Truckstop RSXguy Search part 1 - RPLOG

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A relatively calm day, low winds, cloudy, sun in the process of setting... Normal shit. Out by the highway, a lone helicopter sits near the offramp heading to a rest stop. Got the standard non-maintained roads, grass and such poking through cracks and all that.

Near said helicopter, waits a Fox. Just a fox. With combat gear. Tiredly waiting for anyone who got the call to come out...

Of course, where there is Fox, Coyote mustn't be far away. At least, that's how it seems. "Heyas Thel!" A rather scruffy looking coyote trots up the road towards the heli and the vulpine. "What'cha doing out here?"

Dylanshard wanders up to the helicopter "Please tell me this is the place, I think I got a call on this but I can't work the damned thing" they slap their comm unit and look between the Fox and the Coyote "I'm Dylan, nice to meet you."

A shadow flits across the sky before diving down near the helicopter. Its silhouette is that of a shadow dragon despite the sun still being out. Near the ground it unfurls its wings as air brakes and touches down smoothly to reveal Natalie, one-time companion of Thel's on a mission several months ago. She's all grown up now... and extremely pregnant as well as busty. She welcomes her foxy aquaintance with a brief smile before returning to her serious look.

Technetium makes a rather unremarkable entrance from down the road, easily being sighted from far off. As she arrives, she puts a clipboard which she was reading away upon her belt, and looks at the others who had showed up to the helicopter, including the assumed host.. being the strangely dressed nonanthro fox. "Well, hello."

Thelfox, for said fox is indeed Thel, perks up at the approaching people, recognizing the ones that he knows. Smiles, as foxes tend to do. "Right, hello. Nice seeing you people and all that." Yawns, looks tired. "Didn't get the call, Redd? Downed RSX guy over... there, somewhere." the fox gestures in the vague direction of the rest stop. "Here to pick him up. Or her, as it might be. Anyway... Yeah. That's about it. Pick up the injured guy who's probably getting buttraped or eaten now."

"Sounds simple enough, anything on what got them hurt?" Redd snickers, and glances at the others. "Tech! How've you been?" He strides over and picks up the fennec for a hug, leaving her clothes all ruffled as he sets her back down, a wide grin on his face.

the arctic fox scratches one of their ears with a nervous grin and a sigh, producing a cloud of water vapour in the air "A simple extraction then? Well, I hope simple."

Natalie looks between the Thelfox, the other fox, the coyote, and the fennec, tagging the latter three with her biomonitoring sight in case they get split up. "Any other info you can offer would help, otherwise I think I'm ready. Are you coming with on this one?" she asks Thel.

The fennec looks mildlyx

The fennec looks mildly annoyed as she's set back on firm ground, smoothing her clothes and fur with a few runs of the hands. Her reply, however, is as courteous as ever. "I've been great. You?" She glances over at the others again. "Is there going to be any 'resistance' there?"

Thelfox shakes his head in response. "Nope. No idea. Just the usual distress signal that goes out when an agent is 'incapacitated.' I'm sure we've all been there, passed out, woke up in an infirmary, yes? So there's probably at least a few ferals down there. Or people who're just being dicks." the fox shrugs lightly. "Can't go with you, unless you'd rather guard the choper. The pilot is..." He peers back at the cockpit. "...Indisposed, at the moment." Then looks back to the group.

"As for the area? Truckstop. Few abandoned restaurant type places, fast food, toilets. Gas pumps. The usual stuff."

"I'll give the pilot their privacy. What're we looking for, human, dog, cat, skunk, tentacle monster?" Redd chuckles at the last one, though it wouldn't surprise him too much. "I mean, we've all seen agents that we'd have written off as just another feral if we didn't know better."

Dylanshard decides to follow Redd's lead as they seem to know what they are doing, waiting for the party to move out, staring into the distence at the route they'd be taking.

Natalie listens to the question and forthcoming reply while discreetly setting up her comm as a detector of other comms, gradually filtering out the others gathered here.

Technetium looks back and forth between Thel and Redd, considering. "So, indoors, then? Or, beside them?" She shrugs. It seems it doesn't matter much. She begins moving things around on herself, paper in the bag, etcetra. General housekeeping, to be sure.

The fox blinks several times, appears to be thinking... "No idea what they are! They didn't tell me and I don't even know his or her name. Just watch for RSX equipment, that should probably be enough. Maybe. Meh." Thel turns, hops into the back of the chopper, sits. Peers at the group.

"Yeah, I know that's not much to go on, but they'll stand out. Look for the non feral guy. If anything, he won't be in much of a position to attack on sight. Or, at all."

"Well then, guess we start searching." Redd slides his hands into a coat pocket and begins walking towards the cluster of buildings. "I call dibs on their stuff if they're dead already," he calls out jokingly to the others.

Natalie slips on a pair of shades. "Well let's go save the day then, I'm getting hungry," she says before heading in the direction Thel had indicated before, eyes peeled for trouble.

Dylanshard follows a long behind Redd, looking a little nervous as his tail hangs limp, this is his first real mission like this.

Technetium trails sort of in the middle of the cluster of searchers, not quite pulling out to the lead, not quite trailing behind everyone. After stifling a slight yawn, she replies, "Yeah. Be careful, though."

The truck stop is much how the fox described it. A collection of buildings, all seemingly attatched to one another. Food places, drug stores (Gotta get them trucker pills, right?), even a low-end 'department store' though it's far too small to really fit the term.

The only non connected building is the gas station, with it's rundown pumps, which look to have caught fire long before the team arrived, all burnt and shit.

"I'd bet the pharmacies would be a good place to start, then the other stores, sound good?" The coyote walks around the building once, his ears swiveling and nose working in tandem in search of any sign of either inhabitants or a recent entry... If anybody was inside, there'd be at least some noise.

Dylanshard nods to Redd "Sounds like a good plan to me."

Technetium shrugs, and then suggests, "Perhaps we should split up? Get a bit more ground covered, a bit more quickly? I can certainly hold my own." She already began motioning in a different direction than the one Redd is going in, mainly to indicate intent. She gets out a basic flashlight, simply to help search about.


Natalie checks her comm's readings. While she might not be able to get the exact location of the agent this way it should guide her to the right room, or at least the right building. She replies "Sounds good..." a moment before her head snaps up, eyes narrowed, and she heads towards the department store. "I have a hunch, though," is her preemptive response as she cautiously approaches the buildings.

As Redd approaches the drug store, the doors are (which are glass sliding type doors, all dirty and difficult to see through) slid open, after which steps out a man. A nude man. With them red scales, wings, tail... draconic looking motherfucker. (Crimson Wyrm form) He peers at the group, outnumbered as he is, and runs off to the side, leaving the drugstore behind and heading towards the next shop over. Which happens to be a fast food place.

Department store is a few more down the line, past a couple competing fast food places. Similar situation to the other builings: Dirty, run down, difficult to see through the glass and all that good stuff.

"Huh. Now that's interesting. Hey guys! These buildings still seem to have power!" His curiousity piqued, Redd basically forgets about the dragon-mutant that just left the building as he tries the electric door's sensor.

Dylanshard follows the strange man with his eyes as he leaves, looking curiously "Well... he didn't seem incapacitated, but mayybe he's running from whatever incident we're looking for?"

Natalie checks her receiver in the hopes that it will tell her she's headed the right direction. She keeps her ears eyes and nose open, of course, and takes a look inside that department store. Pushing the door quietly open if needed.

The fennec quickly stops moving in the other direction and towards the direction of the building the... *thing* ran in to. She could probably identify what it is, given a minutes warning, but even then. She notes to Dylan, "It seemed more fleeing from us, a mildly noisy group of people, other than something else."

The department store doors did indeed need to be pushed open. No power! Inside is dark, dishevelled, clothing racks strewn about. Relatively quiet. Smells like blood, which is always fun! Moderately sized square-ish room, rooms at the back where one could try on the clothes they were looking to buy, which also seems to be where the scent of blood is coming from.

Redd's attempts to get the door to recognize him... May be working. It doesn't shut with him standing there, but that could just be because the door is unpowered... The drug stores racks are all still standing, some still with products on them. One section of the somewhat small store has it's shelves pulled together, forming a cubicle, basically. That space seems to be stocked with someones 'personal affects.' Y'know, random shit people like to own. Examples: Glass mugs, a bobblehead, food... List goes on.

The fast food place the wyrm ran into is, like the rest, abandoned looking. Tables knocked over, some stacked on themselves up to the cieling like something out of an old ghost movie... A single nude wyrm hiding under one as Tech approaches...

The coyote kicks the door once he realizes the power was out, probably shattering the glass in a noisy cascade of broken glass. "Damn, was hoping it still worked... Anyhow, let's get to searching this place. Tech! Get over here before something decides you'd make a good afternoon snack!" He calls towards the fennec as she heads into the fast food joint, only half joking about the snack part...

Natalie shivers at the scent of blood, though it seems less disturbing and more enjoyable from her expression. She smoothly changes course to find some cover among the clothing racks and take a second sweep of the room with all her senses. If that blood is from their agent he or she isn't going to bleed out any time soon. In theory.

Dylanshard wanders in lookin at the knick knacks and picks up the bobble head "Hehe, cool!" they poke the head a few times, grinning. They then look around the rest of the pharmacy, clutching the bobble head.

Technetium blinks at the Crimson wyrm right about at eye level, hand darting down to her waist to grasp for a weapon blindly. She stares at the creature, attempting not to break eye contact, or at least keep it distracted for a second or two, not responding in a general attempt to stay quiet enough to get an action or two in.

The door shatters when Redd kicks it, and this is why Coyotes can't have nice things. The rest of the pharmacy is relatively unnoteworthy, being nothing more than the likely home of that wyrm who ran away. It's got a back door, the pharmacy office, and nothing really important left in there.

The wyrm, seeing Tech reaching for what he assumes is a weapon, stands up, slamming his head on the table and saying "Ow." He drops back down, starts crawling away. Crawling! In fear! Of tinyfennec.

The department store remains much the way it has been, smelling like blood, dishevelled, dirty. Nothing useful can be seen, doors where the blood is coming from still closed.

"Bah, nobody in here, next place..." Redd walks out of the pharmacy, heading towards Technetium, "Found something?"

Dylanshard quickly looks for other cool things like the bobble head before following after Redd "Yessir!" making sure to avoid the glass

Natalie creeps her way over to the fitting rooms, listening for any sound of movement that isn't her own. In a subconcious action she wets her lips with her tongue as she gets closer to the source of the blood trail.

Technetium nods, and brings her arm down from the weapon. "Yeah, there was a feral here... he ran off, though. Scared of me, maybe. Did you find anything over there?" She glances out of the resturant. "Hey, where'd that one dragon-person go off to?

Not much interesting in the wyrm's stash. If it is indeed his.

The wyrm in the foodplace continues to crawl away, then up and over the counter, which he hides behind. His head pokes up and he peers at Technetium over it. An odd man, clearly.

The door to the fitting room is still closed, blood pooled behind it, some having flowed past the bottom of the door.

The coyote looks at the wyrm hiding behind the counter and sighs. "Hey, you alright? We aren't here to hurt ya." Redd emphasizes the point by pulling some jerky out of his bag, and offering it to the mutant. He slowly approaches and sets the food on the counter, watching the wyrm carefully.

Dylanshard sniffs the air, catching the scent of the blood and notices, the blood soaked floor under the door. The fox heads over towards it, hand on his chainsword as he reaches out for the handle, looking to see if group is ready before he opens.

Natalie grasps the door handle to the bloody fitting room and turns it, thus theoretically opening the door.

Technetium shrugs. As Redd takes care of the feral, she moves to begin searching the back cupboards and storage rooms of the Resturant, hoping to find something at least remotely interesting or useful. The mission objective was half-secondary. "Don't hurt yourself, Redd."

The door is locked. Which doesn't matter, as one of the hinges breaks at that exact moment, thus opening the door from the wrong side. Making significantly little difference... And, bam, RSX operative, male or heavily androgynous female, human enough in shape. Covered in bloody fatigues, armor all torn up. Helmet's not damaged, though! And written on the wall in blood behind the soldier, are the words 'Now I have a machine gun.' Someone likes old action movies...

As Redd deposits jerky, wyrm squints. Squints hard. Hard enough that if he had eye lazers, they'd be searing his eye lids. Squints! Then snatches the jerky and hides under the counter. Not much really interesting in a run down fast food restaurant, really. Some expired ketchup and such. Food's probably still edible, though... There's a back door past the grill section, a staircase heading to a basement and a walkin freezer next to that.

"Well, that accomplished little, other than holing em up a while. Anything on your end Tech?" Redd turns away from the feral, figuring he was fairly harmless.

Dylanshard hops back as the door falls from it's hindges with a start and peers in. When they see the injured being, he run forward, ripping door out the way if needed and checks they are alive.

Natalie knows at a glance just how bad off this fella is. Gently pushing Dylan out of her way she jolts the RSX agent with a burst of medical nanomagic before moving him, then picks up the unconcious gentleman and slings him over one shoulder on her way back outside. "Come on," she says quietly to Dylan.

Technetium shakes her head. "Nope, there's nothing of too much intrest back here... unless you're feeling a hankering for some fast food. Fresh-ish." She shrugs, and peers back over to Redd. "We should probably check the others."

"I'mma check the freezer first... Maybe there's something edibleish in there." Redd turns towards the freezer, trying the doorhandle.

The rsx operative, as Natalie nanomagically stabilizes him, he's stable now! But, is missing his hands. Seem to have been severed via biting. With teeth. Toothy biting, not beak like. More canine than serpent.

The wyrm stays under the counter, satisfied with his meat.

The freezer is not locked! As everyone who's ever worked in a fast food place knows, the freezers do -not- lock for safety purposes! And lo and behold, old ass lettuce boxes, tomatoes, a single cabbage which is odd... and other assorted fast food ingredients remain behind. Not looking too good, overall... And not at all cold. Freezer is unpowered.

Dylanshard follows behind looking at the wounded guy with a long face "He.... he's in a real bad way... will the nanites.... can they.... you know, his hands?" looks to Natalie as she seems to know a lot more than he does. "We should be ready for an ambush... that message...."

Natalie nods encouragingly. "It'll take a while, but they'll grow back." She makes her way back to the coyote and fennec with the arctic fox in tow. "Found him. Most of him, anyway."

Technetium winces at the sight of the shredded RSX operative, pulling back a bit from the storage room to look at him. Her ears perk at the mention of 'Ambush', and she's already unconciously slinging her rifle over her shoulder into a 'ready' position. "Ouch. He's stable, yes?

The party's sixth sense of ambush timing is quite astute, as from the direction of the chopper comes the sound of a marksman's rifle ringing out. Moments later, there's the sound of several more shots as conflict breaks out over there.

Before they can really react and head over there, from atop the buildings comes a shout of "Get them!" And then gunshots. In the party's direction. Also, the signature sound of a grenade rebounding off concrete in their direction.

Yep. Bunch of assholes on the roof.

Natalie instinctively wraps as much of herself around the unconscious agent's body as she can, shielding him from harm as she runs for what cover she can get going inside this fast food place. The blast staggers the dragon as shrapnel embeds itself in her back before she can get away. Once inside she deposits her cargo behind the counter in the hopes that he won't get shot there, and heads back towards outside as a low growl builds in her throat.

The coyote dashes from the freezer to the counter, ducking past it and into the back area, where he one of the covers off of the vent over the grill, clambering inside and up the ventilation system... Where he meets another grate. This one takes a bit more work to push off, being inside the ventilation shaft. He does managed to get onto the roof though, with no lack of noise.

Dylanshard takes a shot to the neck, the fox falls to the floor with a silent scream, a look of terror in his eyes as he stares at Natalie and her injured cargo. He clamps a hand over the wound as blood floods out and he splutters on the blood in his throat, his light coloured fur quickly turning red. Seems this rookie was a little too green for this mission.

Technetium manages to dive back in to the resturant as the bomb is exploding, creating a rather unintentionally impressive hollywood effect. Unfortunately, a small piece of metal pierces her pants, embedding in her lower leg, but she conciously ignores it for the time being, glancing at the others and trying to figure out an optimal solution, all while checking the magazine on her rifle and lining up a clear firing lane. A quick glance at Dylan earns a wince, but naught else.

And thus ends part one. Part two will get done when I get around to it.