
From Flexible Survival
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A soldier in stance and motions, her blue eyes never staying on any one thing long. Her dark scales are offset by the more silver ones along her underside scales. Standing at just under 8 feet tall, though where she to stretch from the top of her wins to the tip of her tail, she'd reach more of 10 feet, her body has grown to be a fine example of draconian power in a humanoid form. Where she to be a regular human, her bust would qualify as a large firm D cup, her size and the scale of them would count more towards being a pair of DD.

She's wearing a desert patterned USMC uniform, which has had adjustments made to account for the growth of a tail and wings, and re-sized for her new gender and size. Recently she has taken to piercing her 'ears' with simple studs. On top of her uniform is a suit of armor, designed specifically with her form in mind, even accenting it in some cases. It's plates allow for her to still be able to move, but still cover most of her body with metal. The way the plates are worked they snap together and over each other in an clean package, without forcing her to get into the armor awkwardly. It also seems to have several hidden internal compartments built into it, reducing the amount of clutter on her. There's still MOLLE straps to facilitate additional equipment. It has a decently sized power-pack on the rear section of the belt, underneath the wings, supplying power to the tablet on the inside of her right forearm, and to the compartments in her left leg plate and in the breastplate. She also has a small ruck pack on her back between her wings hooked into the armor.

Her weapons of choice are the combat knife in a sheath hooked to the back of her armor above the power pack, the grip in easy reach of her left hand for quick swipes, a laser pistol in the holster built directly into her right leg plate, and then a customized XM8 hanging from a three point strap across her front, letting it be readily used in combat as needed without being in the way of anything else.

HISTORY [BULLET POINT FOR NOW - Details to come later!]

Joined Marines - Age 18 [2002]

Assigned 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines [2002]

Participated in Second Battle of Fallujah [2004]

Assigned to Experimental USMC Company meant to handle unusual attack vectors [Issued early RSX temperary nanite innoculations], [June 2008]

Out in the Californa Desert when P-Day Happened. [August 2008]

Company turned mercenary as lack of communications between them and any higher authority failed. [December 2008]

Not all personnel used the issued innoculations as regularly as required.

By April 2013 Company was reduced to under squad strength.

Used last innoculation in April 2013.

Left remnants of company in April 2013 to avoid risk of infection.

1 Week ago - Hired onto Zephyr Inc. as a mercenary in order to fund more innoculations.

First hour in the field resulted in getting beaten by a lizard girl and first nanite mutation.

Lost malehood from Lizard Girl and turned female.

2 Days later had a poor encounter with a Shadow Dragon and was turned mostly into one herself.

Moved to support RSX Team in Oregon, and was afflicted with Wolf Pack Mind infection, though countered by Fox Pack mind infection.

Provided field-tactical assistance to RSX concerning known Pack-Mind tactics during multiple briefings.

Involved in the Klamath Falls Pack Mind Incident.


Not much to say. Roleplayer, 3d modeller, doddler, and gamer. Oh, I'm male aged 23 and I was entry-level separated from the United States Air Force in November 2011.