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Information on file with US Hard Corps records. Most are transcribed from various combined video clips and notes on napkins left around the base, A seemingly scrawling account of events with little time references. Great work has been put forth to assemble a probable time-line and synopsis.

A Biological engineer, Saviante (Sav-ee-on-tay) spent most of her time as an adult working in one lab or another, most with names like phone numbers and some without names at all. P-day was no different. With memory of the time between then and now blanketed in the, now, partially fragmented psyche of a living plant it is unsure how long after that time she was forced into her the form she carried when she entered the zephyr lobby for the first time.

What is clear is by the time Savi, as she likes to be called, received her first inoculation, her form was already fully plant-like. Additionally the combination of her low tolerance to medicine and her already plant form has locked Saviante into this shape, seemingly only allowing for variation within the plant strain.

Being absent minded and childlike, the small (around a foot in height)self professed 'flower' presents herself as a deceptively friendly and meek persona, relishing physical contact and bright cheerful conversation. This combination often causes others to forget they are dealing with a full grown predatory man eating plant with periods of genius level reasoning skills. Fighting her inner natures Savi varies from completely inert (often standing in a beam of sunlight for hours on end), to sexually enticing with little to no warning, but is shown to be fiercely loyal to those kind to her.

Befriended by Cerris and initially taken into the Hard Corps as a sort of mascot, the tiny plant has shown aptitude for stealth and direct combat, with more and more frequent periods of lucent thought brought on by constant interaction with her team-mates Savi has since been upgraded to a full patrolling member of a combat team.