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(And added.. Someone please upload a png of the power's rpinfo.)
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A mutant power exclusive to the [[Margay]] nanite infection strain.  
A mutant power exclusive to the [[Margay]] nanite infection strain.  

Revision as of 16:24, 26 April 2011

| Item [Love Box                      ]  Type [             Mutant Power]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Whether you've got one pussy or a dozen, you're so elastic that your   |
| cunt can swallow almost anything whole! Just don't try this on a       |
| Volkswagon! You will do intense energy damage to whatever or whoever   |
| you can get into your cunt. It will linger for a while after you're    |
| done as well.                                                          |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Power   [Lightning-En                                                ] |
|______________________[     Base Power Stats     ]______________________|
| Type    [Attack, Direct, Single Target                               ] |
| Target  [Single enemy                                                ] |
| Energy  [15                                                          ] |
| Charge  [900                                                         ] |
| Cooldown[2000                                                        ] |
| Accuracy[70%                                                         ] |
| Damage  [15(66 damage at level 21)                                   ] |
| Damage  [Energy                                                      ] |
| Statuses                                                               |
| \_EnergyMod                   [80% chance at -5 power for 1 rounds.  ] |
|______________________[Variations from Base Power]______________________|
| EnergyDamageChance       [+90                                        ] |
| EnergyDamageDuration     [+3                                         ] |
| EnergyDamageMAG          [Cunt Length                                ] |
| Upgrades                                                               |
| \_Accuracy                    [5                                     ] |
| \_Charge                      [-250                                  ] |
| \_Cooldown                    [-500                                  ] |
| \_Damage                      [3                                     ] |
| \_EnergyDamageDuration        [0.5                                   ] |
| \_EnergyDamageMag             [0.5                                   ] |
| \_EnergyModDuration           [0.5                                   ] |

A mutant power exclusive to the Margay nanite infection strain.