The Salvation of Fox Mind - RPLOG

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Rooftop of Z tower, and Mike is waiting, ready to go, "It might be dangerous out there everyone, make sure you are ready before you board this chopper, I'll be dropping you all off, then heading to Crator Lake, nearest green zone to the drop point." He explains to everyone as he awaits for all to board. Inside, the chopper is unusually loaded up, bullets, medkits, emergancy rations, just about everything that could be needed. Z knew better then to go into this unprepared.

"Not really something that you can easily get ready for." The loader snaps shut on Angus' revolver before he reholsters it and looks to Mike with a frown. Oregon, the last place he ever wanted to visit a second time.... "So, mind explaining the situation a little bit more. Or should we wait until we touch ground?" He quirks an eyebrow, looking over Mike before he just shrugs and steps up into the chopper.

Fenris shakes his head. He may be in over his head. "Might as well hop to it," he mutters as he swings into the helicopter.

"Actually surprisingly ready, been a long while since I've been back.", shaking her head as she makes a gesture for her wisp to disappear for the time being before slinging an odd looking rifle over her shoulder. Looking at the other two, then to Mike the kitsune smirked, "This should be fun."

Fenris roars, " I've never been to Oregon. Is it as bad as they say?"

With the copper loaded up, Mike takes off, looking over his shoulder as he goes, "Not much information, it seems something strange with one of the packminds over here, something that doesn't quite add up and make sense. Anyway, some RSX agents are being held in this old courthouse that was rebuilt into a fort of some kind. The contract that the higher ups made with them have us going in, figuring out what went wrong, and then getting their agents out. Think you three can handle that?" he asks.

Angus sighs as he turns to Fenris. "Bad, worse, can't find a decent cup of coffee anywere in the damn place. Not to mention the packminds are annoying as hell." Walking over to the side of the Helicopter he looks out at the ground as it passes by. "Something that doesn't add up? What are you talking about?" That caught his attention, his eyes narrowing as they get closer to Oregon and the wolfmind starts to get a little restless. Clawing at his thoughts ever so slightly...

Fenris leans back in his seat. "I hope coffee is the biggest problem we have to deal with."

Kattie takes a seat in the chopper as she nods towards Mike again, "Ohh, I think we'll be fine. Spent a lot of time around there before P-day and let's just say, I've got a present should the packmind get a bit...weirder than normal.". Smirking, she listened to the coyote and tiger, then nodded in a bit of agreement. "Indeed, rather curious what isn't adding up...especially if it involves RSX, though suppose we may just discover as well."

Getting close to the drop zone, Mike lowers the chopper down, "Not sure, something about the packmind things in the area not wanting to rip you in half and just take you away, about them not even when attacked." He says as the chopper makes its touchdown. It is raining, a lot and hard, but in the distance, to the north, an old building can be seen still standing, and off to the left, what looks like a ransacked chopper, "Aww, shit, RSX is going to have a hell of a time recovering that." Says Mike. So far, everything is quite except for the sound of the chopper blades and the pitter patter of the rain, "This is your stop, take this." Mike says tossing a hand held radio toward Kattie, "Give me a call when you are ready for pick up." he says.

Angus hops off the Chopper, and then his head snaps back to Mike. "Wait what? They aren't attacking.....shit." His muzzle clamps shut as he grinds his teeth, if they weren't attacking that meant one of two things. Either it had a sneaky plan in store for them...or something else is a miss here. Standing in the rain for a few minutes he sighs, his fur becoming plastered to his skin as he starts walking towards the old building as he mutters. "Alright, lets see what shit we can get into."

Fenris jumps from the chopper and hurries after Angus. The cold may not be a threat, but no one wants to be in close quarters with a wet tiger.

"Huh...that's...not a good thing. Ohh well, let's just hope that makes the trip calmer.". Catching the radio, Kattie nodded to Mike before leaving the chopper, the mass of her tails losing their sway as she groaned, "Ohh, figures...raining.'. Following after the coyote with a small pause at the chopper, "Hmm, wonder if there was anyone I knew in there.", shrugging softly with a frown she resumed toward the building.

Outside of the bubble, hunger and thirst hit thoughs used to the sustaining effects of the nanites, but as everyone comes closer to the building, an alarm sounds, lights powering on and pointed toward Angus, Fenris, and Kattie! Loud blaring sounds, and Mike takes off for the green zone. People... humans, start to pour out from the building.

Angus covers his eyes as the lights power on, the water running down his fur starting to freeze into ice chips as he sighs. "Hello there, guess you're the ones that we were sent to support?" He asks, grinding his teeth even more. He had to come to Oregon, the one place where he couldn't just shut the Wolfmind up. It continued to claw at his mind, trying to break through the barrier he had constructed to keep it trapped as he does his best to keep his hands away from his guns while the humans were still agitated.

Fenris flicks his eyes around the field, instictively looking for the best ground should a fight break out. "It's times like this I regret not carrying a gun," he mutters to his companions. The tiger does his best to look friendly and keeps his hands in sight. No one needs to realize that those are the only weapons he uses anyway.

Kattie had almost forgotten what was like to be hungry and thirsty, though is far less concerned about that as the alarm begins blaring, "Ohh, yeah...they haven't changed...always hated those alarms.", twitching her ears for a moment watches the humans begin to pour out. Snagging her thumb around the chain of her ID, she held it up slowly, "You called us, so how about not pointing those things at us."

As the humans come out, they raise rifles at the three agents, firing, though for now it seems they aim primarilly at the Coyote! These likely are not the people who called for aid. In fact, didn't the report say something about the RSX agents being held inside of a courthouse? A few more come out, weapons raised and ready to fire, a few holding things more powerful then simple rifles! The shots at Angus miss, barely, wizzing by as the coyote dodges.

Angus still had his hand over his eyes when a bullet zips past his head, his eyes widening in surprise as he throws himself to the side as they open fire on him. "What the hell!?" He shouts as he hits the ground and rolls, his revolver drawn in his left hand as he gets back to his feet while kneeling. His right hand placed on the soaked ground, glaring as he waits for the right moment.

Fenris flings himself forward and into a serpentine pattern, leaping for the top of the gate. If he can get out of the light and close the distance before they get the chain guns firing, the operatives might be able to avoid much bloodshed here.

Kattie groans at the gunfire, shaking her head slowly as she turns. "Ohh joy...get ready to run, I've got an idea.", making several gestures she hoped the lack of the bubble didn't effect her powers that much, as she attempted to bring down a mirage upon the field, hoping to at least confuse them into firing at illusion based versions of the group heading opposite of them.

As Angus rolls, Fenris charges, and Kattie attempts to confuse, from the far brush comes charging a large group of feral foxes! The humans turn their weapons on them, firing at them. It is easy to tell these are not normal foxes though, first of all, they all look exactly the same, from eye color, to fur pattern. Next, the ones that take significate hits turn into nothing but goo. Enough survive however, to grab hold of each of the agents, struggling or not, and drag them the many yards back to the underbrush, where waits more foxes, one of them saying, "Stay low, and get to the east, now." then another few rush out to distract. The lead fox starts crawling away, saying low to the ground, trying to lead the group away, it isn't long though before the sight of another is there, a hydra, laying passed out in the brush.

Angus snarls as soon as the foxes appear, his attention turning to them as he levels his gun. Foxmind, his gaze tints read as he watches them, fighting against the urge to not only attack them but to disregard their words. turning he starts running, keeping his head low as he books it towards the east. Anger rising as he didn't trust the Foxmind one bit, but there wasn't an option.

Kattie seems almost surprised at the appearance of the foxmind, while she wasn't fond of any of the packminds, she could at least relate this one slightly. "We're sooo gonna regret this...but I kinda trust them slightly more than the people shooting at us...", groaning again, she followed behind the coyote, a great deal of grace in her steps as she disappeared into the east, still ready to open fire should the foxmind turn on them...or bring out her toy.

Alastor is in darkness, and it is as if all his senses are flooding groggily back to him. The hydra's eyes collectively focus and come to consciousness as he recovers. He looks around to find himself in the brush and is not sure how he ended up here. He remembered he had been responding to a request for aid sent from RSX. When he leans up and pulls his body to a sitting position he can hear gunfire in the distance and there are people coming his way! He flips over to his belly and slithers low on the ground behind some cover, a head peeking out to assess what was going on.

The foxes continue to provide a distraction as the leader leads the agents into the forests a bit farther to the east. Once there, she relaxes, looking at everyone. "Those.. those are our local survivalists, still human, like we all once were, but, they seem intent on killing anything not human still." she says, taking a moment to shiver against the cold rain. Out of danger it is easier to get a look at the few foxes that now surround the group. They all look starved, as if not quite enough was used to form them in the first place. "I'm.. I'm Sandrira, and, we need your help, the agents who came before you need help, they are locked up inside their fortress. Once.. once they figured out that the humans want to kill Fox and take all this for their own, and, that we were not attacking, they went in with questions... those humans don't like questions." she says.

Angus lets loose a low growl as he draws his other revolver and gives the foxes surrounding them a cautious glare. "Foxmind, what makes you think we will just trust any of you?" He asks as he bares his fangs a little. They were the enemy, they attacked him before for what he was and this time he wasn't going to take any chances just to get his throat torn out....

Moving in her in front of Angus, she looks at him with a smile, "Be calm...they seem different and if they try would end say the least.". Turning her gaze to Sandrira with a smirk, her tails swaying in sequence behind her, "It's a pleasure, I'm Kattie. Now this makes a great deal more sense than I would have expected. And it does seem that our goals are in alignment..."

Fenris relaxes a little. "Are the packminds usually so...civil?" he whispers to Kattie. This isn't quite what he expected from the packminds.

Alastor sees the people pass into the forest and catches sight of one of them wearing a lab coat. Curious, he slithers closer and catches some of the conversation, recognizing Angus, and realizes, or at least hopes, that it must be more backup. He slides into view slowly. "Don't shoot at me! It is me Alastor of Zephyr. I was knocked unconscious somehow and found myself here." The midright head told the group.

The leftmost of his heads was still unconscious, and hung limply to the side. The others were in varying states of recovery. The rightmost hissed, "Lefty! Ack, I'm ssorry for all the sstuff I said about you, j-jusst wake up will you?" It said as it nudged at the leftmost worriedly. The midleft still looked very dazed and its eyes were not focusing.

Looking to Angus, Sandrira can't help but growl back, "We don't have time nor the power to fight with you Wolf! So either leave or control yourself!" she barks, a few of the other fingers of the fox growling at Angus as well. Drool drips from most of their muzzles, and eventually one of them actually lunges for Fenris! But Sandrira forces another finger to tackle that one back to the ground. "P.. Parden us.. please. We haven't eaten in months, and.. they are starving us to death. With the traps they have set, and their hunting parties, we haven't been able to catch the Deer that Coyote and Fox gave us so..." and she puts her muzzle to the ground, "you honestly all look like the most appatizing things we've seen in a while, but we would never, we couldn't, you'd all be forced to join The Fox if we did, we couldn't..." she says again, but there is a definate rumble in her belly, "Please... we're begging, we need help or we'll all die!" she cries out with a yap. As Alastor comes up, Sandrira looks him over, "Glad you.. you are awake, we had to carry you to safety after those humans gassed you." she says.

Angus glares at Kattie, before he turns his guns to the foxes growling at him. "I'm sorry, I don't deal with weak prey!" He snaps, Wolf whipsering in his mind as he continues to watch them. He was conflicted, Wolf said they were prey....but he couldn't ingore a cry for help even from such creatures. With a sigh he lowers his guns, his gaze still cold as he glares at Sandrira. "You better damn well not be lying. As this is your one chance." His ears flick as he hears something, someone in the brush. And he has a new target for his aggitation and rage, the grip on the handles of his revolvers tightening as he keeps his back to them for now.

Fenris's ears flick toward the cave entrance. As if all of this wasn't surreal enough, now there was another enigma to deal with. He wishes he had chosen a more puncture proof form for this foray out of the bubble. Following Angus's lead, despite Wolf's interference, he agrees to help Sadrira. "But we may need to address our visitor outside before we do anything else."

Kattie glares into Angus's eyes as he turns towards her, trying to force some submission though finding herself coming up a bit short against the power of the wolfmind within the coyote. "They won't...I assure you they will regret it if they do.", turning as her ears twitch from a sound, she pops her neck and reaches into her coat, while the other hand moves to the stock of the odd rifle. "So,'re going to get a chance to prove just how much you want all of our help. This comes out have least mine, the others have their own say."