Automated Multiplayer Updates/2018 November

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 00:00, 5 November 2018 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Nanite Focus devices have had their description updated to reflect their ability to shift your entire form."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Changed Stoke the Coals. -5 Healgain changes to 3 passive heat damage on self per turn. The power originally used -5 regen, which hurt yourself, then changed to -5 Healgain as a downside, which also (accidentally) hurt yourself instead of reducing healing potency, and now turned into simple self-damage."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Bug in Single-Target DoTs for Concentrated Users should be fixed, now. Missing a + in there."

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Where'd the Cosm go? To the Gym! Find the jellied giant in the Woodfield Gymnasium, around the ground floor!"

[Update] Highway Schrubbery Glitch churrs adorably, "Treant has been given Color Chooser and Kemonomimi support!"

[Update] Highway Song says, "Frantic Cleave slightly buffed. 5 charge -> -200 charge."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the Pewter Consort torso description being cut off without Color Chooser enabled due to malformed parsing."

[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Made debuffclear a bit more efficient by filtering the debuffs before they make it into the more significant checks. For those who are interested in how, you can do so by reading the output of man array_regmatchkey"

[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Wasteland paladin's negative skills removed, and those skills that were added for it have also been removerated."

[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Debuffclear does not display, since in the choice between having it be unacceptably slow and showing up constantly, neither is good, but the former is at least nice for those whose screens aren't a billion lines tall."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Cheerleader has been buffed. Eternal Cheer: DebuffResist -7 -> 3. Pom Pom Sway: Charge 1000 -> 500, Healing 10 -> 15. Impossible Stunt: Energy Cost 0 -> 20, Charge: 2000 -> 1400, Cooldown 30000 -> 20000."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Buffed Get Down. Cut cooldown 12k -> 10k, and it now applies Large AoE Ally cover at 20 mag for 5 rounds."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Changed Paralytic Venom's damage type from Blunt to Poison."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Dragon Tail buffed. 15 -> 20 damage, 4 -> 5 knockdown, added 10 mag DelayDebuff for 3 rounds."

[Update] Highway Song says, "Due to the foresight required to account for the long charge, delay timer, upgrade slot limits, and NoAoE target, buffed Spring Trap. PierceDamage 40 -> 50, BleedingDamage 5 power/10 rounds -> BleedingDamage 10 power/5 rounds. Total damage increase is 90 -> 100. Weaker overall than the comparable Lockjaw/Elemental Blast, but more useful to apply at the start of a fight and achieve results worth the wait before it ends."

[Update] Highway Song says, "After more thought, Rapid Fire has been buffed again. 25 -> 50 charge, added 5 InstantCooldown for 2 turns, 10 -> 25 Vampiric. Reasoning: Power was last adjusted under the assumption that -1000 ATB was still instant, though it can swallow parts of a turn now. Since enhancing the status also hampers you with negative accuracy, as well as taking time in a fight, stronger upsides were needed to make it worthwhile."

[Update] Highway Song says, "A new class has been added to the RSX Solutions Training and Procedures shop: Heroic Outlaw, focusing on single-target, Big Hits, and Vibrant Strikes."