Meeting about Dreams and Visions - RPLOG

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Here is a large room with a grand center table. In the far end there is a projector and screen, along with a much larger chair for whom will likely be the one running this round table. All around the table, which is actually long and rectangular, are various other chairs. Each chair has a small control panal on it, with various buttons. Judging by the symbols, they can heat up a bit, vibrate softly, recline, raise, and lower. There are also a few other buttons that have marks that aren't so easily figured out. One looks almost like a cock, another vaguely like a pussy, and the last seem almost to be a pair of breasts. The room is lit by overhead lights, but it has no windows. Otherwise, it doesn't seem to have any significant features.

In walks 'Valleys' and she lives up to her name. She is a shadow vixen and packed into her business suit are six breasts, each bigger then her head. She has pierced ears, but otherwise seems very normal for a shadow vixen. She adjusts the projector, hooks up her laptop to it, and takes a seat at the head of the table to wait those joining her.

Edel slinks into the room, having been escoted by the guards. Adjusting her dress, the tanuki gives a tip of her hat before settling into a chair. She leaves the buttons well enough alone for now, leaning back as her tail curls around into her lap. "Good evening, miss! I thought I might be able to offer some first-hand knowledge on it all! So here I am!"

A private area? Why that was reason alone to take the call. And of course, the whole extra-dimensional stuff caught his attention as well. The suit wearing lion converses with a guard and soon finds himself on his way towards the indicated room. "Good evening," the silver feline bellows with all due politeness, taking a rather deep bow before finally stepping fully into the room. His eyes lock on not on the vixen's arrangement of breasts, but mostly to her attire, nodding in appreciation as if it were some sort of unspoken businessman code. Eventually, he takes a seat and peers curiously at the buttons, but chooses not to press anything quite yet as he wouldn't want to make a bad impression and make a rude move.

Lizzie strolls into the room behind the guards as well, human form nearly nude until she can find somewhere to actually purchase or loot clothing easily since every store she had found for some time was looted, destroyed, or wrecked in some other manner lately. She strolls over toward the chairs, eyeing the buttons warily, and sits in one next to Dio since she had seen the lion before. "So, I've had some really fuckin' weird dreams and shit since that god damn bullshit with that astronomers wet dream. Thought it would have all tentacles and fuck all but instead it's just really god damn creepy. So, how the fuck are you Dio?" Rude moves and bad impressions just sort of follow the human around which may or may not have an interesting impact on Dio's reputation if she had her way.

Breezy is the last to come in. She casually strolls, her hands tucked into the pockets of her jacket. She glances around to the others who are gathered, curious as to what is going one. She grabs the first empty seat sees and flops down.

Rev trots into the room escorted by the guards. The large Clydesdale is dressed in a uniform vaguely reminiscent of a military uniform. He takes a look around the room at the others that had gathered there. While he finds himself a seat at the table. Not recognizing anyone in the room the horse keeps to himself for the moment while he waits for things to get started.

Vallery smiles and nods to those coming in, "Welcome, welcome all of you, please, feel free to enjoy the features built into the chairs, but I do warn and caution, some of them may be a bit too enjoyable, and we are here for business. Before I begin our presentation, I'd like to open the floor for any experiences you all have had, so please, if you have a story, start now." She says, leaning back and pressing both the heat and vibration functions of her chair. She gives a soft coo, but even the gentle, almost soundless movement of her chair causes those breasts of hers to wobble and jiggle, somehow still staying confined though.

Edel adjusts her glasses and holds up a finger. "Before I go spilling any tanuki secrets, I do have to ask... For what reasons do you want to know, exactly? I'll be happy to tell you what I tell everyone else, but I'm not sure how specific I can get." Tipping up the brim of her hat, she folds her hands in her lap. "I'll preface with saying that I am a priestess, of sorts, and my patron should be rather obvious. A bit ago... I started getting these odd... Thoughts. Moreso than usual, anyway. They're excited! About what, exactly, I cannot say... But I can say that something big is coming. In combination with some other strange happenings, I do believe some -extra planar big- is coming, at that."

Now there was a voice and style of speaking Dio could never forget. "Good evening to you, my lady. I'm doing quite well. How a-" As he turns around and looks upon Lizzie's body, he's stunned for a second and he quickly turns back around. "I see that you might be having a little trouble with your attire. For a few months now, I've been creating some clothes that you've seen me in. When you have the time, come vist me at my room in the Maison or perhaps the KS building and we can work something out if you desire."

But now it was time for business. The lion dips his head slightly at Vallery and clears his throat. "I've not had too many dreams, but I did have an unfortunate run-in with some of the higher-up Uber foxes at the forest. Conversing with the person who was with me at the time, they mentioned Europe and their natural dislike for those that follow Dusk Dragon. As the lady has just mentioned, something indeed might be brewing within the shadows so to speak."

"Oh, yeah. I'll have to go to visit ya and all that good shit. Can I even get past the fuckin' hallway in the maison wihtout and escort? Uh, looks like tits mcgee is startin' better chat after." Lizzie shifts a hand toward one of the functions, the heat button, and finally pulls her hand away to rest on the table. It might be comfortable but who knew with all the heat resistant or immune infected if it would burn someone like her after all, best to be safe. "Uh, so I was fuckin' investigatin' this hell hole of a god damn research thing with Dio, Meek, Grace, and some other bitches when we found all this, like, fuckin' c'thulu shit." She says, getting into her story soon enough while the others speak as well. "So after all that bullshit I went home and went to get some fuckin' rest after bangin' a few friends to relax and when I had my dreams instead of bein' all full of booze and hookers or gamblin' or food or somethin' it was the god damn static. When we were there this sort of static kept creepin' into our fuckin' heads and all that shit and I keep thinkin' 'bout it sometimes."

Breezy simply melts in her chair. After tapping away at the buttons and dials, she chair vibrated softly and heat warmed her cold-blooded body. She flicked her tongue out, as that was becoming a new habit of hers. She looked around, realizing that she didn't greet anyone. She nods, and rasped a quiet, "Hello", and continued to listen. She hadn't had any dreams to talk about, anyway.

Looking first to Edel, 'Valleys' smiles and leans forward a bit, "If you aren't comfortable with sharing, you don't need to, but I assure you this is simply for our own research and information gathering. We want nothing other then safety for our agents and our customers. We're helping to build a bold new world, and this seems to be something that we need to investigate." She says, then nods to Dio and Lizzie. She didn't seem to much like the way Lizzie was talking, but, keeps things 'professional' all the same. "Ok, thank you both, Uber Fox in Europe then? I wouldn't have guessed, did you get anything more specific? Would you know if shi's in Germany, Spain?" she asks. "And Lizzie, in that static, do you see anyting? What do you hear?" She asks. "We have not been idle, we have been doing our own research, mostly into Tanuki and Kitsune. We have already been getting isolated incident reports about them, and their shrine is close." Shi says, waiting to see if anyone else has more to share, and watching Breezy enjoy the amminities.

Edel claps her hands together, nodding. "It's not that I'm uncomfortable... But I'm not sure exactly what to tell you. It's all a very abstract thing. When dealing with tricksters of our ilk, it can be difficult to get concrete answers. Even among ourselves. The most I have been able to discern from it all is that my patron is excited for something that is going to come. WHAT that something is? Well, I can't tell you that! It's like an influx of feelings. Images that make little contextual sense, but at the same time make perfect sense to me."

Miralda walks in the room, two guards following the dragoness, she looks around and thanks for the guards letting her enter even knowing the fact that she is late. With a quiet "Excuse me... I'm too late?" she walks further into the room, she looks around, examining the room and, with sharp eyes, noticing the faces in the place, she makes her way to the table, eyeing the persons that can be found in the place, a human, a lion creature, a... Tankui, a vixen, another draconic creature just like her and a clydesdale stud, she eyes the equine and move close to him, trying to find out if he is the person that she think he is, reaching the table she take a seat close to the lion beast, and shyly wave to Rev, the only face that she know in the room, she asks to the lion beast "Excuse me sir... What have I missed?" her hand slightly gesturing to him.

"Unfortunately," Dio proclaims with a slight dip of his head, "The Uber Foxes did not expand beyond their mention of just Europe. However, they did mention "wanting" it. While the Uber Fox probably aren't the main focus of your study, I feel this needs mentioning. With their hatred for Dusk Dragon and such, I wonder if it's possible that some of these spirits, or whatever you wish to call them, are planning on going to war?"

Hearing mention of the static and such from Lizzie, the lion pauses and chimes into her story. "Oh yes, I remember being involved in that. Something was... trying to control us. There were many strange symbols. It was quite cult like to say the least." As Miralda moves in, the leonine figure gives her a wave and a smile before returning to business.

Lizzie didn't really care about the general dislike of her language. Such opinions about her speech were common but then again she didn't see why she should change if she didn't have to after all. "Uh, yeah. There was some other shit there. Um... what the fuck was it. A god damn red dot with like a larger fuckin' circle around it. It was in the same place where all that shit happened to. I ain't heard it in my dream and all that but when we were there a fuckin' voice broke through it sayin' 'Burn a path to earth. Prepare them for the arrival.' or somethin' like that. It was in the fuckin' report I filed with RSX if ya wanna ask them for a copy of that shit." The mercenary says with a little shrug, not really knowing much at all about the rest of the things the group was talking about."

Rev cocks an eyebrow as he looks over the buttons on his chair, and lifts one hand as if about to press a button. However he decides pressing one of the buttons is against his better judgment. As he has no idea what a few if them may do. The Clydesdale remains silent, and just listens to the others speak. Seeing the drconic woman wave at him he smile, and Waves to Miralda. "So What are we thinking is the worse case scenari? With all these strange dreams, and occurrences going on?"

Breezy just sinks into the chair and turns up the dial to pure bliss. The vibrations made everything wobble. She was in the back, so whatever. She did perk up at the mention of "War," though. Her slitted ears darted back and forth, from speaker to speaker, as she finally decided to actually pay attention.

Vallery nods to Edel once more, "Thank you for that, we'd been getting reports of that." She says "And it seems that the influance around the shrine has been growing stronger. We have sent researchers down there to try and discover the cause and what is happening, we will have a speaker from them soon." She says, and a nod to both Dio and Lizzie, "I'll see if RSX will release the report to us, thank you. Tilting her head to Rev, she shakes it after, "No, I don't think anything bad will come of this, even more so if we just keep up our work and make sure we know what is going on." She says, not addressing any talks of war. "Now, as you may have heard at some point, a pair of our own field agents have had a run in with supernaturals before, a very personal and close run in. They quit their jobs shortly after to build the shrine to Odin and Loki. They did give us reports though of their encouter." The projector comes on, "It seems that they were 'pulled' into a meeting with someone claiming to be the god, Odin, who tasked them to build him a shrine. Meanwhile, Loki tricked them into converting part of that shrine for him. While we feel this is obsurd, it is relevent to what is happening now, we feel." She says, the slides showing the reports and a visual of this very strange place. It vaguely resembles myths about Valhala. She leans back again, pressing another button. A soft moan escapes her, "Oh... there is the spot.." she says, eyes half lidding.

Edel scratches at her cheek for a moment. "That is not absurd as you might think... I think, a bit ago, I was pulled to an extra planar world, myself... I cannot say for certain, but..." She gestures to the fiery necklace hanging from neck. "I woke up in a strange place. A feast was laid out before me, of which I did partake slightly in. I was cautious at first, so I did not try much in case it was a trick. But shortly after I encountered a fox lady. She talked to me about her father, and took me through this... Big place. Lots of changing rooms and things. It was weird, and like nothing I'd seen here, in this world. She said I was being tested. And at the end, I was given this necklace as a token."

The use of chairs letting those activities in here seems a little risky to the mercenary but hopefully no one here was one of those sex crazed ferals put out by smells. Lizzie's nose wasn't that strong at least so hopefully there wouldn't be a problem. "Heh, good think Loki ain't fuckin' here to hear a talk about a god with the same god damn name. That'd be fuckin' confusin'." She comments, her groups leader sharing the same moniker as the trickster god. "So what? This place is just to fuckin' find some dream info out of other shits going on? Wouldn't it be better to, like, bring those two assholes in and interrogate them or some shit like that?"