Blue Lake Beginnings - RPLOG

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With a wiping of the brow Jasmine and Sel come back to the SB's front door. Today was the day that Miranai and Selyra had decided that there would be attempts at going out to find parts that could be used in a solar power station. Specifically, Miranai and Jaqui would need examples of solar panaling to try and recreate them. Without such an example, they would have to start from scratch, which, without an excellent source of research materials would be near impossible! The collie looks over to the fox taur, giving him a long kiss, rubbing hir baby bump against his front belly, before going around to his flank to rub on his own kit bloat. "That was a long walk dear, how are your paws?" Shi asks, "Fine, mostly... whew... just wish mother had chosen some better timing for a scouting mission..." He complains. "Well, let's see whos there to report to..." He says as they walk into the building proper...

Just inside, a large wolf taur is lounging about. Her lower belly is massively swollen, full of life. Her dark grey fur shows signs of being recently groomed. She looks up as she hears people approaching. "Hello?" she says, not sure who is coming. Listening for a moment, Phelps rubs the swell of her belly enjoying the feeling of its fullness.

Shortly after, someone begins to approach the building right behind the pregnant collie and foxtaur, clad in her usual cowgirl attire. Loose yellow tanktop, tight blue jeans outlining her thick spade and shapely rump, a leather belt over the top of her shirt for style more than function, and a long-sleeve denim jacket that goes down just to the bottom of her chest and is left unzipped. "Hey, you two. I'm here for the scavenging trip, where do we sign up?" she asks, stopping as she reaches them.

Sakura enters the lounge, comming from the kitchen and looks around at the people gathered "Heya!" she says smiling. "What are you all doing here? Planning something?" she asks curiously.

Jas and Sel look about, Phelps, their sister Sakura, and... their sister Erika. "Ok, going to be a rough go of it, but we found something." Jas starts, "There are some more ruins about three miles west, looks like it was an old college. Anyway, they must have been working on replacing their roof tiles with solar panals. Problem is..." And shi stops short holding a hand to hir belly with a yelp! Sel rubs on hir shoulders a moment, "Problem is, like any place else that has even a minor bubble and is still standing, it is infested. Mom only wanted us taking a look, didn't want us taking a risk, and to come back and see who could help. Seeing how we are..." He leans back and rubs on his lower belly, "Well, about due." He finishes, "Think this is something you all are up to doing?" He asks.

Phelps smiles to everyone in the room. Looking to the other swollen bellies, Phelps grins. "Well, I do not mind helping however I can. In fact......" she start when some movement in her belly causes her to look down and coo softly to her own gravid swell. Looking back up, the wolf smiles. "In fact, my size has never stopped me from trying to help out in the past." It is unclear if she is refereing to her size in general or specifically the size of her belly. She carefully and slowly adjusts herself so that her belly is resting on her back legs and against the floor, with her front legs remaining straight. Sitting like this the wolf can still look most people in the eyes. "So what do you need me to do?" She asks as she looks to everybody in turn.

Erika looks towards Sakura as she enters, rolling her eyes silently. "Holy hell, is everyone in this place always fucking pregnant? Seriously, seems like all you do is breed. About time we get a REAL mission." she says off-hand, probably not winning any popularity contests. She, unlike everyone else, appears to be completely flat-bellied. Regardless of her comments, she does listen in to the details, nodding her head. "Yeah, might as well. That kind of shit isn't so easy to find." she volunteers, quite prepared to head out already! She's got her Ripper holstered, and her backpack is stocked with other useful things, like food.

Sakura blinks at Erik "Huh? How do you know?" she asks and glances down at her currently flat belly. "You going to a school plae thingy? Can me come?" she asks with a smile on her face and skips closer to the group.

The collie and fox taur pair look at Erika, Sel actually growling, but Jas putting a hand on his muzzle, "Cousin, that isn't nice, and you should try having pups sometime, might cool your head a bit." Shi says, before continuing, "And if you are sure Phelps. My grandmas didn't want us going out because we are so close to due, but, if you are sure you can handle things. Basically, just get the solar panals and get back here, safely." Shi grabs hir belly again, "Oh.. heh, ok." Sel looks worried a moment but shi shakes hir head, "If you need supplies like food and such... then we have plenty in the kitchen and..." shi yelps a bit and grips hir belly as hir groin soakes itself! Sel shakes his head and grabs hir by the nape of hir neck, "Ok, you are more than nearly due, let's get you to our room..." He says, the collie fairly timidly nodding... "It is about three miles west of our town, here is a map." He says, handing the map over to Erika before escorting the in-labor collie away...

Phelps nods as she listens to what is being said, thought a little more movement from within distracts her. When she regains her focus, she notices the room is missing a belly. She looks around to the person holding the map. "I am ready to go. Just tell me which way." Phelps grabs what looks like a tangle mess of rope from her fur. She offers it up to Erika. "Since you seem to have a bag. Never know when a good length of rope will come in handy." As she speaks she gently goes from a sitting position to a standing position. Her belly hangs underneath her frame, bulging out the sides a little bit. Her head is still in the same spot as when she was sitting. "I am ready when you are."

Erika growls back at Sel for a moment, but then stops when the collie intervenes, smiling a bit at hir actions. "No chance, you're not the only one I've ignored that advice from. Thanks for the supplies though." she says, shaking her head a bit when the collie goes into labor. As they're leaving, she turns to Sakura, brows furrowing. "I've been around long enough to know what someone smells like when they're pregnant." she replies, taking her backpack off and accepting Phelps' rope, stuffing it into her backpack before putting it back on. "I'm ready too, let's get going. You ready, fox?"

Sakura points at the room from which she just came "You can smell someone from that far? When there are people around you that smell way stronger than me?" she asks teasingly "Me think you actually guessed." she adds and hmms "Me will be right back!" she says and runs towards the common room, returning soon with a combat helmet. "Me ready now." she smiles

There is quite a bit of grunting and groaning coming from upstairs, and packs already prepared with basic food and water, as well as instructions of the dangers of being outside of a bubble. With the map, it will be easy to tell which way to go... assuming someone could read it well and knew the basics of navigation.

Erika looks at Sakura with a baffled expression, then spends a moment glancing about her general vicinity. "I... Was standing JUST inside the door... And I mentioned after you... Oh, just fuck it, nevermind." she says in frustration, not sure what Sakura was going on about. Shaking her head, she takes the map and examines it, eyes going a bit wide, before her brows furrow. "Well, shit... Either of you know how to read a map? If not... We're fucked." she says with a small growl, turning the map upside down, then right side up, before handing it off to Sakura. "You try."

Alkain sighs as he pads into the lounge and looks around, smelling of rut but looking like he just got off recently too. He blinks at the group and tilts his head curiously, "Hey, what is going on?" he peers at the map curious as he pads over to them

Sakura hmms and looks at the map briefly "Umm.. me can't read maps.. sorry." she apologises and glances to Alkain "Hello. We're going to a school place to get something.. that would help us.. with something else." she nods.

Alkain hmms? at that and ponders as he looks over the map, "Oh... Ouch, hmm..." he studies the crudely drawn map and nods, "Yeah, I can read it... You need to go north." he looks to the others, "Maybe I should come too... If that's ok?" he offers helpfully, "Not sure how helpful I'll be in my condition though."

Phelps glances at the map. She is able to firgure out what a couple of the symbols mean, but not much else. As Alkain comes over, the wolfess nods. "I can understand which way is which, but that is about all I can gather." she gently taps the map. Giving a smile, Phelps continues. "I vote for accepting Alkain's help" The wolf taur gives a small rub to the side of her underbelly.

Erika steps quickly away from the door as Alkain hulks his massive self through it, causing the husky alarm. "Holy shit! Oh, it's just you. Fuck, why do you have to be so damn big?" she asks, taking a breath and watching his huge hands handle the map. She's almost afraid he'd ruin it, but surprisingly he doesn't. "Well, we need all the help we can get, really..." she admits, looking between the fox, the big fox, and the wolf. "What have I gotten myself into...? I'll have a story for Sasha when I get back, no doubt..." she mumbles, shaking her head.

Sakura pouts at Erika "Heeey.. you're too serious.." she says and looks towards Alkain "Sooo? Do you know where we need to go?" she asks. "Me don't want to get lost." she adds.

Alkain can't help but glance over as Phelps rubs her belly and grins softly, though blinks at Erika, "No, I don't actually... Especially if we are going out of bubble, as the map suggests." he shrugs and shrinks down a bit, grunting as he stretches after shrinking, "Damn, that always feels weird..." he sighs and nods to Sakura, "Yeah, I know where to go." he smiles

With things getting along, Phelps shakes her head a bit. It seemed she wasn't exactly ready to go out of bubble and heads up to the common room while the rest prepare.

Erika scoffs a bit from Sakura's comment, but doesn't desire to stoke the flames. Watching Phelps depart, she gawks slightly. "Hey, where are you going? Aww, whatever, looks like it's just us three. Anyone else feel like they can't make it?" she asks, though she sees Alkain shrinking his size and his balls, giving a nod of approval. "Ready when you are, still. Lead the way, you know where north is, don't you?" she asks teasingly, crossing her arms over her large bust, waiting to get going.

Blanche walks in from atop the stairs, damp fur matting in places as she rubs herself and grooms the best she can. Sighing she stretches out and looks to everyone, stiff joins creaking a bit as she gets her muscles working again. "Ahh... That was nice... But I need to get back to work." She looks to everyone gathered and tilts her head a bit. "Hmmm? Hello."

Sakura glances towards the door as Blanche enters and smiles "Oh, hi there! We're going to a school to get something that would be helpful." she nods and adds "Wanna come too?" she asks, and starts making her way towards the main entrance before anyone else. "Come on lets go! We're wasting time!" she giggles.

Alkain shakes his head, "Nah, I should be fine." he ponders though and looks around, "Lemme get my equipment, should only be a moment." as he pads upstairs to get his armor and glaive, quickly returning once he has them, "Alright, ready." he pads after Sakura and glances back, "Umm, I don't actually know which way is north..." he practically sweatdrops at that before moving to stop Sakura, "Blanche, we are going out of bubble to get..." he looks to Erika, "Supplies?" he shrugs though, "If you want to come, it's fine with me."

Erika groans a little when Alkain goes to get his stuff, watching Sakura get a move on towards the door. She's about to go too when Blanche shows up. "Hey, sorry, can

As Blanche makes herself visible, she sports what appears to be at first a large pregnant dome of a belly, but the dripping flecks of cum from the cunt between her legs suggest that she may also be filled with something other than children.

Erika groans a little when Alkain goes to get his stuff, watching Sakura get a move on towards the door. She's about to go too when Blanche shows up. "Hey, sorry, can't chat, gotta go." she says in a bit of a rushed tone, heading to the door as Alkain returns. Hir too? What the hell, are we actually intending to leave today? If we wait for every knocked up cumdump who passes by to get ready, while the ones who were already waiting leave, we'll never go." she says in frustration, hastily making her way outside.

Erika groans a little when Alkain goes to get his stuff, watching Sakura get a move on towards the door. She's about to go too when Blanche shows up. "Hey, sorry, can't chat, gotta go." she says in a bit of a rushed tone, heading to the door as Alkain returns. "Hir too? What the hell, are we actually intending to leave today? If we wait for every knocked up cumdump who passes by to get ready, while the ones who were already waiting leave, we'll never go." she says in frustration, hastily making her way outside. "Whoever else wants to come, last chance."

Sakura looks a bit more attentive to Blanche "Umm.. that is if you can walk.." she says, and lets out a small growl to Erika "Be nice! At least once!" she says raising her voice, looking more serious than probably anyone has ever seen her. It appears she didn't like the way Erika talked about Blanche, and follows Erika out, glaring at her.

Alkain hmms? at Erika and sighs, "Seriously... What's your problem? Another set of hands isn't going to hurt." he taps the map he is carrying, "I have the map, and am the only one who can read it after all." he teases, "But, if you want to come Blanche, you'll need to be careful."

Blanche is a little put off at Erika's outburst, but then shrugs. Giving a quick smile to Sakura she says, "It's fine, let her bitch. If she wants to talk about our bellies all day let her." Then she walks over to Alkain and takes a look at the map as well to see if she's already familiar with the area, but she suspects now. Still, she gives a quick lick to Alkain as she leans against his shoulder. "I'll be fine with walking. I may be full of cum, but aside from the occasional swing it's nothing I'm worried about." As they moveo ut, she moves with them, following Alkain the best she can while she reads the map for herself.

Leaving at a steady pace for where the map indicates, it would take about two hours to cover the distance. Along the way, many ferals sniff at the group, but none yet seem to come close. Fortunately, no wolves! It is about an hour in when a group of ferals, mostly goats and turkeys, but a few from somewhere else approch! They seem quite unwilling to let anyone pass them without a confrentation... Still within the bubble, but at the edge of it, the air seems clearer, cleaner than the mist like soup nearer the courthouse.

Erika sneers at Sakura when she hears the growl, paws going up to grip the straps of her backpack. And then Alkain gets on her case as well, regarding her negative comments. "Look, I'm just pissed off, and I just want to get moving. This is not going to be easy, and I'd rather have just done this alone or with Phelps or Alkain. I'm not convinced Sakura and Blanche can deal with being outside the bubble, let alone a dangerous mission like this. There's a LOT more I could say right now, but I don't think it'll help anything." she sighs, continuing to walk towards the north. That is, until they're confronted by the ferals who seem to block the path. "Hey, we're just gonna keep on going, okay? Nothing to see here." she says to them, hoping to avoid such a confrontation.

Sakura blinks at Erika "And why is that? You don't know that me was alone in the city in a random building for at least a year.. and me still alive." she points out with a frown, but doesn't say anything more about this subject, just walks with the group towards their destination. She hmms at the group of ferals and listens to Erika, but doesn't look to confident in her ability to talk peacefully with the ferals, since she steps closer and talks as well "We're friendly, we just need to get to some place for some stuff, could you let us pass?" she asks in a friendly tone.

Alkain nods to Erika and sighs, "Alright, I understand... But what if there is too much for the two of us to carry alone? I know it's not likely, but still..." he shrugs as he pads along, focusing on the map once his rut starts to kick in again. He rrfs a bit every few moments as his cock starts to slide out and very nearly runs right into the group of ferals, he blinks at them and shakes his head as he tries to focus, "Rrf... Um, yeah... We don't want any trouble."

Blanche she takes a couple steps away from Alkain and gets ready for the worse. She may not be much of a fighterbut it's not like she can't take care of herself. Reguardless, she waits and hopes everyone can help the ferals on their way. At least her fur is dryer now, if a bit unkempt. Looking to Sakura she nods then looks to Erika and the ferals and watches then closely.

The ferals look at each other, a few gobbles, some maaahhhs, before they start to approch. Sakura's words however, give them pause, they look among each other again before one of them, a deer herm, speeks, walking a bit more forward. "You give food. We not fight." Shi says, the others waiting for the larger mutant's word on what they will end up doing.

Erika steps closer to the deer as the deer approaches, growling. She isn't about to let a few ferals bully her or her team. "Look, pal... I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but we're the Surrogate Brotherhood... You don't fuck with us." she says in a firm tone, making a fist with one paw and mock-punching the palm of her other paw. "So here's the way I see it... You leave us alone right now, and we DON'T beat the ever-loving shit out of you. How's that sound?" she asks, almost hoping for a punching bag to release her frustrations on.

As the fairly large husky growls at the deer, the deer snarles back. "You think we just let pass! You..." but a smaller deer, fully female and looking like she was a fair bit long, one of the few to successfully become pregnant gives his arm a tug and meekly shakes her head. He turns to Erika and everyone else again, still snarling, "You... go... not want see again!" He says, keeping a close eye on everyone still.

Sakura blinks at Erika and starts looking worried from her to the ferals "Heeey.. why do you have to be so mean.. food is not something out of normal to request.." she pouts at Erika. She turns to the ferals "Don't worry me will give you a bit." she says with a smile, making her way closer to one of them, in a non theatening way and offers them some of her food.

high in the sky, something can be seen flying in the distance. As it gets closer to the group and the ferals, it's shape become easier to see. Whatever it is seems to have large wings, four feet on a tauric body, and a wolf head? As the being flies closer, it reduces its speed and slowly begins to land. The large wolf taur looks over the ferals from behind the others. "Is every thing ok?" Phelps says. She can sense some tension in the air and does not want to cause any problems if she can help it. She tries to lower her stance to a non-threatening one. The wolf watches what goes on, willing to show due respect to the ferals.

Blanche is a bit surprised at Erika's ability to intimidate the ferals. She walks closer to Earika to get ready to go. "Scary." She waves goodbye at the ferals in more of a polite gesture than anything until she senses Phelps come in from the sky. "Whoa, he there Phelps." She smiles briefly to hir. "Glad you could join us afterall." Turning to Alkain she wonders over, "Hey, can I see this?" Then gently takes it from him to look. "We're heading to the collage, right?" Making her way back to Erika with the map in hand she keeps a more-than-polite distance away, considering her cum-stuffed and wobbling belly looking like it's keeping two or possibly even three late-pregnancy children in there if it weren't for the sighs that it held more liquid than children.

The ferals look greatful for the food Sakura offers, the deer giving the lion's share of it over to what must be his pregnant mate! "Thank, much thank!" He says as they all turn to leave. With map in hand, and directions a bit more clearly labeled thanks to Alkain, it isn't too hard to see where they need to keep going, but this is the edge of the bubble! From this point on many nanite functions are far weaker. Flight isn't possile, eating and drinking are requirements again, wounds heal FAR slower. It will be very dangerous from this point forward... at least until another bubble is found...

Erika sighs from the sight of Sakura's charity, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her large chest. "What the hell? They fucking threaten us, and I make them back down... And you still give in anyway? If they just asked for food, I'd probably give them some of mine. We don't treat threats with kindness, don't be their bitch." she says to Sakura, but then looks overhead as the wolf's shadow passes over the ground. After the wolf lands, she smirks. "So you're back, good." she says, then looks towards Blanche, nodding. "Yep, collage." she confirms, deciding it's time to continue going north!

Sakura turns to Erika "What.. what are you even talking about.. you were more threatening than they were! They didn't say anything threatening, they just didn't want to let us pass without giving something to them.. and they just wanted food.." she says annoyed to Erika. "And you didn't help, being all mean to them.. think about it, what if they hold grudges and when we return they have more ferals to 'welcome' us back? What then, me can't fight, but me know how to avoid fights." she explains her logic to the group and follows after them, moving a bit slower thanks to her own cum stuffed belly. Her belly was large enough to make her look like she was in the last stages of pregnancy, while not being ridiculously large.

Blanche looks to the arguing pare and thinks. "I think you're both right... I'd just rather keep what food on us for the trip. I think between all of us, we don't need to worry much about gangs of ferals." Her ears falter a bit as she considers where they are. "Still, best not to get into fights in the first place. I feel weird..." The leaking from her cunt distracts her for a moment as she reaches down under her cunt to check what's going on. "Moms filling is leaking out of me. We should stop that... ideas?" She asks, pressing down on her belly as she squats for a moment, eliciting a small stream of cum to spill out of her vulpine spade, splattering on the ground behind. She shutters and rolls her eyes at the sudden rush of sensation in her tunnel, but soon recovers and catches up to Erika and Sakura. "That almost feels good coming out as it does in..." She murmurs under her breath.

The path is a bit tretcherous, not well tended to or upkept in a great deal of time! As they go, most of the unfriendlies are avoided... until another group catches smell of Sakura's scent! That smell of heat draws a few males and herms over toward the group! Without words they start to close in...

Erika scoffs from Sakura's words, brows furrowing. "You keep throwing around that fucking word. 'Mean'. What are you, 2? I get what you're saying, but YOU think about it. Ferals like thsoe ones are kinda like animals, but animals that can talk... Most of the time. Animals learn by example alone, so what did you just teach them? That they can just walk straight up and bully the food straight from us. I don't give a shit if you can't fight. I can. Plus, I knew they'd just back down anyway... I was threatening them to avoid a fight, believe it or not. What I was trying to do is teach them that's not the way to get food. Sorry if you're a little sheep." she says rudely, but as Blanche chimes in, she looks back and smiles a bit. "Heh, thanks. You're not so..." she trails off, watching Blanche squat and force out a huge gush of cum. She cups her muzzle and gags a bit, turning back forward. "Sweet mother of fuck, warn a bitch next time." she grunts, soon spotting the encroaching ferals. "Fuck, more of them..." she growls, trying to give off the vibe that she won't just stop for them.

Sakura frowns at Erika and growls "Oh? Two can play at that game you know.. Me see that you keep throwing that 'fuck' word around, but from your reactions me is now sure that you don't even know what that is.." she grins "Or do you keep saying it because you need a proper fucking to just shut up?" she replies. "Just so you.." she starts and flickers her ears, glancing towards the approaching ferals. "We got company... these ones seem different.." she whispers.

Blanche looks to the group and looks to Sakura as she speaks. "Sakura, I don't think getting mouthy is going to make this trip better for the all of us, please try to stay civil, you can verbally joust back at home." In reaction to Erika she frowns a bit. "Ahh... I'll keep that in mind..." Then she notices the group of ferals. "Oh look, friends!" She eyes the goat and gets an idea, but waits for her chance if fighting breaks out.

The ferals continue closing in! They lunge at their target, but are intercepted by Erika and Blanche! They growl up at them, clawing away, however, are slowed consiterably by the pair! They begin fighting for supremecy, clawing, stomping, and bitting to try and get free, but Blanche and Erika can keep hold of two of them, the third waits a moment before potentally joining in!

Erika tangles with one of the deer going after Sakura, growling at it angrily. "Back the fuck down! You can bet this won't be worth getting your ass handed to you over." she grunts through her clenched teeth, baring them at the feral that keeps trying to claw its way out of her grappling. Along with her threat, she attempts t use her strength to shove the feral back towards the one who has yet to join the fray. Partially with the intent to make them collide, and partially with the intent to keep it away from herself and Sakura.

Sakura yips surprised as the ferals pounce towards her and moves closer to Erika and Blanche, keeping an eye on the other feral that still lurks around, trying to having something in between her and it. "S-sorry Erika, and thanks." she apologises hastily to her as she tries to keep herself away from the ferals.

Blanche struggles with the aggressive feral, almost taking a bite on her arm and breast but soon she pushes back and attempts to throw the deer with the other into the goat as well. "You want a piece of Sakura, You'll have to get past us! She's MY sister!" She gets ready for a fight.

Alkain growls as he sees his friends in trouble and looks around for a small tree to throw! When he finds one he calls out, "Leave my friends... ALONE!" as he tosses the treeinto the group of ferals that are not currently engaged with his friends! He takes out his glaive after and prepares to charge!

With her friends in potential danger, the wolf taur steps up to help them. "You made the wrong choice. You want my friends? You have to answer to me!" Phelps pratically yells to the group of ferals. Her razor sharp claws and powerful teeth are barred, showing that this wolf is ready for a fight. Seeing a tree fly threw the air, Phelps unleashes a mighty howl. Phelps looks around, waiting for a moment, observing the battle before she makes her move.

As they struggle, the ferals are bashed about a bit, smacked with a smallish tree, and brused a bit! Threatened, they growl, shaking a bit from how outnumbered they are, but undetured from getting the sex they so desire!!

Erika pushes the feral back out of the grapple, but soon follows up with a forward strafe, followed by a flurry of punches and scratches!

Blanche charges towards the turkey and gives it a stong cock to the face to start the fight. After her kick connects she snarls at the creature. "Wrong day to mess with us, nanite bubble or not!"

Alkain growls as he sets his sights on the turkey, twriling his glaive before rushing at him in the blink of an eye!

Phelps lunges forward, attacking any feral that crosses her path

Erika launches into an almost unbelieveably quick series of punches, claws, bites, and swings of her handheld chainswords, going all out on the ferals! She doesn't let up at all until none of them get up again, too battered or broken to get up. Afterwords, she pants a little, covered in small claw and bite marks herself, but nothing too serious. "Fuck... You... Assholes..." she says between her panting, looking over at the others. She first glares at Sakura though. "I thought you said you try to AVOID a fight... If that's true, I suggest you keep your smart-ass remarks to yourself... I'll have you know I have a mate waiting for me at home, who I had to leave just to come out on this damn trip with YOU." she growls, but sighs after, resting on her knees for a short while...

After quite the fight, Blanche pants a bit, her fur showing a few scratches and pecks, but notherwise in ok shape, aside from the unkempt appearance from before. With a sigh she pokes at the incapacitated goat and frowns. "Awww... I wanted to ride you." She pouts a little, but drags the trio of horny mutants into a pile, taking extra time to place them in a suggestive and embarrassing pose. Walking back to Erika she frowns. "Calm both your tits. We're alive, nobody has been badly beaten, we'll get this done. Like I said, you two can verbally beat each-other up at home. How about I find the both of you something to snack on? The forest is full of stuff and you can calm down as your eat."

Sakura was mostly passive during the fight, only ever hitting the ferals maybe once or twice, however what she did was heal whoever got most injured. She pouts at Erika "They were not the talking kind... me can deal with those.. not there crazy ones.. me usually run from them.." she says. "And sorry and thanks.." she adds. "Good idea sis!" she nods.

Alkain growls out angrily as he beats on the ferals and admittedly goes a bit over board! Using his glaive to deliver cuts and gashes through out the fight. So lost in his rage he doesn't notice that they are beaten into submission! His body battered and bruised from the ferals attacks, yet he continues!

As Phelps battles the ferals, she holds nothing back. When the dust and fur settles so to speak, it is clear the wolf taur was in a tussle. Her fur is ruffled, and her breathing is heavy. There are traces of the ferals fur in her teeth and her claws. She looks back towards the other to make sure they are safe. Even though it appears that one of the taurs bites drew blood, there does not appear to be so much as to be fatal. "So......." is all the wolf says as she wipes the signs of battle from her mouth.

The ferals are blooded and battered, ripped up quite a bit by the fight! They regroup as much as they can with their wounds, whimpering and stumbling off away from the superior fighters! With the distraction out of the way, the road continues on, unkept and still a bit dangerous, though for a great time nothing seems to bother anyone. As they go though, the day gets a bit hotter, though no less wet. Being an Oregon river valley, a dampness hangs in the air almost constantly. Soon however, the city in question is in view! However, hunger gnaws upon everyone's mind and belly.

Erika hmphs after listening to Blanche and Sakura, soon getting back up to her feet. "Fine." she replies simply, trying to brush her clothes off, but winces a bit too from the cuts. "Damn this out of bubble... Fucking sucks." she grunts, taking a deep breath and looking to Blanche and Alkain. "Who's got the map? Let's just get going. They'll wake up eventually, and hopefully we won't see them on the way back." she says, but then she too notices the feeling of dampness on her shirt, easily soaking into the old fabric. "Fuck... Ignore that, if you know what's good for you." she says in frustration, belly growling. While walking, she takes her backpack off to fish out a premade sandwich, eating it.

As the group makes their way further out, Blanche runs off around them, keeping withing eye and earshot as she gathers up some berries and fruits. After some time she returns to Erika and Sakura and offers them both her arm and tit full of her findings. "Hey, heres some food, eat up alright? I need the both of you to have clear heads..." She glances back at Alkain with a concerned look then back ahead. Should the other two grab their share she brings out the map and starts to look it over their route. As she reads she says out to Phelps and Alkain. "Are you two doing ok?"

Sakura noticed the way Alkain was hitting ferals, but wasn't about to even attempt to stop hitting them, mainly because she didn't know him well and he was still way bigger than her. As they resumed walking she was starting to get hungry as well and smiles to Blanche "Thanks!" she says and takes a handful of berries and starts eating them, glancing back to Alkain and Phelps.

Phelps begins to walk with the rest of the group. When Blanche speaks, she meerly shrugs. Passing by Alkain, she grabs him by the shoulders and looks at him for a moment, not letting him fight the unconsious ferals anymore. "We need to get going" She says to him. After that she continues to follow the rest of the group, her fur still matted. As Blanche hands out berries and such to a couple of the others, Phelps manages to find and eat a few already dead animals. but still she keeps wal;king with the rest of the group.

Alkain blinks out of it when Phelps grabs him and looks around before nodding... He is quite quiet as the trip continues, almost... Sullen as he plods along. He barely notices Erika's, or anyones really, words. He shakes his head after a while and sighs, before his belly grumbles! He blinks and pulls out a package of chinese food he made, just some stirfry really and begins eating in silence... He blinks at Blanche and sighs morosely, "I'm fine." he sure doesn't sound it though

Alkain also seems to be having difficulty with his rut, but remains mostly silent

With the scent of battle fading from her nose, a new scent takes it place. One of desire and carnal lust. Noticing this, Phelps stops moving. "Guys, I think I will stand gaurd right here. You go on ahead, I will make sure those ferals don't decide to come follow us." With that the wolf begins to slowly walk back and forth a little bit. The scent of her rut fill the air around her. She stays back not to gaurd the rear, back to make sure that her desires do not hinder the group.

Finally making it to the city itself, a total travel time of around four or five hours, the new bubble can wash over everyone, filling them with familiar comforts once more. However, as they walk in something... else can be felt. It is strange, an almost... heavy feeling that seems to linger upon breasts and ball. Cock and cunt. All examination of such parts would show nothing unusual about them however! The streets, so far, are devoid of people, animals, and ferals, but this is but the edge of this bubble! In the near distance is the target though, buildings upon buildings that were once a proud university!

Blanche watches everyone and her surroundings as they walk. Aside from Erika's breasts leaking a little milk, there wasn't much to keep an eye on. When they get to the border, the sensation of nanites coursing through and around her comforts her slightly. Watching Phelps as she announces her intention she nods. "Give us a howl if you are in trouble ok?" She waves to Phelps, "Take care of yourself, we're counting on you." Once they continue walking in the heavy feeling starts to bother her as she rests her arms on top of her breasts. "Is it me or are things starting to feel a little heavy? She squirms a bit uncomfortably as her genitals start to get to her, the gentle nagging sensation on her mind. Dispite the heavy feeling, it's at least subtle enough to not arouse her.

Erika breathes a sigh of relief once she feels the familiar presence of a nanite bubble around her. The familiar, light haze about the world, the sweet embrace of sustinance, the... Weight of her breasts? She tries to ignore it, but Blanche points it out as well, and she grunts while nodding. "Something's strange here, and I don't like it..." she says, not quite aware that her jeans are starting to dampen between her legs. "It's nice to be in a bubble again, but I don't really like this one..." she says, heading towards the university. After a few moments though, she growls a bit, looking down at herself. "Fuck... Sometimes I hate this body. Just give me a bit, guys. I'll try and be quick about it." she says to them, changing her course to the nearest building.

Sakura turns to Phelps and waves at her "Umm alright! Take care! Don't let ferals sneak up on you." she says and follows Blanche and Erika into the new city "Hmmmm?" she asks "You two feel strange too?" she asks, looking from other to the other and finally turning to Alkain "What about you?" she asks curious. "This is not right.. is too quiet.. and my body feels weird.." she says and cups her breasts. "Is the thing we look for here? Or can we avoid this place?" she asks.

Alkain looks to Phelps and nods as he continues to pad along, his own rut scent building a bit as he plods towards the city with the others. He sighs in relief at the bubble and hmms at the curious sensation of his bits growing heavy, "That's... New..." he still seems a bit down though as he looks around, "What does the map say again?" as he peeks over Blanche's shoulder at it, though glances at Erika as she pads off... "Err... Right..."

The strange feelings continue as Erika walks off to take care of something. Being this far out it is unlikely to see too many around, ferals tending to stay where the bubble is stronger. For now, nothing happens as the day continues on...

Blanche waits for Erika patiently as she takes care of her own thing. She does try and keep some distance away from Alkain with her mind being somewhat lucid, a state she hasn't experienced in a while. "Sorry Alkain, I know you get into ruts... so I'll stay over here... while Erika has her privacy." Still, she idly rubs the top of her breasts and asks Sakura, "Sakura, how are you doing? need a break?" After her question she looks to the map to figure out where precisely they need to go to find the university. She does hold it out so Alkain can read, even if it's harder for him.

Erika takes no more than 10 minutes to return to the group, her nose filling with the scents around her. Face twisting up a bit, she grimmaces. "Oh god... If everyone at the Brotherhood smells like that all the time, how the fuck do you get anything done but fucking? Holy shit... Let's get this stupid fucking mission over with." she complains, heading towards the university once more. Her shirt and pants are still damp, but she looks to be much less distracted, and those spots don't seem to be growing.

Sakura moves next to Blanche and looks over the map as well. "It's.. in here? Me really don't like this city.." she mumbles and nods to Blanche "Me think a little break would be good." she says and moves to sit on something while waiting for Erika to return. She just rolls her eyes as she complain again "Guess break time is over." she giggles and starts moving after her "Do you know where to go without the map?" she asks.

Alkain mphs and nods to Blanche, "Yeah... I do." he looks to Erika and ponders a bit, "Wait... Let me take care of my own needs too. If we get into a fight, I may not be much use otherwise..." he looks to the others and ponders, "I'll be right back." though it may be more than ten minutes for him!

The feeling doesn't fade, but gets a bit more tolerable as time goes on. Alkain heads off but seems to be taking much longer than Erika was taking. From where everyone was, it was easy to tell which buildings would be the old university. One of the buildings was even all glass! Though many of the panels were destoryed... something had been here, but, what, and where did it go?

Blanche takes note of the broken glass and walks over, the heavy feeling making her a little nervous. Bending down and looking at the remains and along the ground she gets a concerned look and stands back up, an action that takes her slightly longer than before... Her posture immediately goes on alert as she keeps an eye around her. "I think... someone was here at some point. I don't know how long ago, but keep an eye out." Her ears now swivel as her tail stills, her head darting around the streets and roads as she crosses them. She's thankful she's not in heat at the moment, but she still feels the effects of arousal from the heavy feeling in her genitals.