Tick Tock Husky watching a Clock - RPLOG

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Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, tick. With all the ticking going on, one might think these were clockworks and not huskies, but huskies they are indeed, almost all female, though a few males are mixed in, and a very rare and occational herm. They are all surrounding a small part of building that is still standing up well, dispite a great deal of the rest of it gradually crumbling. Tick, tick, tick, tick, and as the half hour comes, Bing Bong, Ding Dong. Ding Dong Bing Bong. The huskies howl at the sound, tails wagging in the wair for a while before they go back to staring at... whatever it is they are stiring at.

Enkei stared at the sight of all the Huskies with mouth agape, her telescopic tongue falling between her sharp metal teeth. Drool slipped down it, till she heard an odd ticking sound. Looking about, she found herself unable to locate the precise source of the sound, but found her eyes drawn to the Huskies' own gazes. "What're they lookin' at...?" She muttered in confusion.

Valorie slips up the street, hiding in the shadows. Shi tries to remain out of sight and avoid notice, while trying to see what they are looking at.

Amoung the group of happy, though weird, huskies, is a rather tall anf quite bustu one in the group. For those that bother to check for a comm transponder, they will see that an agent is already there, inside the group! It pings as Randel, and shi seems to be fiting right in with the group. Looking closely at how shi is acting, one would notice that every now and then, shi's the only husky really trying spot something outside the group. Given hir hieght, it helps her see over the heads of most of the ferals.

It's been rumored that huskies have been acting at least a little bit out of character as of late. Curious as to what may be going on, Dio eagerly joins in on the investigation with his typical business attire. While some have taken more sneaky routes, the lion decides to dive right in and simply walk peacefully towards the array of huskies. "Excuse me," Dio asks the nearest husky he can find, "Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? It seems like something curious is happening here."

Esana is the last to arrive, having had a bit of a distance to travel after getting the call. The shark isn't -loud-, per se, but she's not the most quiet of mutants, on land at least. Her trident is in it it's leather sling behind her, within easy reach if she needs it. She spends a long moment just looking at the odd, ticking object all the huskies seem taken with, before looking to the others of the group, before shrugging and following Dio, keeping a few paces behind hir, while carefully watching for any signs of aggression or anger towards her or the lioness.

Tick tick tick tick, the sounds continues with the husky tails mostly wagging in time with the sound. Tick tick tick tick. A few huskies look over at Valorie as shi tries to sneak around. Most of the attention however is directly on whatever whatever it is in the center of the crowd.

As Dio addresses one of the Huskies, she turns to look at him a moment, idly rubbing her pussy and clit, judging by the wetness there, she's been doing it this whole time. At least that is normal for almost all the Huskies there. She does answer after thinking a moment, "Big shiny thing in there, makes sounds that are so... familar to Alpha, made hir happy, so shi bring us here, others come and gather around too. It does sound nice, yes?" she asks.

Enkei frowned, shaking her head in irritation while looking out over the confusing mass of furry things. "Can't figure it out... This isn't gonna work. Welp, best muscle my way down there. All I'm good for, it seems..." She growled, sprinting towards the group of them with a beastial roar, hoping to charge to the center in order to find an Alpha. Gotta be one in every pack, right? With a group this large, she figured that to be so, anyways.

Valorie twitches hir equine ears, catching the sound of..... clocks? Some sort of clock was making the noise. Shi sees the crowd and thinks that if Shi can get above the crowd, possibly into the upper floors of a building or possibly the roof, shi could get a vantage point as well as a drop on any problems. Hir hand drifts to hir pistol as others approach the odd gathering, also gawking at the charging shark-morph. Shi fingers the grip, looking to see if there were any tall buildings around that Shi could enter/scale/break into.

Dio carefully watches the husky's rather lewd behaviour, but it's nothing new at all. Quite standard in this day and age. The lion coughs and clears his throat, doing his best to ignore the standard sexual activity. "A big shiny thing you say," he questions curiously, looking at the ticking area. "I wonder what it could be, my lady. Do you have a clue? Perhaps what it looks like? Shape? I'm interested in knowing a bit about your alpha too if you don't mind. Her name wouldn't happen to be Michelle would she? Have you met her? She's quite a nice one, isn't she?"

Those that get close to the group, namingly Dio and whoever is standing near him, get a mental message, "Hey, it's Randel. I'm already inside and found the source of the ticking that's gotten all these huskies here. They seem calm at the momment, but if I think things could get ugly, I'll let you know". While looking over the head as of the mob of ferals, "He waves at whichever agent seems to make eye contact with hir.

Esana snorts softly as the term "alpha" is used to describe a husky, looking curiously again to the ticking thing...before turning and wincing at the charging draconid, letting out a little sigh. Well, there went diplomacy. She widens her stance a bit, tail otu behin her to give extra stability in case all hell breaks loose at the potentially hostile action. "I think things just got past the talking stage, lion."

Tick tick. The sound continues, as does the lewd actions of the huskies, most pawing themselves off, but if one were to look closely, they could tell a few were partnering up to lick each other out or, if lucky, managed to get a male to them... that is until Enkei starts charging at the huskies! The outer most get out of the way, yelping and whimpering, but it isn't too long before a few much more brawny and much less fearful ones bar her path, growling menincingly. The one Dio was talking to actually hugs to the Lion as if he could keep her safe, looking up to him, "Michelle? No... Alpha name is Tracy! And shi is up with big shiny thing, it is tall, smooth, shiny, and makes lots of nice sounds." She says to him.

Valorie spots a rather tall 3-story apartment building that was still mostly in one piece. And on hir side of the street! Perfect. And with the attention drawn to the charging agent, Valorie could easily get to it and assess how to get in. Shi began to roadie-run to the building, ducking into an alley beside it and taking in the situation.

Dio looks around after getting a message beamed to his brain, but it wasn't the first time he had gotten a nanomagic delivered message. He didn't have the nanomagic to respond directly, so he chooses to nod his head in confirmation. Looking at the charging Enkei, he shakes his head and jumps a little suprise when the husky clings to her. To help out, he returns the hug and gently rubs her back. "Hopefully diplomacy is still possible," he replies to Esana before looking down at the husky. "Big, shiny, and makes a lot of noise... I wonder what it could be. I wonder if you could show me a good way up there? I'd love to meet your alpha too!"