From Dragons to Dolls - RPLOG

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The entrance to the toy factory is much quieter today, no pair of mechanical vulpine bouncers, no bustle of things moving in and out. Someone's set up a hammock between a light pole and a hook attached to the building. It looks occupied, but it's hard to tell who's in it.

Kazel is back to her normal form and looking for answers, or just for someone to give a piece of her mind to. The huge dragon has made no effort to shrink to a polite party size today and lands before the factory with quite the impact, the asphalt of the aging road cracking under her paws ever so slightly. Seeing that there is nobody around, see approaches the hammock to see if someone is in there who might belong to the foxes and ponies that occupy the factory floors.

Of course, Rorne was just as curious for answers and explanations, too! Though with less of an entrance, the rather plant-like avian strides up, wing-arms folded as she steps towards the factory. She first notices the large dragon, and then the hammock that has her attention! Either way, she approaches slowly, head tilted curiously, though without word.

As Kazel leans over the hammock, a figure is visible. Well, maybe more like 'figurine'. A life-size doll, resembling a catboy is in the hammock, unmoving and glassy-eyed. From the looks of it, it's not even alive.

Kazel does not seem to notice Rorne, slow steps and a closed mouth would make it hard enough even without a distraction like this doll. She lowers her serpentine neck and navigates her head so that it is only a few inches from the doll, before gently, yet determined tapping it with a claw on her right front leg.

Rorne can only watch Kazel investigate the doll. Rorne steps around the hammock and dragon, getting a different angle on it all. Looking into the hammock, she also sees that catboy doll, and she blinks a couple times. Thinking about it, she does remember all the toys in this factory, and how many of them were alive. She's not as quick to touch it as Kazel, even if she steps closer to get a better look.

The doll is warm to the touch, like 'sitting out in the sun all day' warm, but definitely doesn't seem alive. Tapping on the toy creates a hollow plastic sound, as if the toy were just a shell. No response.

Kazel blinks at the sound and twitches her snout. As she looks up, she spots Rorne and stumbles a step back. "Geeze! You are a sneaky one!" She squints for a moment, her nostrils twitching and flaring. "Were you at that party here a while ago? I was about to head in and try to get some answers out of those foxes."

While watching, she catches Kazel just about jumping, and Rorne giggles. "Yeah, I was at the party. Was a bit, shall we say... warmer then? Was the Phoenix." She shrugs, giving a little wave with one of her wings. "Good to see you again, though, uh... Kazel, was it? Either way, I've been just as curious about it all myself."

Kazel nods. "Yeah, thats me. I am afraid I am not good with names myself." She turns and heads towards the door. "Shall we go in together then? This just seems to be a regular old doll, weird that it is out here though." She places a paw on the door and pushes.

Rorne chuckles. "It's Rorne, and I understand completely." She follows behind the dragoness, nodding. "Of course, it'll be better to go in with someone else than it would be to go in alone, especially given what happened last time." She chuckles a little, shaking her head. "As for the doll... it's the toy factory. They do this sort of thing here," she adds, still right behind Kazel.

The door creaks open, revealing the foyer and much of the prep work from the party, sans the food and drink. There's that fox from the party, bending over and digging through some trash... Damn, that stuff accumulates fast, wasn't this place clean just last week?

Kazel approaches the fox from behind, moving slow, though with her size sneaking is mostly out of the picture. Regardless of that she places a forepaw onto his shoulder, holding him in place firmly. "Hi there."

At the very least, Rorne can sneak somewhat! Though she isn't sure just how much she smells, given her plant nature at the moment. Either way, she stays close to Kazel, looking around, noticing the fox digging through trash. "Wonder why she's digging through that," she mutters quietly, stepping at least mostly into view when Kazel reaches said fox.

As Kazel's claw touched the bristly metal fur, the fox speaks. "Leave me alone, you already ruined party by leaving." Russian accent. Why'd all these foxes have to look alike?

Kazel leaves her paw firmly on the shoulder of the fox. "Well, maybe you people should not have tricked people into being turned into toys. You got anything to say for yourself?"

With a shrug, Rorne agrees with Kazel. "Though I did find being a plushie somewhat entertaining, I did not like having it forced upon me," she mutters. "Either way, it'd be better to find more willing subjects to be toys, even if only temporarily. You'll have more success."

"Toys?" The fox turns around, his glum expression showing a hint of confusion. "They said party over, guests ran off. My shift not even over yet."

Kazel frowns, letting go of the fox. "Yeah, one of your friends, the one who was doing the most talking that day, turned everyone into plushies and kidnapped us. We only narrowly escaped." She squints. Could it be true that he does not know?

Rorne nods, listening to Kazel speak. "If you could direct us to where we could look, that'd be most appreciated. Also, uh," Rorne looks at the trash he was rummaging through, and she tilts her head. "What were you doing there? Anything we can help with, perhaps?"

The fox shook his head. "Don't know other fox. He showed up hours before, said was planning party. Brought crazy coyote girl with him, not seen either since." His paws come out of the debris, tugging on some free wire. "Trying to untangle wire, no luck."

Kazel twitches her snout as she thinks about this. "Hrm. You got any idea where we could look, Rorne?" She pauses, her eyes fall back on the fox. "So, if you had never seen those two before, why did you all help them?"

Rorne shrugs to Kazel, "No, I have no real idea where to look for them. Though I think I remember a name... Riva?" She shakes her head, approaching the fox and wire carefully. Her wings begin to twitch a bit as she focuses, causing them to begin to shrink, reshaping more into actual arms instead. At this point, they just twitch at her side as they continue their reshaping.

"Why would hungry fox turn down food? Food for guard duty. Then party. More food at parties." The wire is left alone, and the clockwork being wanders over to the table once filled with food and drink. "At least food was there, anyway."

Kazel frowns and sighs, giving a curious glimps at the changing arms of her companion. "Maybe we should check out the rest of the factory for clues? They can't very well be gone without a trace, can they?"

Continuing her focus, Rorne's arms take a bit more definition, becoming long, elegant, and vulpine. The tips have small, blunted claws, no real use for anything more than just really being there. However, she also has a lot more dexterity and motor control like this than she did with wings! "Okay, then," she mutters, taking a moment to relax after exerting herself like that, "let's take a look." She bends down into the rubble, finding the wire, and starts looking for whatever it is she needs to do to untangle it.

The wires are beyond simply 'tangled', hell, it seems to have knots that have fused together into solid metal. No wonder people had to fight their way through it all. The fox sits on the table, looking back at the dragon. "If you want find other fox, why not try crazy girl? She says 'Mr Magic is throwing a party.' 'He needs more friends.' I say bah, playthings don't need friends."

Kazel had already taking a few steps through the thankfully large production hall as the fox speaks up, her neck bends back to the side to look at the fox. "Do you know where she is? Is she here?"

As much as Rorne tries, she really wouldn't be able to extricate the wire without some serious help. Dexterity or no, it's not possible for her. With a sigh, she stands back up straight, stretching out just a bit. "The crazy girl? You mean Riva?" She thinks, and then something clicks a little. "If she's a coyote, chances are... hm..." She paces a moment, before looking to Kazel. "I think I know someone we could talk to, or at least somewhere to start looking."

The fox stays quiet and wanders off into the remainder of the factory, leaving Kazel and Rorne alone in the foyer.

Kazel tilts her head at her feathered companion. "Oh? Take the lead then." She smiles softly. "Or, if its further away and you are alright with heights, you can saddle up, if you can't fly yourself."

Rorne looks back at Kazel, shrugging. "That's the issue, though," he she mutters. "It's the Warehouse, and I'd be looking for Redd, or some other coyote around there. I... I think I may have met her at some point, but can't recall, honestly." She also giggles, approaching the dragon. "Also, me, afraid of heights? I'll just pretend you didn't ask the bird that."

Fortunately, the Warehouse is just around the corner. And of course, Redd's there, lounging on the beat-up couch. He grins as he spots Rorne and Kazel entering the building. "Heyas Rorne, who's your friend?"

Kazel enters behind the bird and remains silent, being a little shy despite her imposing stature, and it was Rorne who was asked who she was and not herself. Instead she takes a good look around the warehouse from her position, at least, getting a feeling for this new location.

"Hey Redd," Rorne replies, giving a little wave with one of her paw-hands. "This here's Kazel," she states, looking back to Kazel, and then adds, "Kazel, this is Redd. Don't worry, he won't hurt you. Just maybe have some fun." She giggles a bit more, shaking her head. "Anyway, Redd, usually I like to come by for some fun or affection, but now, we're looking for Riva. Know where we could find her?"

"She vanishes pretty regularly, couldn't find her if I wanted. Heard about the party thing though, I trust ya'll had fun?" Redd grins widely, showing off his teeth. "Wish I'd been there. Don't go to parties near often enough."

Kazel frowns deeply. "We wanted to talk to her about that and how it is not nice to kidnap people for that kinda thing, or at all." She pauses for a moment. "Do you maybe know where we could get a hold of her friend, the fox who was at the party as well?"

"What she said," Rorne states, giving a chuckle. "Either way, the fox friend turned party guests into plushies and kidnapped them all to make them friends for... what was his name? Well, point still made." She shakes her head, looking back to Redd. "We're just trying to get as much information as possible, really."

The coyote cackles wildly. "Well, you found him. As I asked earlier, did you enjoy the party?" He sits up, clearly amused with himself. "You did manage to escape before I had the chance to turn you back properly, but seems you're fine either way." Redd stands up and moves to hug Rorne. "You're always so much fun to tease."

Kazel blinks. "Whhaaa." The dragon frowns at this revelation. "That was you?" She squints at Rorne. "And he is your friend?." She flaps her wings once despite the restriction the interior of the warehouse imposes on her and snorts, not happy with this situation at all.

As Redd explains, Rorne just sighs, shaking her head. "Why didn't I see this coming?" she asks herself aloud, only to hug Redd back. "And you know how much I enjoy it, too," she mutters, a bit of a blush on her cheeks. She looks back to Kazel, nodding. "He is my friend. I know for a fact he wouldn't do anything to hurt someone purposefully. He's a trickster and a prankster, but he's genuinely a good guy."

"You didn't see it coming because you enjoy it too much." Redd snickers before turning to the dragon. "You enjoyed it too, I hear, running about the lobby as a little plush." The coyote scritches under the dragon's chin. "You liked being a cute little plaything, obviously. Why else would you come back for more?"

Kazel pulls back from the touch of the coyote. "That I enjoyed it does not mean its right to force it onto people! Besides, I only enjoyed it once we had escaped, I was even one of the most willing to escape to begin with." She huffs. "And we came here for answers, not for more, right Rorne?"

Rorne squeezes Redd with a shake of her head. "Of course we came for answers," Rorne replies, slowly releasing the coyote from the hug. "I mean, we already got most of them: We found the one who did it, we know about Riva, and we somewhat know why." She looks back to Kazel. "Are there any other questions? I mean, I remember the catboy toy in front of the factory, but not sure if that's worth asking about."

"Just a toy, somebody left it on the floor of the warehouse, I put it in a hammock because I thought it'd be cute." Redd snickers. "You know, Kazel, if you wanted to be a toy again, all you need to do is ask." He strokes along the dragon's neck and back. "You'd be so cute as a little doll, waiting for your owner to get home and play with you."

Kazel pulls back again, bumping her rear into the wall of the building as she does. "I didn't say I do! I-I am a fierce and powerful dragon. Yes." The white scaled of her face turn a soft pink as she blushed. "And I don't have an owner to come home to me to begin with so there is that." She nods at her argument as if it were a good one.