Jill pt 10 - RPLOG

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Jill smiles and says "It waas quite nice to catch up with Lillian as I had not seen her in quite a while. So we chatted some and got to know each other and enjoyed eachothers milk." as shi is talking shi goes and sits down in the water near Joannah.

Gallent cocks hir head and asks "Who is Lillian?"

Joannah nods her head to Gallent "I guess, some people aren't for everyone, that's the beauty of it, personal tastes." She smiles at Jill's comment "I'm happy you caught up with Lillian, you talked about not having seen her in a while a few times now. What is her milk like? Is it as good as yours?"

Gallent blushes and says "Th-that's not what I meant..."

Jill smiles at hir dear pet and says "Well Lillian is the owner and builder of the Scarlet Rose and an intresting person in general. Now then hir milk has a flavor that starts off mild before warming into a pleasant sweet taste enveloping your mouth and it leaves a faint trace of honey lingering on your tongue. So it is quite different and good I think."

Joannah cocks her head at Gallent "Oh, what did you mean then? What made you glad about it not going anywhere?" she nods towards Jill. "I'd have to try that one day if she'll let me, it sounds really interesting." She sits up a bit, her top breasts out of the water, drips of actual honey can be seen flowing from her nipples as she lies there.

Gallent blushes harder and says "I-I don't know... I-I don't really know her I-I guess..." before asking "Is that... honey?"

Joannah looks down at her breasts and pokes a finger at her nipple, tasting it. "Seems like it. I still need to get used to this nanomagic. Guess Jill mentioning tasting honey in Lillian's milk caused it. I got rid of my Anti-nanomagic because ..." She turns quite red "I thought it would be fun to get some tentacles for when I'm with Deci... And I got this as well as a side thing." she goes very red "I can lactate quite a lot of fluids now... and cause lube to come from a lot of places as well, which was useful."

Gallent blushes harder, saying "S-sounds u-useful..."

Joannah smiles a bit at Gallent's blush. "Nowhere near as useful as having 7 tentacles. It makes aiming with a tauric body a lot easier since you can just grab onto it with a tentacle and direct it where you want it to go." She leans back a bit, her head on the stones at the water's edge. "I can make quite a lot of fluids now, bought quite a few of those assist programs. Want to try? I got a lot to choose from."

Gallent asks carefully "w-what do you mean, try?"

Joannah smiles at Gallent. "To drink my dear boy, drink, want to taste anything from me? I'm offering it to you, if you want to try. I have coffee, tea, cider, custard and various other dairy products, honey, absinthe, beer, brandy, gin, liqueur, mead, run, vodka, whiskey and wine. And I haven't even attempted to imagine what I can do with the extracts and artificial flavors."

Gallent shakes hir head, saying "N-no thanks... I'm good for now..."

Jill smiles as shi gently holds hir ear pet against hirself and says "Well my dear if you ever want to try any of that out you can also ask me as I have the whole set of extra data so if you can think of it I can produce it my dear. For now though I am happy to just sit here with you, Chloe and Eliza." Shi then smiles over at Eliza and says "Have you thought anymore about becoming a member of my pack Eliza? And I am ready to help you become a Milk Maiden whenever you are ready."

Eliza shrugs and says "I still need to think about it... and I should probably go check on artho" before she gets up and starts to leave

Jill nods to Eliza and says "As I said Eliza take your time and I am willing to let by gones be by gones with Artho if you think he has shaped up."

Joannah waves from within the comfortable water of the hot springs when she sees Jaden enter. "Hello Jaden, glad you could come. I thought it was a nice place to show you so, there we go. I hope you found your way easily enough." She leans back again, allowing her tauric body to float below the water, feeling the warmth and completely relaxing "This is quite the place. I'd be happy if you would come and join us here."

Gallent sighs, leaning back and glances over at the newcomer, a winged... human? Sie smiles, and pokes Jill, gesturing for you to look at Jaden.

Jill looks over to Jaden smiles and waves "Hello there Jaden. I'm Jill a friend of Joannahs.

Jill looks over to Jaden smiles and waves "Hello there Jaden. I'm Jill a friend of Joannah,"

Jaden was looking at a piece of paper with a scrawled on map. Hands turning it this way and that, and to the others appeared to be upside down. A pair of simple glasses rested in front of pale blue eyes as they scanned the map. Though it was only for moment before they fogged up upon entering the large cavern. Glancing up with a hand wiping away the fog. "Oh, hello. Yeah, took me a little bit. Though your directions were slightly off." A hand waving to those present before putting away the soon to be useless glasses again.

Joannah smiles "I think I know where I went wrong, I only just moved in here. It's east to the apartments, and you needed to go west through the spa, before you can go here. Glad you found it though, it's a bit of a labyrinth at times, but that makes this place so well hidden, and so very comfortable."

Jill grins and says "Yeah this is a great place to relax with the nice warm water and steam. I spend quite a bit of time here with my friends and pack members as this is quite a pleasent place to relax and have some fun as well as getting clean now and then."

Gallent looks at Jaden closer, before Chloe says "Hello there, Jaden is it?"

Jaden gives a very small nod before stuffing away the very unhelpful into a pocket somewhere. "Hello Jill, it is nice to meet you." Pale eyes glance about for a place to change out of clothes and for a towel. "Yes, it feels quite warm in here so, I can imagine the water feels amazing." Turned to Chloe and Gallent. "Yes, I am Jaden Smith."

Gallent asks quietly "B-but isn't that... a boys name?" most likely not loud enough to be heard by Jaden unless she moves closer.

Joannah nods her head "I met Jaden a while ago in the lobby. Not long after I met Deci I think. It's been a while hasn't it, since we met Jaden?" she leans back her head against the stones on the edge of the pool "And yes, it's wonderfully warm in here. Everything you need for relaxing. If you need something to drink though, there are plenty of options, although most are only served directly from the tap. If you'd like that. I didn't think to bring any cups."

Jill grins and says "I actauly have some cups on me but I must say that it tastes a whole lot better straight from the source and it is nice to meet you too Jaden."

Jaden gives a small blush at inferring what they meant by from the tap. "That is alright, I am not thristy. Thanks though." Though eye sight may have been going before P-Day, Jaden's hearing certainly wasn't. "It is a name for both genders, like Sam, Alex, or Aaron." After a moment, and with a towel Jaden would wander off into the misty air and out of sight of the others to change. Soon coming back with a towel wrapped about a slender hip.

Gallent blushes and says "O-oh... I'm sorry..."

Joannah gets a bit of a smile when she sees the blush on Jaden's face and turns to Jill when Jaden walks off. "I had a lot of fun with the secretion nanomagic Jill, it's a great ability. Had a great time with Deci the other night and a very nice merlot. I'm extremely happy that I got rid of that Anti-Nanomagic thing and got all of these ones instead, they are a lot more useful." She smiles when she sees Jaden walk out again

Jill grins and says to Joannah "Yeah the biochemical nanomagics are really really useful and fun and because we are Milk Maiden anything we make in our breasts tastes/really/ good and high quality and while nanomagic food is not the worlds best food but it allows you to carry some long lasting food and make it into something a lot more tasty."

Jaden gives Gallent a kind look. "No need to apologize. Though I appear feminine, I am a man. Though many make the assumption otherwise by my appearance and my name." A small sigh escaped from the slight human whilst slipping into the pool of warm water. Hands began to undo the long black and white striped braid. "Another nanomagic user? I can create emotion auras myself with nanomagic. Though really I only really use it to calm down ferals or distressed people. Still has been quite handy."

Gallent giggles and says "Well ok then! I hope you don't mind me asking, but how have you remained so unchanged?"

Joannah smiles at Jill "Yeah, that Edible nanomagic is still something I need to get used to, it's so weird, but I guess useful when you consider it." She gives a nod to Jaden. "Yeah, got the same thing, Emotional Aura is really handy I use it for the same thing as well, and then I have Telepathy too. Illusion and Vanishing. Medical and Biomonitoring. And finally I have the BioChemistry, Edible, Culinary, Secretion and Tentacle Nanomagics. It took me quite a bit of effort to get them all, but I'm super happy with each and all of them, they are really handy, and fun too."

Jaden nods a moment while listening to Joannah before turning to Gallent. "For the most part, I haven't really. The me you see before you is nothing like the large boned idividual I was before. Plus I was caught up in the first round of mutations at the beginning. Though fortunetly I was able to retain my mind and eventually change back with a surgury and practice."

Gallent goes wide eyed and says "W-woah!" amazed at the story

Joannah nods her head. "Are you happier with the body you have now then, or are there things you'd still like to change about it? If I had the chance to change back to human, I don't think I would. I like being who I am now way too much. And this is also a lot more interesting to me. Besides, with the cat personality quirks so ingrained in my personality, it would be strange as well."

Jaden thinks a moment before shrugging. "I suppose I like this form over my orginal body. No joint pain and my senses are sharper then they were before, well except my hearing, that is one that never was effected. And if I wished to change something about myself, I would. As a nanite adept I can shape my body like clay if I really wanted to." Sighing softly while relaxing back against the side of the pool, and looking to Gallent. "So I do not think you have said your name yet miss."

Joannah nods her head "Yeah, I'm an adept too, and a Cow Maiden. The Adept thing is really handy, Cow Maiden is a bit different, but I like it a lot. And I'm glad you think you have improved, there are quitea few useful thinks that came from P-Day I guess." She smiles as she looks over at Jaden. "So what do you think of this place? Is it better than the Spa upstairs? Or do you prefer the massage tables over the Hot Springs?

Jaden thinks a moment and gives a large smile. "I think I prefer the massage tables, though I am sure you would too if you let them work you over." Then with a small nod, long black hair fell about the pale yes. "Yes, being able to change one's shape is very handy. Especially when you can change to better suit the situation or danger." Then with a small splash, Jaden dunked beneath the water to soak both wings and hair fully before emerging and pushing the dark locks back.

Jill nods and says "For me I am totally in love with my body and would not change back to human under any circumstances. I just love everything that I can do with this body and I love the way I look. Not to mention that this body truly feels like my real body that I was always meant to have if I could have been born as something other than human. I really cannot explain how much I love this body and how much it truly feels like who I was always meant to. I can give you a massage if you want Jaden as I have been told I am /very/ skilled at it." Points to hir pet Gallent and says "Shi is my dear pack member Gallent just so you know."

Joannah thinks for a bit. "I know what you mean, a massage is great, Jill can really give great massages as well, and I'm quite good at those too." She gives Jaden a gentle smile. "As for me, I don't really change that often, I can, although I rarely do, and mostly it's just into another cat-taur form."

Jaden gave a small head shake to get some water out of the long black hair, the wings stretching out and flapping as well. "That is quite alright, I am perfectly fine without it for now. Thank you for the offers though. So what do you do around here Jill? Work for one of the big three or a freelancer?"

Jill shakes hir head and says "I most closely follow the promethians beliefs and help them out but most of the time I am working on something of my own and I have group of pack members that I am in charge of. Sort of like master pet relationship but much more like a family than anything normal for a master pet deal but I am definitely the leader of the group."

Jaden smiles and nods whilst laying back and relaxing once more. "I myself work for the very same people. Though I am a xeno-anthropologist. I was studying anthropology before, now I use those very same skills to study the behaviour and habits of ferals. So that we might be able to understand them better and to help them in the future. I find having studied humans for many years it helps, cause they may seem animalistic, but they have proven on numerous occasions that they are just as smart and cunning as before changing."

Jill nods and says "Well the root cause of the issue is how the nanites teach people to use their new bodies so I am more intrested in figuring out how to solve the nanite issue but as it stands I have done a whole lot of research into how ferals and everything works so I might be able to help you out quite a bit with that if you want."

Jaden looks over a moment curiously and smiles. "I would appreciate the help, though I have found the way they act is a combination of the mindset the nanites push upon them and what they were like before. Because many have radically different personalities if you spend time enough with them to find out. Though sadly the techinal aspects of such a thing is far beyond my skills and knowledge, so your help would certainly be welcome."

Jill smiles and says "Well feel free to ask me when you head out next and if I am free I should be able to help out some."

Jaden chuckles softly and nods a moment. "Though I tend to get quite hands on when I study them. I often take on their form and slip in and pretend to be one of them. Not exactly sure you would fit in if you aren't willing to give up your form." With a sigh and a small splash, began to float in the water and letting the wings soak up fully in the spring.

Jill nods and says "Well in that case I don't think I'll be able to help you as I always look like this no matter what mutations I have." and begins to just relax in the water as well enjoying the warmth.

Jaden gives a small nod whilst floating along the water. "Ah, you have it nativized. Though can always lend your help from a distance. Though in my experience, learning about the feral's way of life is always better up close. Otherwise you miss some things when watching through binoculars or a scope."

Jill chuckles and says "While I don't get close I usauly just plop down some sensors where they are frequently and recover them later to get up close images. It is also fairly easy to tag them with a small recorder to collect data and then I track it back down after a few days. So be it for some wolf packs out there I can get into just fine as they definitly get the idea that I am in charge and thanks to my time with the shadow dragons almost all of them would much rather help me out than fight against me which is /really/ nice as I know that I always have a place to stay with them."

Joannah softly smiles at the conversation. She lowers herself completely in the water, letting herself float on her back, her head slightly beneath the water, letting her hair fan out and softly flow with the currents. "If you need any help from a biological viewpoint of these things, I'm more than willing to help, and I have quite a stash of books in my home, I stocked up recently when I rented my house together with Decias."

Jaden nods while floating about the pool. "Yes, I imagine that would be quite handy to have them fear you and let you be in charge. Though in my line of work, images or videos rarely collect it all. If you are next to them for the majority of the day and they believe you are one of them, they let things drop that you wouldn't learn otherwise. Much easier to study them then ancient and long dead civilizations." A small chuckles and a shake of the head. "I study more then just their mating habits."

Jill nods and says "Well I hope you figure it all out because as it stands the whole feral issue is the main thing between us and moving onto a much better future as we cannot really go outside without needing to fend off attacks from ferals which makes normal civilization a lot more dificult."

Joannah smiles at Jaden "Biology is much more than just mating habits, quite a few of my books are on animal behavior since knowing how animals react and work is a major part of biology. One of the books I have is a 3rd edition print of Expressions of the Emotions in Man and Animals by Charles Darwin. It's really interesting and I'm happy I managed to find that one."

Jaden smiles and gives them both small nods. "Yes, and I study how they behave and act, as how they socialize with each other when sex is not on their mind. As well as their secual habits, but that is a secondary area. But I digress, I think you two came here to relax, not talk of work. yes?" Pale eyes flicking between them curiously.

Jill smiles and nods "Yeah I came here to relax but I enjoy chatting just fine so if you want to chat I am open to doing that as well."

Joannah nods her head to Jill and Jaden. "We can do both right? Talking and relaxing aren't exclusive activities. Besides, I very much enjoy talking with you and Jill. There aren't all that many people who are just willing to sit and talk without ulterior motives."

Jaden flipped over with a splash and gave her a curious look. "Really? After what you and Decias did not twenty feet away the last time you and I met to chat?: With a small chuckle and another splash was once more floating in the water. "Though I suppose we can do both. Though talk sort of goes out the window if I get a massage, as Joannah can attest."

Jill grins and says "Well that is fine by me as I greatly enjoy chatting with folks along with relaxing." shi smiles over to Joannah and says "Feel free to come on over and rest on me Joannah as you soak. It should feel quite nice in the water when you think about how comfortable I am normaly."

Joannah chuckles at Jaden remembering that. "Oh, me and Deci can get a bit carried away, I will admit that. But that was just removing some ... items, so that we could relax in the pool. And I'm sure Jill will be more than willing to give you a massage, shi's really very good at that, I can attest to that. Even with my small form. Hir hands are very very nimble." She slowly floats over to Jill and lays herself against hir but not on hir. "I know Jill. I'm still amazed how you got your body that soft, it's a mystery, but one that is very enjoyable."

Jaden chuckles softly and gives a small black haired shake. "As I said before, I am alright, plus I wont be doing much talking during the massage or after." Pale eyes glance over to the cuddling pair curously. "So how do you two know each other? Both residents here at the Scarlet Rose? Speaking of, I wasn't aware they hade rooms for rent."

Jill smiles as shi gently pets Joannah as shi comes over to hir and says with a happy smile "Well part of it has to do with how deep my pussy is and how stretchy I am so when it is all put together and with a fair bit of extra work I ended up with a huge amount of control over my body thanks to how stretchy I am and it lets me be as soft as I want to be when I want to do that." shi looks over to Jaden and says "Well I met Joannah here a short bit after she showed up I think over in the main lobby. We chatted for a bit and we enjoyed each other so I have helped her out with a fair few of her issues and we have been good friends ever since."

Joannah nods her head "Yeah, shortly after I came here I was invited to a beach party by Cura. I met a lot of people that day and Jill and Gallent were amongst them. We quickly started talking and enjoyed it a lot." She smiles as she looks up at Jill and starts to purr at the petting. "And yes, they have rooms for rent here, or actually had. I picked up the last one, although they are adding more in the very near future as I understand it. Lillian is the landlady here, and very nice as I understand it. The rooms are free as well."