Litter Inducer

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 11:12, 12 December 2011 by Kori (talk | contribs) (Added the actual in-game item notecard and modified the description a bit.)
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|Item  91:                     Litter Inducer on [Zephyr Inc]: Elite |
|____________________[        Description       ]____________________|
|Desc:                                                               |
| This fantastic device supercharges the female reproductive         |
| capabilities, literally doubling the amount of children produced.  |
| Amazing!                                                           |
|____________________[     Other properties     ]____________________|

When in your inventory, you will have twice as many babies.

  • Where you would normally have just one child, you get twins!
    • If you roll twins, you get quadruplets!
      • If you roll triplets, you get sextuplets!
  • The bonus from being a Talakai does not apply; you will have either 3, 5, or 7 babies in those cases. The effects DO, however, stack with a Monotreme Activator.