From Flexible Survival
^.* pages, ".*" to you.$ ^In a page-pose to you, .*$ ^You page, ".*" to .*$ ^<OOC> .*$ ^\[(Auction|lfg|Public|Badges)\] .*$ ^You page-pose, ".*" to .*$ ^Somewhere on the muck, .* has (c|disc)onnected.$ ^\w* (say|wheeze|chatter|hiss|reverently say|lustily coo|chirrup|hungrily chirrup|wail|rasp|squawk|hungrily say|softly churrls|moo|nya|warmly intone|quietly proclaim|confidently proclaim|squeak|clink|clank|neigh|bark|drawl|gurgle|gleam|quoth|timidly giggle|yowl|pant|hiss|yip|yap|impeccably say|boom|screech|whirr|squee|alluringly purr|buzzes|bestially hiss|burble|purr|whisper|whinny|snarl|whoosh|flup|chuff|click|smoothly say|sultrily squeak|swear|squeak|squeakily meow|wetly say|roar|lustily hiss|clack|meow|slur|rumble|dangerously hiss|blub-blub|flutter|mmph|grunt|quietly say|waagh|squeal|wildly howl|unpleasantly hiss|growl|chirr|rapidly click|marp|madly chitter|sproing|hiss|drunkenly slur|lustily murrs|churr|softly churr|chirp|smoothly whisper|scheme|snort|rustle|chorus|yammer|howl ferally|howl)\w*, ".*"$
Yes that last one is one long pattern
Turn Markers
^\[[><TURN ]{10}\].*\[.*\] ^--< (ALLIES >|FOES >--)--------------------------------------------------------------$
trigger explanation
Here's a sample trigger:
<trigger enabled="y" group="combat" match="^--< (ALLIES >|FOES >--)--------------------------------------------------------------$" omit_from_output="y" regexp="y" script="tocomb" sequence="100" >
This can be built in gui
- Check "Regular Expression" and "Omit from output"
- Filling in a group to tag the trigger and script of tocomb
- Using the trigger pattern
script portion
comb_win_name = "fs_comb" local comb_win_failed = false chat_win_name = "fs_chat" local chat_win_failed = false function initchat() chat_win = GetWorld (chat_win_name) local filename = GetInfo (67) .. chat_win_name .. ".mcl" Open (filename) chat_win = GetWorld (chat_win_name) if not chat_win then ColourNote ("white", "red", "Can't open chat world file: " .. filename) chat_win_failed = true -- Give up trying to open end end function tochat (name, line, wildcards, styles) if not chat_win and not chat_win_failed then initchat() end if chat_win then for _, v in ipairs (styles) do chat_win:ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end chat_win:Note("") end end function initcomb() comb_win = GetWorld (comb_win_name) local filename = GetInfo (67) .. comb_win_name .. ".mcl" Open (filename) comb_win = GetWorld (comb_win_name) if not comb_win then ColourNote ("white", "red", "Can't open combat world file: " .. filename) comb_win_failed = true -- Give up trying to open end end function tocomb (name, line, wildcards, styles) if not comb_win and not comb_win_failed then initcomb() end if comb_win then for _, v in ipairs (styles) do comb_win:ColourTell (RGBColourToName (v.textcolour), RGBColourToName (v.backcolour), v.text) end comb_win:Note("") end end