Selective Breeder

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Selective Breeder
In-Game Desc This is an item that allows your seed and/or eggs to resonate with the infection of your choice. You can choose any infection that you have mastered. Any time your side of the child is chosen, it comes from that infection. Works with any other breeding race choice, but would make your children not actually go off of your current infections, instead the one of your choice. To set your desired infection, type '&breeding me=<infection name>'. If you would like to set individual parts to a specific infection, type '&breeding/<body part> me=<infection name>', and if you want to create a template chain, put a template form in <infection type> for either the global form or individual part, and to continue the chain, type: '&breeding/template/<template infection name>/<body part>=<next infection name>'.
Cost 50

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