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<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Fixed a bug that stopped powers with string parsed status names from firing correctly.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Fixed a bug that stopped powers with string parsed status names from firing correctly.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Avatar says, &quot;Item <span style="color:#00FF00">(</span>1484361391<span style="color:#FF0000">)</span> placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called &#39;State of the Game 2017.  +poll/view State of the Game 2017 to look at and vote in this poll.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;All nanite commands reactivated and working properly.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;MUSK receiver fixed.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Enemies that revive themselves with posthumous powers should now function properly.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Fixed a bug that allowed multiple items of the same slot or too high level to be trained.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Always Peppy perk re-added&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Hand of Justice re-armed.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Infectious milk should now request transform permission.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Pierce damage&#39;s extra effect will now actually do something.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;+pregtime properly responds to PBRD:Both.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Big update for DoT users! There is now a SUPER SECRET modifier that increases the speed at which DoTs inflict their harm. Enduring Malice gives 0.7 per point, Damage gives 0.3 and Speed gives 0.1 per. Assuming you have any points, your DoTs will have their duration -reduced- by 10 + ten times the total to a maximum of 50%. Its damage is increased by twice as much, meaning about the same damage overall, but it happens -faster-. If a DoT would be reduced under 1, it will stop at 1, and you&#39;ll only get the bonus damage for what brings it to 1 or less.&quot;
<span style="color:#FFFFFF">[</span><span style="color:#00CD00">Update</span><span style="color:#FFFFFF">]</span> Nuku mechanically mewls, &quot;Increase to damage for DoTs adjusted to make it -exactly- the same as what it was before, just faster.&quot;

Revision as of 00:27, 15 January 2017

[Update] Systems Glitch rustles, "The Arctic Fox has gotten an update, becoming Color Chooser compatible."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Daily missions are now half as long."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Daily progress is now made per enemy defeated, not per battle. You gain 0.2 fights worth per enemy, so every 5 things you beat up is worth a fight."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Mission command updated for new quicker format."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Random encounters no longer occur, well, randomly. They can be triggered by search as always."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The cost of pacifist reduced from 10 to 1 since the playerbase gained most of its effect. If you have it, you need do nothing. Type list merits and enjoy your extra points."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Major shift. You will no longer be attacked randomly and must use the search command to get a fight. Fights take patrol points. Fights give about 7.5 times the usual reward. This affects web combats as well."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Infection vial! You get 7 rolls per fight to get any, if you could get any at all."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Builder vials now also get 7 rolls per."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The Scent Masker recipe is no longer available."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Scent Masker no longer eligible for craft bounties."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "party now displays the partrol energy of all members."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Gaining a level no longer restores patrol points."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "On-arrival alert messages restored."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Primes no longer boosted as if they were a random battle."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Buff: When performing a search, you are set to 100% hp and energy."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Related to last, if you are in a team, but not the leader, you do heal too."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Combat should tick faster."

[Update] Udder Nutter Busty cums, "The Bound Minotaur has been returned to the Homonculus lab following the rollback, should perform as it did previously, kinks and all."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Stance command is now a thing. You can use it to switch the damage types for powers that have damage variance (which is basically nothing right now). More features coming soon, like making stance by itself list what powers you have with variance and their options. You can stance damagetype and stance specificpower."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Make Love Not War and Rapid Fire Platitudes readjusted."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The damage type being dealt is now displayed in attacks."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Damageimmunity should no longer scale with remorts."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Damage type specific immunity is now functional."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "All base powers updated to have updated damage types."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "All recipes updated to have updated damage types."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The Shotgun can now toggle between buckshot and sandbag mode (pierce or blunt damage)"

[Update] Systems Glitch rustles, "Secondary Damage Types shoudl now be the proper damage type rather than Physical or Energy."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "It is now possible for the damage type of an element to cause statuses. Your opportunity combat skill enhances the odds. Powers that charge slower and cooldown slower will land more powerful statuses than ones that are rapid fire. Only heat is coded at this time, but more are coming."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Blunt damage now causes knockdown."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Pierce now does damageresistdebuff and Slash does bleedingdamage."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Cold now has a chance to do ChargeDebuff."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Negative energy has a chance to clear the buffs off an enemy."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Positive now causes DamageBuffDebuff."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Poison now inflicts MaxHPDebuff"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Acid now causes DamageImmunityDebuff in small amounts."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Psychic causes confusion, to the surprise of no one ever."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Sonic attacks can cause DefenseDebuff"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Radiation now saps your immune system, causing debuffresistdebuff."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Electric attacks can cause hastedebuff."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Opportunity rpinfo updated."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The chance for a secondary effect is now increased by 1% per 100 charge (this works backwards for things under 0 charge)."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "As in the base 10% becomes 11% with a 100 charge power, 15% at 500 charge, and 30% at 2000 charge."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Secondary hits can no longer trigger secondary effects. Too much!"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Opportunity will not trigger damage off of these extra statuses."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Agents with claws will have the option to deal slashing damage with attacks with the word 'punch' in them automagically"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Complimenting damages are now checked every 10 minutes or so, so if you have clawed, powers with 'punch' get a slashing option. Have tentacle nanomagic? The two tentacle powers get all physical damage types."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Barb Firing can now be applied to a weapon to give it the pierce damage option, in theory. Testing required."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Always Peppy placed back in."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The 'so and so triggers the elemental blah' debug message removed."

[Update] Qualyote Control commands, "Due to the AI slot Mpool, players now have an additional AI set slot to save AI setups in."

[Update] Qualyote Control commands, "(Yes, I know it looks like they got the badge twice, I had to redo it after typo the first time. >.>)"

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Swarm of Rats given immunity to Kangaroo persuasions."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "New command, resist, shows all your resistances and immunities to all damage types."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The rpinfo on damageimmunity statuses in powers tweaked to explain what the heck they do."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Immunities now affect betrayed damage."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Belay that last update"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Resist command now gives better resistance values."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Resist command now attempts to figure out the highest damage hit you can take before your resistance is 'used up' for the hit."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Addressed flaw in energy and physical maxes in resist command."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "The max level in resist is now the maximum damage you can take before you stop resisting 80% of all damage."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Resistances per element are no longer stacked, which made everything more confusing. So your pierce damage resist is only your physicaldamageresist without generic thrown in."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "* This is only for display in resist."

[Update] Fatal Error: Hinoserm quietly yips, "Server memory pool has been embiggened."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Items with the poisoned craft modifier now gain the poison type in stance."

[Update] Systems Glitch rustles, "Recipes and Recipe Modifiers with DoTs have been updated to represent the expansion/reclassification of damage types where necessary."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Look-trap 'Small Fire' in the Vision Quest properly named and linked."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Images in Vision Quest now properly use local files instead of using external links."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Fox, the sneaky bastard, in the Vision Quest wasn't announcing he was around. He'll now be a bit more forthcoming like the rest of his brothers and sisters."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna yips, "Hand of Justice trigger temporarily removed pending review. Nanite Burst, Heal, and Recover disabled pending a fix of the cooldown period."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Less Flexible now properly affects recursion/coyote/adept shifting."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Stay with me now functions."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "All Natural agents with Mutant Trick should be able to set AIs for their trick now."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Cost to summon primes, in creds, increased and attached to the daily economy so it can self-adjust from here out."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Primes above level 30 will now conjure talented backup. Minions at all levels from 20+ will try to protect their prime."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "* Minions will gain their level / 20 in Front Row."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "33% chance a given minion at level 30+ will be a healer. If that fails, 50% chance it will be a dedicated striker."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Murdering minions will apply a stronger debuff to the prime."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "New minion type: Defender. If it isn't a healer or striker, it will be a defender that will try to protect the others and the prime."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Defenders can defend better"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "+reward will no longer try to give you resources you can't have due to level."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Nanite medbot given an upgrade."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Stealth is no longer a combat proficiency"

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna invitingly murrs, "Code error in Size Shifting found, type 3 bug. Bug squished."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "New token recipe, the applicator!"

[Update] Systems Glitch rustles, "Gender Trap wi flag has been added. wi #whatis gtr for details."

[Update] Fatal Error: Hinoserm quietly yips, "Disabled a third-party SSD disk caching system that was doing the exact opposite of what it was supposed to (by increasing disk thrashing and latency)."

[Update] Fatal Error: Hinoserm quietly yips, "Removed 8gb of unnecessary revision history from the wiki, drastically decreasing database fragmentation."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "You can now resist target freely."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Error in research fixed."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Alien Self is now coded, but needs testing. Powers you gain will be upgraded 3 times worth! (feral mode only gets 2, but they get to pick what powers they have and keep them)."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "If you have feral mode AND Alien Self, you will have 0 mastered powers (1 with mutant trick). Mutant powers will upgrade to a -4- times, but you've just enabled hard mode I think, having both feral mode's inability to use equipment well and alien self's inability to select mutant powers."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Mutant Trick updated to note how it works with Alien Self. It now does work with Alien Self, just to re-state that."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "All Natural Buff: Intense Training now gives more statusboost and damagebuff"

[Update] Avatar says, "Item (1484256001) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called 'Mutant Evolution. +poll/view Mutant Evolution to look at and vote in this poll."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Stance (item) for equipped items now works properly."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "New players should begin with 2000 more freecred"

[Update] Avatar says, "Poll 'Mutant Evolution' has ended."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Mutants have evolved with the times and are now showing distinct skill with the talents and powers that nanites have given them. Agents are cautioned to handle them with care! (Mutants now gain 0.1 of a training spread through all the upgrades availabe per level, up to level 30. Being remorted sets this to 30 right away.)"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Critters now gain Regenerating and Durability based on their summoner's Enduring Minions skill."

[Update] Husky Tester Miorna invitingly murrs, "Enduring Minions' RPinfo now updated."

[Update] Systems Glitch airily moans, "A new face has hit the Sinful exhibits of the Wax Museum, Glustonny! This will carry with it the Mouthy infection. Due to space issues, the Sinners have moved on to the Industrial Exhibits."

[Update] Systems Glitch airily moans, "Er, Glusttony."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Do you know what time it is? Did you guess buff time? I bet you didn't, but it is."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Pets now benefit from 'unusual' combat skills of their owner. Front Row makes minions more eager to Support their leader. Taunting Strikes opens up new Opportunities for their attacks. And if you Roll With It, your minions will move with greater Speed."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Pets now gain the warded rating of their summoner."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Rage of the summoner now makes pets better at healing."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Overkill gives Penetration, Reactive gives Tactician. Warded is shared."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Overkill gives Penetration, Reactive gives Tactician."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Mastermind lowers the scaling caused by pets significantly per point. This affects primes, and basically only primes. The scaling, at this time, is a pet is worth its rank / 200. A Boss would be 100 / 200 or worth 0.5 players. Every point of mastermind increases that 200 by 100. So if you had, say, mastermind 3 and a boss pet, that would be 100 / 500 = 0.2 players."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Removed the debug that was there just for Maya. Thanks again for helping debug before!"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Kangaroo Pets now start with only 2 points base of training since they come over with a boatload of upgrades from the mob."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "If a roo has a pet they sunk mako into, submit a request if they want to trade it in for a mako refund."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "buffclear no longer touches triggers or confused statuses."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Mobsters have decided all those aerobics are lame and invested in heavier body armor (health->durability)"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Buffs to pets confirmed to work, more testing required. Mobster summon working intermittently, investigating."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Fixed a bug that stopped powers with string parsed status names from firing correctly."

[Update] Avatar says, "Item (1484361391) placed onto the poll board by Nuku, called 'State of the Game 2017. +poll/view State of the Game 2017 to look at and vote in this poll."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "All nanite commands reactivated and working properly."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "MUSK receiver fixed."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Enemies that revive themselves with posthumous powers should now function properly."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Fixed a bug that allowed multiple items of the same slot or too high level to be trained."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Always Peppy perk re-added"

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Hand of Justice re-armed."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Infectious milk should now request transform permission."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Pierce damage's extra effect will now actually do something."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "+pregtime properly responds to PBRD:Both."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Big update for DoT users! There is now a SUPER SECRET modifier that increases the speed at which DoTs inflict their harm. Enduring Malice gives 0.7 per point, Damage gives 0.3 and Speed gives 0.1 per. Assuming you have any points, your DoTs will have their duration -reduced- by 10 + ten times the total to a maximum of 50%. Its damage is increased by twice as much, meaning about the same damage overall, but it happens -faster-. If a DoT would be reduced under 1, it will stop at 1, and you'll only get the bonus damage for what brings it to 1 or less."

[Update] Nuku mechanically mewls, "Increase to damage for DoTs adjusted to make it -exactly- the same as what it was before, just faster."