Protein Armor

From Flexible Survival
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| Item [Protein Armor                 ]  Type [             Mutant Power]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Used primarily by male mutants, this power doesn't only show how happy |
| the users are to see their friends, but providing a durable armor to   |
| reduce the impact of any kind of attack. It's not usable on yourself,  |
| but you know... it's difficult to aim at your own back.                |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Power   [NotUser Buff                                                ] |
|______________________[     Base Power Stats     ]______________________|
| Type    [Buff                                                        ] |
| Target  [Medium AoE Ally NotUser                                     ] |
| Energy  [12                                                          ] |
| Charge  [1000                                                        ] |
| Penetrat[0                                                           ] |
| Aggro   [100%                                                        ] |
| Cooldown[10000                                                       ] |
| Accuracy[75%                                                         ] |
| Damage  [0(0 damage at level 40)                                     ] |
| Damage  [Healing                                                     ] |
| Statuses                                                               |
| \_DamageResist                [100% chance at 3 power for 10 rounds. ] |
|______________________[Variations from Base Power]______________________|
| DamageResistDuration     [Cock Length                                ] |
|______________________[         Upgrades         ]______________________|
| \_AoE                         [1                                     ] |
| \_Charge                      [-333                                  ] |
| \_DamageResistDuration        [5                                     ] |
| \_DamageResistMag             [1                                     ] |
| \_Energy                      [-3                                    ] |