Adventure - Take me! Let's go!
Anal - Well... that might be nice.
Bondage - Y-you want to tie me up? Hhhu ahhem.
Consensual - Please don't force me.
Dominant - I can do that.
Exploration - I like to find new places!
Horny - There are times when... it is hard to control myself.
Male Biased - S-Sorry ladies and herms. I mostly like manly men.
Mpreg - I could have my own child. The thought is strange and wonderful.
Romance - Without romance it is hard for me to like you.
Submissive - More common for me.
Switch - But sometimes I like to be both.
Taken - Luchious is my boyfriend.
Tiny Plots - What's your story. I want to know.
Shy - I ummm... sometimes I get flustered.
Teasing - Fun times.
Denial - So frustrating and yet so fun.
Aggression - You can get rough with me if I like you.