Automated Multiplayer Updates/2020 February

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Revision as of 00:00, 21 February 2020 by FlexBot (talk | contribs)
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[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Boss Bounty has been reset, Humboldt park ahould no longer be selected in future."

[Update] Chinthliss says, "Further separation of parts of channel code. Mostly under the hood stuff being noted in case it breaks things. Though one side-benefit is flags appended to messages (e.g. someone's level in lfg) will appear after their message instead of at the end of it."

[Update] Nuku says, "New recipe, Medicinal Wrappings, available in the token store!"

[Update] Nuku says, "Balls of Steel made a mutant power as it aught be."

[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Due to an oversight, many Undifferentiated Skill mako items (those named 'Skill: Strength' or similar) still had a description that indicated they provided a flat boost to the relevant skill. This is an old mechanic and was replaced long ago with a second roll ability. Descriptions have now been updated."

[Update] REAPER OF CODE Inutt chastely churrs, "Another oversight fixed - Nanite Focus Device descriptions have been updated to clarify their purpose, since they have not actually enabled shifting individual body parts for some time despite what their description said. Shifting individual body parts requires a Nanite Fine Tuner - the Focus Device just allows use of adept abilities (including other toys) while not actively dedicated."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt tenderly lows, "Rolling has been updated for consistency and transparency! The new and improved +roll command now lets you roll both skills and dice, in pretty much any combination - see +roll #help for details. In case of problems, the old roll command remains available via +roll/old."

Chinthliss says, "More reworking of channels. #last functionality now looks at the new logs. Webchat shouldn't fail on backlogs where there's too much colour in titles and should be parsing it correctly again."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt tenderly lows, "+roll skill+<number> will now allow you to simulate a skill roll with the specified level. Note that 'skill' is a literal string in this case, not the name of an actual skill."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt tenderly lows, "As per a request, +roll #verbose will now show the individual dice rolls for skill rolls."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt says, "Fixed a +roll bug that was ignoring active statuses"

REAPER OF CODE Inutt says, "Program errors from +roll should now be fixed. I'll await the next problem with it :-)"

REAPER OF CODE Inutt says, "+roll updated to only show min/max adjustments if they're actually being applied, and show the final number that is rolled for skills."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt says, "sheet command updated to use the same skill modifier calculations as +roll, so your sheet should now correctly show your effective skill level. Please report anything displaying incorrectly."

Chinthliss says, "Update page using the new logs; also displays things in a table and lists newest at the bottom to be consistent with other things. Older entries incorrectly show the [Update] channel decorator since that was only fixed a couple of days ago."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt lustily hisses, "Egg Sack perk slightly updated - it should now hide a pregnant belly and transfer the bulge to your balls as intended. The description has been updated to indicate it can be toggled on and off, and toggling it now requires you to have actually bought the perk first rather than letting you just get it for free."

REAPER OF CODE Inutt lustily hisses, "pot #clear now makes slightly more effort to look up the owner of a room, and should work in more places now. Please report any owned rooms if you find you can't clear the logs in them."

Chinthliss says, "Channel #last command now accepts simple, single timespans (e.g. 'pub #last 24 hours', 'pickup #last 15 minutes'). Still accepts counts too. Also includes a timespan in the grouping headers."

Fluff dragon Alukraz rumbles, "Thanks to a recent Infection Update redemption: Dark wolf has been updated to take advantage of the masculine perk. It's genitals now also accept color chooser configuration using the third color."