KS solutions Wet Bitch looted - RPLOG

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A message goes out to all the com devices linked to the KS Solution members to assemble as Kilsa sits in the meeting room looking over a small sheet of paper. Her face is a display of irritablity, "No way." She reads over the letter over and over again, "over twenty moai statues, 1 beg screen TV, A dozen dildos, a high powered Nanite scope, and 200 vials." Kilsa growls and continues to read hoping that the group understands that this mission is highly improtant. The Black Talakai rubs her horns in irritation, "Someone is going to die."

A thump comes from the door to the outside, opening afterwards as Danielle flutters into the room, rubbing her face. "I got here as quickly as I could. Too quickly in face. OW." She curls up in the air, rubbing her face viciously as she works her healing nanites into it, hoping to relieve the pain. Once she was done, she sighs and looks off to her highly irritated boss. "So, what's going on boss, really seems to be pissing you off by the looks of it."

Spade sits staring at the sheet of paper, right next to Kilsa. She doesn't move, she doesn't say anything, and save for the occasional breath she remains motionless. In her arms is a single moai statue which she tightly grips to her chest.

Tiya steps quickly into the meeting room, whickering in alarm as she spots she's the third one to answer the summons, plainly having hurried to get here on time, judging by the whitening of sweat on her pelt and her lack of shirt. The busty equine quickly steps over towards Kilsa, blushing and getting down on the knees, her bum poking out visibly from under it and starting to lap along the talakai's feet, bathing them in her drool, taking longer about the task then normal.

Virginia follows after Danielle, fretting lightly at her hurting herself before she starts fixing it. Sie looks around the room. "So this is Cupcake's um...what is this, your job?" Sie questions to Danielle "Also, Mind introducing me, kiddo?" Sie'd only followed Danielle because she rushed out of hir place, and wanted to know what was up. It was nice at least to visit the place Danielle had mentioned on occasion.

She watches as members assemble and smiles, "Funny you should ask that, Danny, I wonder how many of you have been home in the last few hours. The Wet Bitch just got robbed and the list of items may sound familiar. "Moai statues, Vials, medical tools, vials on top of vials." She slaps the paper on the oak table and growls loudly, "We just got robbed. Now luckly one of the things stolen was spare com unit. We have permission to use the agents in question secure line to track the damn thing but we..." Kilsa pauses and looks at the strange new person infront of her, "Excuse me, Who are you?" Kilsa shakes her head, "No matter for now, I'm Kilsa and let me finish my briefing quickly. We are getting signal from the comm unit detecting them in the sewers running throughout this city." She then nodded to Virginia, "Are you a friend of Danny? If so we could use an extra hand on this assignment."

The fae furrows her brows, someone took her expensive imported medical tools!? Tapping a few buttons on her wristpad, she views the security camera in her appartment. "Son of a BI-" The camera cuts to outside the door to the meeting room, conveniently muffling Danielle's long string of expletives. "-WITH A GOD DAMN PIG!" She yells as she finishes. She huffs, wiping the sweat from her forehead as she nods to Kilsa, "Yeah... this... this is Virginia." She lets out a sigh as she calms down, "She's my mistress, the one who turned me into a succubus. She's teaching me the ropes and what not... seduction, soul stealing... all that."

Spade stands up, and slowly walks to the door. She doesn't seem to notice anyone else as she opens the door, rather aggressively so that it sicks to the wall, and makes her way towards the nearest sewer opening. She continues to hold her moai statue close to her chest as she moves.

Tiya finishes her required greeting of her mistress, pouting a little at not being called a good girl, but shrugging that off as the shifter's own stress. The mare backs out from under the table, unable to see where she's going and bumping into Virginia, jumping in surprise and climbing to her feet, turning around and starting to bow already, the first words out of her mouth "Sorry Mistr-" the shemale equine manages before pausing, noticing that this is not anyone she knows, moving her snout closer to the demon, sniffing curiously at her, the huge horse towering over Ginny. "Who are you," the feral asks, her head on the side, not apparently having listened to Daniel.

Virginia listens to the briefing and mumbles "Shit." wondering what sie'd gotten hirself into. Well, it wouldn't be a problem, really. If they wanted hir help, and they were friends of Danielle, then sure. "Not sure what I can do to help, but I'll give it a shot." Sie nods to Danielle's explanation after chuckling at his rant. Strange that a young looking girl like hir was a mistress, regardless of the eroticism of the form. Sie says "Oh!" at being bumped into and smiles at nearly being called mistress. "I'm Danielle's Mistress. If you're lucky enough, maybe yours one day." Sie wasn't yet aware that she was already owned.

"With a god damn pig indeed... And a pleasure to meet the mistress of someone I've been working with for so long. Viginia a pleasure to meet someone that is showing this meek friend of my the joys of being naughty. I would like to speak to you on that in private....later" A sinister grin crosses her face as she looks at the succubus with a bit of respect. "I've gotten my own stash of vials taken away. I really really want those back personally. I hate to see what happends if this thieves open up my those vials of magma wurm." Kilsa hears Virginia's comments and grins, "Sorry Virginia, Tiya is mine and I would like to keep her that way." She chuckles and moves from the table. "Alright we are headed out to the Mall, its the safest entrace to the sewers and hopefully to our thieves, I want them taken alive if possible. This is still a request from the owner of the wet bitch and they don't want a bunch corpses on thier mind." She walks to Virginia and give her a handshake and a wink before heading out the sewers motioning for her group to follow.

Danielle rubs her chin as she watches Spade exit the room, an eyebrow quirked. When Kilsa talks of them headed to the sewers she gives a little nod, she must have been on her way there already. "Alive if possible, quite possibly actually." She gives Virginia a little look, "Seems I might be getting a little training, eh Mistress?" She motions over towards Tiya, "And as the boss lady has already stated, Tiya is hers. But I can put the good word in for ya, maybe she'll let you play with her?"

Tiya blushes at the offer and the possibilty of sharing her, mutely nodding her head towards Kiya and standing up straight, her large breasts swaying on her chest, hurrying to follow her mistress a pace behind her. The mare's tail swishing behind her, subconciously giving Virginia a show to show off her attributes, Kilsa's mark visible on her rump as she moves. Eventually her nerve builds at the shemale starts to nuzzle at Kilsa's shoulder, full of affection and trying to show it.

Spade takes her time outside ...

Virginia smiles and says "That would be lovely." to Kilsa's offer to talk in private. Sie returns the look of respect to Kilsa, believing hir to be the more skilled mistress, having gotten someone under hir using only hir wiles, While Ginnie relied on succubus magic and seduction advantages. Sie smiles to Danielle "In feild training is always better than the classroom. "Sie gives an apology for hir assumptuous words to tiya, returns the handshake to Kilsa as sie passes, and follows hir out. Sie couldnt help but admire Kiya's half nude and teasing form though, regardless of being already taken.

The Adept keep her eyes peel the group makes it to the sewer entrance but something strange is going on. A group of mall rats are standing around the sewers with holstered weapons and the coolest experession of annoyance a rat can show. "Dude I'm like so totally pissed." The lead rat of the group says before pull up the manhole and having a group of moth girls attacking them as group. Now would be a good time to get in the sewers but the mall rats seem to be losing against the group. A Peregrine girl is circling over head as the madness starts to get even more strange as some ashen force thier way out of the large sewer entrance and join the fray. "What the hell." Kilsa says before smiling, "They aren't on our list but I in favor of helping them for future business ventures." She says before running into the fray.

Danielle follows close behind the group, eyeing the rats with a little smile. She always liked the Mall Rats, they were always happy to trade some of their soda for a couple medical supplies, and damn is that some good soda. When the group is attacked, she lets out a cry of anger! "Woah, we can't just let this happen! Besides, I get my soda from these guys, if we save them they'll owe me big time!" And with that, she takes off, arm blades ready to go!

Spade sees the emerging trouble, and dives in while letting a rain of tiny crystals scatter across her foes. Not because she wants to help the mall rats, but because they're all in the way of the sewer entrance and she wants to get down there.

Tiya doesn't even seem to have a real attachment to the mall rats, not having that much of a relationship with the group. However, her natural instincts for a fight start kicking in as she watches the stream of her fellow ferals out of the manhole, the fact that her mistress is charging in ahead of her all the permission she needs to let loose. The equine's hooves clatter on the tiles of the ball as she charges in, her muscles bulging, gritting her teeth in excitement already.

Virginia didn't want to get involved. Sie had basically *no* combat experience, and while sie had recently learned to generate electricity, sie didn't think it would make a very effective weapon with someone who didn't know what they were doing. Sie stayed on the sidelines.

A hard kick connect with a moth girls face as kilsa charges in with a roar, instead of using her weaons she fights like beast. "Tiya! I'll be proud if you take out five or more." She winked as she jumped out of the way of the rain of crystal which managed to impale a few of the Moths as more poor out of the sewer. As those three continue to battle a single mall rat dressed in some of the coolest clothes since P-day join the fray smashing this mall rat is dress in black latex wielding and electric chain saw against a render both of them are smiling as they attempt to kill each other.

Danielle lets out a cry as she holds her arms out in front of her in a superman-like pose, her upper body suddenly spinning at high speeds with a high pitched mechanical whine. She darts through the air, and pierces through the skull of a moth girl rather easily. Covered in blood and a few specks of brain matter, she grins widely before looking back to Virginia, "Mistress, come on and join the fun! If a little fairy like me can take these guys on, you should be able to no problem! Use your fancy magic!"

Spade hovers just above the fray, continueally dropping a literal storm of prisms upon her foes as she works out what appear to be ice shards to accompany them, a sharp rain of icicles preparing to launch down upon her foes. She stares rather blankly at her enemies, and doesn't seem to nocie Kilsa at all.

Tiya nods her head towards her mistress, grinning broadly, her ears flicking excitedly. "Yes mitress Kilsa," the equine says, moving towards the nearest ashen rend, making a fist and punching it hard in the chest, grunting with effort and the sickening sound of breaking bones, the feral sent flying into a group of it's allies. The shemale doesn't even seem to notice Spade's attack as she wades through the fray, taking a couple of long crystals in the shoulder with a thud, the shemale not seeming to notice the injury, instead grinning, waiting for the next victim to come into range.

Virginia was mildly disturbed by danielle's living bullet display, but was this really *fun*? Sie slowly, carefully approached the brawl, and tried to find one that was away from the rest. Finding a moth girl, sie starts moving towards her, moving forward and backward in nervousness. Eventually, sie gets the nerve to rush her, and using hir Electric nanomagic, sie grabbed hold of her arm and attempted a shock. Thankfully, she took her by surprise and sent a jolt through her that caused her to smoke and then fall. Sie looked unsure at her, wondering if she was going to get up and seek vengeance. Sie kicked her a little, and then suddenly realizing she was leaving herself open, stated looking around in a panic for any feral that may be rushing hir like sie did the moth girl.

The battle goes realitively easy as the group mops up both the Ashen and the Moths without any problem till a moth girl the size of tank burst from the ground splash the group in rubble, the large creature harrasss the group and attempts to beat everyone equally before the combined effort of the group keep the creature still enough fore Spade to put a bullet throught its brain causing it to collapse as the rats cheer and the still living moths scatter. "THank you very much." A seven foot tall mall rat with a chain saw says wile walking to the group, "Those Renders and moths ususally don't bother us much."

Danielle was absolutely caked with blood at this point, taking the time to wipe her face off and toss her ruined hankerchief off to the side. "Well that wasn't too bad, but it certainly took some time. Time that the robbers could be using to escape!" She peers down the manhole, grimacing slightly. "Boy am I glad I can fly, never been in the sewers before, but I'm rather sure the disgusting gunk is still down there."

Spade looks like she might be fairly proud of herself, having shot down two big foes and rained just enough prisms upon the rest to maim or kill them, if her eyes still didn't contain a thousand yard stare. She pops the sewer entrance open, taking time to shift her form to one shes far more comfortable in before she decends ahead of the group and starts clearing out ferals while she waits, she doesn't know where shes going but she wants to get going.

Tiya pouts in annoyance at the lack of her killing blows, moving towards the corpse of the giant moth and kicking at it, almost hoping it'd spring to life before she turns and walks towards the open hole, looking around. "I'll carry you through, mistress," the mare says with a shy smile towards Kilsa, jumping down into the muck of the sewers without a backward glance, not bothering with the ladder and turning around, reaching her arms up towards the light, readying herself to watch the shift, her long tail swishing, ears flicking in contentment, the blood form the crystals impaled in her shoulder stopping, but the shining spears still buried in her flesh.