
From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 06:06, 14 February 2013 by Stripes (talk | contribs) (Adding ending info)
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Location: Park
Level: 8
HP: 75
Damage: 10
Target Gender: Male
Endings?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Guy, Furry


Heat?: No

Danger Level: 8, Typical Environment: Park


Wandering around the park and admiring the sights, your eyes are looking anywhere but down. This is a mistake, as you almost tumble headlong into a deep pit, barely catching your feet. The narrow pit leads into a tunnel, from which a burly anthro badger emerges! Splattered in rich clean earth, this rugged, muscular male is wearing naught but a battered crown-cum-helmet with a lantern on the front and a fancy monocle. "Not enough badgers, in my mind. I'll get that sorted now." he growls out, before tightening his helmet strap and moving in to attack!