A Space Suit Endeavor - RPLOG
It's later in the vening off down the Highway where the message directed potential candidates for the mission to show up. The air's cooler, almost frigid compared to the day's muggy heat; It's as if the world decided to turn on the AC outside, and the air moves with a cool breeze tinged with that same humidity from earlier. The stark corpse of a building stands beside the roadway, its windows cavernous sockets, and its interior gutted, but serviceable. It's large enough to house several vehicles, and it might have once been a repair shop from all the garage-doors is sports along the side.
Sitting outside the building, a single Fire Newt is settled with its shoulders resting back against the main entrance, the breeze tussling some weeds across the road nearby, and the person's got their arms crossed and a bit of grass stem swaying from their lower lip while they appear to be patiently waiting.
A cheetah woman jogs into view, though her head is the only thing visible right now. A hard rubber suit covers her from head to toe under her otherwise casual clothing, and she carries a rifle on her back along with an old canvas backpack. Utterly lacking in any sort of military decorum, Kimberley offers a sloppy salute. "Got your message, sir. What's the job?"
Firecracker drops down from above, landing atop Kimberley's head to snap a salute of her own with a foreleg. "What she said!" the pint-sized pegasus offers happily. "The explorafication adventurtizing thingy!" Of course, the pegasus is in the nude on her new perch, though her belly is quite a bit pudgier than usual.
Mokou quickly hastened down the road, feet flying beneath the pavement as her hands gripped the straps to her pack. Her comms had lit up with a message she couldn't quite ignore, and she had been running to the location since then. Her pack jostled lightly, the broken suitcase held down by the straps of rope that cradled it, forming the straps she so clung to. She ran... but not alone towards her destination! Nope, by her side ran a much smaller fox, darting forward on all fours! The little strip of rope about its neck was cut, only a slight knot keeping it wrapped. Despite the lack of leash, they didn't seem to stray far...
Finally, the fennec lass managed to near the location, quietly panting despite the cold. Her fur stood on end, making her seem about an extra inch larger in all directions. Her eyes scanned the edges of the road, looking upon broken building after broken building. Finally, a garage stood out, standing high and dry, stripped bare but standing still, bones of a business long since gone. The fennec gave a sharp tilt of her head to the smaller vulpine companion, both walking towards the building, towards the Fire Newt before it. A cheetah had arrived before her, as well as a familiar pegasus, the lass trying to not look to them. "Alright then... You wanted to see those interested in this mission... Yeah?"
Moving along with the sounds of clacking from the joint of his doubly layered armor, Willy slowly tromps over to the others. "Wheeewf, what a hot day" he says before the Fennec feels the tempature drop off. "Oooo man that feels goooood." he says, before stopping in front of the fire newt and popping off his helmet for the moment. "I'm Willy, I'm here about the Salvage mission" he says as he looks calmly prepared.
Ebreus examines his new shield for any flaws as he aproaches the corpose of a building indicated as the meeting place for this mission. After a few moments he is satasfied with the shield and lowers it onto its carrying strap and adjusts the straps of his satchels and flamethroawer over his armor. He looks up to see the group of gathering agents and the Fire Newt and smiles as he strides confidently toward them. "I am Ebreus, I am also here for the salvage operation. It's nice working with you again Firecracker." he says and fetches the Firecracker plushie from on of his pockets to jog her memory of their friendship. Then spying Mokou he maintains his smile and says, "Hello Mokou." with no noticable difference in his cheery voice.
Fiore was in the Lobby when the message came through. And she finds herself answering the call despite knowing well and better then to take jobs from Zephyr as a rule. She had never been this far out of town on her own and it shows. She's able to navigate this far out, but it's clear that she's on edge while doing that.
After some moments, the vulpine reaches the gecko, "Reporting as asked, what's the job?" Her voice comes through the speaker of her helmet with a slightly tinny tune to it.
Setrian follws behind the fox, eyes alert for their objective and anything that might prevent them from getting there. He is glad he had enough time to stop by his home to grab his gear before they made their way here, with his axe in a holster on his hip, and two large guns on his back, one a nanite cannon, the other a rocket launcher, he hoped to be better prepared than the last time he went out of the bubble. His generic armor was strapped to him for flexibility of movement while providing relatively decent defense from most attacks. He had a pack for food and water supplies, as well as any additional ammunition he had. He allows fiore to be the one to speak, hanging back just a bit, but close enough that he could hear everything that was being said clearly.
In the darkness above, the sound of buffeting wind grows. A costumed cat girl slowly comes into view, her frilly costume ensemble the first thing to catch the eye. With a couple of strong wing-beats, she lowers herself, her ballet-like heels contacting the pavement lightly with a small click. Amethyst looks around at the group, her body relaxing visibly as her hazel eyes sweep over familiar faces. She says nothing, shifting the strap of her white messenger bag that lay across her shoulder, the bag itself looking full and rather heavy, however, her fluffy, tufted brown ears rotate restlessly, taking in the environment. She offers a cheery smile and a nod to those she knew, though afterwards she focuses on the newt, her tail arcing behind her idly as she waits.
The newt rolls the bit of grass straw about between his lips whilst the collection comes together. Its fluffy tassel flags in the breeze before the figure turns its head and spits the straw away. In a voice reminiscent of a yoddling yokel of some sort, throatknob bobbing with their speech, the newt begins, "First off, it's Bill, not sir. This here's the recruitment process." Smoothing down his pocketed vest, the figure straightens from the leaning position. Thought here's no sign of any genitalia or the like, the voice does carry a masculine intonation to it, "An', we'll be talkin' t'each of y'individual-like t'see if you're right for the task. If'n you are, more details'll come forth-with and somesuch, got't?" A smile tugs at the corner of his thick, lizard lips and points towards the Cheetah, "You... since y'got here first, y'c'n come on in, an' we can see what'cha can offer." And motions towards the metal door with its lack of glass, one of those office storefront affairs but long shattered quite some time ago.
He cocks his head, eyeing the rest, "Th'rest'a you c'n wait'n chatter 'mongst y'selves f'r a spell.
Shaking off the nerves, Kimberley ambles into the old garage with a determined look on her feline face. When she makes it inside, she explains her skills as best as she can... Through the window the others can see her dig a pair of binoculars from her sack, and a rather beat-up looking quadcopter. Tools of the trade for a scout like her.
Firecracker hops off the cheetah's head as she is called into the room for interrogation! "Good luck person that smells like me!" she calls out to her before turning to the rest of the group. "Hiya peoples! I'm Firecracker! What're your names? And are ya all ready for the super fun explorafication adventurtizing trip to who knows where?!" she greets while waving a tiny foreleg towards the most center-ish area of the others. "Cause I know I'm ready! I'm super ready! I'm more ready than the readiest readierizer that ever readied!" she says, nearly bursting with energy as she bounces in her hover.
The fennec lass gave a quiet nod back to the newt as he spoke, bobbing her head at the words he drawled out. "Alright then... Bill." She stepped back, watching the cheetah set off to speak with the newt. Instead of focusing on that, she turned towards the company that had gathered. Her smile rose briefly as she looked among them. Familiar faces, most of them. A wince ran across Mokou's features as a voice she knew sounded out, her ears flicking back as she turned for a moment. Her smile dimmed a touch before she nodded firmly back to him, "Hello again Ebreus." She was stiff for a moment... before giving him a faint nod. "I... Shan't try and mess up for you this time. Promise."
Mokou turned towards the others though, a slight grin lifting to her muzzle, not just from the smaller vulpine rubbing against her leg. "Though, certainly didn't imagine I'd be seeing you here Amethyst! Setrian maybe, but you? Heh... Catch me off guard that did." Her eyes turned, a hand offered to the other fennec and vixen with a slight smile. "Pardon, don't think I know you two though... The name is Mokou. And this little fella," she pointed her muzzle down, nudging the fox at her side, "Is Felix. Pleasure to be here."
Willy chuckles as he hears Fire's comments before hearing himself be addressed by the other Fennec. He smiles and shakes her hand "How are you mam, I am Willy." he says before giving a shake and offering a pet to Felix.
The vixen waits for the other people to get done doing their interviews. She ajusts her bag a bit, and checks it for her pistol. She pulls out the tubular body of the weapon before stuffing a magizine into it and chambering a round. It's returned to her bag before she turns her head to Ammy and Set with a shrug. Mokou gets a small nod as well, before she turns her gaze to willy as well. "What an odd crew this is turning out to be."
Ebreus nods as Bill takes the Cheeta woman into the building. He walks to the outer wall of the building. He snerks and nods at Firecrackers hyperactive antics before sitting down with his back to the wall. He smiles at Mokou, "That is good to hear. It is a bit unsettling when that happens, even if it did work last time." he says. He lifts his flamethrowrs projector onto his lap as he turns his attention to Willy, "Hello Willy." he greets the male Fennec then turns his attention to his flamethrower, tripple-checking it for faults.
Setrian nods to bill as he makes his proclamation, and he looks over the group as kimberley was brought into the building. He looks down at himself, glad that he was better prepared, but unsure if it was good enough. "Well, hopefully there's something I xan do besides smack things with my axe on this mission." The fenrir nods to willy and ebreus "I'm Setrian, hope I don't slow things down too much. If I even am allowed to join." He chuckles at fiore's comment "The motley crew is often the most successful in stories, isn't it?"
Amethyst's ears fold back against her head, her cheeks flushing a bit as the female fennec singles her out. Her hands reach down to wrap around the front hem of her skirt, her shoulders shrugging slightly. "I... Well, I want to help. I may not be the best scientist like Master..." Her fluffy brown tail thwaps against the fenrir in emphasis, "But I know a bit about helping the wounded and overall keeping morale up." She turns on one foot, the toe of her shoe making a chrunching noice against the rocks. "I'm Amethyst." She says, raising her small voice as loud as possible. "It's really nice to meet all of you. If only I had gotten the memo..." Her hazel eyes trace along the armored figures, then lower to her own frilly costume, eliciting a small giggle and a smile from the kitten girl. "I look ridiculous compared to you all."
The newt doesn't say anything to Kimberley once they're within. He simply motions to the door that's behind the counter, a much more solid and reinforced affair, before tugging it open to let Kimberley through. Past it is a cavernous bay, sectioned off from alternate garages, and just within, to the left, is a door to an office. The reinforced glass for the door still appears to be intact with a cross-cross of embeded wires through the panel. Within waits what appears to be a badger Kemonomimi, black-tufted ears perked above oiled-back hair.
Once within the office, he addresses Kimberley, "Thank you for responding so promptly. So, tell me, what skills do you have with technology and or reconaissance? This mission will involved sensitive equipment, and we need qualified individuals operating in it." His tone is matter-of-fact and casual, a smooth tone with natural charisma oozing from the fellow.
Kimberley nods, rattling off her qualifications. "I'm a scout. Been working contracts with Zephyr about a month and a half now. But more than that, I've lived out of the bubble. I know SoCal like the back of my hand. That answer your question?" She asks in a somewhat clipped tone.
The badger-mimi purses his lips primly, looking over Kimberley's build. He comments wryly, "Well, you look like you could survive on your own, but as part of a team? What experience do you hvavhave in com-." He pauses and sniffs a bit at the air, brow knitting, "My dear, are you pregnant?"
Kimberley nods curtly. "For only a couple days now. Don't worry sir. It won't slow me down. And I've worked with other agents before. Some of whom are out there right now."
There's a bit of consternation to the badger's expression, and he taps lightly at the desk, "What other assets might you have outside of being a look-out. Have you any skills with computers or other technologies?"
The cat swallows, a lump in her throat as she tries to make herself seem useful. "Enough to get by. I'm no programmer, but I know hardware well enough. How to take it apart, put it back together and all that."
The fellow opens a drawer within the desk and pulls out a box, setting it onto the table and motions towards it, "Alright, then. If that's the case... open this, find what's wrong, fix it, and put it back together."
There are a few tools there on the table, and Kimberley's able to pick out a screwdriver and loosen the seam of the box before pressing a couple tabs before popping the plate free. Within, there's an assortment of wires, bundled cables, circuit boards and various other computery odds and ends as well as the fragrance of comptuer parts and plastics.
There are a few securing screws that hold what appears to be the primary board in place. With care, Kimb works them out, though the last strips a bit, the contacts both reaming the hole and the head of the screw with the jitter that hits through from the accident. However, the board is loosened, freed from the casing so that the parts can be laid out a bit more effectively.
There's definitely a burnt aroma to the device once the board's been drawn out, but its source is a bit elusive. Gingerly nudging through the wires connecting to the board, the secondary board beneath is now visible, as are the capcitors and other toggles and resistors. While starting to lay the first board out, one of the cables comes loose from teh underside. Where had it connected to before it fell out?
Concentration beads as perspiration from the intensity of the task, but it's not obvious where the cable had been connected, and there's most definitely a burnt smell. The badger watches a moment longer before he says, "Alright, that's enough... Go ahead and set it down, please." He motions, "It seems you've got some rudimentary knowledge, but we're looking for something a little more advanced, I'm sorry to say. We'll see how the other candidates are, and we'll let you know. Please, follow the hall you see through the door," he points, "and enter the second bay on the right. You can wait there until all the interviews are completed."
Kimberley scowls, but she follows orders well enough, heading down the hall and into the old garage bay, muttering to herself as she goes.
The hallway is rather heavily lit, almost blindingly so, and there are four bay doors spread out on either side of it. A couple fellows, a Gorilla and what looks like some large, metallic beetle form stand near the end to watch as Kim heads into the directed bay. Inside is a series of benches and chairs and tables, a lounge area with some coffee.
There's a rap, rap, rapping at the metal door, and Bill stirs, pushing off and away before he looks around, "Alrigh'... who's gonna be next for an interview?" The lizard fellow's large eyes ogle outwards at the group.
"Oh me! Pick me!" Firecracker says, dashing over to hover right in front of the fire newt before anyone else responds, waving a foreleg around excitedly over her head.
Mokou cracked a faint smile shaking Willy's hand with a firm grip. "Well then, good to meet you." Raising her brow at the vixen's comments, the fennec lass simply shrugged and crack a smile. "Setrian is right. The motley crew wins. Or loses. You'd never hear about the losses though. But... This isn't going to be one of those cases. Don't think so." Her smile turned back towards the feline with a slight shake of her head, a touch of warmth upon her muzzle. "Relax Amethyst. You will be fine, yeah? The best way to figure such out is out on missions like this anyway... and I doubt that Setrian would let any harm befall you." There, she stepped back, kneeling to rub at the little fox by here, Felix reveling in the care he was given... A few minutes passed there, before she looked up, Bill finally asking for the next. Before a word could even be said though, the pony pounded forward. "Heh... Best take care of that one then. Good luck Fire..."
Willy chuckles at the mix of comments. "ot
Willy chuckles at the mix of comments. "When is it ever not a Motley crew anyway here." he says as he pets Felix a little. "This place makes for some really interesting people in the end." He then nods to Eberus "Good to work with you here." he smiles "and you as well Amythyst. Had any more luck when it comes to collecting vials?" he asks before doing a quick check of his equipment.
Ebreus humms fragments of rock songs as he waits and checks his equipment. He smiles at Setrian as he introduces himself, "Hello Setrian." he says. When Willy comments on the fact almost all crews are motly nowadays he nods. "Sounds about right and I've been part of a few of the sucess stories." he comments then returns to examining his gear. As Bill returns his smiles and looks up as Firecracker eagerly tries to get the anphibians attention. "Let's let Fire take her turn." he comments.
Fiore falls completely silent and simply waits her turn to get checked out. She finds a place to lean on while waiting, and closing her eyes with a sigh. Her foot crosses over the other, "I didn't realize that we'd have to do interviews on top of it all." Her ears flick boredly, before she turns back to Set and Ammy, "Man..." She shrugs a little, then.
Setrian looks around at the others and grimaces "I really need to consider training with guns.. I've never really used them. Only reason I have these big things is because you just need to hit near the thing to do damage.." He pats his axe "It's a good thing most ferals fight up close anyway." He nods to fiore "I'm a little nervous, I have not really been tested for a mission."
Amethyst seems reassured by the female fennec's words, her ears returning to their normal perky state. She turns to Willy, nodding and smiling. "I have, actually! Been training a lot with the nanites, learning how to use them most effectively." She sways side to side idly, in a obvious good mood. "With that, and learning about healing techniques, I think it's about time I try to pull my weight!"
And, Bill turns his head a bit, blinking one large eye at the hyperactive, wee figure. He parts his lips before clapping them shut again and motioning for the pony to follow. Over at the heavy door, pulls it open and flags her past.
The office door was left open, and the kemonomimi badger looks at the arriving bundle of eagerness before he motions towards the hallway that's so brightly lit, "First bay door on the left, my dear."
Firecracker cheers out "Woohoo!" as she pumps a hoof in victory! "See ya in a little bit peoples!" she says, waving goodbye to the people behind her before turning and shooting into the door. When she's directed into the door on the left, she heads in, chirping, "Okie dokie lokie!" with a wave in thanks to the badger.
FWAP! The pony's face meets the door. Once... twice... thrice! Hmmn, it's not budging. It does make for an effective method of knocking, despite how painful it might be. From his spot at the end of the hall, the Gorilla fellow grunts and shuffles down the hall, and with a light push, he opens the heavy door for Fire. Past the door is... it looks akin to something from a Burger King's playland or a Kindergarten classroom. There are tubes and slides and various odds and ends throughout. There are even what look to be coloring books and crayons, fingerpaints and more! Seems a lot like a daycare or maybe... maybe it's an obstacle course?!
"Ooooooo!" Firecracker emotes with glee, looking around at all the colors and fun things! She zips around from one thing to the next, tumbling down slides, checking the books and coloring a page or two with an oversized crayon, smearing her hooves around in the paint, one color for each hoof, of course, before pronking around on a sheet of paper, and she only takes one lick after! Maybe two... Which of course makes her feel a bit nauseous as she sticks her green tongue out with a "Blech!"
The heavy door closes afterwards, leaving the pony to her designs, both literaly and figurative, for the moment.
There's another rap-rap-rapping at the heavy door that Bill's leant up against, and the figure sidles away from it, back out to the rest, "Alright, that was a quick one... so, who's next t'have their interview?" His head turns this way and that, looking at the group sideways.
Mokou idly scritched beneath Felix's chin, the little fox giving a quiet little bark. Her ears twitched before she looked to the others with a slow nod. "First time there's been a test of sorts for a mission... Must be something important..." She shook her head, ears twitching for a moment as a quiet knocking echoed to her. "That... Was fast." A frown rose before she stood, a sharp nod given. "Come on Felix... And, I'll go next Bill. If, you don't mind..."
Willy smiles at Amethyst reponse "Thats good to hear, especially as we always could use more agents who are adept at healing." he says with a smile "Especially in parties with me" he chuckles. He then notices the door swing open and Mokou being called. He smiles "Good luck!" he says as he waves to the two foxes as they venture in.
Ebreus nods, "Yeah, it would be nice if Z, RSX, and the Prommies could standardize mission procedure. I've got all my exo-bubble kit on me since I was preparing to just arrive, get the briefing and go on mission. This way is probably for the best though." he says in response to Fiore as he finishes his check of the flamethrower and looks up at the Shadow Vixen. He nods in agreement with Setrian, "I should get something less... destruction of the general area focused than my flamethrower too. Maybe I could get Cerl to show me how to use a crossbow." he comments. As his shield and flamethrower were both checked to be up to his standards he reaches into one of his satchels and counts his gernades, both the stun and fragmentals. When Bill returns he smiles, "That /was/ quick. I bet the interviewer has a new apreciation of calm dispositions now." he says. He smiles as Mokou offers to go next, "Good luck Mokou." he says.
Fiore gives a shrug to Ebereus 'Same as you. Though the only reason I came was because I already had my combat gear on at the time." She goes quiet then, and adds, "Admittedly, I haven't even been keeping track of who's gone in so far. Kinda spacing out here, heh."
The vixen flicks her ears, and notes, "Well, not too many agents come out on side jobs... And I was told basically 'never take a job from them ever'... I mean, I'm on the books, but this will be the first time I've left the bubble with them.... Hell, I've /shot at them/ pretty regularly." She chuckles, "You don't get between me and good petochemicals."
Setrian decides to take this time to rest and relax, meditating, trying to ensure he is focused once it was his turn to take whatever test would be assigned to him.
"Well, I didn't spend all that time studying boring medical texts underground for nothing!" The kitten girl says brightly, hopping a little. She turns and gives a wave to Mokou as she offers herself up next, then clasps her hands together and just listens to the conversations, her tail making large arcs in the air behind her.
The newt's palm shows, "Eh, eh, just you. One at a time," before pointing a digit towards Felix, "you'll jus' have t'wait y'r turn f'r an int'rview." He crosses his arms over his chest as he waits for them to pick between each other to see who goes first between the pair of them.
Mokou simply offered a slight nod back to Willy, her pet Felix leaping up briefly, clawing at her pack before clambering up to her shoulders. As she stepped forward though, she frowned faintly, "Err... He's with me. Not actually sapient mind you..." She paused, tilting her head as she tried to explain. "Not Feral-like non-sapient... but just... Well, he's my pet. N-not that kind of pet mind you! Just... H-he... Um... I bought him in New Dawn." She gestured towards the door, looking a touch warmer in the ears. "He's... well, with me."
The newt fixes Mokou with one eye, head turned to do so, and he then gives a shake of his head, 'I'm sorry. That's too much of a liabil'ty f'r a mission as sens'tive as th'one we're doin' We cant have any 'non-sapeitns'r ferals'r..." He looks back towrds the door which Firecracker'd recently passed through, "loose cannons messin' up a sens'tive operation, y'know? We need skilled individuals." He motions, "an', if he ain't a feral mutant, then he's an animal, which c'n be worse, even."
The fennec paused briefly before sighing, offering a slight nod. Pulling the fox off her back, she set him down for the time being, giving his collar a brief tug. "Alright then. Felix? Stay... I want you to stay here, got it?" Placing her hand upon the bridge of his muzzle, she stared deeply at him... A swift nod given before she rose. "Okay then sir... Can lead the way if you wish." That Felix gave a slight whine... Well, she tried to not listen...
When she's directed through the heavy door, the whining soudns do get cut off as it shuts. Sitting behind the desk, the badger kemonomimi says, "We do have facility here to watch over your pet should you qualify, by the by, and we head out. Now, please, have a seat..." He motions towards a chair across from the desk, a smiel touching his genteel features.
Slowly coming to rest in the offered chair, curling her tail to rest upon her lap, Mokou looked up briefly to the badger lad with a swift nod. "Thank you. That... would be a load off my shoulders then." A touch of a smile played at her muzzle as she leaned forward, fingers steepling as she nodded. "So... What is it that I can do for you? Or, rather, tell you?"
Genially, the badger says, "We're looking for individuals with fair technical skills, whether it be in first aid, precision mechanical and electrical work, comprehensive design and the like to go on an excursion to acquire some sensitive equipment. The difficult part is being able to identify pieces, make sure all that are needed are present and potentially checking to see if any of it is faulty." The fellow purses his lips lightly, "part of why we need to make sure those involved are both competent and capable. Of course, a few hands who're skilled with reconaissance helps, in case of trouble rising, but, we'd like those also to be team-players."
A swift nod was shot back to the lad, Mokou murmuring back, "Right. Great individualists can do what they will. But going a ways out away from the bubble, you need to be able to work in a team... and go with what they are doing." Her gaze dimmed briefly before she shook her head with a sigh. "I can keep an eye out as good as the next one, and I have a basic grasp of technical instruments. I'm better at telling you how to pull it apart than telling you what it is, but I can cover the basics rather well, and with good consistency. I'm not a slouch if trouble arises, nor am I oblivious to potential threats and how to circumnavigate them." She looked back to that fellow with a slight sigh, patting her bag. "I struggle to not say something at times, but I've something now to managed if need be. Not the best, but I know that..."
With a light nod of his head, the badger says, "Thank you for being honest and blunt. That is greatly appreciated. Mmmn, you do look lik ethe capable sort, too. Well, if you could please step downt eh hallway and into the second door on the right? WE've a lounge, tehre, where you can wait as we finish up the remaining interviews." He gives a genial smile, "And, thank you for coming in, at the very least. Perhaps we'll see you out in the field, too."
Mokou cracked a faint smile, pushing herself back before she rose, "No problem sir. I... Hope that it will be of use then." A slight nod offered before she set off, pacing down the hall towards the doorway, pushing it open to find a seat... only breathing a bit heavily.
Bill comes back out with a wag of his thick-tipped fingers, wagggin the bulbed ends, "Alrigh', who's next t'be interviewed, then?"
The cheetah woman looks up from fiddling with her drone in the middle of the lounge, a nod of acknowledgement the only response as Mokou walks in. "Well then... how'd it go?" She asks, setting her tools aside and closing the cowling on her quadcopter's fuselage.
Firecracker smears her hoovsies around in circles on the paper, turning the colors all red and blue and green and yellow and brown as she stirs them around on the page, cleaning them of the paint as she plays, mostly anyway. With the coloring book, slides, painting, and tubes all done and played with, she takes another look around and notices a ball pit she missed earlier! "Ooooo, more fun!" she cheers, clapping her painty forehooves together with little clop-splats before she dives into the neverending sea of colorful balls, never to be seen again! Probably...
Mokou fell back into one of the threadbare seats, a slow grumbling sigh fell from her lips as Kim spoke to her. Shaking her head, she gave a slight shrug before offering a wane grin back. "Well, they thanked me for being clear and direct. So, either they thought I was fine with what was said, or decided I'd said enough for them to make their own call." She offered a faing shrug, leaning forward in her chair to look at the quadcopter. "So, hopefully they think it was good. How about you though? You feel alright with it?"
Willy picks up his helmet with a nod and puts it back on. "Well my turn I guess" he says before he gets up and ambles twoards the door. He smiles as he looks at the newt, his armor click clacking a little "Lead the way" he says with a smile.
Ebreus rifles through some more of his gear as he waits. After a few moments he seems satisifed with what he has and says, "So anyone else have a Nanite Interface Control Enhancer? I know Firecracker does and Mokou doesn't. Unsure of the Cheetah woman." When Fiore comments on shooting at members of Z he snerks and says, "Nice to know that the major factions don't hold so much of a grudge they won't hire you for potentially life-threatening missions." and chuckles a bit. When Bill returns he goes to rise to his feet but as Willy beats him to responding he sits back down and says, "Goodluck." then once he is, likely, out of earshot he says to the three who are still with him, "I guess I'll be going next."
"Yes." Fiore says, "I have one." The vixen says, and adds, "Don't hardly have cause to use the thing most times, since I'm trained for out-of-bubble ops... Though this will be first outside-bubble mission without my mother or anyone at my proper job along." She crosses her arms, and then adds, "I don't know if I'm qualified or not... Given that, I'm not sure they'd want me around even if I was."
Amethyst shakes her head at the demonic fox. "I don't.. I recently spent most of my funds on, well, something much more useful for the time being..." She smiles and pats the bulge in her messenger bag, eliciting a metallic thump from the contents inside. The kitten girl then glances at the meditating fenrir. "I think Master does, though...." She says, her eyes lingering on him for just a moment before turning back to the others.
The Fire Newt bobs his head, motioning for Willy to follow, "Right this way... through the door, here!" He pulls open the heavy door leading to the back to let Willy pass. Sitting with the office door open, the badger shows off a cordial smile, wide and ready, "Welcome! Please, have a seat. Let me know, do you have any technical skills in particular to offer for a mission involving sensitive circuitry?"
Kimberley flicks a switch on the outside of the drone, and its rotors spin to life with a quiet, high-pitched keening noise. The cheetah seems startled by this, and she scrambles up to find that the drone's control device was sitting under her bottom. Somewhat embarrassed, and thankful that it didn't take off and fly around the room, Kimberley gives a nervous chuckle. "Not so well, I'm afraid. I don't think I'm quite the cat they were looking for."
Willy smiles and before gently sitting down and adjusting in his seat. Looking to the Kemonini badger he smiles saying "Thank you for the oppertunity. As for techinal skills, I am well versed at working with computers, as the records on the mission with the Giant Tree woman will show. I am also very good when it comes to working on installation of various technical items, and on doing proper research on subjects of the like."
The room is basically empty, Firecracker nowhere to be seen as she moves around beneath the surface of the ball pit.
The badger-mimi's brows rise, the smile broadening, "That so? Excellent! Well, then, here... you shouldn't have any trouble demonstrating, mmn?" He pulls out a box similar to the one he'd pulled out for the cheetah earlier and places it on the desk.
It's nothing for Willy to get the plate off, deftly weding the screwdriver in and pressing hte points to slide it away. With care, he unscrews the top board, setting aside the screws into the plate he'd taken from the top to bare the boards beneath.
None of the components shift out of place as Willy angles the board away gingerly. It's clear by looking at the underside there'd been a burnt resistor that'd singed the board and damaged one of the cords.. There seem to be some extraneous resistors, and Willy works the soldering free from one of those, replacing the damaged one. A nearby soldering iron serves to secure it into place, and once it's been done and the wire reset, a little hum emanates from teh box. Teh badger claps his hands together, "Excellent, excellent. You'll do perfectly. Please, please, go on ahead to the last bay on the right. We'll brief you as soon as the others are fully chosen."
Willy nods "Thank you" he says before heading out and heading to the Last Bay as directed, looking rather happy with himself. As he reaches the door her thinks for a minute "hmm...they did say it might be out of reach of the bubble...I guess I better make a quick adjustment to my "kit"..." he goes as he steps inside. Once inside, there is a toned beep, before he is seen shifting to Pangolin, before the tone rings agian and he shifts back to fennec with a much smaller set of genitals
That didn't take too terribly long, for better or for worse! Bill comes from inside again and looks at the foursome remaining, "Alrightly, then... which'a you's gonna be next f'r th'interview, mmn?"
Mokou cracked a smile, watching that drone spin to life and whir upward, even though its sound made her ears lie flat upon her scalp. A few moments passed as the fennec hunkered down, trying to avoid the device if it came careening on over towards her... But no such misfortune seemed to pass by her. Instead, she quietly sighed, shaking her head and lifting herself back, quietly patting the feline. "Hey, don't worry about it... Sometimes the mission just... isn't for us, you know?"
Ebreus nods, "Alright. I've found Nanomagics are very, very, useful for out of bubble missions so long as there is someone who maintains a Regulation bubble. Firecracker may be a bit of a nutcase but she's bug-sized, almost always flying, and when out of bubble she generates such a bubble and a big one at that." he says happily making conversation. When the Newt again comes to get someone for an intreview Ebreus rises to his paws with his extensive kit and says, "That would be me." as he aproaches Bill with a smile on his face.
The newt gives the massively tall, compared to him, figure a sideways glance as per, well, amphibious mannerisms. His jaw works, the cartilage ridge flexing a bit before he says, "I... hope you can get smaller or well, don't mind doing guard-type stuffs.. .wait... wait.." He taps against his chin, "Aren't you... hmmn, what was the name... I think I know who you are..." He snaps his bulbous-tipped fingers, "Ebony... Enebreus... Cerbereus... Eberus... what was it..."
Fiore nods to Ebreus, "I'd consider her a threat if she where any bigger, to be perfectly honest." Fiore notes, keeping her arms crossed as she watches Ebreus leave. "Good luck." She glances about at those gathered, idly pacing back and forth and pondering silently. "Man, I could have been on the lathe over this."
Amethyst giggles, eyeing Eberus as he heads in. "I always forget about just how... big people can get now..." She says timidly, her ears folding back. "Not like I don't get a reminder every so often, though..." The kitten girl plays with the hem of her dress, still smiling, but sheepish.
Ebreus ducks under the doorframe as he enters the building, using his four arms to ensure his kit is secured with his fluid motions. "My name is Ebreus. Have you heard of me from somewhere?" he says. He looks around the imedient inside of the building and should Bill lead he follows, taking note of anything that seems like a reinforced or soundproofed door.
As they pass through just that, Bill calls around the corner towards the badger-mimi, "Hey! We've got Ebreus here. He's one'a those folks we've heard about bein' pretty reliable!" The badger blinks, looking at the massive fellow that passes through teh reinforced door and nods, "Oh, well, good! Feel free to head on down the hallway and take the last door on the right into the bay, there. You'll get briefed once the last few folks hav ebeen interviewed."
Kimberley shrugs, then she leans down to pick up the drone's remote so she can stop its ceaseless whirring. The cat sighs... thank God that's all over with. "If I get passed up for this job, it's no skin off my back. Just means I wasn't up for the challenge." She doesn't even look at Mokou while saying this. "Yup... nothing wrong with me, just... not my specialty. That's all. Can't be good at everything."
Mokou let a slight sigh fall from her lips before she shook her head, albeit a touch of a warmer sigh as the sound ceased. "I suppose that is a good way to look at it. Not much one can do about it right now anyway, right?" Leaning back against her chair, she flicked her tail over, slowly brushing it as she nodded. "Just wish there was a specialty to have sometimes... What do you tend to do by the way? If the technical stuff isn't your specialty."
Fiore watches Ebreus leave for the interview, and looks to Set and Ammy, "Know what? Take care. I'll come back out later when I don't have to share my loot with Zephyr..." She shakes her head, "I'm fairly sure I'd end up on the black-list if I went, anyway... That'd be mildly inconveiniant, still. Take care, folks." She pulls her pistol out again and heads back for the city.
Amethyst tilts her head curiously at Fiore, but nods, waving farewell to her as she leaves. "Be careful on the way back!" She calls out, before turning back and looking around, just rocking back and forth with a sigh.
Ebreus looks over in the direction Bull calls into then shrugs, "Well I won't argue with my reputation proceding me. Thank you." he says. He walks down the hallway and takes the indicated door. He steps inside and closes the door behind him with one of his lower arms. "Hey, seems like we're both qualified. They gave me a free pass, my reputation proceding me." he says as he takes a seat next to the Fennec.
Willy sees Ebreus come in. "Thats good to hear. The guy had to fix a electronic box, which I did easily. Seems that my time working on my projects for the town paid off I guess." he says as he wags his tails. "How are your classes going at the University by the way?"
It's only a moment before Bill's back, and the amphibian blinks, turning his head left and right, "Hey... weren't there three of you a moment ago? Ah well... Who's ne-" He's cut off as the Badger pokes his head out through teh door, "Just bring the remaining two on in, Bill." The fellow turns back, "WEll, alrighty then. Th'both'a you can come on in, then."
Kimberley picks up the machine and collapses it into a more compact form, stowing it away in her pack with her other gear. "I'm a scout by trade... Well, not trade so much as happenstance. Just a thing I'm decent at and there's a demand for."
Setrian opens his eyes, his meditation having been completed. He looks over at bill and the badger, standing and following them in "Shall we, amethyst?" He asks as he starts going.
The fennec lass gave a slight nod, ears twitching briefly before she rubbed her back for a moment. The rope was starting to cut a touch against her skin, "I see. No... Wait. I remember now. Sorry... Was trying to put down why I knew you from earlier... Was at the park and the lobby those times..." A ghost of a smile rose, nodding back to the cheetah. "Still, thank you for that. How have... ah... your children been since then? You don't seem so... umm... rotund at least."
Amethyst seems a bit taken aback by the sudden change in protocol, but nods in response to the fenrir. "O-Of course..." She says, adjusting the strap of her messenger bag and striding forwards, taking a deep breath as she follows the others.
Ebreus smiles, "My classes are going well." he says as he settles his equipment. "Not sure Bill recognises I'm intelligent in adition to being physically capable but when he heard my name they decided I was qualified." he adds.
Willy nods "I see. well thats good to hear. Always good to see new budding stars in the field of science" he says before hearing about the second comment on Bill and laughs a little "Well it's good that you have gotten an excellent reputation, and hey, that could be a nice surprise to them." he says with a smirk.
Bill steps aside to let them into the office with the badger, and the kemonomimi shows off a winning smile towards the pair of them, "WElcome, welcome. Thank you for responding to our message. Now, would either of the pair of you have any special skills of a technical nature or something that would be useful outside of the bubble, perhaps? Medical knowledge and first aid is useful, in case of injury, especially if nanites aren't as much an option as they normally would be. With the sensitive equipment we'll be attaining, there may be a need to not use something like, say, Regulation Nanomagic."
The cheetah has a pleasant smile on her face and a warm twinkle in her eyes. "I was wondering why you didn't recognize me. Yeah... the body's a little new, but it's still the same me. Just swapped out the stripes for spots." As if to demonstrate, she twitches her cloth-covered tail.
Mokou lifted the corners of her muzzle up in a smile, her gaze a touch warmer as she turned, "Heh, yeah. Pardon about that! I just... jeeze. Dunno how you can do all that body switching and form manipulating..." She shook for a moment, a hand reaching out and briefly swaying at that tail. "But, I must admit. It looks good on you. Not so... I dunno. Fluffy I guess?"
Setrian coughs slightly as he ponders the question. "I.. Have some technical knowledge, but I'm not exactly the best in the field by a long shot. Honestly I'm more a researcher, I have a good understanding of the value of research, and, providing I am allowed to at the very least make copies for myself, I can assure that any and all important schematics, notes, and theory papers, as well as any storage devices that may contain information of value, will make their way back here providing that the team doesn't face an obstacle that would make such an event impossible." He holds out his hand in greeting to the badger "I'm Doctor Setrian Holbrook. Just Setrian is fine though. Not a medical doctor of course, just my degree.. Before all this happened of course." He looks around the room curiosly "So, what's this big test?"
Amethyst steps forward, her back straightening and her ears at attention. She gives a subtle curtsey before speaking, her voice less quiet and more... confident. "Yes, Sir. Despite my greenhorn kind of status, I've spent upwards of 16 years studying medical texts and records in the bunker I've resided in since P-Day. Upon returning to the surface, I'd spent my time learning about the newer methods of first aid and triage, mastering the techniques and abilities the nanites have given us. I've performed numerous tasks as a medic in combat, as well as midwifery." She turns her head and smiles at the fenrir beside her, lifting a hand to brush a lock of chestnut hair from her face. "I won't let anyone succumb to their injuries, not on my watch, at least." She turns back to the badger, going silent to make room for Setrian's question.
The badger bobs his hed, listening to the pair of them readily, and the kemonomimi fellow claps his hands together, "Wonderful, wonderful. Alright... let's go ahead and pick up the rest of the crew and head into the last bay." He motions for the pair of them to follow, stopping by the second door on the right to tehe lounge, peeking in, "Would the pair of you please follow me to the briefing room?" He beckons and is already heading back to where the Gorilla and the steely bug-figure stand and enters into the room Willy and Ebreus have been waiting.
Standing up from her place on the floor in the center of the room, Kimberley slings her backpack over her left shoulder and rolls her right arm around in its socket with a tired grunt. Picking her rifle up from where it was propped up against a chair, the cheetah follows curiously, willing to see where this takes her.
Mokou blinked sharply, her response stolen from her as she rose to her feet, a swift nod given to the badger lad. Hoisting her bag back over her shoulders, a slight shift of the rope, she followed close behind Kim, eyes a touch worried, but excited.
Amethyst visibly relaxes, letting out a held breath, and a soft giggle. Her ears fall back as she follows, her tail hitting Setrian playfully as she bounds ahead happily, seeming like a weight was off her shoulders.
Setrian chuckles a little at the playful kitten, following after with a smile, although he is just a little disappointed at the lack of a test.
The fellow stands at the fore of the room once everyone who's going has been brought in. He qucikly scratches out some pictures onto a slate board with some chalk, working rapidly to fix the images that had been there so they were complete again, "The California Science Center is a relatively untapped potential treasure trove of parts and pieces. Various items from animatronics to even NASA tech have made it there over the years prior to P-Day, including IMAX filmographics and more. Today's mission? We're going to acquire the parts and pieces of a Space Suit that was used in the Space Ship Endeavor exhibit, tehre. There are likely the husks of the suits in the primary exhibity," he taps against the board to show its location on the second story, "But, the parts and pieces to go into it are most likely here," he taps at the interactive exhibits, "and or here," before tapping back towards storage and archives. He turns towards them, "Knowledge of circuitry will be essential for knowing that you have all the pieces and they're functional.. and, your researchign capabilities, Doctor Setrian, will be invalauable for combing the archives to ensure we have the real parts and not just mock-ups."
The badger-mimi couples his hands behind his back, looking to those assembled, "Usage of things like Regulation Nanomagic will not be permitted during this excusion unless you're met with hostiles. Even then, try not to use it while you're within the vicinity of the circuitry. It would be a total and utter waste to lose it just because the nanites nommed them. We will be sending you with sillicate casings to place the circuitry into, and the vehicle will have a like-sealed chest for the bulkier items. Is this all understood, thus far?"
Kimberley nods her head silently, standing at attention with her backpack slung over one shoulder and her rifle over her other. The cheetah stands with her ears perked, paying close attention to any mention of whether or not there's any enemy presence to be expected.
Mokou offered a faint nod as the badger spoke on about the mission. A few extraneous thoughts crept up, but she shook them off, dismissing the notions. Trying to remember the street address didn't matter right now. Instead, she tried to focus on the things that were important. "Alright. Form that, only have to ask... Are we expecting resistance in the local? I don't remember reading the history of missions that went out... well... that far, but perhaps scouting was done. Are we certain the pieces haven't been scavenged? And... Is there any secondary objective?"
Willy's eyes light up as he hears the mission and nods "Heard you loud and clear sir." he says with a smile and wags both tails. The others could see he was almost beaming at the task ahead of him. The beaming cooled down a little as he heard Mokou's questions as he was curious about the responses.
Ebreus nods, "Yeah, I love oral debriefings for that reason. I get to see the surprize when I relay to them what truthfully happened." he says chuckling lightly. "Did you read the logs of exo-bubble excersions? Some of them are pretty interesting or at least should be, the missions themselves were interesting." he adds. He takes a breath and quiets himself as the badger and the two others come in. "Nice to see you met the qualifications Mokou." he says then seats himself for the briefing. Once the Badger asks for questions he nods, "Acquire the entire space suit is the primary objective." he says.
The badger-mimi nods towards Ebreus, "Precisely. The suit is the primary objective. With such a potential treasure-trove, though, if the primary cannot be attained, be certain to acquire that circuitry you can. Any archive data on the schematics for the suit, too, would be invaluable as well, but, we don't expect there to be much along the lines of resistance." He crooks his charismatic smiel into a grin, "You'd be surprised how few folks think of going to a museum, even something as great as a science center, when an apocalypse is raging about them. Thankfully, ferals do not like being outside of the bubble and avoid it when they can. Our scouting missions to site sight the site have shown no clusters of hostiles nor any squaters near the vicinity, at present. You may need to break through locks and various other obstacles, and the palce is quite large. If there has been sacking, again, the archives and circuitry is your secondary objective."
Setrian nods thoughtfully "Shouldn't be a difficult task." He states, looking over the map of the building. "Hopefully we get some juicy information out of those archives.." He seems elated at the mission even more so than when they started.
Amethyst tilts her head as she listens carefully, her long chestnut locks shifting against her shoulders. She look a little nervous, but otherwist just stays quiet and listens, getting just about the gist of it.
Kimberley silently stands there until the question has been answered, the tip of her long tail twitching in anxiety. "Go to the space center, look for suits and parts, seal them up, come home. Sounds like a simple task to me."
Mokou gave a sharp nod back towards the badger lad, her questions answered. She pursed her lips... but nothing was forthcoming from it. What she wanted to know, she knew now. That however, did not stop her ears twitch at the sound of Ebreus's voice, the fennec's shoulders dropping an inch as she nodded. Moving towards them a moment, she reached in her bag, a metallic clinking sound echoing for a moment. She looked back to him with a slight nod, pulling out a disturbingly familiar metallic cage of sorts, long and oblong, with several straps around its opening. She simply let him see it, presenting the muzzle as she looked to him. Her words, brief. "If I mess up."
Willy nods at the report on how heavy the enemies could be and on secondary objectives. He mentally notes on the secondary and keeps in his head the need to unlocking. Noding the Fennec awaits for the rest of the Badgers orders
Ebreus nods lightly, "Should be an easy enough task. No Regulation Bubble would make locks tedius but by no means difficult." he says. When Mokou speaks up he turns his attention to Mokou and looks at he cage, "Muzzle you if you make mistakes?" he asks.
Setrian looks around at them and taps his chin "You mentioned a vehicle. So, where is it? And who's driving?" Is all he asks, obviously ready to get on with it.
Amethyst looks over at Mokou curiously, but shakes it off, her head shaking with the action. Unfortunately, this made the bell on her collar jingle too, reminding her of it's potential to give her away. She looks to Setrian a moment, then quickly unclasps her collar, stuffing it into her bag, which muffled the sound. "I'm ready." She says softly, her ears at alert.
"Science Center, actually. There are quite a few exhibits, so, you'll need to find the Endeavor exhibit," the badger-mimi taps at the map again, a bit of the chalk puffing form the impact of his finger, "and some of you will be hitting the archives, et cetera. But, yes, seal the parts and pieces up. Doctor Setrian, I believe you'd be the best suited to hunt down the schematics and potential crucial chips they might have left in inventory or archives. Mister Ebreus, you seem very capable at keeping everyone covered. You, sir," he nods to Willy, "can certainly review over the circuitry, and, should you have to find replacements to unfound parts, best suited to finding and rigging such things." He claps his hands together, remnant chalk puffing from them, "Any other questions?"
The badger-mimi pauses, "My dear lady, I daresay Mister Ebreus will be able to pull you out, but, we'll certainly keep this handy, should your companion feel alone and need to look at soemthing to remind of your care." He takes the cage and accessories. He looks over at Setrian, "Ah, well, if there's nothing else, this way. Bill will be driving." He motions with his hand, out of the room and across the hall to the last left door of that hallway into a vehicle bay where Bill's all set and ready and wearing a riding cap. The vehicle's one of those large, ribbed transport trucks with a canopy over the caging.
The trip goes by uneventfully and a bit long and tedious, but as they approach the massive three-storied building with the domed Imax theater nearby, it's truly impressive. There's no power, though, making the building almost omenous with the various weird shadows the natural light casts through the windows. The group is met with a locked door to which Willy throws a brick through its window and reaches through to nudge the bar, gaining them access. Who needs tricky security measures when you know there's no power? Once within, years of dust and neglect flood out in a coughing miasma. Disrepair's taken much of the place, but it's still standing, and the signs and directory are still tehre to review over. With it being so clear where the exhibits and archives are, teh group can easily split up to invesitgate.
Kimberley pulls her scarf up over her face, stepping out of the vehicle with a scowl. Her voice is muffled by the striped fabric in front of her face. "Looks clear enough. For now."
Mokou slipped through, a faint shift of her bag upon her back as she nodded to the group. "Alright... Can get those who are aiming for research, those aiming for the suit, and those aiming for the circitry beneath it. Everyone has their comms on to communicate yes? Because... looks best to split up."
As Willy steps inside, he catches a waft of the pile of dust and does his best to avoid everyone as he lets out a squeaky "Whaaaachooo!" shaking his head to regather himself he looks to Mokou "Probably for the best yeah. This place seems to be preety vacant anyway." he says "I probably can lead the groups for the suits as I know what sort of exhibit were looking for." he says.
Ebreus listens to the rest of the presentation. He sighs as the badger seems to think he's a grunt. "I can do that. I am also a qualified several fields of engineering, and am a capable Computer Technician." he says as he rises to his feet with his equipment and walking to the vehicle. After the dull ride he steps out of the vehicle and aproaching the door he cringes as Willy simply bricks it. "Alright, watch for glass shards." he says, glancing down at his bare paws. When Mokou speaks up he says, "My comm is part of my NICE though splitting up may be inadvisable. We don't know if Carson considers this theirs." He looks around plotting a path from the door that won't cause his paws to bleed as Willy comments.
Setrian immediately makes his way towards the archives after powering down his nice. He ends up in the lavatory on his first attempt, but amazingly on his second try he finds the entrance to the archives. "I'll be spending my time in here. You all find the parts you can, bring them back here and I should be able to match serial numbers to correct parts." With that, he all but jumps into the task, searching for a computer or hard copy papers, as well as any data storage devices. Anything he can get his large lupine hands on.
Amethyst hops down out of the militaristic vehicle with a small 'oof'. She follows the group through the window, holding an arm up to her face and using a wing to bat away some of the dust. "Ugh, no wonder there's no ferals about..." She comments, choking a little at the air. She looks up at Willy. "I'll follow you guys, then. Best to be around as many people as possible in case someone gets hurt." She makes a mental note as she looks at the bare paws around the broken glass, cringing.
With Setrian finding the arhivists' catalogue, he's able to fish through and find quite a bit of infromation quite readily. Though it takes time, he's able to find the sserial numbers, the filing locations and more about the suits with his expert research.
The others are able to keep together and hunt out the location of the Endeavor exhibit. The suits themselves are suspended not far form teh shuttle in a picturesque depiction that would likely need soem acrobatic expertise in order to get up to them and unhinge them down. There's a sign pointing to other exhibits, including a glass display that shows some of the components, at least in mock-up, if not in full reality where not crucial or proprietary. Thanks to Willy's sauve security skills, he's able to... bash a panel open with that brick from earlier, but in a way so that the glass doesn't fall into teh components. With care, he's able to extract those bits form the exhibit and piece together some of it. Ebreus, too, is able to help put together several of the pieces but only after giving their agile assitants a good boosy up with his enhanced height.
Kim barely makes it up there, but she does, thanks to Ebreus' impressive lobbing abilities, but she has to cling moreso to really keep stable. Mokou and Amethyst, howver, are up with style. The mooring for the suits seems to have a pin to keep it in place, and, in fact, when Kim is holding on, hers' pin pops free, and she begins to plummet with the suit!
Expert save! With Kim curling and then spreading, she breaks some of the momentum just in time for Ebreus to grab her and shift the momentum into a swing and cradle maneuver so that Kim lands safely beside him, the fall's momentum dispersed.
It's only a moment' more work for them to unhitch the other two suits, the first having met a foul end that wasn't Kim's fate with the floor.
Kimberley looks over the broken suit with a grimace, safely on the ground, but at a loss for how to get the others down. Still, the cat seems grateful for Ebreus's assistance, and she gives him a silent salute, her smile covered by her scarf.
Mokou winced as she held herself to the mooring line, slowly inching herself over , grabbing the suit as though it were another person. "Okay... this is going to be a touch irritating," she murmured, doing her best to keep hold of it as lept back, falling to the ground with her suit in... more or less whole condition.