Those who hunt the hunter - RPLOG

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A high ranking officer stands within the breifing room at attention, as everyone finally makes their way in he starts talking. "Alright people, here is the situation. We've got someone deciding that you're pelts look nice enough on their wall to start hunting them. Anyone who has started traveling through a set location has been targeted and attacked by a hunter with what we can only assume is a high powered rifle. We sent some reconnisance into the area but they haven't reported back yet, so you're going in blind." Turning he points towards five RSX operatives in full combat gear standing off to the side. "We have an unarmed convoy heading out to resupply a small outpost up in the mountains, you and this team here will be riding along. At the half way point you're to break off and start hunting for our little hunter friend, any questions?"

Edel quietly checks over her equipment, ensuring her sword and other weaponry are secured. It'd been too long since she'd been on a good Hunt, and she was geared up for it. Sleek full-body armour under her open white robe, goggles pulled down over her eyes in place of glasses. "No questions, except on if you want them brought or dumped."

"Understood. I figure it's 'wanted dead or alive'? High power rifle means armor ain't gonna help us much, I guess." The question comes from a tallish coyote who sits in one corner, watching the officer carefully.

Zophah wipes the dust off of her cocktail dress, mockingly unarmored. Her daughter, a storm dragon/kitsune hybrid named Magnusat, stands behind her wearing a black kimono. Beside her is a collared ferral with the nametag Tristan. Zophah says "We're as ready as we can be." As she spreads her wings.

A giant Hyena yawns, bored and easily 8 feet tall. His usual biker attire is gone, replaced by black jeans, boots, and a dark gray, button up shirt, the type with a lot of pockets. He has a revolver holstered on one side of his waist, an... axe of some sort strapped to his back, and a bat in his hands, which he swings idly. Strapped to his thigh is a Nanite Cannon, built into a handy pistol form, but still packing twelve punches in one round. The Hyena sniffs and looks around, adjusting his belt, with vials a builder Nanites strapped in, able to be popped and injected as needed.

Samm growls and hefts his bat, resting it over his shoulder. "A'ight," he growls dangerously, pushing up a pair of shades from his eyes and resting them on his forehead, his hard brown eyes visible. "Do I get ta blow their head off, and what am I getting paid fer this?" That's Samm, always thinking in terms of blood and money.

Fenris has little to say, but goes over his gear with a satisfied little smile on his round face. The chubby tanuki then sets to doing some rather entertaining calisthenics which are completely unhindered by his round belly, his fat, striped tail wagging happily behind him.

Razz Shakes his head and sighs. "I'm as ready as i'll ever be I guess. "He Crosses all four of his arms and sighs yet again. This wasnt going to be easy at all....Still it WOULD be fun. He looks around at the others in the room, nodding as he does.

Cecelia lets out a little sigh, a hand at rest on the pistol in her pocket. "Mm." She nods in confirmation, then adjusts her seating just a bit. "Hope I'm ready, I suppose..." The phoenix mutters, other hand running up and down the opposite arm, checking something unseen. She resumes her silence then, easy to miss amongst the others in the room.

"The team being sent in with you will be able to confirm the kill, you will all get payed upon return after he has been removed." Came their answer from the officer, who already started moving back to other business while leaving the group with said team. There were five operatives, each looking ready for combat as they greet the group. One steps forward, a Caucasian human surprisingly, his teeth flashing white as he smiles. "I'm sergeant Richard Monger, We will be hitching a ride with the convoy. They've left us some room in the middle vehicle and the tail, for those to big to fit in a jeep."

Edel glances over Richard before nodding. "This is a big party. Don't you think it'll attract attention?" She says, looking over at the others. Well, they might be useful as bait to draw fire, at least. "No matter. Are we ready to get on with this?"

Redd nods, "I'll walk once we reach the mountains, I think. Maybe. Figure something out." He turns to Edel, "Nah, figure it'll reduce the chance of any one of us getting shot if he has multiple targets."

Samm blinks at Monger, then groans, rubbing his face. "Aw, fuck. I never thought I'd run into you again, Dick," the former soldier groans. The Hyena grumbles and heads for the middle vehicle, not one for idle chit chat. Either that, or he doesn't want to talk to Sergeant Monger. Barely audible, though, is the Hyena's comment. "We're all friggin' targets." Samm raises his voice, to the group. "Just hurry up and get with the convoy. This is a dangerous game we're playin' here," he growls.

Fenris nods at the explanation and jogs over to the waiting vehicle, wedging himself into the back seat. "Can we get ice cream on the way back?" he asks, as if this was some sort of vacation outing rather than a life or death hunt.

Razz Sighs and nods following. "We're all Targets and I'm the biggest..Greeeat" He chuckles nervously. "WE should look out for each other though... No one needs to die..Cept the bastard we're after.." He Frowns again. and follows the hyena though he gets on the last one and not in the jeep, being 12 foot and all.

Cecelia stays silent, thinking of what she's been told, then exhales, her form losing its color and shine, as she becomes a normal human once more. "Don't wanna be a glowing target, I suppose..." The woman mutters, taking her long braid of hair and tying it up further into a bun. "I need a haircut." She mutters, getting up from her once sitting position to be led to the group's vehicles.

"I can fly overhead in overwatch, at least until we reach the edge of the bubble." Zophah explains. "After that, I'm riding in a jeep with my daughter." She then turns to her feral pet and says "Trist, look after Rothian for me until I land." She then pets the feral on the head and the three of them head out to the jeeps.

Everyone quietly files into the vehicles, Fenris getting an eye roll from Monger, while Samm Recieves a rather hard glare from Monger. The vehicles start up, the convoy consisting of two Jeeps and a covered truck, which is now groaning a bit under Razz's weight along with the supplies, but it manages to chug along. Monger takes the drivers seat on the jeep. The Drive is quiet as they exit the bubble, the radio starting to squeel just a bit as they get out of range before the frequency.

Edel makes one finaly ammo check on the weapons that require it before flicking the safety off on her sword scabbard, a faint hum coming shortly after as she lets her eyes close, content to pass the trip in quiet. She didn't full intend on staying with the group once they arrived, if the opportunity arose to slip away.