Tanukifest 2022 - RPLOG

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(Fenris) It is a beautiful day in Fairhaven! Not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket!

There is quite the gathering just outside the tanuki shrine on the western edge of the city. Word of the festival has gotten out and people of all sizes and shapes are milling about the trail to the shrine, currently blocked by a heavy rope hung with a sign saying "Closed for Event!" There is a feeling of excited anticipation in the air!
(Narwen) Narwen ambles on over on all fours, the skunk beast giving friendly nods and occasional waves of a paw. Despite the crowd being pretty dense, he still tends to have a little empty space around him, which helps with making progress towards the entrance. A casual observer would be able to track him easily, seeing his tail raised up above head height for most of the crowd, and if there happened to be another quadrupedal skunk around, the painfully colourful rainbow-striped shorts would surely be enough to identify him. Let's just hope he doesn't end up in a line-up. Peering up at the shrine and maybe not paying too close attention to where he's going, his shoulder bumps into someone, boomf. "Oh, sorry there," he rumbles.
(Junes) a winged chimera with squirrel legs and a low hanging tail walks in looking around almost looking for something but generally trying to seem inconspicuous they stay close to the walls
(Randel) Always the one to fit into a situation, Randel can be seen as one of the Tanuki about the place, walking around as if he is one of the joyous rotund raccoons. To help identify the shapeshifting agent, especially those without their COMMs at the ready, he has his lab coat on, opened, and with his Zephyr badge pinned to his chest. Along with the badge, he has a fancy golden, and very functional, Tanuki leaf clipped next to it! It seems like his form isn't just for show, with him actually being very much connected to the Tanuki as well! He is also wearing a pair of baggy jean pants, which do a surprisingly good job of hiding his no doubt Tanuki grade assets. While having such a pair is a matter of much pride among the raccoon dogs, he is here to party and not distract people with them. As with the rest of the Tanuki here, he is beaming a smile and eager to talk to others, and waving to those he recognize.
(Fenris) Despite his loud shorts, Narwen is hardly a point of concern for most of the milling mutants. Amidst all the hubbub, it seems that some kind of guest of honor has arrived!

A palanquin bedecked in silks and ornate carvings is hauled into the clearing on the shoulders of four large tanuki. Once the palanquin is set down, a tall, skinny man is helped out, escorted by a pair of the more common, small tanuki. All of them are dressed in traditional kimonos and they lead him up to the roped off path.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," a large, possibly familiar tanuki says, stepping up from the other side of the rope, "And all the rest of you! Welcome to Tanuki-fest 2022! We are so happy to see so many friends of Tanuki gathered for some fun and festivities! Please, enjoy yourselves, and be respectful of each other and our grounds! We have to clean up after you animals after all!"

The burly tanuki removes the barrier, his speech finished and allows the crowd in, led by the odd guest of honor and his little entourage.

Just a little way up the forested path, the quiet landscape gives way to what seems like a festival already in full swing! Tanuki of all sizes and description are all over the place and the shrine is filled with tents and booths and the street is lined with tanuki, dancing and singing and playing music, particularly a contingent of hapi wearing belly drummers to welcome the guests to the festival!
(Narwen) Narwen tilts his head, watching intently as the guest of honour is led on in. Does he look a bit familiar? But-- what would he be doing here? And then the crowd is surging forwards and even Narwen cannot play the immovable object, and so finds himself padding towards the festival, nodding and smiling a bit at the music, his steps unconsciously falling into the same underlying beat of the drums. His path crosses one of the Tanuki and he dips his head politely.

"Nice event, great job!" he calls, then a moment later does a double-take as his eyes flash across the badge. The face wasn't familiar but he's seen the name, Randel, before.
(Junes) closing a pot junes sighs and visibly relaxes but after looking around they see how everyone is wearing rather nice clothing decides to buy a purple and white kimono, afterwards they see a tall tail and curious about it decides to walk over
(Randel) It has been so long, too long, since Randel has really touched bases with the Tanuki. So when hearing about the festival, it seemed like as good a time as any to check it out. Goodness knows he could use a break to unwind and step away from the chaos that has been happening recently, having cleared his work schedule just for this event as soon as he heard about it. He looks surprised when seeing the large raccoon dog do the presentation, making him double take and wonder if he actually saw that correctly. He is going to have to check if that was Fenris the Tanuki he's met before, but he isn't going to hunt him down just yet. The entire place is quite the culture shock to him, and is a bit overwhelmed by it all. To his embracement, he doesn't know the raccoon dogs as well as he'd like, despite being just a follower; but this is a great time to find out! Though his train of thought breaks when noticing the skunk beast in loud shorts looks over at him, and waves back with a smile.
(Siaren) Meanwhile a certain fox girl is currently running a little late(TM) and ends up sneaking into the room where everything is happening at the moment before trying to catch up on what's happening and appear like she was here the entire time instead. At least she's not wearing anything squeaky to give away her movements.
(Fenris) There are shops and booths all over doing brisk business, selling clothing, food and souvenirs of all kinds. Many of the vendors seem a little uncomfortable with the electronic equipment for transferring freecred, but they are managing.

The burly tanuki who opened the festival has joined the lanky human and his party and is pointing out various attractions as other guests pour into the shrine.

"We could go see the drummers perform," he says, "Or get some food, there is a great takoyaki stand over there. Or we could get drinks, or see some feats of strength and agility! Oh! Or play find the tanuki! There is so much to see!"

The same goes for everyone else! There is so much to see! What would they like to do?
(Narwen) Narwen sure does have a tall tail! It wafts to and fro in the breeze a little, and then a little more as he catches a wave back from one of the Tanuki. The skunk lifts a forepaw in return. "Hey there! We met before, right? Back when we were figuring out how to set up classes? Narwen," he adds, gesturing with the paw towards his neck ruff where there is indeed, buried somewhere deep within, an ID badge bearing that name. "How've you been? D'you want to catch up over a bowl of tea, maybe watch the drummers? Oh-- wait, are you on duty or something?" His tail continues going tick-tock, tick-tock.
(Junes) almost mesmerized by the flicking tail junes makes their way over to the skunk beast and also sees the labcoat tanuki "wow tall tail you got there" looking lower junes points out "also sweet pants" and realizes "oh i always forget introductions im junes by the way nice to meet you both"
(Randel) With all the fancy robes the real Tanuki are wearing, Randel feels a bit underdressed for the occasion. Though to be fair he is wearing his own form of robes, albeit more functional than ceremonial. He glances over at all the things that could be done here, but then catches Narwen chime up. "Met before? Classes?" he answers back, looking concerned and worried. After a long and awkward moment, he then breaks out in a laugh after remembering where they met, "Oh wow! Really? You mean when we were getting the school up and going? Damn, that feels like it was so long ago. I've been... uh, busy? Stressed? Oh, and like heck I'm on duty right now! I'm here to take my mind off of things." he then looks around for a moment, and then adds, "Sure, tea and talk sounds nice." When seeing Junes, the Nanite Form researcher can't help but stop and look over the newcomer, saying "Hi! Wow, you look like you've been through a lot. Are you ok? You seem to be a bit... mixed."
(Siaren) Not sticking with the group immediately after arriving since she was still feeling under the radar Siaren goes towards the clothes selling tanuki and starts going through the different outfits they're selling. After all she needs something else to wear other than the one she's got on right now especially since she's pretty uninterested in nanite clothing due to it feeling like a hack. Plus she's sure the poor vendors could use moneys too. Next thing you know she's starting to dig into one of the piles, searching for a nice hadaka to start with.
(Fenris) The vendor smiles and nods at Siaren, taking note of her foxy form, but not seeming particularly put off. "Is there something specific I can help you find, miss?" he asks in accented English, "We have an excellent selection of kimonos and other festival clothing." In her digging, Siaren manages to dig up a very nice cotton fundoshi and chest wrap. Underwear. Though there is plenty of overwear available too.

Meanwhile, the others are making introductions and trying to decide what to do next as the human guest is led off to one side to watch a troupe of tanuki in hapi and fundoshi loincloths put on a rather impressive drum performance! They have no instruments but their hands and bellies, but their acrobatic performance has the same audible effect as a complex drum line! A gathered audience cheers and claps along to their antics.
(Narwen) Narwen does not feel underdressed. He beams, hearing his tail complimented. "Thanks, I grew it myself. The tail, not the pants. Well... uh, well hello Junes, I'm Narwen." He holds out a forepaw the size of a dinner plate that's entirely lacking in thumbs, but makes up for it in claws. "Nice to meet you too." He seems to be having a little difficulty deciding which set of eyes to meet, then sidesteps the issue by inclining his head towards the Tanuki with a grin. "And this inquisitive ball of energy is Randel, who is makin' me feel old. It wasn't that long ago, was it? Wait, was it? Are they gonna start graduating soon? Should we be giving them degrees? Um, I think I need that drink. Say, you wanna join us?" he asks the grey-skinned mutant. "Ooh, ooh, wait, first let's watch that!" His attention seems to have been grabbed by the drum show.
(Junes) shaking back the dinnerware paws junes smiles and hears randels question looking down worried searching for scratches but seeing the mixed parts realizes "ooh no worries i didnt get hurt or anything and oh are you two teachers?" and after listening hears narwen mention a show? "oh sounds fun lemme just grab a few quick things anyone else want some food?" * then walks over to a booth and buys aforementioned things and also a mask to wear on the side of their head plenty of food a few drinks and carefully escorts them back*
(Siaren) Unable to resist herself, especially given she doesn't really seem to have much need for freecredits due to living with her daddy and thus not having rent to pay, she ends up turning to the tanuki salesman and asks, "How much for all of it instead?" She's probably about to make one of the vendors a very happy mutant by the end of this. And without using succsucc at all!
(Randel) "Make you feel old?" the Tanuki follower says with smirk, "Unless you remember what things were like before P-Day, I don't think I could make anyone feel old." Then Randel sighs as he thinks about how time has passed, and says, "Yeah, if it is a traditional 4 year school, some of them would be close to graduating. If it was like primary school, there would still be quite a few years left, being twelve years long and all. Maybe Eight, given... Anyway, I'm rambling!"

Randel looks over the chimera and says, "I was a teacher for a while, and a doctor before that, but both of those jobs got more than enough help. I got myself stuck in government work, mostly as a file clerk, a nanite augmented file clerk at that, and have been kind of regretting it ever since." He then shrugs and smirks, "But hey, what can you do? I'm here right now to unwind!" When seeing Junes head off he says, "Can't think of anything just yet. Ha! So much of it is new to me that I just can't choose what to get!"
Junes spends 50000 Freecred to: bought plenty at the tanuki festival