Angelily Coyotes and Angus Collar - RPLOG

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It is early morning, the sun just starting to rise. Normally Angelily would be awake hours ago, but, something was holding her asleep. She tosses and turns on her bed, unable to settle into anything remotely restful. In her split mind she was being talked to, odd images running, unusual words. Her form starts to change. Her blue fur turning red and brown, ears, nose, tail all changing. She whimpers as she tosses again, throwing the covers around. Then she wakes with a start, opening her brown and red eyes. She looks around almost as if in a panic! She closes her eyes again and holds the side of her head. She gets up, still in her PT uniform, which she uses for morning training and as PJs. She walks through the barreks room, where the rest of her pack is still sleeping, and continues out into the street just infront of the Rose. It is a clear day, bright, and starting to warm as spring continues on. The now coyote Angelily looks around, and starts walking toward the north, as if compelled by something.

Anbessa glows faintly as he shuts his eyes, his form shifting quickly into a pure human!

The early morning is also the beginning of the day for a certain Talakai's patrols as well. Anbessa hums quietly as he quietly pads down the streets of fairhaven, his nose up high as his eyes scan the early morning skies above the city. His tail slowly swings behind him, his newest creation faintly jingling on his back as it glistens in the morning sunlight... He sighs softly in boredom, the routine slowly beginning to get on his nerves. Lowering his head back down towards the streets, he looks down the many blocks of the city. Though... A faintly familiar figure in the distance catches his eye as it passes by the Rose, his ears perking up atop of his head as he watches the figure quietly, stopping his movements. The clothing is familar... Though the fur coloring is different. His eyes squint as he watches her round a corner out of his sight, though he is already curious enough to pick up the pace to begin to tail the familiar person from a few blocks away. Staying near the buildings, the only thing that can stand out on him is the steel Waraxe sitting on his back in it's strap...

It would be an early morning for Angus...but of course the foolish fox decided to spend the entire night up in her lab. So of course it didn't feel like an early morning as she decided to take a stroll, a warm cup of coffee in her paws as she whistled. She had no idea what to do with herself and was bored out of her when she noticed a strange looking coyote walking in the distance she just couldn't resist following.

Angelily continues to walk northward, dodging though the streets following the call. She doesn't stop, even as she starts to get closer to the edges of the city, where she is attacked by a band of feral Wolf Beasts! She is so caught up in the call that is going to her. She is tackled over by one of the Wolf Beasts with a slight yelp. THe assult bringing her to her sences, "What!! Get off of us!" She says reaching out to claw at them, "Lily.. how did we get out here!?" She says aloud, then "Angel.. I don't know.. but I feel funny..." Seems she is talking to herself? Other Wolf Beasts start to join in to attack her.

Anbessa spends the time quietly tailing the coyote, him staying at least a few blocks distance from the curious looking yote... Though as he spots the wolven beasts tackle down the coyote, the Talakai's eyes open wide from the suddenness... Though this soon gives way to a slowly rising growl as the Talakai raises a paw over his shoulder to the handmade Waraxe upon his back... "Hey!" A loud roar comes out of the Talakai's muzzle, shouting at the wolven crowd. "Fuckheads! Get off the lady before I chop you all like firewood!" He shouts at the crowd, the Talakai's paws gripping the red leather of his two handed Waraxe's handle. As soon as he gets his grip, he begins his charge, his footpaw's claws clacking the ground as he rushes the crowd with no sense of self preservation, ready to get to swinging as soon as he gets in range... With his eyes shining a ominous grey, the air around him just screams to 'GET AWAY!'

Angus wasn't so quiet as she followed the coyote. She was whistling with her hands in her pockets as she stayed a few blocks back rather enjoying the trip. All an all she wasn't to suprised as a pack of ferals decided to jump the coyote, they usually do, but that didn't stop her from getting angry as the wolves closed in on another coyote. With a slight snarl she wraps a hand around the leather grip of the hammer hanging off her back, blinking in suprise as a Talakai decides to join into the fight, and without a forethought set one of the Wolves ablaze. She then follows the Talakai in his charge, bringing her hammer to bear on anything that gets in the way.

As Anbessa assults the Wolf Beasts and Angus backs him up they scatter leaving the coyote on the ground and looking up at them, "An.. Anbessa?" She says looking him over, "Anbessa!! Its us! Angelily!" She says getting up to hug him. "Oh, where exactly are we? And how did we get here? Umm, and who is this with you?" she asks looking about a moment then holds her head, whining in slight pain, "North.. have to head north... the lake.." But if she were to try to go there directly it would take forever, and she'd likely be dead long before she got there.

Anbessa seems to almost skid on the pads of his feet as Angel gets up and hugs him, the Talakai holding his Waraxe to the side as he does return the hug with a one handed embrace. "Angel...? You look a bit different... But either way, it is nice to see you sweetie." He says, leaning down to kiss the yote's forehead for a short second. Though at pointing out the 3rd with them, the Talakai blinks for a moment before looking over his shoulder towards Angus. "Erm... Hello?" Anbessa asks, raising an eyebrow curiously towards the collared woman before looking back to Angel and shrugging. He cocks his head to the side as Angel winces, his eyes looking towards the direction she was heading before looking back down to her curiously. "Erm... Lake?" Anbessa asks, looking over to Angus for a moment before back to Angel. "Well... Need company?" Anbessa asks, scratching behind his head quietly as he glances between Angel and the Shadow Vixen who helped out.

Angus turns to the two after just turning one of the wolves heads into a crushed melon and lays her hammer on her shoulder. She smiles, watching Anbessa kiss Angelily on the forehead "Hi ya, the names Angus and it's a pleasure to meet a fellow Coyote." She wipes her hand on her lab coat before she offers it to Angelily. She then turns and gives Anbessa a curious look before she waves to him as well. "Hello, haven't met many Talakai before so hopefully you don't mind if I stare." Her ears twitch and her eyees widen at the mention of a lake up north and she turns back to Angel. "I uh....I think I might know of this lake that your talking about..."

Angelily giggles slighty at the kiss, "Umm, still not sure how we go out here." She says "And.. different." She looks over her form and sure enough, she yips, no longer a husky. "What!? When did we.. Lily.." And she converses with herself in her head for a little while, then she looks to Angus then back to Anbessa, "Company.. would be good, we're not sure what is going on, but... something is calling us, from a dream, distant and far away, it wants us to go to a.. a lake.. some lake.. Crator Lake? Do you know it?" She asks looking over to Angus from within Anbessa's grasp.