A short trip to the library - RPLOG

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Lizzie stalks down the streets as quietly as she could, keeping an eye out for the ferals as she heads toward the library. Every few moments she darted her eyes to the skys as well, wary of another assault by the things from before.

Fenris is worried. That air battle cleared up fast. And it had been too long since the crash and the grenade explosion. Something should have come sniffing by now. The tiger pulls up short, staring around wildly. The air battle was over. Why was he still hearing a rumble of thunder? In a flash, he remembers reports of a giant goblin around this part of Woodfield. "We might have a problem," he says quietly, looking around for cover.

Edel keeps a safe distance from the group, creeping along the edges of the building as she draws her sword, nodding. "I will remain ready, just in case," she murmurs.

And on the tail end of that warning there is indeed a heavy reverberating through the streets. Then comes the rapid hammering sound of automatic weapons nearby, though they are hard to pinpoint and echo wildly. Incoherent shrill screaming rebounds and then a loud bone chilling roar before before the rumble of an explosion. Despite it's vacuous nature it was getting closer whatever it was.

Lizzie freezes at the sounds echoing out, head moving as she tries to pinpoint the location and direction the huge sounding thing getting closer was. "Son of a bitch. Hide! Maybe it'll fuckin' pass by us." She moved to the closet bit of cover she could find and took shelter there, firearm ready just in case. "Sounds like it's wounded or damn well pissed off."

Fenris slips silently into a side alley, praying that nothing else has already taken up residence and wildy trying to pinpoint the source of the thunderous noise. There just wasn't time to make a break for the library.

Edel crouches down, a bit lower to the ground than she already is and skitters off into an alleyway, waiting for whatever made the noise to either pass by, or open itself for a good ambush.

Just as Fenris ducks out of sight, his alley and the next two side streets come alive with a few dozen goblins and a trio of ogres running for what could very well be their lives. They are soon followed by the towering form of a giant woman, her clothing in shreds, bleeding heavily from several gaping wounds in her thighs and one in her side. Before she can get even three steps out into the main street a blast opens opu betwwen her shoulder blade sending her to the ground in a spray of flesh and smoke.

"Fuck you! Fuck you *in chorus* You're cool!*end chorus* Fuck you, you're out!"

Another blast destroys one of the giant's shoulders flipping her onto her back and a pair of massive tank girls come trundling in, slapping palms in triumph before their final shot turns the giant's head to mist.

"Okay fuck faces, we are going to fuck each and every one of you in the face! WITH BULLETS!"

So saying the pair lock their treads and prepare to open fire. Guess what, this entire fight? Everyone is right in the middle of it and the tanks are between the team and the library.


Fenris needs a better view of the situation. With all the commotion going on, he takes a chance and wings his way to the top of the nearest building.

Lizzie stays in cover for the moment, waiting for the goblins and ogres to give a distraction at the very least. She clicks her tongue and watches from her cover, actually tempted to see if the tanks would let her join in shooting the other creatures if it didn't sound like suicide.

Edel peeks out from her spot in an alley and frowns. Maybe she should try to just vacate quietly? Or maybe not. She turns around and looks for any kind of fire escape within the alley that she could use to ascend.

Angus could not believe his luck coyote ass as he stumbs upon a troop transport, the thing was military he knew that but the werewolf holding a Gatling gun was of a group that he didn't know.... He prayed that it would be easy to hotwire as he climbed into the drivers seat and started to lean down to get under the dashboard, when he noticed the key was in the ignition... "....Where's a lottery ticket when you need one!" He turns the key, starting up the monster of a vehicle before he puts it in gear and starts off in the direction of his friends. When the two tank girls come into view he slows the vehicle down and shuts off the lights, cocking an eyebrow as he stares. "Well fuck...Roadblocks ahead, and they look pissed!"

Lizzie spots the transport and runs over toward it, ducking down and moving fast. If nothing else maybe the armored transport would provide plenty of cover. "Open it the fuck up!" She yells out as she tries to slip inside to get a move on from a far safer position as long as those guns couldn't blow through it in one go.

Fenris looks over the situation from his higher vantage point. His stomach leaps into his throat as Angus roars up in his newly aquired transport. So much for sneaking past quietly. He preps himself for a fight if the tanks decide to move against his teammates.

Edel kneels down on the edge of the roof as she makes her way up the fire escape, as if she were Batman. That's all she really does at this point, though, watching to see how things unfold. She doesn't want to jump the gun again and start attacking before given a good reason.

Angus blinks as Lizzie charges towards the transport, opening a hatch for her as he smiles. "Someone call for a cab?" He slams the hatch shut as he turns to stare at the Tank girls again before he shouts back at her. "I leave for ten minutes to get some wheels and you guys get in a fight without me! Where are Edel and Fenris?" He didn't like the situation as he reaches into his pack and pulls out a crowd pleasure, a little something he duct tape together....A Concussion grenade duct tape to a Tear gas canister.

The woman running and shouting sets off both factions as their members point at her and declare.

"An uninfected human! ATTACK!"

The goblins and ogres surge forwward attempting to overun the tanks and pursue Lizzie for the longest and nastiest gang fuck she could ever have nightmares about, whilst the tanks move to cover her retreat.

"Here is some dick shaped shells to fuck your faces!"

The twin tanks just cut loose, firing their big guns into the ogres whils spraying the crowd proper with bullets, their heavy armor taking the hammers and swords clanging into them.

Lizzie wasn't about to get caught by things as she stayed down, letting the tanks take care of things as she stole along the ride until it was close enough to dart off and make a break to get behind the walls. "Fuckin' infected. Every god damn time." She muttered to herself quietly.

Fenris is struck by the mutants' reaction to the uninfected human. Maybe he could give them a different target. The tiger focuses his mind on creating illusory fascimilies of a small group of humans fleeing from a nearby alley.

Angus scowls as he turns around and opens the window connecting the cab to the back. "Sit down and brace yourself, if anything gets in that isn't Fenris or Edel cut them down." Slamming the window shut he pulls the pin on the Concussion grenade, leans out the window, and throws it towards the crowd of ferals and the tank girls before shouting. "Edel Fenris, the meter is running!" Before he slams his foot on the gas and grabs the wheel.

Edel turns and starts darting towards the edge of the roof hoping to find a rain pipe to slide down. Upon seeing the gas, she fishes through her bag for her rebreather and pulls it on before swinging herself over the roof to begin her descent.

Fenris sees the bomb fly from the window of the transport. Time to move. He leaps from the building and flaps hard to get to the vehicle before the bomb blows.

The the remaining ogre and half the goblins peel off to pursue the illussory humans, resulting in the utter anililation of half the goblins in moments...and likely would have caused the tanks to pursue to finish the rest, opening the path forward. But then the was a deafening blast, a blinding flash and then a cloud of harassment agents. The illussions are overwritten by this causing the remaining mutants to turn back, charging the now disoriented tank girls who have begun firing wildly in every direction.

Lizzie stayed down during the havok, finally darting out once past the mess and rushing for the library doors. There was no sense in waiting around while the tanks were firing after all. The constant swearing that would normally accompany this was stifled to keep from giving away the position any more than it already would have been. "Better be some good fuckin' books."

Edel breaks into a mad dash, sprinting for the truck with one hand on her sword, ready to draw and cut down anything that gets in her way.

Edel breaks into a mad dash, sprinting for the library with one hand on her sword, ready to draw and cut down anything that gets in her way.

Angus opens the window a crack as Edel sprints by. "Back of the Library when your done!" He shouts, hoping that she understands where to meet him after they manage to get the books they came for. Throwing it into drive he turns the wheel and puts his foot on the gas, trying to get out of the line of fire of the Tank girls and away from the Ferals so they can make a quick get away.

Fenris makes a split second decision as the truck speeds away and dives toward the library doors, urging his body's nanites to a form that won't be affected by the gas.

The Library looms large and imposing, though relatively close to the resumed combat with the tanks, once close to the building all such sounds fade away and there is only the austere and imposing feeling of staring at a bastion of forbidden lore...or maybe it is just a book repository.

Lizzie makes her way to the front doors, a little worn with the events but hardly worse for the wear. "What is it with the creepy infected and wanting to fuck me?" She asks quietly as she walks up to the front door to open it and look inside. It was questionable how much of the knowledge was salvagable or useful but hey, it was a job. "Everyone got their shit together? As far as I recall we just grab whatever fuckin' books look the best and get our asses out of here. Anyone see a fuckin' library cart or some shit to stack it on?"

Fenris swoops through the double doors after Lizzie and comes to a careful landing, switching back to his natural, organic form. "Ready, go," he says as he heads into the stacks looking for anything that Zephyr might want. And maybe a novel or two for himself.

Angus stops the transport out back, putting it in park before he turns off the engine to conserve on gas. He then starts to wait, feeling a little like spam in a can as he draws his revolver and trades out the sixteen gauge buckshot he had loaded with some rubberball buckshot instead. Snapping the receiver shut he sighs and places the loaded gun on his lap, keeping an eye out for ferals just in case he needed to warn the rest of the group.

Edel pulls off her rebreather once entering. "Thank goodness that's over." She rolls her shoulders and brushes off her dress. "Right then! Let's get to business, I suppose?"

Screams of agony and lust echo through the building for a few blood curdling moments and then there is silence.

Lizzie rubs her eyes at the newest sound and sighs a bit as she eyes the stacks. "Just fuckin' great." She says as she goes to see what the others have found so far. "So, get to the technical shit and history first sounds like a plan. Let's go and find a fuckin' payload. I don't want to know what the fuck is causing that shit to sound out."

Edel slowly draws her sword and drops into a defensive stance at the sound, continuing to creep about til she finds... A map! "I think I found something of value. Might help us find the sections we're looking for."

Angus leans on the wheel and sighs, staring out the windshield a little in boredom. "Wait, whats that?" His ears perk up as he notices that hes facing the loading docks. Siting back up he shrugs and turns the truck back on and drives up to the one loading door open, then backs up the truck to the door so that loading wouldn't be as much of a hassle. "...Damn, don't want to leave it alone...." He mutters, before he grabs the keys and shuts off the truck. Putting them in his pocket as he hops out, slams the door shut, and walks to the back of the truck and the loading dock.

A second cry sounds out through the halls, ragged and agonized, it wouldn't be out of place in a cynnobite filled hell considering the somehow carnal edge to it all.

Lizzie walks over to the computer to take a look too, pleased at the luck of an actual map of the area. "Fuck yeah. Map of it. I'm gonna take a look at this thing too and you figure out the best damn route ok?" She says as she takes a look to make sure all the wires on the computer were connected to the power and wall jacks as well as the back before messing with the prompt herself.

Fenris heads over to the table of computers at the reception desk and rolls his eyes when he sees a blinking error message on the screens. "Of course their not connected to the network," he mutters under his breath looking around under the desks for connections. He thumps his head as the second cry makes him jump.

Edel scowls and puts her back to a wall at the sound of a second cry. "Damn, let's hope that whatever is in here doesn't find us. Or if it does, that it's nothing too dangerous."

Lizzie stares at the wiring for a bit before slidng out from under the desk. "Well no fuckin' with the wires unless you got copper and latex on ya I can use. I don't carry that shit around." she says as she tries not to listen to the cries for the moment. "Let's just this shit done."

Angus starts to investigate the loading dock, his gun at the ready as he walks around the area. He scans the area, wondering if anything here could be of use. Before he hears something, ears perking up as he hears something that sounded like a faint moan. He cocks his head, wondering what the hell that noise was as he silently starts looking for a door to the Library itself.

Angus opens the door slowly, keeping his gun at the ready as he walks into the room and looks around at the shrink wrap station. He lowers his gun, blinking a bit as he picks up the pry bar and shrugs a bit. "....Might as well make sure nothing happens to the truck." He mutters to himself as he walks back into the loading dock, leans the pry bar up against the back of the truck, then gets into the drivers seat again to keep watch.

Edel studies the map for a second before adjusting her glasses and setting off for the indicated science section. Carefully.

Lizzie follows along to the science section, watching the shelf labels on the way to find the most interesting texts she could, mathematics, chemistry, and other fundamentals primarily. "If you see one of those little trolley things we can use that shit to get the books out too."

Edel nods slowly. "I'll keep my eyes open." And her ears, as she continues to hunt down the books she seeks.

Fenris sighs. "Shame, the computers would have been handy." He starts to scan the stacks himself, keeping a special eye out for anything unusual books or texts on the supernatural, since that is one of his main fields of expertise. Also a good read-in book would be nice.