Kevin and the Wubs - RPLOG

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Tis a fine evening in Fairhaven. The huskies are out and about, their pelts shining in the evening, but this story is not about them. The agents sent to explore the sudden loud noise arrive at a little used portion of the city to find light spilling out of one of the abandoned buildings there. A low thud is heard as the body of a skunk beast hits the pavement just outside, an irate human cudgeling it away with a baseball bat, "And stay out!"

Aaron whistles lowly. "Ouch." he murmurs to himself. He largely came out here of his own accord, seldom taking actual missions from Zephyr beyond his usual patrols of keep-the-ferals-at-bay-in-town, and he's found...a domestic disturbance? That wouldn't make such a thunderous sound. He approaches the skunk girl, keeping a ready stance but trying not to appear openly hostile. "Hey there." he states, trying to get her attention. Better to see if she can talk first, then determine what's going on based on that.

Miranai arriving with a large back, the massively pregnant and well oversized Overdrive Foxtaur eeps a bit at the sudden shouting and the use of a skunk beast as a baseball. Setting down her pack she pulls from it a large sphirical object and activates it, leaking the Nanotech Medbot to her comm system and directing it to try and patch up the Skunk Beast if it needs it. Then she looks back over to the human. Noticing Aaron though, she walks over to him instead, "H.. Hi there, umm, Nichole sent me to investagate things?" she says more a question then a statement and looking for some guidance from the bunny.

Spying the discharge of a mephitic denizen by the baseball-bat-toting human, the hair-dyed albino can't help but smirk, "That looked appropo... wonder what's goin' on inside." Decked out in her usual attire, her heavy boots stamp the ground with a ready clomp as she draws neaerer to where the human lies, "Yo! What's goin' on? Is that some jammin' Rave or something up in there?"

Out to satisfy his own curiosity, as most felines seem to do, a lion dressed in his typical semi-formal wear and armed with a rather common looking shotgun heads up to the area of disturbance. "Oof," Dio says, wincing as he arrives just in time to see the poor skunk beast's bit of damage. "What seems to be the issue here?"

The man looks up when others approach, "Aw damn it, more of em," he says, leveling his bat, "All of you just stay back. You kin fuck each other all you want anywhere but here, ya hear? Mine, you know what that means? Not yours!" He slams the door shut, though this is a token effort with the front window of what used to be a Radioshack's front windows blown or simply having fallen out some time ago, leaving him quite visible.

Aaron folds his arms and frowns. That's not a particularly neighborly attitude. "Excuse me, sir. If you look more closely, you might recognize me." The bunny is often circulating the town, beating on ferals that have started attacking civilians, keeping them in line so that the city streets are at least KIND of safe. The man may still not know him, but it's worth a try. "I'm with Zephyr. Can you please tell me what's going on, and what exactly it is that you're claiming as yours?" Ferals are a variety of things, but polite is seldom one of them, and it makes a great way to distinguish himself from a feral if he can show some manners.

With the immediate danger gone back inside, Lotus crouches next to the skunkbeast, checking it for serious trauma. Examining for open wounds or signs of broken bones.

Huh, well, bully. Inis walks along the periphery of the store, spying out to see if that door's the only entrance into the place. This could be something interesting with someone who's not feral guarding some sort of... thunderous noise-maker of some kind. Rubbing her palms together, the albino strolls with her clomping steps and sauntersome gait.

Miranai looks to the obviously frustrated and angry human, then back to Aaron. As he slams the door, she looks around to everyone else, looking a bit scared really, "Umm, Aaron?" she gives again, hoping this time he will hear her, but instead she takes a step forward, "Umm, sir," she gives similar to how Aaron spoke, her androyginous voice not carrying very far, "If you could.. please calm down, no one is here to.. umm.. fuck you but.. you are c. causing a disturbance." Then, she decides to try something. Using her NICE she broadcasts an aura of calm, placaited feelings.

The skunk appears more irritated than actually harmed. Its nanite enhanced biology already working well to throw off its concussion, and its various bruises and internal bleedings being sewn up by the army of industrial strength workings inside of it. It snorts loudly at Lotus and makes an obligatory motion to mount her in thanks. If Lotus declines, the big fella moves off in pursuit of its next catch.

Lotus stands are rejoins the others after she giggles quietly and whispers, "Not now, we need to check this out."

Aaron glances at Miranai. "It's all right." he tells her, in what he hopes is a calming tone. "Just stay nearby, and we'll remain safe. I'm sure he's just worried about the ferals, and they're no danger so long as I'm here." He is speaking in a tone he hopes is loud enough for the man to hear inside his building. "And frankly, as long as what he has isn't a danger, we're leaving quietly and without incident, without his item."

Dio looks around at the newly gathered agents, giving them a warm wave, but he seems to only recognize the tremendously large foxtaur. "Hello ladies and gentlemen," he bows, slowly moving up to join the rest of the group to better hear the raging human. "Sir? I don't believe we're the ones to truly succumb to su-" Door slammed upon him, the lion lets out a loud scoff. "How rude," he whispers under his breath and crossing his arms. "We could talk things out rather than slamming doors on everyone's faces." Watching the skunk beast stand up and seemingly ask permission, he tilts his head and rubs his chin. "I've never seen one that... Didn't get straight to the deed before."

The fellow inside shouts out through the busted window as he moves towards the back, "Aint got time for any of you. If you're not here to kick me out, I got a camp to set up." The sounds of tinkering can be heard, metal clanging on metal, a spark, the scent of ozone. Bwooorrrrm! Comes booming out from the back, followed by a stream of loud curses from the man.

Aaron calls out, "We're not here to kick you out, but we may be able to offer you better lodgings. We're also here to investigate-" And then that loud boom comes. OW ow ow ow ow. Long lapine ears. Loud sound. Painful! It takes him a moment to recover, giving others plenty of opportunity to step forward and do as they see fit; he's going to take a second out to recover his composure.

Ears twitching and nose going now, Miranai tries to look through the windows to try and see what is going on! She stays close to Aaron, that is till she notices Dio, and gives him a yap, "Dio? Do you know what is going on?" asks, still trying to get a clean look at whatever was going on inside. She looks around at the others, "H.. hello.." she gives them.

Why worry about a closed door when there's a convenient broken window right there? Agile as she is, Inis gauges the open portions to make sure she can make it through without needing to break any more away. Should that be the case, she'll leap and tumble through... otherwise, well, it's glass-breaking time! Focused gal, she hasn't even given pleasantries back towards the others gathered about.

It's not hard to hop through the window. One could step over it carefully if they wanted to do so. There's no barricading work done, just a big open front to the building. Not much protection to be had here.

"Kicking out? None of us are here for such things. We're simply here to invest- Damn!" Dio covers his leonine ears with his two large hands, grunting a little and cursing silently under his breath for the few times having sensitive ears really rolled him over. Taking a moment to recover, Dio releases his hands and shakes his head at Mira. "I'm afraid I don't know, my lady. But I'm going to find out, with or without permission." Taking Inis' lead, he hops in through the window, looking about for clues about the disturbance.

Aaron facepalms. Okay, diplomacy is probably out if people are just going to hop into his hidey-hole without talking it over. Taking his cue from the others, he moves toward the window, motioning for Miranai to follow. "Sir, as you can probably see, your camp isn't really safe at all. We can offer you proper lodgings in a safe place, where ferals can't realistically reach you." He doesn't hop through just yet; if nothing else, Miranai probably can't follow suit in her condition, and he's not leaving her unattended out here.

Miranai whines softly as Dio and Inis jump in, looking over to Aaron a moment, then around to Lotus as well, before she fallows suit. A hop for the others is a step for her, though she has to be very careful about scraping anything against the bottom of the window ledge as she goes. Once inside her eyes are darting around, ears swiviling about, nose going a mile a minute, the technically minded taur looking and trying to find anything she recognises.

Inis totally took the lead first. Totally. The punk-garbed gal gingerly readjusts both her circular shades and the clamshell headset that she wears over her ears after the tumble-through. Why step when you can leap, after all? Heading towards the back door where the man had gone through, Inis quickly surveys for the handle or if there's any visible portal to biew through.

Wires, and busted equipment. It looks like poor Radioshack has lost most of its radios, their husks split neatly in half and their innards salvaged for parts, leaving a trail of foraging leading back to where the man resides, working at... what is that thing? "Ah Christ on a Stick, y'all have the manners only half a step better than the striped ass I finished beating out of here a few minutes ago." He twists two wires together and drops the bundle he was working on, "If you're not going to leave, at least help. I need a seventeen ohm resistor that isn't going to pop the moment I put some juice in it."

Here as support staff, Lotus is keeping an eye on the group's rear, as well as watching their backs. She keeps a nervous ear out as the entry team goes in.

Aaron hms. Okay, maybe Miranai's mobility isn't as limited as he thought. He takes a moment to climb in, regarding the device - whatever it is - before approaching the man. "Sorry, sir. I'm not much good at electronics. My name is Aaron, may I have yours?" A hand is presented to the man, hopefully to shake. At least he isn't coming forward with a baseball bat! He scarcely wants to subdue the man by force if it can be helped.

Miranai looking to the human working on the device she ponders a moment, "I can.. umm.. I can help." she says and starts looking around for something that would work. Failing that she starts collecting bits and pieces, and will use Sculpting Nanomagics to make something, "ANd... umm.. y.. yes, could we get your name and.. umm.. maybe.. what you are making here?" she asks, taking ques from Aaron.

Inis squirrels her lips into a frown. Okay, mechanical stuff like tumblers and the like... no problem, but knowing the proper ohms on a resistor? Well, that would take some knowledge of resistors and the like. Not a strong forte for Inis, indeed. None the less, why hinder when one can help? She begins to ferit about the debris for anything that has the number 17 on it.

As he walks through the building, Dio takes note of all the various scattered electronics and certainly recognizes the Radioshack feel from days of old, though this chain seems to be of the post-apocolpytic kind. Idly, he kicks a random piece of garbage across the floor and walks up to the man. "Before we assist you, sir, I'm much more curious as to what you're attempting to design and if you have any knowledge of why the recent intense sounds have been going off." After a soft cough, he dips down into a deep bow to hopefully shine an image that disregard and rudeness. "Then, I shall gladly assist."

Lotus moves inside with the others and looking the scene over has no idea how anyone could put this stuff together in any meaningful way.

Sadly, the resistors are... do you even know what a resistor looks like? Nothing with the number seventeen pleases the man at all. "Bah! Don't they teach you nothing!" he complains, rising to his feet. He moves over to the parts draw and wipes off a thick layer of dust and dirt off the sign there, revealing a guide to reading resistor colors, "See? Seventeen. While you're at it, I also need a two hundred, and a fifty, and grab some nine volt batteries while you're at it." And back he goes, pulling out a blow torch of all things. Where did he salvage that boy from?

Miranai already had a great deal of knowledge with computers, electronics, and design, so she just continues looking around, "Sir.. umm.. .could we please get your name and what exactly you are doing here?" she asks again.

Aaron clears his throat, lowering his hand. "If you don't want to share your name, I understand. Can you at least tell us what you're making here? We were sent here because it created a bit of a disturbance." He interposes himself a little more closely, trying to make himself a little more difficult to ignore. "In particular, it was rather painful to me at close range. I'd appreciate it if you could cooperate with us; there's strength in numbers, after all. Besides, this building simply isn't safe enough for you to stay here long-term; too many access points."

After getting a good look at the parts in the picture Lotus begins to rummage.

"What, you didn't ask nothing, Shit," he complains as he lowers his mask and gets to power welding two metal sheets together, "Name's Kevin, Got a last name, not that it matters no more. When's the last time a guy could even get an ID, fuck it all." Sparks fly everywhere as he works, creating a dangerous zone around his immediate area.

"I'm afraid my... Youth was spent in other areas, sir. Though it seems some of the others here have a good handle on at least the basics of electronics." Dio rises from his bow and takes a deep look at the resistor guide. "I can see most of the difficulty springs from the nanties corroding at the various bits and pieces around here, no?" Dio begins to walk closer to the man and his supposed invention, jumping back as the sparks begin to fly towards him with a bit of a startle. "Kevin, sir? Well then, are you going to reveal what it is your making? We'll be much more enthusiastic to help if you do..."

Miranai isn't having much luck trying to find a part that isn't already spoiled, busted, broken, unusable for what he wants, "Ok K.Kevin, but, I don't think the part you need is here." she says, "At least not a usable one. P.. perhaps if we were to venture.. out of the city we could find something?" she offers, not too keen on the idea herself but it was a thought.

Lotus pipes up from the shopfront as she opens drawer after drawer, "Don't look at that light, guys!"

Aaron nods. "Kevin, good to meet you. LIke I said, I'm Aaron. If you could be so kind as to answer my questions, we can get out of your way and you can return to your work in peace if you see fit." The rabbit is diplomatic enough, but he's letting just a liiiiittle bit of irritation creep into his voice; the man has been ignoring him rather steadily, and it's getting annoying. At Miranai's suggestion, he notes, "We probably have the part you'll need at Zephyr. Hell, we probably have quite a few of them."

"You want to go looking?" asks Kevin, "Shit, maybe I was wrong about you. That's about the nicest thing you could do." He reaches beside himself, fishing out a still wrapped bit of junk food. He tears it open with hit teeth, other hand still busy wielding the torch. "You find those parts, you'll get to see it working, then we can shoot the breeze about whatever."

Inis mutters to herself a bit, "Never try to help someone at their specialty when your own forte isn't that way." Rolling her shoulders, she glances over towards Mira's far larger form, "I could help, but I've no talent for elecronics."

Miranai continues to listen, "Or.. back at my room in the SB I have a lot of salvage stock piled.." she mentions looking over to the man, "I'm sure I could find something." she says and looks over to Aaron and Dio once more, "Well, I... I guess I'll be right back, it isn't that far of a walk." she says, hoping at least one of them would go with her.

Lotus lets out a loud, "WOO!". She springs up from a tiny part drawer at the bottom of a shelf. "I found the 55 ones, but theres only two left." She brings the little part drawer over to the others.

A bit agitated himself, Dio begins to tap his foot upon the floor and cross his arms in a huff, not particularly happy some of his questions were being ignored. Rather than resorting to a violent intimidation roar-off, Dio attempts to calm down with a few deep breaths. "Very well sir," he says, strapping the shotgun onto his back and cracking his fingers with a satisfying pop. "I believe we can help you get those parts. And for your end, you'll tell us what exactly you're building there." As Mira begins to leave, he looks towards the taur with a concerned look. "I shall escort you if you desire, my lady." While he didn't know the bunny very well, or at all, he knew Aaron would probably follow from the cues they were giving off earlier. Despite this however, the lion follows along to perhaps get away from the annoying man.

"Well, on the plus side, I can make sure that disturbances are kept to a vertiable minimum," comments the albino while cracking her knuckles to emphaize her point. Moving closer to where the window is, she keeps an eye out for anything that might be coming along, her expression one built of solid intimidation.

Kevin seems to be taking care of himself, munching his artificial fruit cake and operating dangerous welding torches. What more could any hot blooded American man ask for, besides some loud music and maybe a gun or three? "You want to keep the rest out of here? Right kind of you." He clicks the torch off and sets it down, work work work.

Some time later, Miranai and the others return, with blessed parts...

Aaron hmphs. Well, it looks like the man isn't going to cooperate until he's done with his device. He's seen the type before, and they're generally pretty intractable until they get what they want. "Seems simple enough: any ferals come sniffing around, I'll dissuade them." He turns his back to the man and stands guard, keeping himself in a battle-ready stance. If there was one skunk, there might well be more, and Dio seems to have Miranai covered.

Miranai returns from the Surrogate Brotherhood not long after, carring with her a small sack of parts, "I thought you could use a few more as well... I hope you can use them." she says lifting the bag up and over the edge of the windowseal and carefully walking over herself after. Opening it up, there are verious resistors avilible, ranging from .222 all the way up to in the kilaohm values. "T.. take whatever you need..a.. after you tell us what this is though." she says, looking to Aaron and Dio once more for support in her opinion.

Alongside Mira, Dio comes back into the building and looks around to see if anything's changed. Nope. Same old destroyed Radioshack. "Hopefully this should cover what all you need sir," he says, bowing towards the man once more. "And as the lady said, I believe you owe us an explanation as to what you're currently building now that we've fulfilled our end of the deal."

Parts, delightful parts! He grabs the handful of resistors and, ooo, is that a diode? He gets to slapping them into place in the box he's created, attaching this to that with quick spots of soldering work and wire twisting until he looks satisfied with it, "Alright, well, you with the big ears may want to throw something over them, cause this is gonna get real loud in a second."

Aaron nods his agreement to Miranai, glad for her support. "I have to agree. There's a limit to what we're willing to do without any information at all. Gonna have to meet us halfway on this one, Kevin." His tail flicks idly as he glances over his shoulder at the working man. "I actually think we've been pretty understanding up until now." Oh, shit. Incoming tone? He tugs his ears down, abandoning his combat stance to avoid being disabled again.

Pushing her clamshells all the more firmly about her ears, Inis prepares for the potential auditory pummelling to come.

Miranai gives a very startled yelp and pins her own ears down, covering them with her hands after setting the sack down, "But Sir!!! You.. you didn't answer my questions!!" she calls to him, preparing for the worst.

"Wait, what. But!" Dio snarls a bit in frustration, but there wasn't any use in complaining at the moment. For now, the lion backs off and covers his ears to help shield himself from the imending blast of sound.

He slips on a ratty pair of ear muffs, then touches two wires together. A deafening Bwooom, fwop fwop fwop, boooooom, begins eminating from speakers distributed around the store. Mutants are sent fleeing for a block in all directions, to Kevin's clear delight, clapping his hands and looking quite satisfied even as he pulls the wires apart and allows silence to return.

Aaron clenches his teeth and can't quite suppress a whimper. Ears tugged down or no, that is -incredibly damn loud- at this range, and he's brought to his knees as the world seems to swim. "Sweet Christ..." he groans, fighting the urge to vomit.

Lotus jumps back a little in shock, having not heard anything anywhere near as loud for a long time. She giggles a little as the soundwaves make ripples skim across her skin.

Miranai gives a very loud yip as the noise assults her ears, and kneels down herself, resting on her tauric belly. "S.. sir.. c.. could you please, answer my.. questions now?" she asks, waiting for the world to stop and normal sound to come back to her ears. She gives a pleasent smile and tries her absolute best to seem approchable... and not in a way that would say fuck me at least.

"Oh sure, whattaya want to know?" he asks, taking off his muffs and tossing them aside. His construction complete, he's much more relaxed looking. "The area should be clear of the bastards for a few hours."

"Oy... that's.. that's... Dubstep?" Shaking her head, Inis shudders and says, "It will not kil the Rock... Nothing can kill the Rock."

Lotus leans a little closer to Inis and asks, "Who is the Rock?"

"I've always hates this type of music," the probably quite old lion grumbles under his breath as he removes the hands from his ears. "So you were making a defense system of sorts? Quite effective..." Dio pauses, looking at the other's reactions and digging a finger into his ear. "But also quite annoying to everyone else."

Aaron slowly wobbles up to his knees, and turns to face the man. "So help me, if you do that again..." he scowls, eyes narrowed. "Did you stop to consider how your device would affect the people who are helping you?" Okay, rabbit. Calm yourself. Deep breaths, he takes a few. "That's a nice sonic device you have there. Do you think it'll last indefinitely?"

Miranai smiles a bit more, lots of teeth though, sharp teeth, and she still tries to not seem to be.. flurtatious. "Well, what exactly are you making here? And.. is it just to repel ferals? I.. I mean.. you can't really stay here Kevin, the building is not doing well, and... well... I'm sure we could find you better accomidations.." she continues, "And.. with your.. skills we cound get you a job too?" she offers, trying to remember about what he might want, though her infection qualities start to kick up at her and she can't help but scratch at her... lower self a moment, trying to be discrete.

Kevin shrugs, "I think I did pretty well for a man working with what little I got. T'aint my fault you all got such big ears like that. So where did you lot all come from again? What, this thing?" He looks down at it, "Should last until the speakers blow, or the batteries give out." he seems to do some mental calculation then, tapping his chin, "Maybe ten blasts per pack of batteries? What's that, a job? You're pulling my leg. Don't pull my leg," the last said wardingly, as if the fuzzy things he's speaking to might mistake it as an invitation, "Aint no jobs, aint no government, aint not even power or water, and here you are talking about jobs."

Moving to put a little distance between herself and the goo, Iins comments, "The Rock is Life," before glancing over towards Kevin and the... larger electricion-type figure attached to a huge pair of genitals, "Well, there are jobs in other cities, at least. And, there are private groups who hire out, like mercenaries and technitions and the like."

Lotus can't help but watch Miranai, "There are a heap of machines still working, like the Helicopter!"

Aaron takes a deep breath. "As I said a while back, we're here from Zephyr. It's perfectly active and functional, and can actually help to house you and offer protection. Even if you choose not to take them up on their offer, there are other places you can stay that aren't quite so vulnerable. If nothing else, what happens while you sleep?" His patience with this man is rapidly waning, but he's trying very hard to stay polite. "If you're good with electronics, you have useful skills that Zephyr could use to protect not just you, but everyone. Regardless, I'm going to ask that you stop using that thing for now, as you're waking up half the town and hurting agents who've done you no harm."

"I hope those speakers blow out soon," Dio mumbles under his breath, not caring if Kevin heard his complaining or not. "Though I must admit, there are some places that wouldn't mind an electrical engineer or wherever it is your handy skill seems to lay." Giving the 'defense system' another look over, he begins to think just a bit over the design. "Perhaps it could even be used as an offensive weapon as well with some tweaks. but yes, there are some jobs out there with the two corporations and the Promethean. They're always looking for helpful individuals."

"Good question would be how he's going to keep it going. Awful lot of complex stuff in there... how'ya gonna keep the nanites from tearin' it apart soon as you turn your back?" The albino asks incredulously.

"Shoot, you said Zephyr, Zephyr like on the radio a few years ago Zephyr? I thought that was someone trying to be a wise ass. That's a real thing? Well fuck me... No don't do that." he cancels his euphamism half way in, frowning, "Shoot. Here I was, coulda been living the life of luxury. No wonder your clothes look so clean. Is it half they were busy promising, clean water, good food, a bed?" A bit distracted, he does not address questions regarding the longevity of his creation.

Miranai wiggles a bit and forces calm and control back to herself, a deep breath taken, but she can feel the powerful urges. Another deep breath and she continues, echoing Inis' words, "Yes.. umm.. The Prommies.. RSX, Zypher, they all offer jobs.. and.. then there is the city Eurika, they are always looking for technicians and mechanics." she says, thankful that another urge hasn't struck her yet, though she looks over to Lotus, having to avert her eyes after a passing glance, "We.. umm.... we could find a good job for you Kevin, with any of them."

Aaron nods. "Although you will have to learn to work with others." he answers. "And yes, it's real, all of it. Me, I don't live there because I have something better, but you can definitely get some shelter that will help you not to get gang-banged the moment you fall asleep and accidentally let go of your device." Perhaps that will paint a sufficiently vivid picture.

Lotus chips in, "Yeah, the gangbangs are entirely optional!"

Dio leans in to better hear Kevin speak, his ears still ringing a bit from the speaker's previous amazing blast of sound. "You've been out here this entire time without a clue? Quite impressive, in many different ways." Trying to get his mood back together, he lets out a bit of a chuckle and nods towards the others. "I can imagine this is sounding quite incredible to you. Perhaps unbelievable. Though I assure you, living in the Zephyr dorms certainly beats an old Radioshack."

"Well," says Kevin, dirty face brightening, "You can... wait a second... Do I have to get a fur coat to join this little club of yours? Because I draw the line there. Mother didn't give me any damn tail and I don't plan on changing that."

The albino quirks a smirk, "No tail on me, either."

Aaron pffts. "I know people who are human and staying thus." he answers. "If you want to take a different form, I can help you with that. If you want to keep the same form, the folks at Zephyr can help you with that." He pauses, glancing at Inis. "She's not just lucky, I'd wager."

Miranai nods along with Inis and Aaron, but gives a glare to Lotus. "No, no need to have fur or a tail, scales or wings to join any of the groups. However, if you take the job of working in the field, you.. umm.. you will want to talk to RSX first.. they can help provide you with some messure of.. umm.. resistance and protection from mutating infections." she gives. Dio gets a smile, and she gets a bit closer to him.

Dio looks down at his slender feline tail, swirling it about and remembering how strange it was to first sprout a tail. "Certainly optional, sir. There's even equipment that'll help you stay just the way you are if you desire." Dusting off his suit and straightening out the creases, he gives out another cough to clear his throat, smiling as Mira nears him.

"Infections? Never got sick a day in my life," boasts Kevin, "Well fine then, help me pack up this and we'll go see about a bath. You still have those right? Least a shower? Haven't felt warm water since That Night." A soft shudder, then he's busy dismantling his stuff for moving.

Aaron nods. "We have baths, beds, all of the basic amenities. Anything else, you're going to have to arrange on your own." He decides not to mention his place and the comparative luxury in which he lives, certain that the man could neither afford the arrangements nor want to hear about it in the first place. "Frankly, Kevin, I don't want to touch your sonic boom generator. I definitely don't want it activating again."

Miranai shakes her head a moment but gives up on explaining, "I can help carrying it, if... if you like." she says. "And a good bath, yes, the Zypher Building should be able to do that for you, as well as RSX if you want to stop there first." she says, holding out her hands after making sure her pack and her bag of salvage are carefully on her back again.

"Never gotten 'sick'? I wonder..." Dio begins rubbing at his chin as he walks through the room and attempts to help out a bit in packing up, but not really contributing a whole lot. "I wonder if you're one of the few who are completely immune to infectious changes? Or perhaps you were just lucky. Either way, get you're stuff and we'll escort you, sir."

"Whichever one's closer, if it's all the same," decides Kevin, moving through the store to gather up all his speakers and subwoofers. He apparently claimed every single working one for his great... project... "Right kind of you. Sorry about being sore before. Keep a man fed on nothing but fruitsnacks and rain water, and he'll get a bit irate after a while. Didn't mean nothing."

Aaron nods a bit, warming slightly to the notion and calming down. "I understand. I don't know what Zephyr feeds people at HQ, but I'm sure it's better than that." A brief pause follows. "Rain water? I assume you had a way to boil it first." If not, the man may already be lousy with nanites, albeit not ones that change his form...yet.

Lotus muses, "Aaron, you might have hit the nail on the head. If the nanites weren't carrying anything extra when they were in the water, his 'infection' could be.. himself?"

Miranai shoulder what she can, and careful with any sensitive looking things, Mira makes her way back outside the the store area. Mira nods to Aaron and says, "L.. Lead the way." to him intent to simply follow him till he takes her back to the Surrogate Brotherhood once more.

Aaron heads out with Miranai in tow, seeming glad to lead her toward SBHQ. "Sure, that seems like a good idea to me." If nothing else, he needs to lay down. God, he's got a splitting headache...

"Fruits and rainwater? That's quite the feat there sir. A true story of survival." Reaching across his back, Dio unstraps his shotgun and brings it to his hands as he beings walking towards the door. "Bit of firearms help spook the ferals away a good bit. But your machine probably cleared quite a few out of the area. Can't be too careful out there though, as you've figured."

And so Kevin and his monstrosity of a doodad is hauled off to Zephyr, where one is examined, and the other given a bath. We can only hope they choose the right one...