Research and Rescue - A tail of two skunks - RPLOG

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The trip to Fairhaven wasn't all that interesting. As interesting as a chooper ride could be really. Even the weather was being cooperative! It would be easy to have a feeling of hope that everything was going well and simple for this mission. It was, in of itself, a fairly easy concept as well. Go to the Library Skunks and research using their stock of books the basics of power plant opperations and the upkeep of a power grid. A daunting task, and the books required might not even be there to be read! But someone had to know something...

Landing at Zephyr Tower, there was the typical orgy going on, as well as the 'whole lot of nothing' that agents usually do.

Alkain grumbles as he has to deal with his rut on the way and yawns as he looks to te others, "Let's get going then..." he eyes hte orgy but shakes his head as he pads towards the doors to the lobby, a paw on his heavily swollen belly

Sakura had heard that the lobby was not the most civil of places to visit, so she decided to put on a bit more clothes on her this time, which means a shirt that she borrowed from Selyra. However that still didn't prevent her from making 4 wet spots on it, positioned right where her nipples would be. Her belly's also quite large. "Is this.. normal?" she asks and tries to avoid looking at the lewd display from in the lobby.

Cyrr sighs as they land, having enjoyed the aerial trip though shoulders hir rifle and follows the others. The orgy draws a bemused chuckle from the vixen and a flick of hir tails. Somethings never changed did they? "More or less Sakura. Not to surprising though given that it is a prime gathering spot for people. Safe." The vixen shrugs.

Selyra steps out of the chopper behind Cyrr, scoffing slightly from the activities of the lobby as usual. "Constantly." she replies to Sakura, though she then clances over to Cyrr, smirking just a little. "Actually, things did change, now they don't." she corrects amusedly, easily able to ignore the common activities of the lobby, as she's seen it all too often. So much so that she's become jaded at this point. "Anyway, it's a short trip south to the library, let's get going. Quickly." she insists, heading out of the big, safe building and out into the 'dangerous' streets.

Out in the streets, it is actually a bit warm for this early in spring! Furred folk for the most part forgoing clothing even if they had them to have on. Some seem to be part way between their winter and summer coats. The scent of Alkain and the sight of Cyrr and Sakura however are more than enough to draw the attention of Sarah, always on the look out for new people to welcome to the Husky Den, as well as a few latex foxes! though not exactly menicing, the squeeky herms seem determined to follow along, "Think you could stop so I could show you a good time?" One asks, "We're very... inflatable." Comments another, "Oh! You smell like you should really think about our offer!" Says a third, walking up closer to Alkain than politeness would permit!

Alkain shakes his head at Sakura and sighs, "Always indeed..." he peers at Sarah and then at the latex fox that comes up to him, luckily his rut has dissapated... "Tempting... But no thanks." he chuckles as he rubs his belly more, "We have somewhere to be, sorry."

Sakura looks at Cyrr and Selyra nodding to Selyra "Err sure that sounds good." she says and follows the group closely. She blinks at husky that suddenly walks towards them and starts talking about some place and blatently offers them sex. She bites her lip, squirms somewhat in place at the thought of having some 'fun', but shakes her head "Alkain's right, we have to be some other place. Me get enough 'good time' anyways.. maybe a bit too much, so no thank you." she chuckles and tries to ignore her distracting thoughts. "Is that place close?" she asks Selyra.

Cyrr hirself has only a armored vest and hir robe on, though the bottom hem of the robe is rolled up to a length not unlike a short skirt. Several tails wave in greeting idly to Sarah while several others brush against the various latex foxes. Trying to gently encourage them to leave them be. "Not today dears, not today." They really were rather amusing, so long as they didn't get aggressive was fine with letting them trail along for at least a short while.

The moment Selyra steps outside, the unexpected heat of the day washes over her and her thick fur, and clothes. She grimaces and lets out a groan of annoyance. "Damn this thick fur sometimes..." she says, tugging at the lightly strained collar of her stretched tanktop to imply she's already feeling it. "It's not too far, Sakura. Just a few blocks this way, whew..." she fans herself with a paw, glad she left her udder out in the open. That's about when the squeaks of the latex foxes pierce through all other sounds like lightning in the rain, nothing else being heard for that moment. She goes a bit rigid and tense, and her pace immediately quickens considerably despite the heat. Udder sloshing a bit, she doesn't even look behind her, or speak to them. "W-we'll be there even faster if we hurry up!" she says shakily, ears flattening and tail curling down.

A short little 'Hey!' comes from a bit to the east as a familiar human figure jogs up to the group. Luckily they stand out like sore thumbs in comparison to the rest of the normal rabble around Fairhaven, so spotting them wasn't much of an issue for Anbessa, the black haired human smiling widely as he approached. "Am I late?" Anbessa asks, the man clad in a rather plain grey T-shirt and jeans alongside his normal black boots, a very decorated ebony and jade colored revolver holstered at his hip as he comes up. Having arrived just in time for Selyra to start picking up her pace, the man tilts his head in confusion before he notices the latex foxes that seem to be following with the group. Safe to guess why Selyra seems to be in a bit more of a hurry than the rest of the group, scratching his head a little bit.

Sarah the Husky doesn't leave her usual area though, as everyone continues to walk on... the latex foxes however, do continue to bother, "Oh, please? It won't take long." Says one, "Yes, we could have so much fun and then you can go on your way, it isn't that late in the day!" Says another, though as Selyra starts to walk faster away, two of them start to give chase! "Please! Can we at least have a drink!?" They call out to her, though after a while she is able to out run them. Disappointed for but a moment, they turn their attention to the new comer, a human! "Humm... can't smell anything on you at all... but, that doesn't mean we can't enjoy each others... company?" Shi asks as others continue to pay attention to Cyrr, Sakura, and Alkain, "Hey! This small one smells like she could use some... special time too!"

Alkain grumbles at the heat himself and chuckles at Sakura, "No idea..." he nods in agreement with Cyrr though blinks as Sely dashes away, "Huh...?" he shrugs as he dashes over with her and waves to Anbessa on the way, "Hey Anbessa." he looks back at the foxes and chuckles, "That was weird..." he shrugs though

Sakura spots Anbessa and waves at him "Oh! Heya! Umm.. me don't think you're late.. but we.." she starts tilts her head as Selyra starts walking with a brisk pase. "Sely?" she asks curious and starts walking faster as well, trying to match her speed. As the latex foxes turn their attention to Anbessa and then to her she eeps and stumbles as their words distract her, but not enough to slow her down by much. "I-it's fine, errr, really, me used to it." she nods and tries to be convincing and tries to hide the fact that she was slightly groping herself out of sight. "L-look we're on an important mission, maybe some other time." she winks, trying to convince them to leave her alone and to stop distracting her.

Cyrr gives a small wave to Anbessa as he joins them before a pattering of paws make the vixen turn back around. Just in time to see Selyra hustling away. Blinking for a moment shi sighs and tries to shoo the latex foxes away more insitantly before bounding after the collie. "Selyra, are you okay?" As shi passes Sakura several tails curl about her back and the vixen helps her along as they give chase to the collie.

Selyra does indeed start to book it away from the latex foxes that attempt to proposition her, her poor shirt straining to keep those bounding breasts inside. And as she goes, that udder of hers sloshes with the milk contained inside. Once as she doesn't hear their horrible squeaking anymore, she stops and leans against the nearest solid object, tongue hanging out of her mouth as she pants heavily, saliva gently dripping from the end of her tongue. Her shirt now has two damp spots from the stimulation of rubbing around in her shirt, and milk beads on the ends of her teats as well. "By Bastet, I'm seeing stars... We must have lost them by now, oh dear gods..." she almost wheezes, proving that out of shape, especially-fluffy dogs should not be running in the heat. Not only that, but a good amount of her thick coat of fur stands up from her back, prickling slightly. "No, I'm not okay... I need some water..." she pants like a common dog, glancing about nervously.

Anbessa blinks a bit in surprise as he is approached by one of the latex foxes and propositioned to give 'company'. While his subdued rut does get him to briefly squirm and pitch a tent, the fox sadly gets no luck as he shakes his head and raises a hand to hir. "Uh... Sorry, not right now. Try the Mother's Milk Saloon north of Zephyr. Sex aplenty there." He instead offers, jogging off after everyone else as Selyra seemingly leads the run. Lila would probably appreciate extra business anyway to her Saloon. When he did catch up to the others, the human goes up to Selyra to attempt to rest his hand on the collie's shoulder, giving her a light patting. "Shouldn't be too much longer until your winter coat starts to go." Anbessa smiles to Selyra a little, attempting to calm her down and pep her up a little.

The jog gets them much closer to the library, but not quite there yet. More and more ferals do pass by, though most seem not to bother with the group right now. Shortly after though, some screaming is heard very easily over the sounds of the streets! It was coming from the library!

Alkain looks to Sely and gives her a drink from his water bottle, which he keeps in the backpack on his back, "What is wrong?" he looks to Anbessa and nods, "Yeah... you should shed soon." he chuckles a bit and stretches before he hears the scream, "Uh oh..." he utters as he locates where it's coming from, "Damn, should hurry..." as he dashes off

Sakura smiles to Cyrr whispering a 'thank you' to hir and soon lets out a relieved sigh when the foxes decide to leave the group alone, she's also visibly happy that no ferals wanted to mess with them today. She turns her attention to Selyra and looks concerned "Sely, you don't look so good.." she says and flickers her ears as she hears the scream coming from the street, turning her head to see where it came from. "What is going on?!" she asks and glances at the group. "Were we expecting trouble?" she asks cautiously.

Once caught up Cyrr gives the collie a quick hug before stepping back. "Some brushing would probably help with that." Shi says with a grin as they all take a small break. It's a short lived one however as that scream rolls over them. The vixen's ears snapping to attention and each tail going rigid at the sound. "No we weren't Sakura... Damn it!" Cyrr breaks into a sprint towards the library. Swinging hir rifle into a readied position.

Selyra calms down a little when Anbessa pats her, though she doesn't appear to appreciate the hug much, leaning away from it this time. "Not... Right now..." she pants out, trying to catch her breath fully. "By Bast, it's hot as hell." she comments, just before the scream rings out clearly, making the fur on her back stand up fully once again, eyes wide. "No time to rest now, I guess... Whew, let's go find out what's going on." she reluctantly parts from the solid object she was leaning on, making her way towards the source of the scream, even while still panting and winded.

Selyra calms down a little when Anbessa pats her, though she doesn't appear to appreciate the hug much, leaning away from it this time. "Not... Right now..." she pants out, trying to catch her breath fully. When Alkain passes her his bottle of water, she tips it back and chugs most of it before handing it back. "Sorry about that... By Bast, it's hot as hell." she comments, just before the scream rings out clearly, making the fur on her back stand up fully once again, eyes wide. "No time to rest now, I guess... Whew, let's go find out what's going on." she reluctantly parts from the solid object she was leaning on, making her way towards the source of the scream, even while still panting and winded.

Anbessa looks back to Alkain to let out a short chuckle at his words. "Collies can shed on command?" He asks curiously, though he is given pause once more as he hears the scream. Seeing the rest of the group running towards the Library's direction, the man winces before he hesitantly jogs after them. He can only hope that those skunks don't choose to shoot at him. As much as he tried to make it up to them for what he did, he doubted that they still forgave him. They love books too damn much, after all.

After taking a drink Selyra looks a bit better, though as she tries to get back into walking her way to the library, the panting collie nearly stumbles over, panting like it is all she can do! Meanwhile the scretch is heard agin coming from the library as people start to make their way toward it!

Alkain starts sprinting towards the libaray, but seeing Selyra is having difficulties... He sighs and returns, grabbing her around the waist, "Brace yourself..." he gives a moment for her to do so before flapping his wings and lifting off! Though the scent of rut starts to build while he flies towards the libaray!

Sakura looks worried and glances from person to person. "So.. we.." she starts when Cyrr suddenly starts running towards the library. She then turns towards Alkain and Selyra who soon start flying. She rubs the back of her neck and looks to Anbessa who also starts jogging towards the library. "H-heey.. wait for me! Me can't run that easily.." she pouts and reluctantly starts walking at a haistened pace towards the library, trying to keep he breast jiggling to a minimum.

Cyrr is sprints off towards the library. How the hell that mass of tails doesn't slow hir down is a mystery but perhaps it has to do with the way they bob and weave about. Adjusting hir balance on the fly. The vixen's laser rifle is held across hir chest, ready to be brought up at the first sign of trouble.

It's a wonder Selyra doesn't faceplant when she nearly stumbles, with how large her assets are. Though a more accurate term might be 'breast-plant' at that point. Regardless, the winded, exhausted, spooked collie just can't keep running anymore. She walks a few more steps, panting and wheezing a bit as she watches the others pass her up. "Oh gods, my lungs... I can't do this anymore, you can go without me... I'll catch up..." she manages to get out between panting, chest heaving. She really isn't looking so good right now. Despite her insistence on continuing without her, Alkain takes hold of her waist and takes flight, the over 200-pound collie lifted off the ground and flown towards their desination. At first she cries out in surprise, but she feels stable in his strong arms, fear of falling decreased. "Th-thanks... And sorry." she says to him, chest burning from her extreme workout!

Anbessa's boots thump against the ground with each step as he goes at a jogging pace, seemingly focused more upon his revolver that he is loading rounds into as he goes. Stamina normally wasn't a problem for him anyway, but it felt nice to not be overloaded with weaponry and armor like normal. With rounds loaded in his ebony Colt Python, the human picks up the pace a little more, the thin, elegant spear on his back swaying a bit on it's strap as the plain clothed human follows after the rest of the group in the middle. Though watching Alkain fly overhead, Anbessa lets out a short chuckle as he watches them go. Lucky demon fox. Actually, Anbessa seems to have quite a smile on his face, seemingly giddy at the prospect of possible combat. Guess he hasn't really been in the field for a while, since he normally works as a head of security. Must be a nice change of pace!

Jiggling, wagging, flowing, running, and flying, the group makes their way to the library to see three skunks outside, two carrying rifles. The third sits upon the steps. Those familiar with the library skunk faction's main members would recognize one of the rifle carrying skunks as Monique, the other is Jennifer, and the one with no rifle sitting upon the steps crying is Samantha. As everyone comes close though, Monique and Jennifer raise their weapons! "Who's there!?" Shouts the typical guard skunk.

Alkain chuckles at Sely and smiles down at her, "It's fine." he gives her a pat as he scans the scene at the library, "Whoa, hold on. We just came to see what was going on!" at the rifle wielding Monique, he winces, "What happened?" he looks over Samantha curiously, "Are you hurt?" he's just circling right now

Sakura soon gets relatively close to the library and sees the skunks carring guns, so she stops in her tracks at a resonable distance away from them and this time decides it's best to leave the others do the talking.

As the skunk's rifles raise the vixen skids to a stop, letting hir rifle bounce on its strap while raising hir hands. "Whoa whoa we on our way to do some research when heard screams so we came to help. The Surrogate Brotherhood at your service... Just what is going on anyway?" Cyrr looks about trying to figure out what might have spooked the skunks, tails twitching in agitation behind hir.

Selyra widens her eyes at the sight of the guns being waved around when they come to the front of the library, seeing Samantha crying on the steps. "This looks bad... Alkain, please put me down now." she says, partially recovered from her exhaustion by now. "Monique? Jennifer?" she starts, calling out towards them from the air. "I'm not sure if you remember me. I'm Selyra, I was a regular here a few years ago. We came to ask a favor, that's all. But nevermind that, what's happening? Maybe we can help you out." she explains, figuring transparency is the best way to handle those she would consider potential allies.

Anbessa skids a bit as he notices the skunks already standing out in front with their guns out, stopping a bit behind the others... Well, he should've expected to see them, this is their library after all... Though the human's excitement seems to have been pushed back a bit as he looks between the skunks, then towards Cyrr before he scoots a bit back. He really didn't want to be recognized... Last time he was here, he was in the middle of escaping from this place and with skunks with weapons chasing after him. He did return the books after they were scanned by Zephyr, but he doubted they trusted him still...

Running in from the east is a curious sight of a fox. Her four breasts shake freely in the air as she runs nude towards the group. Most curious, aside from the trail of feminine juices she leaves is the large spade now nestled between her legs. The vulpine organ throbs and lightly, being squeezed between her legs as she ran towards the library entrace. Another curious sigh is the extreemly small set of male organs dangling just in front of her feminine lips closer to her belly. Once she gets close enough her face lights up in recognition of everyone as she closes in on the group. Panting, she bends over and anchors herself on her knees as she catches her breath. "Hey...." she pants some more. "You guys...." She fights the urge to play with herself, having heard a scream she thinks there are more important things than her cunt to worry about. "Whats going on?" It's almost like a waterfall between the vixens legs from the swollen and needy organ. "Urg... too biiig..." with some minor strain she stands back up and walks herself closer to Selyra and the group and looks around.

With Alkain and Selyra above, and others below, the skunks continue to hold their weapons at the ready, though after some time Jennifer does narrow her eyes at Selyra, "Oh! I remember, yes! Oh god, it is horrible, they took Danielle!" She says, but Monique stops her. "It is awful, they did take Danielle, an RSX agent. We wanted him to try the transformation to a skunk girl and fucking a skunk beast to try and further our research, and, well, his mind couldn't take it! All the fucking turned him into a skunk beast as well! Before we could contain the issue, he ran off with Danielle... we got a good few shots off but, he still got away." She says.

Alkain looks around at the scene and nods as he drifts down to let Selyra onto the ground, wings going back to their idle position when he lands, "Wait... What? Really? That's terrible!" he growls a bit angrily, "I'll help you find her, where did they go off to?" he looks around for signs of the new skunk beasts trail