Syraei and Kesai 2 - RPLOG

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Syraei narrowed her eyes at the mutants, sizing each one up from where she lay immobile on the ground. "That Thing is dangerous. That's all I know and that's all I'm telling you. Just leave that Thing in our hands and just leave."

Meniatz picks Syraei up and carries to Dio her as sie picks up Kesai's scent. "Kesai is /not/ dangerous, and I intend to prove it to you. Until we bring Kesai back, You're coming with us." Sie presents Syraei to Dio. "Dio, could you hold Syraei while I give her a shot to keep her strength up." Meni holds up a syringe with a strange fluid in it. "Now, if Kesai really is the monster you make her out to be, then her behaviour has nothing to do with the experiments your people have subjected her to. If that is the case, then if I inject you with the same compound they used on her, you should be perfectly fine, right?"

"Leaving her in your hands didn't do anybody very much good now did it," Dio scoffs. "I don't think we're going to get too much more information out of this woman. She was ready to blow us up a minute ago." The lion points to the defused explosives and continues. "The longer we wait here talking to a brick wall, the further Kesai gets aw-" Dio pauses when Meni makes hir request and grows a little grin once he catches onto hir idea. "Very well, ma'am," the lion says as he wraps both of his arms beneath Syraei's shoulders and holding her tight.

Antiman hisses and approaches the injured RSX agent in Meni's hands, "That thing as you call her is a person! More than that she's a friend!" mentaly sie adds, *And I hope more than a friend one day*, "Not that I really expect you to understand either concept." Sie shakes hir head, "I bet you would enjoy the idea of a mind control weapon that could be used on an entire populace. Just think of it. A nanite agent is released in a population center. The population one the agent is sufficently dispersed is then commanded to kill themselves. 100 percent nutuarlization and all you need to do is clean up the mess. It's even better than the nutron bomb whe-." Sie looks up at hir sister-mate as sie makes hir request, "Indeed perhaps a first hand experiance will help her understand."

Tau couldn't really say anything the others hadn't already said. Sie could at the very least say "Now, I haven't known her as long as the others, but she seemed fine to me." Sie grins at what Meni says and prepares to do, and makes moves to be ready to hold her down as well if needed. "Now don't you worry Ma'am, it didn't kill us, it won't kill you. Hell, it'll save you from bein' killed."

When Syraei was sure Antiman was looking at her, she cast the gryphon a derisive glare, particularly at the breast milk she'd offered earlier. If the gryphon were any closer, she might have spit upon those same breeasts. But now, her she snaps her eyes towards the syringe in Meniatz's hands. "Oh no... Oh fuck no!" The human squirmed and started punching, first Meniatz then Dio then anyone else that comes within range of her fists. "Are you freaks insane! You can't do that! You can't... Wait... what mind control nanite?" She stared dubiously at first Meniatz then Antiman, the apparent ring leaders.

Meniatz lowers the syringe. "I'm a nanite researcher whom Zephyr Inc. keeps on retainer. I've analyzed the compound that RSX has been injecting Kesai with, and it is designed to manipulate and take control of anyone who has been infected with nanites. The sample I examined was flawed, and unstable. It's entirely possible that it increases aggression as a side-effect. That's why Kesai hurt your friends, which means that she isn't to blame for the death of your comrades--your bosses are." Sie sets the syringe down. "But you didn't know that, did you? You just blindly followed their orders, a naive pawn in their plot to commit genocide. You may not like us but we have as much of a right to exist as you do. It is my sincere hope that you will help us free our friend and save hundreds--perhaps even thousands--of innocent people who have done you no wrong." Sie extends a hand to Syraei, hoping that she would understand the gravity of the situation. "Perhaps we should start over. I'm Meniatz, and this is my family. Won't you please help us save our fox friend and prevent an atrocity?"

Dio leans back a little to stay clear of the flailing fists flying coming towards his body. "Whoa there," Dio says as he tightens his grip on the human. "Let's calm down a little, shall we?" Dio listens intently as Meni explains the situation. "I certainly hope there's a way to reverse or dull the effects. It'd be awfully hard to take a vixen home if she's still in that berserk state." Seeing that diplomacy has once again reared its head, the lion loosens his grip and places both paws on top of the human's shoulders lightly. "Indeed. We're here to save Kesai, you, and everyone else, but only if you let us."

Antiman ears flatten, "The one that was in Kesai veins. The one that Zypher developed and that RSX just stole. The one that I don't think either company should have but think RSX really shouldn't have. That mind control nanite." Hir voice took on an intensity as hir sister-mate mentioned genocide, "Remember, 'I was only following orders.' isn't a good enough reason to carry out atrocities." Sie cocks hir head at Dio, "All we would need to nutralize the nanites is a microwave burst of some kind."

Tau aims hir gun and shouts for her to calm down, but then Meni pulls the diplomacy card and sie lowers it. "Sorry about that. Y'know, even if they aren't trying to kill people with mind control, it's still damned mind control. You can't *possibly* be okay with that." When dio mentions the difficulty in retrieving a crazy fox, sie throws out "Maybe we can just keep her in a cage til we figure something out. They probably have mobile cages." And when Antiman mentions that "I was only following orders" wasn't good enough, sie adds in "Wasn't good enough for the Nazis when they were put on trial."

Syraei struggles against Dio's crushing hold, trying to headbutt him or anything that might loosen his grip, but once diplomacy reared it's head again, Syraei turned to stare at Meniatz hand a moment... then she began to laugh. She slapped the hand away as she rolled in laughter. "You freaks are totally clueless, aren't you?" Syr turned her bright blue eyes and stared Antiman down. "I don't give a damn about mind control or whatever the hell crazy shit you're making up here." The human laughed once more, rather maniacally. "You know what? Fine. Go. 11-5 be on the top floor. Along with more guards than a nuke might warrant."

Meniatz jabs the syringe into Syraei's arm and injects hir with a particularly potent strain of nanites. "We aren't making it up, but we don't have any more time to argue." Sie then injects her...hir other arm with a modified batch of the mind-control nanites. "I've greatly enhanced this batch of mind-control nanites by using my knowledge of Zephyr's technology and then adding my own special touches. So, you're going to be good girls and help us free Kesai. Do you understand, my obedient little doggy?" Sie says, patting hir on the head as it shifts and changes into a muzzle and two more burst forth from hir shoulders. It would appear that Meni has decided to turn Syraei into a cerberus. "You really are cute like this. I think I might keep you this way once we're finished. It'll be nice for Tau to have another dog to play with~" Sie says as sie caresses Syraei's muzzle. "Now, please lead us to Kesai." Sie says, handing each of hir heads a third of a dog-treat.