Multiplayer Commands

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Comprehensive set of commands to be used in the Flexible Survival Multiplayer game, with a description and sample usage.
work in progress -- there are tons of commands to properly document.




While channel is not a command, it is used to describe how to interact with a given channel, as each channel can be thought of as its own command. See channels for a full list of current channels.
<channel name> off Stop displaying text from the channel <channel name> (muting the channel)
<channel name> on Turns the channel on.
<channel name> <some message> Sends <some message> to the channel <channel name>
<channel name> #who Lists players listening on <channel name> and their idle status.
<channel name> #sub Lists all channels you are currently listening in on.
<channel name> #list Lists all channels in Flexible Survival. Same as channels honestly I don't know why this exists.
<channel name> #last $number Prints the last $number of messages from <channel name> up to a maximum of 100
To permanently listen or mute a channel, see editplayer


channels Lists all channels in Flexible Survival.
Current list of channels: auction, badges, bile, Bitch, Card, Clairmont, Cute, Game, Glenstock, guard, Judge, KeepAlive, Lb, LFG, Lightbourne, links, n, market, Mg, Nano, Naughty, Newbie, Outpost, pack, Party, pickup, Politics, Pride, Public, radio, Rp, Science, sports, Tg, The Pack, Theme, Tick, Update, wc, writing. Run the command channels to get a set of descriptions.


mail Lists your mail messages in the inbox.
mail <msg> Show message <msg> in inbox
mail <folder> List contents of folder
mail <folder>=<msg> Show message <msg> in inbox folder <folder>
mail <nickname>=some subject Begins composing a mail message to <nickname>
mail #reply <msg> Reply to <msg>
mail #delete <msg> Delete <msg>
Folders may be specified by number or name. Messages may be specified by number or the first few letters of the subject. Option strings do not have to be typed completely: mail #delete 2, mail #del 2, and mail #d 2 would all delete the second message in your Inbox.
See mail for more use-cases and options


page <nickname>=some message Send a private message to a single player named <nickname>
page <nickname> <nickname2> <nickname3> ... =some message Send a private message to multiple players named <nickname> <nickname2> <nickname3> ...
page some message Send a private message to the last target(s) of the page command. Alternate form: page =some message
page <nickname> Send your location privately to <nickname>
page #r some message Reply to a page that was sent to you. Alternate form: page #r =some message
page #R some message Reply to a multi-nickname page. Alternate form: page #R =some message
page #erase <nickname> Erase a page sent to <nickname>
page #who List the last <nickname> you paged, who last paged you, and who you are ignoring
page #last See the last 20 pages that others sent to you and you sent to others
There are many other use-cases and options of page, such as #alias, #sleepmsg, #ignore, #version, #global and many more.


whisper <nickname>=some message Sends <nickname> a private message in the current local room you are in.

Crafting & Upgrading Items

Outside of Game


Usage: +wiki/create <nickname> This command creates a user account on the game's wiki using your default account email and password, with the username <nickname>
