Automated Multiplayer Updates/2019 May

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Revision as of 00:00, 30 May 2019 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Color Chooser support added to both Coatl Servant and Heroic Humanoid."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Kemonomimi support added to Coatl Servant"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Fixed bug where mercstat leave wasn't prioritizing you correctly and sometimes kicked you for a more recent attempt."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Because Alexey doesn't want you to have any numbers higher than tits, the groin sizes display has been reduced to a maximum of 55 for any listed numeric size. This changes nothing in mechanics."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Recant on that. Alexey only pointed out the issue, I implimented the change to remove the issue."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "A new template is now available through +reward vials: Harpy"

[Update] Nuku says, "Beam Splitter is no longer the best upgrade to ever exist."

[Update] Nuku says, "It was _increasing_ things instead of decreasing them"

[Update] Nuku says, "Tightened up some code to make ally/self powers faster (and fixed a bug this introduced, oops)"

[Update] Nuku says, "With much help from the players (thanks!) we pinned down and fixed a bug that caused significant wastes of processing time in combat, especially if you had a lot of passive items. Gotta go fast!"

[Update] Nuku turns off out-of-combat debug to spare people not fighting from the horror.

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "In the Underwater Tunnels where such crittes as the Fire Newt and the Ancient Tortoise dwell, a hybrid vulpine lizard has found its way. This is totally not a kobold. Not at all a kobold, nope, but you can find these little lizard-like critters scampering about there,hiding from all the scary stuff."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "In the Underwater Tunnels where such crittes as the Fire Newt and the Ancient Tortoise dwell, a hybrid vulpine lizard has found its way. This is totally not a kobold. Not at all a kobold, nope, but you can find these little lizard-like critters scampering about there, hiding from all the scary stuff. The Hissah is prone to fight or flight, and, when cornered, it's fight."

[Update] Nuku says, "Major revision to status code should yield speed improvements in many places."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "All birthdays that haven't been set have been set. If you want it changed, please file a +request."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Some additional precautions have been put into place so that peopel who haven't yet gone through the proper talks with the Triage NPCs cannot leave without talking to them (AKA, usage of pjoin, msummon, tport, et cetera.)"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Erroneous blocking and messages fixed. Carry on!"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Bug affecting ignore lists found and squashed."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "With the new code in place, those birthdays that were set have now been unset. You'll want to set them, though, using +time birthday if you want to use tport, msummon, or pjoin."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Huzzah! The web chargen will now actually set up your birthday as part of the setup! Woot!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Major change to hpbuffer. You know all those finoodly mechanics? Yeah, they're dead. HPbuffer now acts as one big 'thing' instead of a bunch of little things."

[Update] Nuku says, "Repeats disabled for the moment as we debug a thing. Thank you for your patience. <3"

[Update] Nuku says, "REminder, repeats are dead (aw), but their revival approaches."

[Update] Nuku says, "The way repreats are handled behind the scenes altered, but it basically works the same for you, the player. The important bit is that it sped up combat considerably."

[Update] Nuku says, "Repeat heals are functioning once more, yay!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Debug about successes large or small removed."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Some additions made to the +help remort file and a revision done in +help status effects/full list to represent the recent chnge in HPBuffer."

[Update] Nuku says, "Powers relying on Cure Ally (Like delicious treat), lowered in damage to better fit its low cooldown."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Some clarifications put into the Hades info entry. If more clarity is needed, please contact me."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "+anisd #help file and +nisd/toggle messages updated to clarify /toggle usage. (It toggles whetehr you autostore boss vials from combat.)"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "Code added in for when performing renew patrol to catch potential misdone syntaxes and display the correct syntax."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "Those possessing the Flavored Milk item and sporting a custom cflavor's milked cum will now show that flavor."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "New syntax added in for the Fuck command (fuck #help to see it there at the bottom). Still needs testing."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "PregCast message made just a bit clearer and prettied to let you know the source."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "An issue has been seen to pop up with several Mudlet users trying to use 'shift'. For some reason, it has randomly started not recognizing teh command correctly and doesn't send the correct information to the game. This isn't game-side, it's client-side specifically. If you start getting messages about 'mapper', this is the issue occuring when you try using 'shift' in Mudlet specifically. You may have to create an event to circumvent the issue and send the correct command to our game (just the normal text' or potentially using +shift instead of shift."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "Solution found, thanks to Christy. Check out +help mudlet for the process."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "Due to multiple requests for it, the presence of Milkers, both normal and cock milkers, will be noted at the end of room descriptions and not just in glance!"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch hellishly whispers, "New command available, lookout, which will list outpost equipment within the room you're in, including Train, Triage, Home, Garage, Milkers, and Salvage Sources (noting if they're especially low, too)."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "What has science done? In their experiments to tap into interplanar travel, another portal has been opened, but the realm seems, at a glance, most inhospitable. The Outer Realm is now accessible, should any wish to venture into that alien place."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "The tags command has been updated for fixing color issues and now allows to search for multiple tag requirements. (When using multiple tags, forms are only listed if they have all listed tags)"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "+help tags has also been updated."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Spots in +reward that check for modifiers now check for modifiers having descriptions to further the bug fixes in avoiding miscreated modifier directories."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Bug found in +nisd's transfer function fixed."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "The Pewter Consort has been moved out from the Overcrowded Alley and off to where otehr abominations reside in the Outer Realm."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Some tweaks have been done to the Terminal. terminal <params> will still read mastery as one of its inputs to look at only unmastered thingies. Other parameters will now work for Mob's Torso infection (what it's checked on, generally) and Area Names as well as the prior-existing Mob Names. For Mobs whose name doesn't match their torso (or, lacking torso, head) infection, it'll list their infection afterwards for the Torso. Also, forms that are not masterable are listed as such. Infections listed with Special listings such as Dedication, Template, or Private will also show a letter denoting which it is."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Oh, also, if you've remorted and don't have yourself mentored to a specific level, all entries will still show."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "The entry for +help terminal has been updated."

[Update] Nuku salaciously hisses, "Price of Species Avatar raised due to artists not working for free."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Both Color Chooser and Kemonomimi support have been added to the Horned Wyvern due to the Form Update Stretch Goal reached."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "More updates to Terminal. Check out the newly updated +help terminal for the added parameters. Also, when doing a Mastery search, only locations with unmastered infections will be listed."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "The Global Research about Water Turbines has effectively lessened the difficulty of the Power Grid Duty."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "The Electric Car, available in Zephyr Inc's garage, can now drive successfully to other garages. Several public garages have been made available."

[Update] Divided By Hinoserm quietly yips, "ProtoMUCK 2.1a0.6.18: Added some extra error checking to hopefully prevent rollbacks if the game doesn't have enough system memory to do a background DB dump -- a foreground dump will be forced if resources are running low. [pending restart]"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Thanks to the completion of Stretch Goals, a New Edge, Rallying Surge, has been created! This edge will enable folks to use the nanite rally command, which in turn allows you to use nanites to restore patrol points to your party members as a whole."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Nanite Rally's cost makes sure to charge 100k per affected member rather than a flat 100k. Scaling due to investigation of earnings from players per point per encounter and balanced to prevent the likelihood of infinite runs."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Nanite Rally should preoperly affect emrcs, now."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Shift/TF handling of Udder sizes for folks should be a bit better handled."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Fixed a bug in 'nanite rally' where totalling the party's nanite mass amounts would exceed the possible maximum values before system goes borky. Should work fine, now."

[Update] Nuku says, "In theory, repeats should be working better, do test thoroughly."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "An error in talksripts for Infect has been fixed."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "A new Express model has been added into the Latex Factory. It's not all that impressive, but it certainly is compact and quick."

[Update] Nuku says, "Repeats with custom names are now debugged and working properly, yay!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Fixed not-repeats trying to be repeats. Stop that and know your place!"