Komodo Dragon (SP)

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Komodo Dragon (SP)

Location: Mall
Level: 11
HP: 88
Damage: 12
Target Gender: No change*
Tail Strike?: Yes
Alt Combat?: Yes
Endings?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Guy, Furry


Heat?: No

Author- Stripes

Danger Level:11, Typical Environment: Mall


Emerging from the murky shadows of the tunnels comes a frightening lizard creature. This creature, a mix of man and komodo dragon that is far more lizard than man, stands almost ten feet tall and has a powerful, stocky frame despite its increased height. It is covered in a hide of tough, brown-green scales all over its body. This armoured skin hangs with loose folds over its body in many places, though this is not from body fat.

The Komodo Dragon looks at you with dark, beady eyes and flicks its long, forked tongue out at you. Its head is broad and some flat with a blunted nose. Its eyes are spaced on the sides of its wedge-shaped head, giving it a wide field of vision most of the way around its head. More flaps of stretchable skin hang from its neck so it can accommodate large chunks of food after unhinging its jaw. Adding to the menace of its jaws are the hooked claws at the end of its muscled arms and legs. Those legs splay out to the side, making him look a little bowlegged, but you're sure that'd also allow him to switch between his current slouching stance and moving on all fours as needed. And between those legs, he has a pair of ridged and tapered manhoods, each roughly 20 inches long and fed by a pair of hand-filling balls.


  • Non-gendered Shifting: The komodo dragons do not cause a player's gender to change during infection unless they have a Gender-Preferred feat chosen.
  • Poisonous: The komodo dragons have a poisonous bite which will continue to harm you for several rounds or until the fight is over.


Author- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/tree/master/Stripes

Creature- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/blob/master/Stripes/Komodo%20Dragon%20for%20FS.i7x