Automated Multiplayer Updates/2022 February

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 16:31, 5 February 2022 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "All badges and rewards have been given out for the Mako Pool: Birth Your Way. A new item is available in the Token Shop, the Rainchute. With it, you can pop babies out of it, the birthing process proving easier overall than if you had a small cunt. With the entire set of Rain-items, you can give babies with one, get babies with another, and chute babies with the last, all different spots! Want to shoot cum up your nose with a tentacle to produce a baby from your mouth? The entire set can allow that!"

Dog Song says, "Updated the Anubis Servant dedication rpinfo description to state that active dedicants gain a 2x freecred multiplier when trashing items."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "Small error in the fill function fixed."

Dog Song says, "Updated the Driven combat skill rpinfo description with information about the Driven status, which has slightly different effects."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "The room option has been added to smell so that you can smell the room without everything else within it being listed."

Dog Song says, "Added a much more obvious warning to the Discarded Diary object."

Dog Song says, "Fixed broken parsing in the Male Rex clit description (yes, you read that right)."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Put a burner to a faulty prop to Blade Parry. Clarified desc a little bit."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Updated helpfile on crafting regarding the acquisition of builder nanites."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Lay On Paws given a much needed nerf. Cooldown raised to 10,000 to prevent it being spammable. Charge raised from -400 to 250 to make sure it at least gobbles a turn to use. Considering it's a 60 base heal on a tanking class... this was quite warranted for a long time now."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "Due to an error, a private recipe in a personal shop was accidentally made available. The two recipes involved have been removed from all players who are not specifically given access to it. Namely, Wedding Band and Leaking have been removed from most players who'd acquired them, as they're not available in any other way. The access should be hidden, as was intended."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "Tags now function as intended with multiple tags."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Aberrant Body had this strange bug where if you upgrade its DI once, it didn't register the upgrade. The stat has been changed to DamageResist and the bug has been resolved."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "VJay-Jay and Twiddle Fiddle have been removed as references to the vagina and clit respectively."

Dog Song says, "Fixed typos and phrasing in the blueballs messages. Fixed typos in the milky messages. Added gender pronoun parsing to blueball and vibrator messages."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "The Gauntlet was given a workover. Its cooldown was raised from 1000 to 2500, it was given a 10% status chance boon and a 10% status duration penalty. Its DOT Damage was increased from 2 to 3. Hopefully it becomes less of a spammy item and one more interesting to use, since in its prior state it was essentially a Light Melee without being true instant."

Codeberker Inutt says, "Milky Jugs perk description and code updated to clarify its purpose - it now increases milk production by 25%, not breast density."

Codeberker Inutt says, "Minor update to rut calculations to prevent your rut level going negative. No more being so un-horny you break reality!"

Avatar says, "Updated infection Sabertoothed Liger to Saber-toothed Liger"

Dog Song says, "Slightly adjusted the description of the Lay Master perk."

Nuku hisses, "The amount of monthly income given to not-me(to the staff of the game) is now 50% (was 30%)"

eWrecked Glitch demurely courts, "Lick #off will now truly block all lick messages."

eWrecked Glitch demurely courts, "Rooms created by +suit and +vore are now distinct from womb rooms in name, description, and custom settings. The help file has been updated to reflect these changes. Also, wooc has been enabled for those outside of the room wanting to OOC talk to those within their room. All in +womb #help."

eWrecked Glitch demurely courts, "Womb OOC updated to show as <WOOC>"

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "The Poisoned modifier's active ally statuses have been changed to Healgain for the sake of consistency."

Dog Song says, "Renamed the helpfile Getting Started/Shifting to Getting Started/Nanite Adept and Shifting. Why? Typing "help nanite adept" now includes this helpfile in the returned results, making it easier to learn more about its function and add-ons."

eWrecked Glitch demurely courts, "Shank Bomb's status is now corrrectly placed on the item to function in combat."

Dog Song says, "Adjusted the phrasing of the "duty professional" description under the "duty" command to make it clearer that typing it again will disable professional dutying."

Codeberker Inutt says, "Since the recursion dedication is often considered as adept-lite, recurse-ing into a form now costs standard energy instead of mako battery to bring it into line with the adept's shift ability."

Codeberker Inutt says, "Updated UI for +lotto and +mlotto commands for better legibility, and fixed an edge case where they could show your chance of winning as 'NaN'."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "The Hooked modifier was given Pierce Damage Varience. If you're gonna be making a weapon hooked, may as well let it poke holes in things. Hopefully this makes the modifier more desirable than simply "I want a better fishing pole." fodder."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Piercing Design given the Pierce damage variance. I really need to explain why?"

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "Baneful Allure has been given a thorough wrenching to better conform to the new state of the game. With upgrades in play, the aura was either fodder, or granted the entire enemy team a healthy chunk of attack status. This has been thoroughly axed, all its statuses were rejiggered to maintain its state. Description has been updated to reflect this as well."

The Hammer, the Anvil and the Critter squees, "After a lengthy deal of consideration regarding the Energy Recovery items, the Ultraquench has been given a utility niche, granting a self-buff of substantial Regen and Healgain as well as a good deal of EnergyMod in the hopes of providing a good alternative to the Power Gator that hybridizes between Survivability and Energy Management. Now comes in RAWBERRY flava."