Pack Martyr

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Pack Martyr stats
Type Summon, Dedication Target Self NoAoE
Description Summons a companion designed to take blows for its allies.
Cooldown 10000 Charge time 0
Energy 20 Accuracy 75%
Damage 0 Healing at level 0
100% chance of SummonAlphaFemale at magnitude Minion for 1000 rounds.
Training Upgrades
Charge by -400
Cooldown by -2000
Energy by -5
Secondary Effects
Secondary Damage No damage at level 0
Secondary Type None Secondary Target None
Secondary Statuses
No Secondary Statuses

Mutant Powers:

Abundant Supply      [3] Defiance           [4] Guarding Stance    [3]
Jellied Hide         [3] Juggernaut         [3] Mothering Instinct [4]
Poke                 [3] Solid Frame        [3] Thick Shell        [3]
Threatening Presence [3]                                              

Combat Skills:

Durability         [3] Fast Loading       [1] Front Row          [3]
Health             [2] Outnumbered        [2] Support            [1]
Tar Baby           [1] Warded             [3]


healing(Abundant Supply)                              1.8
recharge(Abundant Supply)                             8.4
maxhp(Jellied Hide)                                   1.2
PhysicalDamageResist(Jellied Hide)                    7.3
regen(Jellied Hide)                                  51.4
damageresist(Juggernaut)                             74.1
knockdownresist(Solid Frame)                          0.2
PhysicalDamageResist(Solid Frame)                    74.1
defense(Thick Shell)                                  1.2
healgain(Thick Shell)                                185.2
healing(Thick Shell)                                 -3.6
Cover(Threatening Presence)                           3.6

Edit notes

Mutant powers Based on this power: No mutant powers based on this power detected.