough progress as of the last time I updated this (9/18/2016). I am far from the game's best form writer (in fact I'm kind of over-wordy and clumsy with my descriptions...) but if you like my work regardless, I'm happy to try to write a form that you'd like to see in the game. I have no control over what gets accepted and put on grid by staff so I make no promises, but I am happy to take requests and have in the past (Bookwyrm was a request, for example, and it's on grid now!)

Ready For Review
Gulotaur - Hard vore-y, eternally hungry wolverine taur. Has been critiqued by Glitch and edited by me in response. Awaiting final approval. May not hit the grid for a long while, of course, but it's getting close to approval!

Siamese Seer - An anthro Siamese cat with three eyes, three tails, and some weird superstitions. Also on its second pass through the review cycle, so with luck it may be approved soon.

And there's another one, but that's for something special... you guys will see if/when it makes it into the game. ;p

Requires Revision
All of these have been critiqued by Glitch and are just waiting for me to have time to repair them. Some need only slight changes, others need significant work.

Bullygoat - A four-armed, monstrous goat-thing that eats anything, and I do mean anything, that crosses its path. The Gulotaur will turn its nose up at inorganics, seeking meat and blood alone, but the Bullygoat is happy to chew up whatever it encounters. The Bullygoat, unlike the Gulotaur, can also be appeased - if you submit to it, it will accept sexual favors from you instead of attacking you, giving a special scene specifically for if you submitted to it.

Friendly Fossa - A fairly simple anthro fossa form with a cheerful inclination.

Graveyard Thing and Hungry Horror - Two related bestial undead-ish forms. Both need significant revision.

Submissive Stallion - The first in a series of leather kink forms I'm writing. It's a man blended with a leather equine-themed bondage suit, producing a sort of anthro horse with the leather horse hood/mask and other stuff become part of their body.

Wolrat - It's a creature that resembles a blend of wolf and rat, but with some unique features and a distinctive bent toward rape and a kind of violence that would have lead to murder in the pre-P-Day world but is now merely kinky, rapey, and disturbing.

In Progress
These range from just having one or two sentences to hold the idea to being almost fully written and ready to submit.

Alpha and Omega Leatherwolf - A pair of related forms from the same set as the Submissive Stallion, this time with lupine-themed hoods/masks and gear rather than equine. The Alpha is a sadistic Dominant/Master who exemplifies leather as a symbol of power and control, while the Omega Leatherwolf is a submissive/slave who exemplifies leather as a symbol of ownership and domestication - the pet's collar and the workbeast's tack are made of leather. (I know we have a LOT of canine forms already, but I've seen very few of these leather "fursuits/animal themed bondage suits", and all of them were either wolf based or horse based with a small handful of exceptions, most of which were some other kind of canine. Plus, I just found my mental image of these guys too compelling to pass up. We'll see if they actually make it into the game, though.)

Almanac Faestag - One of my two contributions to the Seasonals Set started by Hiirome, to be placed in a Hunting Territory she and I will be splitting the cost of and hopefully the ownership of (though if the code doesn't allow for dual ownership I will be ceding the HT to Hiirome since it was her idea originally, with her Weasonal form.) The Almanac Faestag is similar to the Cativa in that both are faestags, but instead of being half cannabis plant, the Almanac Faestag is a 'pure' example of its kind and is rather more deerlike than the Cativa, which emphasized the feline aspects of the faestag concept. It also will use the 'seasonal' code Hiirome developed for the Weasonal form, allowing it to look different in different in-game seasons.

Balefire Bird - A phoenix or firebird-like form contaminated by pollution, resulting in a dark bird of nightmare which seems to be swathed in green, poisonous flames (and which can also project such flames at foes). In spite of its evil aspect, though, it desires less to inflict raw violence, and more to corrupt and consume. It likes nothing better than turning other people into Balefire Birds, or, failing that, to poison or at least bedevil them, and watch their suffering.

Barneycle - It's a barnacle. That surfs. But not very well. (Barney Barnacle? Get it? :p) Part of the surfer/beach set.

Baying Shambler - Sort of a zombie werewolf, but with some kind of specific habits that distinguish it from a generic zombie werewolf.

Blood Gargoyle - Big ugly winged beastie with green glowing eyes and a bare chest/belly. Probably will be another hard vore form.

Boar Baron - The fourth form in the leather beasts set, this one a Dominant wild boar to counter the Submissive Stallion. (Have never seen a boar version of one of these suits, but it would look damn awesome and we have no wild boar forms, so why not?)

Coca Cobra - Intended for the Xanadu Gardens expansion. Not developed much yet beyond the idea of 'cocaine snake' with a possible secondary theme of 'soda/cola snake'.

Eldritch Tentacletaur - It's... um. It's an eldritch tentacletaur. Not... sure what else to say about this. It's like Ursula from the Little Mermaid meets a D&D illithid meets a real-life cuttlefish.

Feral Akhlut - An arctic beastie that resembles a mix of wolf and orca that can hunt both on land and in the water. Intended as a possible companion form for Gulotaur if a new cold zone were to be made. (They could also both be thrown into the existing ice zone.)

Feral Xolotl - A bizarre critter from South American lore. (Name of the beast not related to my character's name except in that they're both inspired by the same deity). Sort of a weird lightning dog with the head of a harpy eagle on the end of its tail, but more/different.

Hungry Plush Dragon - A soft cuddly vore form meant for those who prefer gentle, friendly vore to more realistic or sexualized depictions. Also just meant to increase the number of plushie forms in the game.

Karma Chameleon - Another one for the expansion of Xanadu Gardens. A chameleon with hippie-ish tendencies.

Knivesnake - A bald-headed reptilian form with weaponized hands and small, billowing wings useless for flight but which act like a cape, swirling around it to confuse its outline and also helping it to jump better and even glide short distances.

Kooky Kelpie - A bit similar to the Redwood Unicorn, except it's a seaweed-maned water horse anthro that thinks it's a better surfer than it really is, and is also a bit silly in general despite its potential dangerousness. (A Kelpie who is a Kook!) Part of the surf/beach set.

Lizard King - A regal, gently dominant lizard-ish form. Gives off a subtle yet unmistakable aroma of Mr. Mojo Risin. (May not make it into the game because of this, but I had to give it a try. XD) If it makes it, it's destined for the Xanadu Gardens expansion along with Coca Cobra, Karma Chameleon, and Opium Drake.

Opium Drake - A beautiful non-anthro, mostly Asian-style dragon form. Her bodily fluids are all infused with opium. She has as much destructive potential as any dragon form, but her main goal is to seduce and infect rather than violence. Soft vore form that swallows the loser as a prelude to rebirthing them from her womb (victory/loss scenes include contingencies for non-vagina-having victors, of course.)

Scarlet Damseldragon - A dragonfly dragon. Specifically, it's a blend of an Asian type dragon with the Scarlet Damselfly. Gorgeous looking thing. This one is being written with aesthetic beauty in mind rather than sex or violence. Still have to come up with plausible win-lose scenes. May end up veering into the horrific to give them a sharper edge or may keep them a relatively 'soft'/gentle form.

Sea Dog - Part dog, part shark, all grouch. A salty, snappy sort who lives for the ocean, whether surfing, boating, fishing, or what have you, and doesn't like having his seaside solitude interrupted. Part of the surfer/beach set.

Serpentaur - A snake taur. Not like a naga, with a legless snake body, but a creature with the upper body of an anthro snake attached to a taur body that resembles a snake's body that's been shortened and grown legs, for a four-legged reptile taur.

Stygian Grimalkin and Stygian Pard - New forms related to the Stygian Hound, based on small cats (grimalkin) and big ones (pard). Will be very distinct from existing feline forms in similarly demonic ways as to how the Stygian Hound varies from a typical canine form.

Surf Rat - The beach bum cousin of the Mall Rat. Not entirely dissimilar, except they laze around and eat junk food on the beach and surf instead of skateboarding. Though they'll gladly consume anything their Mall Rat cousins would in a pinch, Surf Rats have a distinctive preference for certain types of junk food, such as fish tacos, beer, and other things that were once considered 'beach food' in the pre-P-Day world.

Tyrannotaur - It's a Tyrannosaur taur. Not sure what else to say about it. A thing that should not be. It will give you nightmares with its bizarre anatomy and sheer horrific improbability.

Xenophobic Xiuhcoatl - Another of the South American critters, this one is a sort of plated, fiery, feathery serpent-beast with no wings. Its eyes are mirrored and constantly ooze smoke. It has four clawed limbs, too. Unlike the Xolotl, the Xiuhcoatl is anthropomorphic or at least therian-like. And it doesn't like you. It really, really doesn't like anyone, actually.