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Due to how Riva is ICly, it's rather hard to properly categorise the people she meets. To give a general idea, though, people will be divided into categories that Riva's general disposition towards them will follow.

Positive: Redd - "Ooooh! Mister Magic! Yeah, yeah! I like this guy! I have him in my pants, see?! ...Oooh! No, not like that! No-no! Wait--!"

Conrad - "Met the kitty at the coffee place. I met him later at the top floor of Zephyr! He was funny when he fell down! ...Or when I pushed him over. Meh, same difference, right? Right?"

Lunae - "Oooh! Nice girl! She's special, 'cos she's not special! Y'know, right? Oooh! She can't see, either!"

Tetrikitty - "Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Yeah, yeah! I met the kitty in Zepphur! She had a box, too! And I was promoted to the Director of Acquiring Boards! ...Huh? What do you mean that's not what she meant?"

Lushie - "Lady that called me dumb. ... ... ...I-in a nice way, of course! ...I think. ...Maybe. Anywho, they seem kind enough! She even offered free food, and a business card that's apparently non-not-inedible!"

Vilho - "Mister Vil-hoe is nice, yup-yup! We talked about pirates 'n' stuff at the shrine thingie-ma-bob-ma-doodle! ...I forget what it's called. Eheheh..."


Glint - "Grrr... Meanie! Said mean things at Zephyr's lobby... Next time I see 'em, I might just be mean to them, too! ...But does that mean Riva has to be mean to Riva for being a meanie? ...I needa think this over."