Medicine and Clipboards - RPLOG

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"Thank you all for responding." The mall rat before you said, wearing a leather bomber jacket, no shirt, tight leather pants, and fighter pilot glasses. The group was gathered in the garage in RSX, the company having provided a set of trucks to handle the operations as a base point in a diplomatic initiative. "You're all cool cats and other things. So we've got a problem see. The clinic is up and running for the most part but we need to restock some supplies and get some of the heavy equipment in the radiation therapy area, nuclear medicine, all the good stuff." He continues on, walking over near a small fleet of trucks and tapping one on the wheel with one furred paw.

"These bad boys will pick the stuff up for ya if you can find anything there and keep it clear. You're job is to get there and sneak in to see if they have the things we want dig it? You'll each get a little radio and just flick the switch when you find it and we'll move on in after you've cleared the area. Now guess who is ready to take any questions and has two thumbs." He continues with a smirk, bending his elbows and sticking his thumbs out toward himself. "This guy."

Cookies is here in her now-favorite-clothes, a black turtleneck and brown sweater pants- they look knit, but she generated them with nanomagic, if the surreally soft metamaterial they're made of is any indication. She raises a hand, ears perked up and tail lashing excitedly. The catgirl mewls out, "You've scouted this out, right? We know there are working, non-degenerated tools in there? Is it clear of ferals? Do we have any maps?" After she's done machine-gunning out those questions, she nyas, "... How much are we getting paid, and on what basis? By how much we get, or just for doing the job- that sort of thing?"

Having gotten wind of the call, a small nekomata has decided to answer the summons. If help is needed, then she's certainly in a position to be of assistance. And so here she is, rocking a pair of jeans and a sweater and likely looking very out of place. Her twin tails swish nervously and she forces an all too cheery smile to try to cover her own worries about participating in this mission.

She listens carefully and shifts from foot to foot as Cookies spouts out her questions. "Pretty much what she said." Pavani says quietly. "I'm certain that we all want to make sure that we do the best job that we possibly can to get all of this taken care of." She folds her arms over her chest and tries affecting a more nonchalant stance, but that is probably belied by the fact that her gaze is darting everywhere except for straight ahead.

Aimee comes along walking on all fours despite the dragging of her breasts on the ground. She seems mostly used to it, not a scratch on her from it as she walks through to the Mall Rat. She knew the Clinic needed soemthing from these people, but she had no clue what, just that she was sent out to try and help get it. Walking around, she seemed mostly lost, whimpering and whining softly, eventually standing up on her hind paws, sniffing around, "I'm lost again..." she says softly whining to herself. She herself has not a scrap of clothing on, but lots of jewelery. Hearing Cookies talking though she turns to her, running over! "Angry Kitty!!" she calls out, a massive wall of breasts followed by a husky rushing over to the cat girl called out to! She seems oblivious to most everything else.

More than happy to assist Eureka in their need, a lioness dressed in a typical business woman's outfit stands by attentively, eying up and down her standard shotgun while she listens to the briefing. When one mentions a trip to the general hospital, it's best to pack your best things, and a little armor bellow her coat couldn't hurt. Not far behind the cat girl, she peers at that darn sweater and could only wish Cookies was wearing a dress instead, but such is life. At least it looked comfy. "I assume the building is still crawling with dangerous ferals just as always," Dio comments, looking over her shoulder as Aimme comes around and making way for the rush. "Seems to be a standard pacification and salvage mission, but I'm afraid I'm not too familiar with the area. I tend to avoid that hospital." Straightening out her suitcoat diligently and perhaps a bit obsessively, the lioness flicks her tail about and continues. "I'm quite curious as well if there's any useful supplies left, but I suppose we'll just have to find out. I'm willing to risk some pain for it."

The rat reaches up with his right hand to adjust the glasses, thin pink tail smooth and cool behind him. He leans against the large wheel of the thing as his head moves over the group to answer the questions in turn. "Woah, chill out there kitten. It's all good." He says, pulling out a little piece of paper and a small bag of some sort of green leafy substance. "We know some stuff there works, some doesn't but it's still good for parts. You're job is to clear out some ferals before the salvage crew goes down there and hopefully call out the best parts. We got some old maps of the place, pretty normal setup, and most of the stuff we want is on the first and second floor. Power stations on the basement." The papers are filled with the leaf as he talks and finally lifted up for his tongue to seal the deal.

"Pay is standard for a patrol job and a bonus if there's more trouble than normal or find something really good there." Just as he finished his little spiel and rose the joint to his lips Aimee ran in toward Cookies and he fumbled with it, almost dropping the thing to the floor. "Well I didn't see a no pets no service policy." He says with a shrug, flicking out a lighter to start up his smoke. "I think the only one around the garage and the hospital was something about smoking."

Cookies nods a bit as she takes in the information, about to relax her posture when she hears an ALL TOO FAMILIAR voice. Of all the things she's been forgetting lately, there is not a chance in hell she won't remember /that husky/. She barely has time to turn around before her vision is clouded with enormous husky breasts, leaving her equally little time to get out of the way. This is what those cats felt like, isn't it?

Pavani listens attentively to the rat and forces herself to stop fidgeting. She glances around at the people that she does not know at all and gives a welcome, albeit nervous smile. A small sheath for a dagger is attached to the side of her jeans, and a holster for a rifle is on the other side. "Very well then," she says, before her gaze settles on Aimee. An expression of uncertainty skitters over her face before she glances back toward the others.

Aimee gets within range and makes a bounding leap over to Cookies, soft warm mammories being the first things to make contact, knocking the kitty over, prime for licking! She licks and laps at Cookies over and over again, lightly grinding her milk dripping breasts and puppy filled belly over her, "Aimee miss Angry Kitty!!" she exclaims out, licking over her a few more times, before, suddenly, Aimee brings her head up, "I.. was doing something.. oh yeah! I have to find place with things for Clinic." she says, tail wagging behind her madly like she just figured out how to make a perpetual motion machine. She gently gets off of Cookies and looks around, "Gentle Sex Lion Dio?" she asks, before sniffing around some more, "Angry Kitty and Dio help Aimee find things for Clinic?" she asks, finally noticing the mall rat and Neko, "I'm not lost?" she asks.

Dio tried to keep up her business professional persona the best she could, but the cat girl getting tackled by the top heavy husky was a bit too much to take. Eventually, a smile crept over her face, followed by a small chuckle. "That's correct ma'am," she nods, folding up her arms across her chest. "This is the briefing for the very same mission. Speaking of which, we should probably begin. I believe I have all the information I require." With a firm nod, she uncrosses her arms and looks towards the trucks. "And please, just Dio if you will."

The liason turns and opens one of the trucks, pulling out a small spray bottle. He softly padded over toward the licking husky with the water thing held ahead when she finally looked up and started talking again. "No no. Right boobs wrong place. I mean right place." Splash giving equipment was shifted around behind his back to be hidden a bit and he muttered something under his breath about cats and milk. "If there's nothing else then... Ah right maps." He says, dropping the bottle and reaching in his jacket to hand over the maps and a small radio to whomever would take them. "On your way and just give the call when it's clear."

The catgirl is sent flying to the ground with an 'oomph', sighing out and wincing a little bit at the licking- though those enormous breasts are actually met with a little bit of less-than-subtle squeezing from her comparitively small hands. They're there, why not, reasons Cookies! "Yes, yes... Hello, you walking bowling ball." She shifts her clothes into a more waterproof material to avoid milk stains and slooowly climbs to her feet, giving Dio a dirty look as she rises. "Laugh it up, chuckles," she grumbles, shaking the milk off and returning the turtleneck to its usual state. She grabs a map and radio, giving the map a quick glance and walking over to take Dio's side.

Pavani takes the offered map and radio. Unfurling the page, she glances at it before giving a soft little sigh. Her gaze flits over to Aimee once more before she clears her throat. "Look," she says. "I'm Pavani, for anyone that cares about that sort of thing. I don't know any of you, but just wanted you to know that I'm willing to help however I can." Her voice is a soft, southern contralto. She follows suit after Cookies and stands near the group. "Just thought it was best since, well, always nice to feel a bit of camaraderie when doing these sort of things. Or so I think."

Aimee looks over at the rat again as he approches, not really noticing the water bottle, but looks at the map and radio tilting her head, "What is?" she asks, no where near understanding, and looks over to Cookies first, a slight murr from the boob grasping. She gets a bit closer to Cookies, hoping she would do it again. Looking over to Dio, she whimpers abit, "Dio doesn't say who Dio is though..." she complains a bit, almost as if not including the nick name would make her forget something. Her gaze is taken over to Pavani as she talks, "Me Aimee! Pah..vah...knee?" she says back, not having a good way to name the neko yet, "Oh!! All ready? How do we go?" she asks.

"Very well," Dio comments, nodding her head and stepping way around Aimee and Cookies to grab a map and radio for her needs. Just one more look at the cat girl and her lips tremble in a desperate attempt to hold back more laughter. "Yes, of course ma'am. I'm happy to meet you. Team work is key to success after all," she says with a cough, clearing up the extra silly from her system as she makes her way for the trucks. "Me? Well, I'm a business man. Should you need a title, Mister would do just fine. And yes, I'm quite ready."

Once the equipment had been handed out, the rat snagged the bottle again and climbed into the cargo trug. It was a heavy duty pick up truck with an open back and a small raised wooden barrier around the sides. "Ok, hop in and let's get rockin'!" The truck was started up while everyone was given the chance to jump in or try to walk to the place. He fiddled with the cd player as he called out from the door, yelling over the ramped up engine. "Only room for one in the cab! Rest in the back! Other's will follow when we're done. My name is Fez by the way." The hit sounds of Elvis Parsly, an underground mall rat singer, came over the speakers now. "You ain't nothin' but a slut rat, bangin' all the time."

Cookies stuffs her map and radio into one of the various hidden pockets in her turtleneck, reaching out to grab one of Dio's hands and one of Aimee's and lead them both to seats next to her in the back of one of the trucks. Should either not accept she will be terribly disappointed, but damned if she herself is not going to leg it the whole way to Eureka! Aimee's breasts are ogled by the catgirl with an almost fiery temptation in her glancing eyes, but she resists more than that for now. Still, she struggles!

Pavani nods to Aimee and then Dio as she offers a shy smile at both of them. "Looks like it's time to head out. But, it's nice meeting you." She looks at the truck dubiously but eventually heads in that direction. If everyone goes to the back, she makes a beeline for the passenger seat. If that is already taken, then she heads to the back and curls up quietly against the side, her face a mask of concentration as she studies a map that gives her very few answers to the dilemmas of the day. She cannot help but hum the song that is being sung. It gives her something to do and keeps herself from showing signs of nervousness, at any rate.

Dio takes a quick look at Aimee. Definitely seems more of a back person than a cab. "Let's get you in the back, my lady. Oh!" The lioness looks down at her grabbed hand and finds herself being pulled along into the back seat alongside the husky and cat girl. "You're on the ball today," she chuckles, settling down within her seat and trying to make room for herself with those giant breasts just beside her. And such lewd music! Whatever happened to wholesome and family tunes and tones from wonderful voices like Dean Martin? What silly times to live in.

The truck drove out along the streets, swerving around broken cars and fallen lamps to swivel around the college campus and head straight for the hospital. Up front with no one to see the rat took his time, driving and smoking all the way. It wasn't until a few blocks away when the first bit of oddness started to occur on the deserted streets. A large truck with the top sawed off was being pulled by a set of clydesdale studs and in the back was a full gang of what appeared to be college goers with kegs, baseball caps, and waring a turtleneck with chains. "Woooo. Bitch factory ahead Brah!" One of them shouted and started firing a little gun with grapples toward the vehicle.

"We're gonna get ya! It'll be a total brolocaust."

"I know bro, it's gonna be brahsome. Fire all the broling hooks onto that! Party time woooo!"

"Hey doggy lemme give you a bone. It's full of all the beer and brotrients you need! It's what plants crave!"

Cookies finally pries her gaze off the husky tits, looks out at those studs and what the fuck they're ALL wearing turtlenecks too? "Oh come the fuck on! Copycats!" She clutches her head, ears flat against her head and tail on her fur bristling. "I mean, I didn't invent the turtleneck, Dio, but I was the first to recognize its potential as a tactical garment! STOP THE TRUCK!" she yells back towards the cab.