Namidian (dedication)

From Flexible Survival
Revision as of 21:11, 9 January 2012 by Venator (talk | contribs) (Added spirit deer stats, removed (1) from everything.)
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| Item [Namidian                      ]  Type [             Supernatural]|
|______________________[        Description       ]______________________|
| Namidian, the word to describe a new growing sect of the People's      |
| warriors, inspired by the Great Trickster himself, using powers found  |
| within and tapping into their animal totem spirit.  Each must make a   |
| great journey to find themselves before they are able to wield the     |
| spear of the People, and the healing light of the Star Dancer.         |
|______________________[  Additional Information  ]______________________|
| Cost    [60                                                          ] |
| Location[[Aassahke Encampment]: Namidian Shrine                      ] |
|______________________[      Granted Powers      ]______________________|
| [Trained Power] Light of the Guardian                                  |
| [Trained Power] Totemic Spear                                          |

Still secret, but they do learn Light of the Guardian, and Totemic Spear, plus a summon ability that is seeeeecreeeeeet. Hold tight, it'll be here soon.

Totemic Bear summon: Bear Hug, Gouging Claws, Juggernaut, Solid Frame, Thick Hide, Threatening Presence, Wild Swing. Combat skills allegedly include Durability 2 and Health 1.

Totemic Hawk summon: Morning Song, Evening Song, Feathery Hide, Gouging Claws, Infuse Blood, Peck, Sonic Screech. Combat skills unknown.

Totemic Snake summon:

Totemic Deer summon: Awww, Furry Hide, Gore, Leap, Long Ears, Skitter, Tears of Life. Also comes with Lingering Kindness 2.

Totemic Wolf summon: