Automated Multiplayer Updates/2022 September

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 21:33, 20 September 2022 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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Nuku churrs, "Fixed a bug that let not-owner/leader access group controls."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Thanks to an Infection Update, Gun Bunny has received Kemonomimi Support."

Silk Song says, "Added the missing Horned flag to Jackalope and Solar Dragon."

Silk Song says, "Several forms were still checking for Herm Preferred (now "Always Herm"), Female Preferred (now "No Penis"), and Male Preferred (now "No Vagina"). The following forms were fixed: Harbinger Lynx defeat scene, Lupine Breeder head description and transformation, Quicksilver Serpent ass transformation and defeat scene, and Walking Vagina head/torso descriptions and transformations. Also fixed incorrect formatting in the Road Hog groin transformation."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Bug in list forms fixed."

Chinthliss says, "Bit more detail added to how patrol points are displayed in 'web'. Now shows max, when the next one is due and if any are pending."

Chinthliss says, "A lot of when and how patrol points are restored was updated. The only visible change of this should be that the message about recovering patrol points should appear more reliably. Perhaps too reliably."

Chinthliss says, "Added option to disable using GMCP (fancy maps on clients that support it) for Overworld via '@set me=_prefs/gmcp/overworld:N'. Going to add a command to better show/collect client preferences though."

Chinthliss says, "First version of a client preferences command added, can be used as either @clientprefs or just @client. Acts as a hub/list of all the client display options you can use. Intending to have it control them all later but for now it just shows where to go for them."

Nuku churrs, "Sterile is now a 0 point merit, meaning you can't get it without staff assistance outside chargen, nor enable/disable it."

Chinthliss says, "Tweak done to the idle player clean up to hopefully stop it from cleaning up new players."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Licker bugfixes: it won't let you lick hooves if the target has none. Also, if your fingers get dirty, you no longer need to clean your whole body."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Added aliases to +wiki/create. Now +wiki will also work, with or without the plus sign. The /create part becomes obsolete, as wiki account can also be requested with simple +wiki <username>."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Reworded a part of Mycocanidia ass description to make it third person."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Bugfix: +size shall no longer report megaliters as milliliters."

Fun Police X-ray beep boops, "Bugfix: the game shall not confuse kiloliters with kilometers in places where long unit names are used."

Silk Song says, "Added two new farverbs, breastfeed (x breastfeeds y) and nurse (x nurses from y)."

Silk Song says, "Un-stuck Waldo from a private area back into a public room again. May the hunt continue."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Thanks to compelted Stretch Goals, Shy Gecko now has Color Chooser and Kemono Pattern support."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "Thanks to Stretch Goals, Color Chooser and Kemono Pattern support has been added to the Djinn (as well as fixing some odd thematic issues here and there)."

eWrecked Glitch uwu's, "List Forms updated. If using #unmastered with no target (self-targeting), it will show you what forms you do not have mastered. Also, #!private filter added so you can filter out private forms from the list."

Silk Song says, "Added two new farverbs, farfrot and farrut."

Replace Cartridge Hinoserm quietly yips, "Fixed a weird behavior with certain text characters in the comm program. You can now talk about Pounds and Yen/Yuan again, ���� yay!"