Kesai Epilogue - RPLOG

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Meniatz lands on the roof of the Red Court and sets Tau and Dio down gently, a melancholy look on hir face. " you think...Syraei might have survived?" Sie says as sie coils up hir tail and slumps hir torso onto it, looking listlessly at the blue-tinted water in a nearby hot-tub.

Antiman follows hir sister-mate in landing hir back stroking wings stiring up the air around hir and touches down with exhausted grace. Sie starts to unstrap Kesai from hir chest, "I hope so love and think it may be possible because of the strain of nanites you gave hir." Sie sounds disturbed and hir ears droop down as sie thinks about Syraei's fate and about the fate of Meni's research in the hands of RSX.

Dio regains his balance after being set down. He brings a fuzzy paw across his mane to help comb it down after the assault it took from the winds. With a satisfied tuck of his suit, Dio takes a moment to contemplate the situation. "Who knows? Even if shi did, I don't think RSX will take to kindly of hir betrayal even though we brought it on. Unfortunate, really..." The adrenaline of battle has faded off of Dio, once again reminding him that he hasn't slept for quite awhile. The lion wobbles slightly and sits himself down upon the floor. "There's also the matter of Kesai's information I found..."

Tau replies to Meniatz "What do you think? If sie did, I figure sie'd be killed as a traitor. Or just to cover things up." Sie wanted to leave, but stuck around for the information dio mentioned. "What information is that, dio?"

Meniatz buries hir head in hir coils, still listening intently to Dio's information. Maybe it will be good news. "That's what I'm afraid of, Tau." Sie slithers slowly over to Anti as sie curls up around hir. "...Are we bad people?" Sie asks as sie slowly pets the gryphon.

Kesai murmurs faintly in her sleep as she's untied from Anti's chest. She clung to the warmth of the gryphon's body, having gone from a wet warm tank to a rapid blow dry with late winter, early spring winds had cooled her... as well as blasting her fur into weird shapes.

Antiman shakes hir head, "I actualy don't think they'll shoot hir for treason. They'll probably view it as a from of brain washing which doesn't do my conscience any favors." Sie continues to unstrap Kesai and craddles her in hir arms, "Sie looks at Dio. What information is that, love?" Sie leans into Meni's coils, "No love we arn't. We were people who were on the wrong side of the resource scale trying to take on a hard target. You take whatever advantage you can in that case. We probably shouldn't use mind control for any more interragations, though."

"Are we bad people? You guys certainly aren't, at least not in my eyes. We did what had to be done in order to save our friend being experimented on. We just had to crack a few eggs is all." An awfully gray way to put it, but Dio was ready to get off the boring subject of morals for the time being. "As for our vixen here, I found some interesting information on those computers before releasing her." Dio takes a moment to pause and look at Kesai, wondering if she's awake. "She was born in the city of Los Vegas and well... She was living there at the time of the gray goo incident. However, it seems that she survived and walked right out seemingly unscathed. Physically at least. There were a couple of theories in that computer. Something like being able to control the goo, or perhaps resist it to a degree..." Dio decided that perhaps that'd be a good stopping point. Kesai, in the lion's opinion, could probably use some rest rather than having certain facts about her past revealed that could trouble her.

Tau's first instinct was to shout "yes" at meniatz, but sie knew that wouldn't be right in any sense of the word. Sie looks really irritated when Dio says "Crack a few eggs" and was going to say something, but then dio started speaking about more important stuff. "Well...that's...interesting, but-" sie pauses for a moment more "I don't think that all of the stuff they pulled was warranted."

Meniatz churls softly and gives Anti a kiss. "Thanks, everyone." Meni really needed to hear that. Sie still feels awful, but at least sie knows hir sister-mates and brother-mate didn't think of hir as a monster. Sie pets Kesai and nuzzles her. "Well, regardless of what our little Kesai can do, I won't let anything happen to her again."

Antiman looks at Kesai with amazement as sie stroaks her in her sleep, "Little one, you're just full of surprises." Sie softly speeks to her, "Our little miracle, vixen." Sie wanted to hiss at what sie rembered at the lab but managed to restrain hirself so Kesai, "It was like witnessing a group of modern day Doctor Mengele's. It was horrifing." Sie chirp purs as Meni kisses hir, "None of us will, love and it never will the Spiritual Mother willing."

The vixen's tummy growled and she stirred, a silvery eye cracking open slowly and peeking around before she opened her other eye. She looked at everyone around her and at the familiar locale of the roof before she pouted. "I had a bad dream..."

Antiman scratches Kesai behind the ears, "I know honey. It seemed to be such a terrable dream, but it's over now and it was only a dream." Sie continues to pet Kesai as Sie confort her.

Dio lays down fully on the cement, spent from all the action and lack of sleep. He nods to Meni and smiles. "Indeed. She needs family more than ever right now. I'm quite interested in just how she managed to survive such a thing. Perhaps it's her DNA?" Dio pauses and chuckles as Kesai starts to wake up. "Ah well, we can figure out these things later. Or perhaps, not at all. I bet she's quite hungry."

Tau asks of Meniatz "At what cost? What if they decide she's worth sending a team of people, enough to surround the building? Gonna kill your way through *them* too?" That statement wasn't fair, but sie wasn't in the right state of mind at the moment. Then the vixen woke up. Sie suddenly felt guilty, that question would cause emotional reactions, and the fox girl probably didn't need to deal with that. "Nevermind." sie says and turns to start walking for the stairs.

Meniatz gives Kesai a kiss. "It's okay, Kesai. You're safely cradled in the arms of a beautiful gryphon." Meni realizes that Tau is probably right, and feels ashamed of hirself for being so short-sighted. Sie slithers after Tau, trying to talk softly to hir so Kesai wouldn't hear. "Tau, I'm sorry we put you through that. I promise from now on, no matter what the consequences, we won't kill any more people. That said, I'll also do everything I can to keep my family and friends safe." Meni hands Tau a small bag, filled with treats. "If you're going out...I don't want you getting hungry. Please, be safe, love." Sie says before kissing hir.

Kesai leans into the kiss though with a frown. The vixen cast her gaze around at everyone and felt that palpable sense of emotional tension in the air. "Did something happen? Is someone hurt?" Her voice wasn't quite the same monotone it had been, but it still seemed quite muted.

Antiman chuckle purs, "She always is, arn't you my little vixen." Sie rubs her nose with hir beak. Sie thinks, *Whatever it takes to protect our family, love.* And sie wouldn't feel bad about it either sie knew. Protecting the den or nest was one of the strongest instincts that all animals had including humans. It was how everyone was wired and because of that sie knew that sie would sleep soundly after. Sie still doesn't look foward to it. Sie licks Kesai on the cheek, "Tau had to Kill a few ferals while sie was out. Sie isn't taking it very well, but sie'll be alright eventualy. How about we get some food in you." Sie gets up still cradling Kesai.