Automated Multiplayer Updates/2018 October
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Tags should now list all Dedication forms with a (d) or (t)."
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "Due to a lack of presence to keep the place locked away, a PHG has been made public in the Wooden Cabin. (Owner idle for 3 years)"
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum says, "The no adverbs option for your sayverb will now work for ones like "Churrs adorably" There's no way that this is a waste of time or trivial to get past."
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "The Flying Fox has gotten a couple Infection Updates compelted! It now supports both Arm Divider and Leg Spliter! Yeah, Leg Splitter."
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "And, because it makes sense, Lunar Touched can now choose Bat."
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "The "My nisd is not trying to screw over new players" feature has been fixed. Enjoy your less than level 999 offgrid forms"
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Next rp tick, everyone should get all the AI programs."
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "The Liberate the AI pool is finished and fulfilled. This means that presumably, you've got a small phone or other device telling you what to do during combat. It's learned things, maybe you have too :D"
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Rosalyn's badges over 1000 have been fixed for the good of all to enjoy."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Changed a survivor's note in Hotel Oblivion to a lore entry, allowing for later re-reading. Players who've already read it have been retroactively given the lore entry."
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "New way to field upgrade your powers. nisd upgrade Takes, in this order (Power)=(Upgrade)=(Infection)=(Vial Quantity) as arguments."
[Update] Avatar says, "Item (1538527430) placed onto the poll board by Song, called 'Future Content Preferences. +poll/view Future Content Preferences to look at and vote in this poll."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Fixed a bug that could cause combat to just kind of curl up in the corner and cry."
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "+groin or size will no longer have an odd transition to gray coloring in the midst of describing your excessively swollen nipples(since it didn't seem to happen with any other breast size)."
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "+poll/view shows the number of responses to the poll, and arguably, the header has more consistent styling"
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "+poll/cview shows the number of responses to the poll, and arguably, the header has more consistent styling"
[Update] Pretentious fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "+poll/view shows the number of responses to the poll, and arguably, the header has more consistent styling"
[Update] Highway Song says, "Changed the Alpha Husky mob to only naturally spawn in the male variety. Three different versions cluttered the Alley spawn table and weighted general mob spawns too much in their favor."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "A major DOS (which may have been unintentional) has been snipped, the wiki and everything else should be recovering."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "Searching in a room with a person outside your party will now display them as being the cause of your inability to fight there."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum echoyips, "I believe that the battle clear messages should launch more reliably. (p>0.05)"
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "The in-game monster maker has been updated with bug fixes and should be fully functional. Just type +mmaker #menu to work on a form! Note: Power data and such is kept on the character, so, try to use the same character to do edits on a single form or at least be mindful of what data is displaying."
[Update] Master Master Master Glitch churrs adorably, "The Pet Shop of Cuteness's overcrowded combat area has been split into two separate ones, distributed into the different portions of the vast area. On top of this, the Pocket Dragon has been added to the Pet Shop of Cuteness 2 area."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the Hotel Oblivion trinket questline still referring to the third and fourth trinkets as the second trinket."
[Update] Avatar says, "Poll 'Future Content Preferences' has ended."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Mako batteries should no longer be claimed to be used without actually using them"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "If your mako battery is charged from mako directly, it will now add a log entry that will show up in +account history"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Excess remover will now also reduce the number of balls you have, since, it seems, an overfull sack is a type of 'excess'"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "AoEMod/debuff now gives a binary status (expanded or constricted) that gives +/- 1 AoE and cancel, much like other binaries."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Debuffclear should look nicer in the combat log."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "A new option for those who enjoy having gobs of boss vials, in editplayer, you may now toggle on the automatic distillation of vials into boss vials once you reach the limit :D"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Badges will now show the date they were awarded."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum codes, "The Junkyard mountain (sector A, where all the computer parts live), is now home to a new creature, a being so terrifying, that words do little justice to their condition, a creature whose eyes never rest in their hunt for the errant semicolon, a countenance so haggard by 'crunch' time that one might wonder if there's anything but 'crunch' time, so sensitive to light, that it hides itself away during the day, the Code Monkey."
[Update] Little Miss Mess Maker Irimi humbly says, "dojo"
[Update] Little Miss Mess Maker Irimi blushes... "Ignore that, please."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum codes, "Turnin's help will now tell you that you can turn in as many vials as you can hold in your nisd, along with an update on the (vague) description of it's cost mechanism."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Sheet will now show the accurate cost to level after training tokens"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Portable Milker pool is complete, those who had contributed enough have been given the item, and have been given the badges."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Penetration now gives you a (currently 2% per point of skill) percentage of the enemy's damageresist which you are able to overcome. This is an attempt to avoid needing to nerf it later on, so may increase or remain the same."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum churrs, "The penetration rework pool should now be functional, since, it seems, it was not at first"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum churrs, "Logging in with public requests turned off will now only show you those requests that are, in fact, yours."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum churrs, "Census should no longer report that empty first line that makes it seem like there are no player characters of the female gender at all"
[Update] Little Miss Mess Maker Irimi humbly says, "Sandra's caretaker quest should properly show how much time left you need to spend babysitting."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Expanding on the Strenght Nanomagic tree, two new nanomagics have been added, one from Goals and the other from a Minor Nanomagic Registration: Endurance Nanomagic and Scaling Nanomagic. For running and climbing enthsiasts, these two will give a little skillful bump!"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum churrs, "You may now choose to, if you own some land, to place a nest in it, what can you do there, well, you can place your eggs there, keeping them safe, and somehow irretrievable, but you know, safe from you, surely safe from others."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Nanite Schema Nativizer is much cheaper now."
[Update] Nuku exhales, "Wild Tongue merit now available and coded"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "The web store will now place the table key row rightbefore the items being sold, instead of off above the name of the shop, since an distant unconnected key is less visible than one that's near its subject matter."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "The Token Shop's web interface should now list whether Classes are Known or Unknown to you."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Just as a reminder, we have a limit of one account per player. If you have multiple accounts, please let us, the staff, know so we can merge your accounts into one."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Nisd/consume now offers the ability to have it consume the set number(set by nisd #setMasteryNeeded with a number) of vials necessary to master whichever infections you have sufficient vials for, but lack mastery of."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Mako Batteries should now stack just fine and all instances should be stacking into the normal stacking criteria. If you have non-stacking Mako Battery items, please contact Glitch."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Scavenger debuffclear/healing should no longer work on friendly kills"
[Update] Nuku quoths, "New research available."
[Update] Nuku growls, "Any time you do a +reward, your high octane rewards (if any) are transferred to your account. They are then used from your account."
[Update] Nuku slurs, "New accounts (<30 days) will now see a 'getting started' link on the website just under game."
[Update] Nuku slurs, "If you are overloaded (due to switching classes), you CAN use equipment now, but they will do less damage/status mag. You will be informed of this, but combat will go on and you will act."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Added Vashj the crocodile to the Red Court's dungeon, an experienced slave-maker with a penchant for BDSM. All content written of Foxheart, then edited and coded by Song."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "King Stallion has been buffed without regard to common sense."
[Update] Nuku eagerly whinnies, "You can now 'wooc #last' to see the ooc #last of the outside of your womb room from within it."
[Update] Nuku purely says, "Tired of having to buy mojo? Us too. Thanks to this new innovation, you don't have to anymore! Just type nanite mojo and feel the heady rush of nanites going right between your legs, where nanites belong! Works as both male and female mojo at once!"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Rpinfo should avoid prettifying statuses since the pretty statuses are both rarely accurate, and less descriptive/helpful than is fair"
[Update] Highway Song says, "Completely removed the level lock on the Barricade of Old Cars (entry to The King Stable) and the Steel Doors (King Stallion fight)."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed saying the safeword early during pure bondage with Vashj still counting toward the global NPC sex scene counter. As a result of this fix, Vashj lost his memory of ever meeting anyone, but you shouldn't be seeing any erroneous badges for the-amount-of-fucks-you-gave."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Mining no longer has a cooldown timer."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "New command: Is your combat stalled out and going nowhere? Tried typing pass and still stuck? Don't panic! Type stuck and send that bad ATB away."
[Update] Nuku whispers, "In theory, you should be able to buy perks even without enough xp, because they are free yo."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "+xp will now show you the number of high octane rewards you have remaining correctly"
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "A recently discovered infection strain has been found at the NeoGAMES Lab! The Cyber Devil can now be found therein."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Thanks to payment in wolf-butt(it wasn't lewd come onnnnn), raking claws and Gouging claws have been made 'good', or maybe 'worth using'"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "So, auto distill is on by default, since 200 creds is small fry to a boss vial"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Using a boss vial on a monster bait instead of a normal one will now give you a 24 hour status instead of a 1 hour one"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Want to know how a player's build works with respect to upgrades? Run upgrade #see <player> to ask for permission to see it, and then, if given, see it."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "The nprompt?(number prompts) in talkscript no longer ignore your attempts to leave by typing in Q."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Those so dedicated(with the Artemis badge specifically) should be able to buy the huntress class from the web store."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "(As an update not necessarily for you of the playerbase, albeit usable by you), @conntype now filters out web connections, also, if you give it an argument, it will attempt to show only players who have that inside their username. This command is useful if you're helping your friend out, but don't feel like waiting for their response as to what they're using as a client."
[Update] Nuku giggles, "I put forward the first batch of funds for a big update, want to join the effort and soup the hardware? Grab stuff from this list: If you do, give the receipt over to me ( and receive 2 mako per dollar spent, plus a unique badge for helping this effort."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Oh, so @Conntype isn't for you people. :>"
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "What do you mean by 'you people'?"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Stringparsing has been stripped from part of the combat code. Expect dwarf fortress style fun for a short time fun"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Fucklist finally lockd down"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Badges are now being added by our automatons to the wiki and will be updated automagically. While we were in there, fixed a bug that may have hindered their progress."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "By popular demand, you can contribute towards upgrade costs here: No ordering or set amounts, just what you can part with."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "High Octane rewards will now go straight towards your account instead of only getting updated when you run +reward"
[Update] Highway Song says, "The Pewter Consort has found its way to the alley, a bizarre, almost alien creature with a canine temperament and boundless libido."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Fixed a small internal bug that could make things hiccup at times."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "#broacast Fixed a kerhugic bug that may have been affecting numerous things in odd ways, and yet I can't say for sure what and where, but it is fixed, so yay!"
[Update] Nuku squawks, "Fixed a kerhugic bug that may have been affecting numerous things in odd ways, and yet I can't say for sure what and where, but it is fixed, so yay!"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "For a simpler view of how many children you have, try birthed or sired to see your current stats."
[Update] Nuku bestially hisses, "We've moved over to the new server and it's already looking nice, but we could reach further.
[Update] Nuku trills, "In theory, you an now use a monster bait, type in any infection you have in your nisd, and it'll work."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Cover Me now uses positive Meek instead of negative Menace."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "The old newbie wiki page is now the newer wiki page, like magic."
[Update] Nuku softly churrls, "You can now 'daily list' where you get your dailies and get a list of valid areas!"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "In theory, if a status is caused by Opportunity (noted by 'Element ' starting), it will now use Opportunity, instead of tactician to determine complimentary debuffs."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "The burning fires of heat-based opportunity strikes are much hotter and briefer. Feel the burn now!"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Further tweaks to make opportunity the key player in opportunity-prompted compliments."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Critical damage powers now opportunity to a critical DoT. Note that it is weaker than heat (by half mag) but it is critical."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "REJOICE! The Ocean Harem is now on-grid! It's a little sneakily placed, so, you may have to hunt it down."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Added much more comprehensive color chooser support to the Pewter Consort. color2 = countershading along fore, inner thighs, upper arms, undertail, and main genital covering. color3 = glans, inner walls, underpaws, tailhole, sexual fluids"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "There is now a buy 5 button on the token store, it is limited to paying with tokens atm."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Slash opportunity DoTs hit twice as hard for half the time. Bleed!"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Since someone mentioned needing powers with an intrinsic vampiric stat, now you may search for that criteria in ps. Type in ps to see the help for P.owerS.earch"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "So, since the in-fs writing bounty board isn't done yet, and we have a new player bounty, check out if you've got any knack or interest in earning some mako for writing a form. The new player bounty is at the end of the section"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "You can now keep doing nanite production, gaining 25 each time, up to 10 times!"
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Void Certifications that were erroneously tradable should no longer be tradable (Shop already had them as no trade)."
[Update] Nuku bestially hisses, "Just One better at working on clits."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Infectious Milk and Infectious Womb have been updated in code to function like Infectious Cum in that you can set an infection when you +use the gear item. Testing has shown positive results."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Central combat display tweaked in appearance."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "Shadow Depth tuned down."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "nisd/consume will no longer allow you to consume vials if you have totalchangeimmunity."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Fixed an issue in party code that would cause a party to be joinable(and listed in plist) if is larger than 8 members."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Buffclear should no longer clear hostileproc triggers"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "The cock milker now checks the proper stat for quantity."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "New edge, Surprising Ambush"
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "nanite production properly stops you from using them more than 10 uses and wasting your builders."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Nisd upgrade and turnin are now more or less at value parity in terms of value-per-value."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "*value-per-vial"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Similar to nisd/transfer, now you can share boss vials with those similarly equipped with an advancement nisd using anisd/transfer. To do so, have an advancement nisd, and run anisd/transfer <person>=<level>=<quantity>"
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "The mission page has been updated so that it links to the combat page while you're in combat."
[Update] Nuku softly churrs, "In theory, if the cock desc includes [balldesc] then there will be no description of any balls you may have."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Added leg splitter support to Wolver Sheep, content courtesy of Archer."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "The Global Real Estate market has opened up! So long as an area isn't owned and is safe, you can rent a room there! This includes all unowned areas where mobs do not spawn."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Updates to global real estate. You can now make rooms in Combat areas, limit 1 room, but those rooms will be a 'safe' area. If you purchase the new mako item Private Hunter, your rented room will retain the hazard area."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Co-owners of rented rooms can now alter the description."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "The Nanite Focus Device now allows nanite adept owners to adept shift outside the dedication, because it kinda sucks needing to do it piecemeal when the game ought to be able to figure it out."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Clarified that the Nanite Resistance Adjuster cannot be traded in the item description when viewing in the shop."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the room that Custom in the Latex Toy Factory sends you to not being set noride and no summon like the others."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Once again, nisd upgrade should be less capable of losing your upgrade's rating."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum pants, "Shift ded should work."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Power Upgrades are now synced to the wiki by the wiki bot. Now only if it was fast enough to use..."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Changed Rod's truck quest. Truck Parts now always have a chance to drop from Clockwork Foxes regardless of installation skill, and Village Guard Clockwork Fox Girls count as well. Installation skill still heavily increases drop chance, but will no longer be a progression stopper."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Aliased lotto to +lotto, just like how mlotto is aliased to +mlotto."
[Update] Test. Glitch churrs adorably, "Fixed a small bug in +tentacle that happened when choosing an infection you didn't have mastered."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the Hyena Herm legs TF message never showing up to to a misnamed property."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed the Latex Skunk defeat scene's collar mechanics. Characters with Graceful in Defeat and Ultimate Infection Resistance will now be resistant to getting the badge (as the former can't see the scene, the latter can't get infected with the collar, and mention of being collared has been snipped if you have UIR). It now also has a sanity check to ensure the stat is set in advance to avoid being receiving an empty or invalid badge (such being awarded 0 if unset, though characters with the badge get to keep it)."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Further Truck Quest and Grenade component farming streamlining. Drop chance of Truck Parts from Clockwork Foxes now checks for sensible installation stats instead of expecting 50/60+ (as per the old system). It now also checks for high installation first, meaning each fight has a high chance of giving out 2-3 per battle at 30+ installation instead of most frequently dropping 1. Low installation maintains similar drop chance odds."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed typos in Blue Sphinx skin/desc and skin/longdesc referring to your fur as 'sof'."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Fixed Crystal Avian mentioning you have massively engorged breasts if you're pregnant and don't have breasts."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Want to find only those mako toys you have, or maybe you need one of those things that's called a drug, you think you have it, but you're not sure what it's called. Now you can use +gear #type <type of thingy> to look through your gear by type of item. It is listed in +gear #help. (+gear is the same as inv, inventory, and i)."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Auctions may now optionally be specified with a quantity attached, using this looks like auc #start item=1 start=5 quantity=5. Details may also be found with the auc #help command."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "+gear #type should now work for recipe 'types'. +gear #type equip will find all items which it thinks are capable of being equipped."
[Update] Highway Song says, "Added Naturally Winged support to Crystal Avian, content courtesy of Berry."
[Update] "Master" Of Science Fauna wantonly purrs, "Fixed a minor bug with pronoun substitutions in autodescs."
[Update] Stuffer fox Hexaferrum says, "Run Terminal Mastery to only see forms that you have yet to master"