Painted wolfes in the forest - RPLOG

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At first sight, the forest looks like p-day never happened, except there is less trash lying around. Somewhere in the distance some yipping can be heard. Some twigs snap, as a deer quickly makes it's way across the path, then quickly vanishes between the trees.

Fally follows the sommens of his comm once again. He aproches the spot indacated and then shivers, not used to being alone. He almost alway had his pets at his side, but they needed to sleep. He does sigh and then look aroud. He only just barly spots the bear. He doesn't see much here other then it was obvosly a forest.

Another call from her comm and heads toward the meeting point. So far, nothing were wrong around the place as if nothing occured around. She was also merely glancing around, not paying mucb attention to the other agents that may be here.

In the forest nothing moves, only the tree's leafs shake a bit in a slight breeze. It's very quiet, almost too quiet ...

Fally keeps looking around and then spots his mate as she walks right by him. He being him self, grabed her leg and startred to clibe up his mate's body. He giggles and then wispers into her ear, "How are you hun?" he was sitting on hir sholder at this point.

Epsilon.was looking around, ignoring Fally climbing her leg as she says, "Wierd... It's... clearly too silent for my liking.", then she hears you and answer, "Uneasy. Something... not right. I mean, i'm not the best for that bt still...".

Further ahead on the trail, a twig can be heard snapping, still some distance away. But somehow you get the feeling something is coming your way.

Fally nods and hugs her neck, "Ya, I understand that feeling." he kisses her, "But, why do you feel unsettled dear? You are by far the largest thing that could ever be in thies woods."

Epsilon says, "For one, i don't know what it is. For two, you're here. For three, i can't see it.". While Epsilom noticed something eerie, she didn't heard the breaking twig, prbably due to her size, having modified her hearing. "And quite frankly, you're more than enough for being careful.".

A figure appears on the trail, about 50 meters away from the agents, rounding a bend. It appears to be a fox clad in hiker's clothes. It appears to be male and greets the agents with a wave of his hand from afar, smiling as he walks closer "Hi, didn't think i'd meet other hikers here since all the people started to disappear." he calls out, still some distance away but making his way quickly over.

Fally looks down at the fox and then wispers into ep's ear, "Hun, what are your thoughts on him? I for one feel it's a set up." He looks down to the fox and then curls his lip but stays quite, letting his mate take care of this if she can.

Epsilon says, "Trap or not. We're not going anywhere useful if we do't approach. Stay on me them, okay?". Then, she not-so-carefully approach the wierd sight, pretty quickly thanks to her size, and tries to stand before it, ready to counterattack if needes.

The fox looks up at the giant steel hercules in front of him, gulping. He opens his mouth to say something, but stays silent, only looking at Epsilon stunned.

Fally looks down at the quite fox and then sighs, "She will not attack if you don't." he truns to his mate, "This is the case right?"

Epsilon lowers herself at the fox level, or at least, closer to, as she says, "Hmm. Me hungry. Look tasty treat.", with a devious grin, before adding, "What are you doing here?".

The fox gulps, as a frightfull look crosses his face. He then begins screaming and runs away into the direction he came from, nearly bumping into a tree as he doesn't take the trail's turn but runs straight on between the trees.

Fally sighs as the fox runs off and says, "Dear, I tould do the talking, two reasons, I know how to talk to people and not make them feel intimidated, and reason nuber two, I am more every else sise, that alone will make me more some one they will listen too." he hugs her, "Just don't strike up a conversaion with any one, if I pull you in, great, but try to stay out of the conversation as your size alon will scare off a few poeple."

Epsilon chuckled softly. "Sorry... It was so tempting... But yeah... It would be wiser effectively. Just... be carefully... okay?", as she softly lands Fatelly on the ground from her shoulder, and ready her halberd, and... tries to stealth herself. (Which by definition, is pretty stupid assuming her size).

Suddenly another scream can be heard from the direction the fox ran to, even more terrified sounding this time, along with some howling.

Fally says, "Oh dear, well it sounds like you have a chance to redeem yourself hun." he looks to where the fox had run to and then gets behind ep.

Epsilon quickly lifts Fally on her shoulder, making sure that you don't fall down, and are properly standing, before dashing straight to the sounds, halberd in mind and while she shruggs off some jokes in her mind.

As you close in on the fox, you see him standing naked in the forest, shivering. Now you also see what was off with this guy: his groin definitely doesn't look male at all. But what's more concerning is the pack of painted wolfes that must have wandered here from the nearby highway and is now surrounding the fox, most of them snarling and with a lustfull look in their eyes while below some of them thick red cock are already dripping.

Fally shivers, "I can do this." he says to himself. Then to Epsilon, "Hun, looks like we got a battal on our hands, I am willing to fight too as I know that due to your size you can take it." he sighs, "Set me down I can't do much from up here." he smiles, "Better yet, I have an idea. Set me down, and get the attention of the ferals."

Epsilon sighs as she lands Fallt down. (Twice. Geez.) Byt doesn't ask any question as she quickly grabs the fem foxboi, and stands between the wolfes and... foxxy hole. As she secure her on her shoulder, she shift into a defensive stance, taunting and says, "Go get me tards, if you want her.".

the wolfes try to reach the lifted up fox cuntboy by jumping but fail. They then notice Fally down on the ground with them, a few of them smirking as they aproach the storm dragon, but most of the pack circle around Epsilon, but definitely look unsure what to do with such a huge enemy.

Fally activaes all of his deffentses relizing that he will not do well on his own. He gets ready for the battal that was no dought about to begin. He make a glance at Epsilon just to make sure that she was faring well.

Epsilon gets something new from a hidden place and starts to wave it around as she starts to hit the wolves with her halberd. "Don't.Ever.Dare.To.Fuck.Fally!". While she tries send the wolves packaging, she tries to poke everything that's not friendly with... a needle? and to taunt them. "COME HERE. FRESH KAIJU MEAT.".

In the moderate distance, the form of yet another Storm Dragon can be made out. This convenient arrival would be none other than Aurad, charging in at what could be referred to at a "modest" pace, as they're still slightly uncomfortable with their form's wings. The previous statement is a half-truth, as really, they're able to fly, but they're simply not well-versed enough in the concepts of aerodynamics to fly properly.

The wolfes surrounding Epsilon try to avoid getting hit by the needle, but not all of them make it. Three of them go down howling, the needle having hit them so they can't move painfree any more, while another six still bounce around the giant. Another four wolfes now have circled around Fally, one of them trying to mount the storm dragon from behind.

The moment that the wolf behind Fally tuches him it gets a major shock and they take a step back. Fally sees this and giggles, "I don't know if you can understand me, but that will happen to any of you, if you try to lay a paw one me." He smiles and then atempts his drain vitae on one of the onse closer to Epsilon.

Annnnd Aurad kept on flying. Turns out they completely missed the whole scene somehow.

That painted wolf, it was in such in deep rup it was already pre-cumming. (Slut) As such some of it already spreading around, as well on Fally and the others. It wasn't so much Fally's shock but it pissed off another which severly bringed it down, forcing it out before trying to jump back, despite the wierd force in play.

Epsilon now was backing off a bit, toward Fally, while keeping her weapons in hand. Knowing that they might not want to leave them, she charges some light in her mouth, before spewing it out at the wolves.

But alas, no such luck for the jumping one. It took the hit on the face, stopping it straight, and reeling back, before trying to flee, but falls down from exhaustment, its cock still throbbing red bright.

most of the wolfes surrounding Epsilon howl out in agony as the solar breath hits, only two dodging it. The ones surrounding Fally are lucky not beeing so close to the steel hercules and are unaffected, but having seen what happened to one of them when they were trying to mount the dragon, they now all look at each other, then towards their fallen comrades and run, their tails between their legs deeper into the woods.

Fally looks to the farels as they flee and the walks over to Epsilon and starts to climb her again. He gets to her shoulder next to the fox and the tells her, "Don't be afraid. That is the reason that we are here, to remove the farel population, and to find the missing people." He looks to Epsilon again and then gives her a kiss. Before she has time to put any webinb on them, she makes sure that he was on the inside so that he can talk to his mate if need be. He looks at the fox and says, "What where you saing before we interupted you?"

Epsilon smiles as Fally kisses her while her hands and body were occupied to work around with some web. Then, she pulls some around her chest on top of her breasts and below her shoulders before wrapping it some more. Then she adds additional straps to reinforce what she placed and some more to let you get more comfortable. Then she says to the fox, "Also... Sorry for that last joke. I'm not going to eat you."

The fox just sits on Epsilons shoulder, now glued to the spot by some web, still shivering and in fear of his life. The wolfes meanwhile dash through the forest, not caring for any traces they leave behind, just wanting to get away from Epsilon and Fally as fast and as far as they can.

Fally gigles and says to the fox, "No need to be scaird, Ep and I are here to help you guies. I have a few quesions to ask, But I will wait till you can talk to ask them." he turns to Epsilon and then gives her a nother kiss, "Go hun, I have things undre controll here." He retruns to the fox and gives her a smile.

Epsilon nods at Fally, and search the grounds for traces of where the wolves had fled since odds are that they might lead to the missing ones. "Off we go then.". Hopefully in the right direction, and... faint smell of cum. Thanfully, with Fally and the fox, it wouldn't be too hard to find them again.

The wolfes continue running, but slow down as they get exhausted. Meanwhile on Epsilon's shoulder the strapped in fox blinks as he asks "You're here to ... help?"

Fally nods, "Mostly we are here looking for the people that vanished. But we are willing to help thode in need." he smiles to the fox and adds, "On a side note, Whats with you smell?"

Epsilon says, "We haven't been told of who had disspeared, so, in a sense, we had no idea of who to search. And i thought you were a dangerous feral, or something.". Following the wolves wasn't easy for sure but at least, Epsilon wasn't getting tired or anything. "Oh. And while i'm thinking about it... Do you have a name?".

"I heard of the people disappearing, but when you made your joke, i really thought you were the cause for that. At least untill i ran into those wolfes. Thank you for your help there, my name's James by the way" the fox says. The wolfes meanwhile have come to a stop, since tey noticed they couldn't escape, before they had used up all of their energy.

Fally nods and says, "So Epsilon can talk to people. Any way, hello James I'm Fally, and this is my mate Epsilon." he giggles, "This was my actle first fight ever as I am not used to really just attacking in genral." he nods then adds, "Well besides that, ya that is why we are here, to look for the people that are missing. Sorry for scraing you into this pile of farels though."

Epsilon says, "Yes. I can talk. Who knew.". She sighs at the comment and continue to advance. At that point, the wolves shouldn't be too far. "Like Fally said, I'm Epsilon and... nice to meet you in good terms, i suppose?".

The fox grins "In good terms, yes" The wolfes meanwhile have prepared forthe agents to arrive.

Fally sighs and says to Epsilon, "Hun, want me down there to help fight, or here were I can keep you in buffs?"

Epsilon says, "Oh. Seeing how they did last time. I think you should stay here on my shoulder. It's not like they would br able to fight back anyway.".

Once the agents arrive where the wolfes are waiting, they immediatelly try to climb upon Epsilon to reach both Fally and James.

Fally giggles at the ferals quick ness, but does what he can to any that might get close nocking them off.

Quicker? Bring it! Epsilon quickly grabs mote webs as she throw them on the wolves and her body, to slow them and trap them, before playing more with her needle. Careful of the fall, wolves!

Most of the wolfes fall down from Epsilon, either because they are hit by a web or the needle, one makes it to Fally but falls off again, as soon as his electric field shocks it. But the last one reaches James and takles him off of Epsilon, destroying the webs holding him and mounts the fox as soon as they both hit the ground.

Fally works on his restraints to get himself off of ep and after some work he starts to slip down her side. But he was to late the feral was already breading James.

They have gone too far! Epsilon quickly turns on herself and forcibly grabs the breeding wolf, before tieing it up witb her webs, and forcibly keep it immobilized on herself. Then, out of anger, and hungryness, she grabs the other wolves and down the batch, straight to her stomach.

James quickly gets back on his feet, as the painted wolf is removed from on top of him, but the damage is already done, as his fur already fegins to change it's color, the red fox fur fading to the gold and gray tones of a painted wolf, also his crotch is already changing, giving him the male equipment he lacked before.

Fally sees the change and says before he has gotten to the ground, "Hold on, we have been fighting them all all along? That is some other kinda cum." he gets to the ground and then walks over to James and examins her/him as he changes. Not sure if he should be amzed, or to fear it. So wants to studdy it. He says, "James?" while he was still changing.

Epsioom exclaims, "No way!". She unceremiously lift James with arms, after she pulled her needle back on her hiding place and forcibly pulls the foxof upto one of her nipples.

James looks at Fally, asking "Yes?" before forcibly being pulled upwards by Epsilon. Looking completely like one of the wolfes himself by now, he makes himself as small as he can in the hercules's hand, begging her to not harm him since his body may have changed, but his mind has not.

Fally says, "Hmm, odd, so you are one of them, but still able to think like us." He shakes his head, "I oddly though that you where becomeing a feral." he looks at the feral that he knocked down with his field and then pokes him and says, "Hay, you still able to think?"

Odd. He doesn't react like a feral. She wouldn't have thought so... Instead she sits down on the ground and softly places the ex-fox-now-wolf on top of het cleavage and says, "Jammes... You're okay?". Then her eyes widen as something went in her mind. "Wait a minute... Infectious cum? Then... the missong peoples would have became feral wolves?!".

The feral painted wolf Fally poked just weakly snarls at the dragon. James still shivers inside of Epsilons hand, the events clearly too much for the now not feral wolf. He doesn't manage to say anything now.

Fally giggles and then slaps the feral before asksing again, "Hay can you even talk?"

Noticing Fally's bothersome poking at the poor knocked feral, Epsilom lowers her cleavage on the ground, pointing her nipples at the feral. "Odds that it wouldn't understand anything of what you say if it became a feral.".

the feral simply snarls some more at Fally and even tries to claw him, but only gets another shock from the dragon's electric field. James, noticing he's still both alive and conscious, looks around timidly, wondering where all the other wolfes went, before asking with a weak voice "You noticed, i'm not feral?"

Fally nods to James, "Yes, ferals can't talk." he giggles and then adds, "And this one it fun to play with. Maby I'll make him my pet."

Epsilon says, "Om nom nom Feral.", wiyh

with a devious grin, before saying, "You might have became a feral, but one thing for sure, you don't think like one.". She pokes the feral wolf, before pulling her nupples in the wolf's mouth.

The wolf begins sucking on Epsilons breast, while James makes himself as small as possible, having only heard something of eating ferals from Epsilon. The feral painted wolf having finished hir sucking, lets go of Epsilon and immedeatly slarls at Fally before running towards James, wnting to finish, what shi couldn't before.

Fally simply grabs the feral and pulls hir back to the ground and slaps hir. He considers putting a collar on hir. Before shi can make any more movements he sits down onto hir chest and asks Epsilon, "Hun, would you mind having a pet around the house? I'd like this one, to be said pet."

Epsilon facepalms at Fally's comment. "You can't just bring any feral to become your pet like that. Nor to become your pelt. And if you still want, then don't count on me. ". Then she tries to calm down Jmes by softly cuddling hir, hopefully wwithout scaring it.

James slowly stops shivering as shi notices, shi's not in danger. The feral snarls one more time at Fally, but after recieving another zap of the electric field whines ab bit and lowers it's head submissively, looking at the dragon with pleading eyes.

Fally looks at the feral for a moment and then holing it by what would be it's scruff, he gets off the feral and then says, "Stand." he turns to Epsilon and smiles, "Hmm, I might be able to train hir into a good pet." he turns his atetion back to the feral and says, "If you do good enugh, I may indulgh you later." he taps his chin and says, "What about a name though."

Epsilon sighs. "Fally... You can't takr care of a whole army all by yourself. Also don't look at me. I can only do so much.".

Hopefully, the feral won't try to do anything stupid again.

The wolf lays hirself completely flat on the floor, before rolling in hir back, exposing hir underside to Fally. James meanwhile slowly stands up and looks around a bit confused "Where did all the other wolfes got to?"

Fally raises an eye brow to the feral and then picks hir up and stands hir on hir hind paws and ten pats hir on the head. He looks over to James and says, "I haven't a clue, the only reason this one is still here is I temararly knocked hir out." he turns his attention back to the feral in frown of him and giggles, "I want to call you Dusty." he smiles, "Ok, try this." he pulls Dusty in and hugs hir before saying, "Sit." He pushes hir down into a sitting position.

Epsilon says, "Let's simply says that they fled elsewhere where... they would be a tad bit less bothersome. Don't mind where they are. They don't bother anyone for a while.". Then she looks at Fally, "Lesigh Fally. Before i know it you're going to have visibles muscles just by taming your pets.".

The painted wolf stays in hir seated position, panting like a dog. James looks at hir, shaking hir head "When i think of how they attacked as a pack, and now that ..." shi says, before looking at Epsilon "So the pack won't trouble anyone else now?"

Fally smiles to his new pet, "You are going to be very hard to train, sepecly sence you don't understand me." He looks up to his mate and then giggles, "That is not out of the question. Seems Dusty has takin a liking to me." he turns his attention back to the wolf and then pets hir. "Hmm, I should put a collar on you." he says to Epsilon, "Mind keeping a hand on Dusty while I fish out a collar from my pack."

Epsilon executes as she *litterally* puts one of her hand on Dusty's groin, making sure that it won't move. At least too much. "Mind if i try tpo catch some fishes from your pack too?". Then, jokes aside, one more, she says, "Unless others packs roams around the place, there shouldn't be more missing peoples.".

Yuna grins