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Location: Outside
Level: 11
HP: 99
Damage: 10
Target Gender: Male
Tail Strike?: Yes
Alt Combat?: Yes
Endings?: Yes

Flag Categories

Flags: Guy, Furry


Heat?: No

Author- Stripes

Danger Level: 11, Typical Environment: Outside*


Before you is a draconic taur creature, definitely one of Sam's many descendents. The creature's draconic head has a long, pointed muzzle with a slight curve at the end. Its blue scales darken towards the back of its head as they approach the base of the ivory horns which jut from the back of its head. Aside from the large pair at the top, there are three smaller horns on each side. Its upper body is generally human in shape, but covered in azure scales and is quite toned, showing firm pecs and hard abs under the dense scales. Its lower body is fully draconic, a compact but powerful beast with strong limbs and a stocky frame to support its weight. Its azure scales give way to harder, steel blue plates along its underbelly. Atop the back of its tauric body are a pair of draconic wings that are folded alongside its sides at the moment. It has a long lizard tail ending in a spaded tip. Beneath its lower body hangs its plump sheath and large balls, from which its ridged cock is starting to emerge.


  • NPC Related: The Dragontaurs will only become a random enemy if under certain scenarios with Sam the researcher.
  • Endings: The endings for this form are influenced by the status and form of Sam the researcher.


Author- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/tree/master/Stripes

Creature- https://github.com/Nuku/Flexible-Survival/blob/master/Stripes/Dragontaur%20For%20FS.i7x