City Zoo
From Flexible Survival
The city zoo suffered numerous animal breakouts after the infection struck, releasing the mutating animals and unleashing them on the city. This is the source of many of the wild animal strains in the city. Many of these creatures still linger in the Zoo, so caution must be taken.
Zoo Entrance, Gift Shop, Fence Path, Border Wall, Cheetah Habitat, Entryway, Bathroom, Main Path, Gator Pit, Bird House, Bird Enclosure, Roundabout, Lion Habitat, Snake House
Northeast from the Main Path leads into the Zoo hunting area.
- angietrapped (rescue Angie from several animals)
- Beastial Pheromones (background?)
- Birth (background)
- Broken Fences (background)
- Electric Shockers (finding this event the second time, nets you the electric prod)
- Feeding time (battle an animal for food)
- Hanu: -10 libido, +20 humanity, +5 maxhp
- Lazy River (background)
- Panda Parade: (background)
- Petting zoo (supplies)
- Scared Bird (possibility of getting exotic bird pet)
- Snake Charmer: (background)
- Snake Knot (background)
- TigervsTaur (fight between Chase and a tigertaur. Meet Chase if you help him out)
- Useful pamphlet (gives you a tiny amount of experience points, repeatable)
- Vet supplies (here you can change you're gender feat, get one or remove any gender feat you have, the cost 20 humanity, repeatable)