Automated Multiplayer Updates/2022 February

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 04:26, 2 February 2022 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "All badges and rewards have been given out for the Mako Pool: Birth Your Way. A new item is available in the Token Shop, the Rainchute. With it, you can pop babies out of it, the birthing process proving easier overall than if you had a small cunt. With the entire set of Rain-items, you can give babies with one, get babies with another, and chute babies with the last, all different spots! Want to shoot cum up your nose with a tentacle to produce a baby from your mouth? The entire set can allow that!"

Dog Song says, "Updated the Anubis Servant dedication rpinfo description to state that active dedicants gain a 2x freecred multiplier when trashing items."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "Small error in the fill function fixed."

Dog Song says, "Updated the Driven combat skill rpinfo description with information about the Driven status, which has slightly different effects."

eWrecked Glitch florally chitters, "The room option has been added to smell so that you can smell the room without everything else within it being listed."