Jill pt 4 - RPLOG

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Joannah walks onto the lake shore with Decias besides her. "I think you're going to like Jill, shi's really nice. I consider hir to be a very close friend." She smiles at Decias as they walk along the shore

Decias walks beside Joannah, smoothing her skirt over her front, presently just wearing the skirt around her torso, draped over her tauric front, and covering a bit of her lower back. She smiles at Joannah, and nods. "I hope so. I've liked your friends so far."

Jill is happily lying down with hir pet Mona resting on hir left breasts and Amphitere resting on hir right breasts. It's apparent shi is very happy with having two attractive ladies sleeping happily on hir breasts. Shi smiles and waves to Joannah as she comes over and says "Hi there Joannah how have you been?" shi smiles and says to Decias "Hi I'm Jill it's nice to meet another friend of Joannah. Both of you feel free to come on over and lets chat some."

Mona-mleko wakes up on her alpha's chest as shi starts to move and notices the two coming over and waves happily, her tail wagging behind her. "Hello miss Joannah, nice to see you again."

Decias raises a paw to wave to Jill and Mona, walking up towards them with a little smile. "Hi Mona, Hi Jill... Joannah's told me a little bit about you. It's nice to get to meet you." Her eyes stray over Jill's large form, taking it in.

Joannah smiles at Jill and gives Mona a wink. "I thought I'd introduce you to Decias. My.." And her face turns completely red beneath her fur and her mouth stops working, looking down to the ground and then at Decias for confirmation of the words she wants to say....

Jill smiles as shi says quitely to hir pet Mona "Well my dear it is nice to meet the two that you had some fun with." with a grin shi adds "Maybe you have a better opinion about having some tentacle dicks now. If so I have a real treat for you..." shi is grinning hugely as shi says the last part.

Decias stands beside Joannah, smiling softly, glancing to her as she speaks, then stops and looks down. She chews softly on her lower lip, leaning over to kiss Joannah's cheek. "..girlfriend?" Her ears flick a little, hearing Jill speaking quietly, but not quite being close enough to hear the words. She doesn't try to eavesdrop, though, just looking back up to Jill with a soft smile.

Mona-mleko looks up to her Alpha with a big smile on her face. "What do you have in mind my Alpha?" She says, nowhere near as quiet as Jill did, as enthusiasm gets a hold of her. Her tail wagging even more as it did.

Joannah smiles at Decias and nods "my girlfriend." She looks at Decias, a bit unsure, the word seems strange in her mouth. She goes over it a few times mentally, trying to grasp all the different meanings of the word. "I have.... a.....You are ....my" And she looks down towards the ground again

Jill grins and says to hir pet "Ok then my pet close your eyes and when you open them you'll have a nice suprise..."

Decias looks back at Joannah, looking a bit unsure suddenly, as she seems to struggle with the word. "Is that... did I use the wrong word? I'm not sure what..." She reaches out, resting her paw on Joannah's shoulder, giving a slight squeeze. "What would you like to call me?"

Joannah kisses Decias on the lips. "No, it sounds right. I mean .... if you'd think that is appropriate... but girlfriend sounds fantastic." She pauses a bit. "I just got ... I mean I had girlfriends before P-day, but those had the other meaning of the word. I mean... I never did anything like we do with them.... " She goes completely red again "I mean, if that was was the meaning of girlfriend you were implying lover...."

Decias shakes her head a little, smiling sheepishly. "Oh, no, I definitely meant... not that kind of girlfriend. Before.. we never really called each other girlfriends, the kind that weren't... special lovers." She kisses Joannah back. "I definitely never kissed any of, uh, that kind of girlfriend, like I kiss you. Or, um, anything else we do." Her cheeks heat up more, and she strokes along Joannah's side.

Jill smiles at the sight of Joannah and Decias dancing around the fact that they are in love happy to see some remnant of pre P-Day relationships shine through the modern area.

Mona-mleko looks at her groin in amazement, and a sort of shock. "I ... my Alpha... you want me to really have this many? I mean... wow... I'm still not entire sure about the whole dicks thing, but I do like my tentacles. And this is just more of them, right?"

Jill smiles and strokes hir pet and says "My Mona if you want we can get rid of them but I figured if you enjoyed your tentacles so much you would want to have some more of them. If you want to get rid of them that is fine with me."

Joannah smiles happily. "I love the way you kiss me. And yes, I'd be really happy to call you my girlfriend." she blushes heavily as she says that. She reaches back with her hand and grabs Decias' hand that's stroking her and squeezes it a bit, holding on to it.

Decias takes Joannah's hand in hers and gives it a fond squeeze, smiling happily back at her... then blinks a little, looking back to Jill, giving her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, uh. Anyway." She rubs behind her neck, looking embarrassed. "It's really nice to meet you..."

Mona-mleko shakes her head "I like them my Alpha. I can't wait to try them out on, although I guess I should." She gets a bit red herself at her eagerness to have sex with something in front of her Alpha. "I love your gifts my Alpha." She gets even more red thinking about it, and fidgets about a bit uncomfortably.

Jill smiles and holds hir dear pet Mona and says "Mona my pet I am very glad that you enjoy my gift. There is no need to be embarassed about getting what you want but you should not rush into anything if you can help it. I am glad that you are eager to try them out but do be patcient my dear. Let things happen on their own good time." and starts to happily stroke hir pet calming hir down or at leasts distracting hir a bit from hir most recent line of though. It is obvious that hir Alpha is very glad hir pet enjoys hir Alpha's gift.

Jill smiles back up at Decias and says "I'm glad that Joannah has found someone she enjoys being with as much as she enjoys being with you. I don't think I got your name though. Also did Joannah explain to you what the deal is with me and my pets? As it is not the normal master/pet relationship and I want to make that clear to folks to avoid misunderstandings."

Decias flicks her ears, listening to Jill. "I'm Decias, sorry... and no, uh. I think it was mentioned that you're something of a pack, or something? But I'm not sure what that really meant..." She pauses a moment. "And, uh, is this a bad time? If you're doing something with Mona, and I'm interrupting..."

Joannah leans up against Decias, who is currently more than twice her size and starts to softly purr. Just allowing her and Jill to talk.

Mona-mleko shakes her head at her Alpha. Seems like tears are starting to form in the corners of her eyes, but she quickly wipes them away with the back of her arm. "I'm sorry my Alpha. I never really got anything from anybody and you have given me so much in such a short time." She rubs her belly a bit as she says this "Well, miss Michelle gave me a job and a uniform and food and a place to stay, but those were nothing like all the things you've given me. I guess I'm not used to all of this yet."

Jill smiles and says to Decias "Feel free to stay Decias. No reason for you to head out unless my pet Mona wants to have some privacy with me." shi smiles at hir pet Mona and says gently to hir "Well my dear I am glad for the both of us that we met as you are a very nice person and I have very much enjoyed being with you and I am suprised you did not have some more already. I definitly think you deserve what I have given you." as shi is talking to hir pet shi is holding hir and letting hir know that hir Alpha is very happy with the resault of all that shi has given hir pet and holds hir letting hir know that shi was worth it.

Decias leans against Joannah, curling an arm around her, cuddling against her, purring. She smiles at Jill, nodding. "I just didn't want to...get in the way of anything. Um. Could I ask you about your pack, then?" Her tail flicks back and forth behind herself, Deci brushing a little against Joannah's side.

Mona-mleko wraps an arm around Deci's arm and lies against her, purring softly as well. She giggles a bit as the tail brushes against her, the feeling tickling her a bit.

Joannah wraps an arm around Deci's arm and lies against her, purring softly as well. She giggles a bit as the tail brushes against her, the feeling tickling her a bit.

Mona-mleko cuddles up against her Alpha, sitting with her back against hir, and leaning backwards, allowing herself to sink into her alpha's cleavage. "I think I understand my Alpha, I just ... need to get used to it...."

Jill smiles at hir pet and says "Well my dear I hope you get used to it at least a little as sometimes you are worth more than you think you are." shi nods to Decias and says "Feel free to ask Decias. The short version is that it's a family where I am the one who is definitly in charge and we like to use master/pet nicknames. I would never ask them to do something that they do not want to do and I am always willing to listen to their opinions. I'm the one in charge but I listen to my pets and we all decide things together and my pets are the ones in charge of their own bodies. I mught make suggestions but they are only suggestions. I might try to reign them in if I feel they are being to free with their body but I do not really see that as an issue."

Decias nods a little. "That kind of makes sense then.. it sounds nice, having a family and all. Instead of just having yourself, and whatever friends you've managed to find." She smiles up at Jill. "What made you decide to start this? And how do you choose people? Just, people you've grown to like and trust?"

Mona-mleko nods to her Alpha, "Thank you my Alpha" she says, I'll try to remember that." She nods to Decias as she listens to the conversation. "My Alpha is like a mother in a family, we all love her and listen to her." She smiles happily at her Alpha.

Jill smiles and strokes hir pet Mona and says "Well I decided to start my pack when my dear friend Gallent discovered that shi really likes the idea of being a pet and I wanted to make sure that shi would have a mistress that would care for hir for who shi is instead of what shi is. So we tried that out for a bit and I figured out that I really enjoy the idea as long as there are some base rules about how I lead my pets. Now mostly people ask to join my pack after we have gotten to know each other a bit and we really enjoy being with each other. So in my head Joannah is in my pack even though she is just a close friend of mine. But for becoming one of my pets as well as a member of my pack well it takes time."

Decias listens quietly, stroking Joannah as Jill explains. She smiles. "That does sound nice.. having someone to look over you when you need it, and alls." She nods. "I'm glad it seems to be working out for all of you."

Joannah smiles happily as Jill explains. "I don't really take to listening a lot to others, guess there is quite a bit too much cat in me." She says with a smirk. "But yes, it's basically about respect here, and just having a different name for things, a name with maybe a deeper meaning that what usually applies."

Mona-mleko giggles a bit. "Miss Jo would make a terrible pet."

Jill chuckles as shi pets hir pet Mona and says "I know that my pet and that's why I never even brought it up with her. While it would be nice it would never work at all!"

Decias smiles, shrugging, petting Joannah. "Well, not everyone wants the same things. I, uh..." She rubs a little at the back of her neck. "I don't know. It might be fun to try it sometime... with someone." She smiles softly at Jill. "Besides, we've just met each other."

Jill nods and says "That is the type of decsion that needs to be taken slowly so you are sure you want to do what you end up doing. I am more than willing to let any of my pets stop being pets if they ask me."

Decias rests down beside Joannah. "No sense in rushing into things. And... I'm happy enough where I am right now. And... I'm still figuring out where I fit in the city anyway. I'm sure I'll see you around some more, and your pets."

Decias nuzzles Joannah, and slips to her feet, smiling and waving to Jill. "It was nice meeting you. I hope I'll get the chance to see you and your, uh, pets more later."

Michi hesitates a little, but then moves to get up from her comfy resting place. The husky sighs a little "I'm good...but I better get home. I have some people I need to tell some joyous news..." The husky smiles warmly.

Bai smiles and gives Michi a kiss goodbye on the cheek. "Snuggle another time then."

Bai says to Carlie "Well, we were snuggling... but that's sadly come to an end."

Decias nods in response to Joannah, cuddling against her. She looks up at Carli as she comes in, raising a paw to give an amiable wave, though she stays where she is for the moment.

Carlichan temptingly says, "It always does, eventually... want to snuggle with me a while? I may drift back to sleep on you, but that's another thing that happens with snuggling sometimes"

Bai chuckles, and gels her way along to Carlie. "I would love to... want me to stay as comfy waterbed for you?"

Michi nods at Bai and Carli "Well...snuggle you later you two..." She blinks a little "i mean see you later ofcourse..." She waves a little, then turns to leave the lobby, her tail wagging behind her.

Carlichan waves to Michi. "Take care!"

Bai murmurs, "Hehe. Both!"

Jill smiles and says to Decias "I am quite sure we shall be seeing each other more often and I look forward to getting to know you a bit better so feel free to come on over and chat some with me and we can get to know each other if you want."

Decias nods and smiles, moving to sit down nearby to Jill, idly smoothing down the front of the skirt that covers her forelegs. "That sounds good. It's always good, meeting new friends." She hmms a little, flicking her tail up behind her. "Mmm, I've been asking you a few questions... did you want to ask me anything?"

Jill nods and says "Well I would like to know what you spend most of your free time doing. For me I am a tinkerer and I do some hunting in my free time."

Decias tilts her head a little. "Free time? Well, I'm mostly working for the Prometheans, at New Dawn. Doing repair work, and farming, in exchange for food and lodgings. Other than that... I roam around the city a bit.. but lately I've just been hanging out with friends and meeting people more, or.. hanging out a lot more with Joannah."

Jill smiles at Decias' last comment and says "Well I am glad that Joannah has found a nice friend to hang out with. It is always nice to have someone who you enjoy being with and I am glad that Joannah has you for that."

Decias growls, "Yeah, it's really nice to find someone like that..." She smiles widely for a moment. "I'm still finding my way around the city though, still... figuring out what all is going on, around. And... still kind of figuring out what it is that I like...and want to do."

Jill says with a smile "Well if you want I could at some point show you around the city a bit if you want. It'll be a while but I am willing to give you a tour of some of the better places that I have found in the city."

Decias smiles at Jill. "I think I'd like that a lot. Thank you. I've found a few nice places.. and some people hang shown me a couple more... but finding more nice places is always good. It's so hard to miss things."

Jill nods and says "Yeah some places are more off the beaten track than most places so it is always a good idea to look around a fair bit to find the more hidden places as some of them are quite worth while to find."

Decias nods, looking around. "Yeah... like this place. I didn't even know this place existed. It's nice and cozy here."

Joannah blushes still from them having mentioned her and comes back from daydreaming about that when they mention places to visit. "I would love to see more of the city itself, I haven't been to many places yet." She moves over to sit down next to them. "And yes, I'm really happy to have you as my friends."

Mona-mleko hugs her someone special, which is her Alpha. Although since she's sitting in her Alpha's lap, with her back to her Alpha, she mainly hugs one of Jill's breasts.

Jill smiles at hir pet Mona and happily strokes hir pet as shi says "Well for me I am very glad that I met all of my pets, Mona, Chloe and Gallent. It is really nice to have someone you enjoy being with so much I think."

Decias leans a bit against Joannah as she sits beside her, purring softly. "I haven't really met anyone that I'm sorry to have met yet, here. But some people are just, uh, special." She smiles a little bashfully, nuzzling Joannah's cheek. "I, uh, look forward to meeting your other pets, then." She strokes a little along Joannah's side. "If, uh, I can ask this, and it's not a silly question... what all do you and your pets, um, do?"

Jill smiles and says "Well we mostly do what we want to do. I mean the main thing that changes once they have become my pets is that we all hang out together a lot. We tend to go to places that we all enjoy hanging out and get together and help each other out. We also do a fair bit of snuggling as we all enjoy it and I really enjoy being intimit with my pets in non sexual ways. I am fine with sex though but it is real nice to just cuddle andd enjoy each others bodies." as shi is talking shi is smiling happily and is stroking hir pets body. Tracing hir pets curves and enjoying the shapelyness of hir pet.

Joannah smiles and purrs heavily as Deci leans against her. She looks up at her and says "Special? In what way do you mean?" She get a shiver down her body as Deci strokes along her side for a bit and rubs her cheek against her.

Decias smiles up at Jill, and nods, cuddling into Joannah's side. "Cuddling up with someone, uh, you love is one of the best things, yeah." She nuzzles the smaller taur, her cheeks rather warm. "And...special, like, you're really special." She licks Joannah's cheek. "And everything is better, when everyone is comfortable with their bodies."

Mona-mleko's tail wags very happily as her Alpha strokes over her body. She smiles at seeing Jo and Decias' affection and blushes a bit and looks into her Alpha's eyes with quite a look of admiration.

Jill smiles down at hir pet Mona as shi strokes hir and says as shi nuzzles against hir pets head "I enjoy you quite a bit as well my pet and I am very glad that you like me as your Alpha as I have enjoyed having you as a pet and it is quite nice to be with you and help you out with things." shi looks up at Decias briefly and says "Yeah it is very good to be comfortable in your own body." after this shi goes back to happily nuzzling hir pet obviously happy to have her as hir pet.

Joannah cuddles close up to Deci and blushes completely red at her comments. Starting to fidget a bit and looking unsure on how to respond, getting a bit overwhelmed by feelings. She doesn't know where to look for a bit and looks around, her mouth moving but no words coming out. She finally looks up at Deci again and in a whispery voice says "I love you....." she quickly looks away, her cheeks completely red and her body shivering.

Decias smiles bashfully back at Joannah, nuzzling her, curling her arms around her to cuddle her closer. Her ears flick back a bit, her purring coming louder. She whispers softly back, "I love you too," giving a lick to Joannah's ear, pressing herself lower against the ground so she's closer to Joannah, her tail flicking back and forth.

Mona-mleko starts to squirm a bit in her Alpha's lap, trying to control herself as she's surrounded by all the loving people around her. She smiles at her Alpha. "I enjoy being your pet quite a bit as well my Alpha. I'm glad you like me and want to share so much with me. She looks back to Jo and Decias and their confessions to each other, smiling happily, thinking about of she herself could find someone special too.

Joannah turns very red beneath her fur, but her face shines with complete happiness and joy. Eventhough Jo seems to usually smile and look happy, this face nobdy has seen yet. It's completely genuine. She leans over to Decias and cuddles her and starts to kiss her face, cheeks and ears.

Decias nuzzles into Joannah, purring loudly as she kisses over her face. She rolls over onto her side, arms wrapping around Joannah to pull her up against her, if not atop her, paws caressing her back and sides.

Jill smiles at the sight of Joannah and Decias obviously loving each other quite happy for hir friend Joannah.

Joannah purrs loudly as she's pulled on top of Decias. Getting shivers as she's caressed, continuing to kiss her face before suddenly stopping and pulling her head back. Looking Decias in the eyes and placing a passionate and long kiss on her lips.

Mona-mleko starts to daydream a bit as she sees Jo and Decias together, one of her hands unconciously moving down to her cleft, slowly stroking along her shaved skin. She leans back against her Alpha, safe between hir breasts, enjoying the warmth and listening to her Alpha's heartbeat

Decias wraps her arms tight around Joannah, kissing her back, long and lovingly, purring loudly in her throat. She swishes her tail back and forth, gently swaying her lower trunk beneath Joannah as she holds her, laying in the grass.

Jill smiles as hir pet relaxes againsts hir happy to see hir friends and pets having fun.

Joannah opens her mouth a bit to allow Decias's tongue inside, but also giving a bit of a smirk as she feels the purring in her throat, and answers with her own heavy purring. Her own long leopard tail is swishing around over Decias' stomach, stroking along the fur and skin there. As she's hugged tight, her breasts rub over Decias'.

Decias kisses Joanna deeply, her body moving more beneath hers, wiggling as her tail tickles, leaning up into her, their breasts pressing more together, She finally draws back from the kiss, her cheeks well heated, her paws caressing down Joannah's back, smiling up at her bashfully, her ears pulled back. She whispers, up to Joannah. "Can I, uh, tell you something, um, a bit embarrassing?"

Joannah looks a bit disappointed as Decias pulls back from the kiss but smiles down happily at her, and with a curious look in her eyes, she cocks her head a little and nods. "You can tell me anything you want to." she whispers back.

Mona-mleko starts to stroke herself some more, this time she's not doing it unconciously, she's very much aware that she's doing this. She allows the tentacles from her shoulders and wrists to extend and wraps each around one of her breasts and starts to softly squeeze them a bit, drawing out small drops of her thick cream

Decias shifts a bit beneath Joannah, stroking down her sides. She nuzzles into her, pressing closer to whisper. "Those, uh, toys... while I'm wearing them, sometimes.. I can't help but want you to fuck me again. So, uh, I don't know if you can, um, smell me, or tell, uh... but that's why.." She leans back a little from Joannah then, smiling up bashfully to her, her tail flicking back and forth.

Jill smiles at hir pet and for now just sits there letting hir friends and pets have some fun

Joannah leans up against Decias, smiling broadly. "That's not emberrassing, that's incredibly hot." She kisses her on the lips and gives her a little squeeze. "That's for making me think all sorts of strange things."

Mona-mleko starts to let out tiny moans as she fingers herself. She moves the wrist tentacles from her breasts over to her two holes but stops before she pushes them in and looks up at her Alpha for confirmation, that shi allows her to masterbate herself on hir lap.

Decias kisses Joannah back softly, grinning a little. "I know you said you liked the idea of me wearing them... I didn't want you to feel, uh, awkward about it. I'm glad you like it too..." She kisses down Joannah's neck, licking at her throat, as she lays beneath her.

Jill smiles down at hir pet Mona and says "Well my dear self control is a virtue that you will have to learn so do what you think is best..."

Joannah leans against Decias' cheek, kissing it softly and says into her ear "Why would I feel awkward about you wanting to have sex with me, and filling you up, then putting a plug inside it so you can take my load with you." She blushes heavily. "I guess when I say it like that... no, still sounds hot." She starts to purr loudly as Decias licks her throat, the vibrations can be felt on the outside.

Mona-mleko looks up at her Alpha with a lot of uncertainty in her eyes. Her hands and tentacles have completely frozen, although now a blush has appeared on her face as she's processing her Alpha's words.

Decias glances up towards Jill and Mona, her ears flicking back. "Sorry, uh. I think we might be making it, um, harder." She's still purring loudly, her tail swishing faster back and forth as her hind end wiggles. She smiles back at Joannah, kissing her again, her paws caressing up and down her back.

Joannah looks up at Jill and Mona with an apologetic look on her face "Really sorry, should we go somewhere..... hmmmmm....." She arches her back as Decias strokes her there, not able to finish her sentance. She leans back over and presses her lips against Decias' lips and kisses her, opening her mouth to allow their tongues to play.

Jill smiles down at hir pet and says gently "My dear you should decide wether or not you want to do this but you should lear to control your sex drive my dear and not be controled by it. It is up to you in the end of the day."

Mona-mleko retracts her tentacles and sits down with her hands on her knees "Yes my Alpha, I understand." She seems very reluctant, and you can hear the strain in her voice. However she's watching the scene unfold in front of her, and it's very possible Jill can start to feel a few wet drops falling on her lap.

Decias kisses Joannah back deeply, opening her lips, teasing her tongue around Joannah's. Her paws caress along Joannah's form, stroking through her fur, her forelegs reaching up to stroke down along the sides of Joannah's taurish half, caressing a bit awkwardly. She breaks the kiss, then, though, smiling softly. "I think, uh, maybe we should go somewhere... so we aren't, um, being rude to Jill and Mona."

Jill smiles down at hir pet and gently holds hir for now.

Joannah pants and nods towards Deci "I think we should, we can come back later." She sighs as she leans back against Deci, feeling the warmth of her body and slowly allows herself to slide off. She wobbles on her feet as she stands again, her muscles uncoordinated and her head not thinking about walking, but she focuses and stands up straight. "So, where should we go?"

Decias rolls over a bit, standing up a little unsteadily, stretching out a bit. She smiles towards Jill, giving her a little wave. "Um. Is there a good, uh, quieter place we could go in town? Where we wouldn't be, um, disturbing anyone? I've never been here before.."

Jill smiles and says "Just look around in the woods near here. Plenty of locals get frisky in the night over here should not be that hard to find a secluded spot in the forests and no ferals come near here."

Joannah grabs hold of Decias' hand and allows her to lead on. "Shall we then?" She stands awkwardly, her shafts inside her rapidly growing harder and her honey leaking. She leans over to Deci and whispers to her "I want you so bad."

Decias nods to Joannah, smiling her thanks to Jill.. "Yeah, uh, let's go.." She turns towards the woods, heading towards them, her plugged holes glistening and swollen with her own arousal. She leads Joannah off, barely past the treeline before she stops, turning to kiss her firmly, then digging into her pockets for a packet of pills, swallowing one quickly, that sets her to shrinking down much closer to Joannah's size, rather than towering over her.

Joannah presses into the kiss and waits for Deci to reduce in size, and holds her close, pressing their humanoid bodies together in a tight embrace. Stroking her back and kissing her on the lips, feeling the heat of their bodies as they embrace.

Mona-mleko looks over as she seems Amphi wake up and slides out between her Alpha's breasts to allow Amphi more room, or to take her place. She leaves a small puddle of her honey behind that had formed when she sat there. She blushes heavily as she sees that and moves over to lick her Alpha clean.

Decias kisses Joannah back, as she shrinks down in size, holding her close to her front as she kisses her firmly, needfully. She draws back with a little gasp, smiling at her, pulling back a little, to turn around, presenting herself towards Joannah, her tail hiked high. "Please.. I want you.."

Jill smiles at hir pet Mona and says "That's fine my dear. Thank you though I do appreciate it and good morning Amphi did you sleep well?"

Amphitere just woke up and starts to sit up. She yawns widely, jaws pulling apart and showing her sharp fangs. She then rubs her eyes and looks up at Jill and Mona bleary eyed, "Mornin'... slept well..." And before she can finish her sentence she yawns again.

Joannah looks at Decias as she represent herself and blushes heavily. "You want me to mount you?" She looks a bit lost, she's never done it like that before. Eventhough she's been a taur for so long. She moves up to Decias' backside and bends down her head, licking at the folds and clitoris, softly taking hold of the vaginal plug. Slowly pulling it out, with the maximum care, before moving her hands over to the tight buttplug, teasing the sphincter with her fingers, trying to allow it to open and release the plug.

Jill smiles at Amphi and gently says "Well we still have some sandwiches I belive they should still be fairly fresh if you are hungry

Mona-mleko moves her head back at her Alpha's comment, but her eyes still glancing occasionally towards the small puddle. She smiles as she seems Amphi wake up again and looks straight down Amphi's throat as she yawns, taking some interest in what she's seeing.

Decias looks back at Joannah, nodding, gazing back at her. "Yes... please. I do want you to fuck me." Her eyes close as Joannah licks at her, letting out a purring moan, her hindlegs spreading further apart as the plug filling her sex is pulled on, sliding out of her slippery vagina. She lowers her front a bit, lifting her hind end more as her rear is teased, her rear hole flexing as Joannah plays with it, loosening enough for Joannah to pull it out of her, seed drooling out of her holes.

Amphitere looks up at Jill again and shakes her head. "No, thank you. I am good. Besides, I'd rather drink your milk than eat a sandwich."

Jill grins at Amphi and says "Well in that case if you want to feel free to have some of my milk then. I am quite free with it with those I like as you should know."

Joannah licks at the holes as she sets the two plugs aside, tasting the flavor of her own seed drooling out. Her shafts hardening quickly at the thought of adding more. She steps back a step and places one of her hands on Deci's rump, followed by the next, she slowly pulls herself up while arching her tauric spine to not put too much weight on Deci and slowly walks forwards, her shafts aiming upwards as she slides over Deci's back. She moans a bit as she feels the soft fur tickle her belly. She leans forwards with her torso and embraces Deci as soon as she comes close enough, her muzzle kissing her neck and her hands roaming over her breasts. She can feel her shafts lining up at the right places, the tips teasing the holds, but she waits to penetrate and looks over at her lover and nibbles at her ear.

Amphitere nods at Jill and grins. "Yes, I know, which is why I feel comfortable just mentioning it like that. I am actually a bit jealous by now of that particular trait."

Mona-mleko gets another sandwich out of the bag, this one seems to be strawberry jam. She takes a greedy bite, hoping the sweet flavor can calm her body down a bit. She offers the bag to her Alpha.

Decias moans again as Joannah licks at her drooling holes, feeling her hands resting on her rear. She shivers, Joannah's form moving atop hers, feeling her warm body covering her taurish back as she moves atop her. She leans back into Joannah's from, letting out a heated breath as Joannah's hands come around her, cupping and playing with her breasts, her paws covering them, encouraging. She turns her head a little, nuzzling back at Joannah's head as she kisses at her, feeling the other taur's shafts lining up with her. "Just..just like that.. I want you, lover.."

Jill smiles and says "That you Mona but I am set for now." to Amphi shi nods and says "Well I worked quite hard to get my milk the way it is so I am glad that you enjoy it. Now there are ways to get your milk to taste a lot better which I could tell you about if you want."

Joannah blushes heavily at that word and leans down, giving Deci's neck a quick nip and squeezing her breasts at the same as she slides her shafts into both her holes. The sensation causing her to immediately let out a moan, the wet, soft flesh around her barbed cocks and the wetness of her own seed still inside of her causing her to almost bite her lovers neck out of pleasure, but she stops herself just in time and just puts her lips on the area and sucks a small bit on it.

Amphitere looks at Mona and smiles. "Mornin'... slept well?" She then andwers Jill, nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, please, I would love to know."

Mona-mleko smiles at Amphi and nods. "I slept very well. And we brought over Joannah, the person that was with our Alpha when we met and her lover. I think you may have just seen them enter the woods, and if you listen carefully you might even hear them." She blushes a bit, trying not to pay attention to any sounds.

Jill smiles at Amphitere and says "Well you could become a Cow Maiden. My pet Mona wants to do that as well so you two might be able to help each other out a fair bit with that. Might be a good chance for both of you to get to know each other some.

Decias shivers at the nip to her neck, her tail lashing a little, brushing against Joannah's hip. She closes her eyes again, moaning louder as her breasts are squeezed, and those two thick shafts push into her, pushing deep into her slippery insides, barbs dragging across sensitive flesh. Her hips give a little push back, trying to ease her deeper, her paws cupping her lower pair of breasts, squeezing them as well, fondling them.

Amphitere nods at Mona again, frowning. "Ah, yes, I think I did see them... well, I shall leave them to their privacy. Hard to get that usually." She then grins at Jill. "That sounds like it is very useful, if what I think it is is right."

Joannah pushes further forward as Decias pushes back against her, pushing her shafts in as deep as she can, and then easing back out, making the soft, flexible barbs pull at the flesh inside Decias' holes. She slowly starts to pump in and out of her lover as she continues to squeeze one of her breasts, teasing the nipple. Her other hand moves upwards, cupping her chin and leaning in, kissing her lips. "I love you." She says, this time without sounding shy, awkward or whispering, she says it bold and loud, enjoying the sound of it coming from her lips.