Coyote Stories by the Fires - RPLOG

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Framed against the setting sun, looking out over the calm waters of Crater lake, an unusual figure looks out over the landscape. The deep reds of the sky mixed with the sandy features of the ground below as a few clouds roll by overhead. This person pokes at the campfire they have made hours ago, looking over it before reaching out to pet over the head of a remarkably normal looking coyote. "They will start soon, or rather you and your kind will start." The figure says, before looking out once more over the waters. "A full moon tonight, maybe I will tell that story this evening. The sun sinks, almost rapidly, into the horizian, staining the sky with oranges and purples.

A coated vulpine figure walks up to the remains of the vulcano 'Hm... Who could live here... This place is disgusting...' the jackal arrives in time to hear the last words of the figure near of what he guess to be dog at first sight 'Hm... Excuse? I'm... Interupting something?' The vulpine asks with an polite tone.

Lizzie strolls right up toward the figure wearing a full body set of green combat armor with the RSX logo on it and sits next to the fire. Her helmet is pulled off and pack placed to the side, hands digging into it and pulling out a self heating MRE. Slight snaps along the edges activate the heat unit to get things started, everything seeming pretty peaceful so far, and she looks right at the figure with cool brown eyes. "So, some assholes are askin' me ta drag my ass all the way out here to bum fuckin' egypt so... What the fuck brings ya all the way out to this fuckin' place? It ain't that bad a campin' but that ain't enough shit to usually get attention up in this bitch so why the fuck are the 'yotes payin' the fuck attention to ya like they are? Ya got some special sauce or shit like that to get their panties wet for ya or some shit like that?"

She eyes the vulpine moving up, giving a small wave to them with a little grin. "Hey, you get the damn call too or are you some yote bitch out lookin' for shit same as the others?" Her tone was rather jovial to everyone despite the rather crude language, something some took in stride and others hated. It was no matter to her at least.

A somewhat clumsy, and disorganized solar dragon struggles with the sack laden full of scientific instruments mutters under his breath. "Dam it times I told them, field work is not in my contract"

Given there seems to be more than just one human approaching the group... Albiet this one doesn't seem to be marked by any of the groups. Humming softly as he steps forward, the man looks towards Lizzie for a moment before he lets out a chuckle, the silver eyed man quickly turning his attention over towards the figure standing near the fire. Waving for a short moment, the man stands quietly as he observes the others, watching Mackenzie for a moment before he looks towards the Solar Dragon next. His hand comes up to rest upon the over the shoulder strap he has, repositioning the Steyr AUG upon his back for a moment before he lets it be... Pretty quiet, for some reason...

Crater lake? South-central Oregon? This is a very long way from home in the gullet of an extinct volcano. And especially in a national park. None of that past-tense stuff for that. Nanites be damned, the area is still a national park. But why the interest in this place? What made Zephyr send people to the middle of nowhere like this? It certainly wasn't to stargaze.

On that point, that seemed to be what the most recent arrival was doing. Wandering through the brush with eyes to the sky. A large 'felanoid' trying to be mindful of branches overhead (yet ironically not underfoot) getting near the camp and also mumbling. Nothing coherent, just bits and bobs about dull assignments and giving nurses more field work.

The arrival of more people makes the figure look around a bit more closely, "Ahh, more here to learn of the greatness of the First Warrior, the Spreader of Stars. Please, all take a seat. If you are hungry, I have a good amount of roasted rabbit to offer, and the lake is full of clean water." The person says. With all the furs they have on, it is almost impossible to pick out any distiguishing features. Their voice sounds somewhere between an alto and a tenors. "Please, no need for such, colorful phrases child, take a seat in the sands." Poking the fire though, their tone changes a bit, "Humm, though would someone be so kind as to go find some more wood for the fire?" The person asks. "As for why the coyotes come to see me, perhaps they just like my stories?" they say, taking a very long pipe out of a bag before lighting it.

The suit wearing man raises an eyebrow as he listens to the figure, though after a few moments he just looks towards the others. Shrugging, he turns back towards the figure. "I'll get the firewood." The man says plainly, looking about for a moment before he takes a short walk. He is always in view, but he starts his gathering as his assault rifle clatters against his back when he crouches. Must be wearing armor under his suit.

"I brought some shit of my own, got a bottle of mead too if ya want a hit." Lizzie says, eyes flicking from the MRE she had to the rabbit. The chicken scented thing going to be eaten first since it seemed rude to just get some food from there without letting everyone else have a go at the rabbit first. "Just the way I fuckin' talk." She says, staying where she already sat near the fire. Most of the others she didn't recognize, although Anbessa got a little wave of recognition from earlier encounters. "The fuck is it with solar dragons and research. Every god damn one of em."

Seguro Some what fidgeting, turns to the small humanoid before taking a seat " I look forward to hearing your stories"

Seguro Snorts somewhat insulted at lizzie's comment.

Mackenzie nods to Lizzie and stretches a hand 'Dr. Mack, new researcher from the RSX. Also, is a pleasure to met you too...' he says with an air of superiority.% % 'Storys? Well... I have a few scatered across my body...' He says to the figure as it touches the fire, pointing to one of his exposed hieroglyphs. 'So... What do you tell us?' the jackal reverently asks.

Anbessa smiles as he soon enough finds the firewood kindling he needs, turning back to the group as he walks on over. Waving back to Lizzie with his free hand, he takes care to set the dry kindling into the fire. Letting out a sigh, he looks towards Lizzie before he pads on over towards the woman. "Nice to see you again, Lizzie." He says, reaching over to playfully pat the top of the woman's head before he sits right on down, looking towards the figure before he looks towards Mackenzie. "All of us have those kinds of stories." He points out, raising his hand to point to the slash scar upon his cheek. "Though I prefer spoken stories instead of painful memories."