Giant Pound

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 19:33, 10 November 2011 by Balina (talk | contribs)
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| Item [Giant Pound                   ]  Type [                  special]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Your every step is an earthquake, or at least when you use this power. |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Cost    [-1                                                          ] |
| Type    [Attack, AoE, Physical, Direct Damage, Melee                 ] |
| Target  [Large AoE Enemy                                             ] |
| Energy  [10                                                          ] |
| Charge  [-200                                                        ] |
| Cooldown[3000                                                        ] |
| Penetrat[0                                                           ] |
| Aggro   [100%                                                        ] |
| Accuracy[75%                                                         ] |
| Damage  [10(160 damage at level 40)                                  ] |
| Damage  [Physical                                                    ] |
| Statuses                                                               |
| \_KnockDown                   [100% chance at 4 power for 999 rounds.] |
| Upgrades                                                               |
| \_Accuracy                    [6.25                                  ] |
| \_AoE                         [1                                     ] |
| \_Charge                      [-125                                  ] |
| \_Damage                      [2                                     ] |
| \_KnockDownMag                [1.5                                   ] |

Innate skill granted by the Kaiju dedication.