Turf Troubles between Dragons and Wolves Part 1 - RPLOG

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"Oh good, quick responders." the feline says, looking over those present. "I guess I couldn't have gotten the heavy hitters, but I guess they'll be some time. Listen, I don't know when or where these two feral, tribes, formed, but they're getting ready to get into a terroritory war. If it was more mundane ferals, I'd brush it off. But we're looking at Wolf Beasts and Shadow Dragons going at it. That's NOT going to be pleasant for anyone in the area, much less the local area." They explain, wincing as what sounds like hte first clash begins.

"Right now, it's just minor skirmishes between the two tribes, but that's only because they're still mustering."

Vayne leans to the side to peer over Buzamu's shoulder as if that would give her a better view, even stands on her tip toes in the theatric if ineffective attempt. "A gang war? So..what you're making book on it or something? What's the over under on the shadow dragons to win?"

The coyote instinctively ducks at the sounds of battle nearby, casting a quick glance around - fidgety fellow he was. "Well, sounds like we arrived just in time..." Myung clears his throat and straightens his posture, brushing himself off and doing his best not to look like a complete greenhorn. "Well, erm... what she said. Which of the sides has the better odds at a glance?"

Dragons and wuffs? Nekura isn't really all that familiar with being the latter though the former is pretty much the opposite considering she spent almost six months as a shadow one. Though she's tempted to poof right now the Nightmare decides to just wait for the moment to see what happens.

Simenio is currently standing... quite close to Vayne. In fact, he looks very nervous being here, so close to the various howls and roars. He nods along as the feline present explains things, and, well... the explanation definitely doens't do anything to calm his nerves. In any case, he tries to make himself look more ready to head in there than he actually is, standing up straight and even managing to gather a more neutral expression on his face, though his constant nerves are still betrayed by his almost constant shifting and shuffling.

The feline nods, and shrugs. "Right now, if we went with purely what their bodies allow them, I'd say the Dragons. But with the nanites involved... It's up in the air. I haven't managed to caught sight of hte leader's, but they've got to be potent, possibly even close to Prime strength, to gather this kind of following each." They say, screeching and diving for cover as an old compact car is sent their way from one of hte clashes.

As the vehicle settles, the feline grumbles, brushing off their jumpsuit. "Right now, we need to figure out who the tribe leaders are, and either subdue or convince them to stop. Otherwise, it's gonna be all hands on the clock cleaning out hte mess of bodies and rubble."

Vayne Simply leans to the side while pushing her little brother's head down, the car sailing only a few inches past her head and making the feather in her hat ripple in the wind wake of it's passing, she straightens up as if having buicks fly past her head was a regular occurance. "Strong little bastards, So do we stick together and find one groups leader or split up and find both, I ..wouldn't reccomend the splitting up thing."

Myung is caught completely and utterly off-guard - he dives just in time to avoid getting utterly crushed, but a loud yelp is heard in the aftermath. When the dust clears, Myung is clutching his left leg, pinned under the car. "ShitshitshitSHIT!" He whines, tugging at his leg. "... a little help here!"

Nekura ends up watching as Myung and Vanye try to dodge and only one of them actually does so with enough expertise to avoid getting hit. Rolling her eyes in frustration the Nightmare walks over towards where the car is and starts trying to peel it away. Despite her mostly relying on other kinky ways to fix problems she's pretty damn strong physically.

Simenio goes a wide-eyed as the car comes flying by, and he would quite obviously have jumped back were it not for the fact that Vayne pushing his head down kept him in place. He simply... stands there for a few moments, completely quiet, in fact it doesn't even look like he's breathing. Eventually though, he lets out a sigh, looking up at Vayne with a small grin on as his face as he mumbles, "What h-have we gotten ourselves in-into?" At the mention of splitting up, he shifts around in place a bit before moving even closer to the Tigress. Of course that smile disappears when he realizes that someone did end up getting hit by the car.... He looks over to Myung now, wincing a bit when he notices the Coyote's position. He walks a bit closer to where he was pinned, shuffling around in place a bit before he mumbles, "If someone c-can get that car off of h-him, I can take a l-look at his leg.... I might be ab-able to make sure that h-he's at least able to m-move forward... or... leave now... one of th-the two...."

The feline grimaces, and watches as Nekura manages to JUST barely get it off the coyote's leg. Hurrying over, he helps pull Myung out from under it, and looks releived that it appeared to have done nothing but just kept him from moving. "As you can probably guess now, this is the kind of danger we're wanting to snip in the bud. I'm not a front line agent. I'm just a scout." The feline says, scurrying back ot their cover behind the SUV. "I can provide what I know of the area over teh comm to you directly, but these tribes, it's all on you."

Vayne taps her fingers against her chin as she contemplates. "Well the dragons are physically more dangerous, and probably more.. imposing. The wolf beasts are likely to be very territorial and pack oriented ...hmmm I guess we go talk to the dragons first. Which way to the Draco's Mr. Scout?"

Vayne politely ignores Myungs vehicular incident not wanting to draw any embaressment, More, in the Coyote's direction and leaving Sim the task of medical triage.

Myung scrambles to his feet once the vehicle is moved, shaken but thankfully not damaged too badly. He rubs at his leg and bites his lip, any air of confidence he'd managed to put on quite soundly destroyed after that, and glances between Simenio and the scout, muttering under his breath. "Whatever gets us out of the open sooner..."

Nekura just leaves the other to deal with Myung's leg and heads after Vayne. "Sounds like an idea to me~" she murmurs when they bring up the talk of visiting the dragons first.

Simenio seems... quite relieved that the car was able to have been moved in the first place, and he takes a few steps closer to Myung, his head cocked slightly to the side as he begins to examine the leg that had been trapped beneath the car. After a few moments of this examination he seems... satisfied enough, and takes a few steps back before mumbling, "It doesn't seem like there was any im-important damage. In any case, y-you can move and you can do s-so without limping, so, unless you can f-find a large gash or an-anything on there that I missed, there's no p-point in me treating it. You're good to g-go, for now at l-least." With that said, he walks over to join Nekura and Vayne, shifting around in place a bit more as he mumbles out, "Well... y-you lead the way Vayne, I g-guess...."