I'm on a Boat - RPLOG

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Sensuen nods, reaches a hand back for a bow that isn't there, grabbing nothing, conveniently enough, Sen feels for her laser pistol, the safety is on for now as the hammer is cocked, opening the circuit so that current can't flow. It may not stay that way though. Sen also sees her metal kylie nestled in the handle of her bag, almost as good as a bow, so she did pack something useful in more than one way after all. The sea angel looks to the two Impala kids and thinks about making spears for them. Perhaps a spear for one and a magnifying glass for the other? Maybe if the sun wasn't clouded out. Sen then turns to Ebreus with a nod, readying what weapons she has. Depending on what's on that ship, those two youngsters may yet get something, perhaps for fun, perhaps for food, who can yet say until they know what's here?

Sen joins in on the conversation to whoever will listen with, "A houseboat might not be a bad idea, especially if you can pipe air in there, an underwater house would be cooler in the hotter months, it's just that here it might not be needed so much. Fishing's right outside though" but stops as soon as she hears Cameron calling out to the squid girls on the beach near the boat, now it's work time as they near the boat, though the squid ladies flee up and into the boat, it's been kept in great shape by someone. Maybe the mutants here aren't all ferals after all?

Once Cameron runs ahead, Otto takes his time wading through the waters behind her. His ears flit upwards once she addresses the squids in the distance, his hand moving atop her shoulder while his other primes one of his concealed blades. If those ferals wanted to cause trouble, they'd be enjoying themselves some calamari in no time. He breathes a soft sigh once the group disappears into the boat, his hand sliding off of her arm as well. "This is... odd?" he asks the group once all has been seen.

"This place looks way too well patched for it to be a feral den. Yet... to find folks who are capable of upkeeping this place on this island means we might not be fighting for salvage, but bargaining for it." His glance wanders to Sensuen and a nod of agreement follows. "Aye, that's a good wager there. I think..." he pauses and looks back over towards the vessel. "I'm gonna go in for a closer look. See what I can see. I'll meet up with you all once I find out something, well... if I find out something." he pats his comm unit, before stepping quickly towards the side of the boat less seen and unapproached by anyone.

The canine fails to latch onto the side of the hull, using what few imperfections and welds there were as hand and footholds proved futile, the smooth surface simply unfit for his fingers, so he resorts to making a huge leap upwards as he monkeys his way up and towards the main deck. There, he peers about, careful and perceptive, silent and ready, wondering what he'd find. Before long, he disappears from the others' field of view entirely, investigating as he said he would. Quietly he creeps towards the nearby door leading into the lower decks, dagger at the ready~

Ebreus points out the boat again to Uvi, "The spy drone is great but it's just over there. Can the spydrone find out how many more squid girls we haven't seen are around?" he asks trying to give Uvis drone which they seemed proud of something to do. Cracking a joint in his neck he then prepares to negotiate, or fight, as the situation called for while they aproach through the small waves, his plasma launcher ready. Seeing the squid flee he shakes his head lightly then as Otto says he's going to have a closer look he looks over to the coyote and says, "Alright... I guess I'll try talking to them. At least maybe get their attention so it ain't on you." He takes a deep breath as Otto continues forward and lets it out as a sigh before calling out once Otto's likely out of sight from an on the boat position, "Hey, we mean you no harm. Want to talk, maybe trade?" as he slowly takes a few more steps forward.

Cameron hopes are completely dashed of taking the boat home with her as she sees them trying to repair it. Was a huge shame, she was sort of hoping she might be able to keep the yacht, aw well. She then glanced up at the large coyote and nodded in agreement. "Yes it is quite strange." Her eyes glancing towards where the squids had been before scurrying away and at the spot they had been patching up. "Seems they aren't ferals...." She then glanced towards the others present. "Anyone recoqnize anything about the boat, the name or any of the colours she flies?" She then gave the boat a closer looking over now that she was much closer to it. Maybe she might recoqnize something.

The lamia girl blushes, embarrased. It must have been these compliments that distracted her so much that she didn't even notice the yacht. She scratches back of her head and giggles at her own giddiness. She nods to Ebreus and says, "Yea, I think I can do that. Just give me a second." She pushes some buttons on her comm device, sending new instructions to her spy drone. She turns to Cameron to address their question, "Uhm, do you really think it's colours or name are gonna matter, 10 years after P-Day?". She tilts her head, a bit confused, but then she focuses back on her comm unit.

Meanwhile Khaybat, Mia and Josh all follow after the others though when they come across other mutants standing around the bote too the trio stop and watch!

Once inside the cabin of the yacht, Otto comes across five naked squid girls, (three of which were most likely the ones from ouside) all huddled together in a corner. As Otto aproaches the one in front stands its ground, repeating "Back! Back!" as if to threaten him but holds no weapons. Elsewhere in the cabin looks like a mess, survival gear and supplies thrown everywhere as if someone was looking through all the cabinets. Against the far wall looks to be the body of a human man, motionless.

Sensuen follows along, though she thinks about asking Khaybat something, but decides against it for now. Sen walks around the boat, listening for signs of being quiet, but she can't hear anything except the waves. The sea angel looks around and reasons about where else they could have gone if they're to search a boat. Sen tries to climb up the side like Otto did, but she fares no better than he did. There has to be another way in there, maybe there is.