Fall From Heaven Chapter 4 - RPLOG

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Finally, the rubble north of town - large enough to encompass several city blocks - has become enough of an issue for both alpha and bravo team that the cavalry has been sent in. Kori has gone missing from the team, winding up separated from Smokie by deus ex machina, and Cerris has done likewise after leaving CaseyRune to their fate. Anbessa and Redd are returning from the breather they need, and Rihko and Loki have been sent by Zephyr as a sort of 'get this over with' gesture. The only sounds that can be heard in the silent din are the screeches and cries of a trio of gryphons in the movie theater, one of the few buildings still standing; that's combat if ever there was one!

Anbessa quickly jogs back into the area after his break, coming in with Redd leading. The black furred Talakai pants softly as he reaches the destination again, though as he notices the team isn't there, and also the combat sounds in the theater, he looks over to Redd as he begins to get goin' to the theater. "Ey Redd, ready? We are missing the party!" He says, smiling towards the Coyote as he quickly starts his jog towards the theater, his claymore unsheathed from his back and in his paw. Ready as ever, though he doesn't seem to know that the team was split up just yet.

"Not so fast, We should actually get an idea of where everybody is first, before rushing in." Climbing a hill of rubble, Redd scans the area below for movement. The noise from the theater gets his attention, though what's happening is unclear to him.

Smokie lopes from the ruins of the diner, now not just looking like a feral gryphon of ye olde dags, but smelling ten times as worse from the shear nastiness of the nesting site. She swears loudly as she comes up the hill, seeing a non-gryphon figure upon it, and begins to gallop towards it.

Rihko is jogging towards the ruins with a quick, loping gate. Her ears perk at the noises then tilt back, and she looks around for a good vantage point to scope out the rubble from. As she slows down, she switches to a general radio frequency. "Hey, anyone alive out here?" she asks, a grin in her tone. "Heard you were having some issues. If you can respond, give me your coordinates."

CaseyRune can't respond, thanks to the gryphons covering them, they do however take steps to get said gryphons off... Starting with the one on the bottom, who dispite trying to claw Casey to death seems to leave itself open to the fate of its companion. An oppritunity that they very much take, which has the nice side effect of boosting their already potent healing.. And people say vampirism is a curse.

A faint whoosh followed by a dull, metallic clunk echoes through the area as Loki lands upon the street and folds his wings against his back as he lands near Rihko. A silvery tongue passes his lips as his attentions scan the streets and then looks at the Kitsune. A small sneeze escapes the metallic dragon before he cranes his neck and looks through the streets as he scans for sights, sounds, and smells. It would be a little redundant to repeat the request of the kitsune, but he nevertheless does make his own effort as he begins to stride on ahead - and then stop and offer a small wave and "Hello Rihko." towards the kitsune.

The vampiric agent will find themselves being scratched and pecked and beaten even while they drain the second gryphon; it'll certainly help, but they're getting hurt faster than they can heal. Cerris remains conspicuously absent, and the sounds of battle in the theater grow more desperate as bodies are rammed into walls and gryphons screeches echo in the conspicuous silence.

Anbessa blinks as his COM rings out the announcement to his ear, him speaking into his COM device quickly. "Anbessa here. I am heading into the Theater, since it sounds like someone is gettin' attacked pretty badly in there." He says, quickly looking up towards Redd. He sighs, shaking his head, finding the need to act quickly more important as he turns, quickly making a dead sprint into the Theater, his Claymore gripped tightly in his paws as he enters into the building. Even though it isn't in the immediate entrance, he quickly sprints into the building, disappearing from sight from anyone looking at him outside as he goes after where the noises are coming from.

Redd turns his gaze back towards the city proper, "Yeah, any assistance is appreciated. Can I get names?" He watches Anbessa vanish into the theater. "Damnit Anbessa. Don't get yourself killed, last thing I want to have to call in is body bags."

Smokie crests the mound of rubble, right up beside Redd, with a loud squawk to announce her presence, tail whipping side to side behind her as she tries to look out across. Something up in the theatre?

Rihko gives Loki a nod and is about to reply when she rounds a corner and spots the source of the noise. "This is Rihko Kirijo. Loki's here too. Sounds like something is going on in that building; I'm checking it out." She focuses on moving, then, picking up her pace as she closes in on the theatre.

Loki offers a nod to Rihko when she figures out the location of the noise and quickly follows along with the kitsune, tailing her closely as he bounds along towards the building.

CaseyRune drops the second gryphon, with a small note to self, Drain should only be used when desprate or for sneak attacks. Still they have two gryphons to deal with, so they do what comes naturally in this situation. Stab them in the throat with shards of frozen blood, then back off to let the healing kick in. Damn things were more vicious than the ones in the city thats for sure.

It looks like Casey isn't the only one with healing. While these may be feral, nearly mindless gryphons - and a great deal stronger than the traditional Fairhaven variety - they seem to have the powers of their cousins, wounds beginning to close even as Casey draw back to heal themselves. The two remaining gryphons hiss angrily at them, though the emergence of Anbessa gives them pause and makes them jumpier to a noticeable degree. Anbessa's scent is easy enough to track for Rihjo and Loki, leaving Smokie and Redd as lookouts for the time being. Mercifully, nothing else seems to be attacking the pair...yet.

Anbessa growls as he skids to a stop, spotting the Gryphons and Casey. Being outside of Redd's field though makes a idle murr resonate from the Talakai, him lifting up his free paw. As his arm quickly seems to lose density, it shapes up into what looks like a goo version of his own arm... Except his fingers begin to mesh together, gaining the shape of two gooey spikes. He then smiles as the goo quickly hardens, cooling down until the goo freezes, making the two triangles into large goo spikes until he tenses, his goo arm whiping back, then forward, launching the now dense projectile straight for the two gryphons as if he just fired a double shot of ammo.

Surprised by the squawk, Redd turns towards the gryphon, about to tackle the bird, he stops, having recognized his mate's scent. "Gahh! Smokie, Don't scare me like that. Anyways, grabbed your M16 on the way back here. Loki's here, so don't shoot at the big shiny dragon this time." He hands the weapon over, and turns towards the theater. "We should probably catch up with the others now."

Smokie flares out her wings, squawking again at Redd as she pushes herself up onto her haunches, her talons more able to grip the modified gun than her paws ever were. She nods her appreciation, and cradling it in one arm, she starts toward the theatre on three legs

Rihko enters the theatre, her ears going back; the kitsune raises her paw and makes a small motion in the air, gathering together whisps of flame to form a flickering, etherial light that follows her. Her other hand draws her knife, and she calls out. "Stop this at once!"

CaseyRune ahs, backup, good. Not exactly the way they would have done it but it works. Just in case Anbessa's attack doesn't kill them, they draw their pistol, ans start unloading the entire clip at the gryphons. If that doesn't kill them, the they may have to get out the rifle. And when they get out the rifle, things get /messy/.

Loki enters the theatre alongside Rihko and then halts, standing abruptly still for a brief moment as he takes in the surroundings, head tilting first to the side, and then upwards as he takes in the various scents of the place - Once he is sure of the general direction he's off barreling through the halls towards the source of the noise caused by the fight as he charges ahead.

For what it's worth, the two gryphons do seem to have decided to leave CaseyRune alone (especially since one of them succumbs to the gunfire). The other one, wounded by Anbessa's attack, tries its best to flee in its injured state, bolting deeper into the theater. There are three gryphon corpses laying around now, two of them drained of blood, and the potential for a fourth if you choose to give chase and/or try to cut it down as it retreats. At least, apart from the cries of the wounded gryphon, all is silent! Rihko gets her wish, by hook or by crook.

Anbessa sighs in annoyance as one of the gryphons doesn't go down from his attack, the goo spike from the other one returning to a gooey form before flowing quietly across the carpet, leaving no trail as it just hops on Anbessa. With at least a few fingers retrieved, he sighs, quietly looking around for a moment... Without a source of water though, he growls as he begins to bound off after the Gryphon to retrieve his fingers. At least with it being apart of his body it is able to be found by sense! Though it still is awkward to move without fingers suddenly. Anbessa grips onto his Claymore as he quickly goes right on after the wounded Gryphon, easilly catching up to the wounded creature before pouncing onto it's back. With his elbow placed on the back of it's neck, he effectively pins the creature as the goo spike slowly flows back onto him, returning his fingers.

"Everybody alright in there?" Redd's voice comes over the comm, "Got awfully quiet all of a sudden." Instead of heading in through the front of the building, he walks around outside, searching through piles of rubble anytime something caught his eye.

Smokie follows Redd, keeping a sharp eye out, cradling her gun tighter than she would a pup. Well, blegh, pups are annoying anyway. She just can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen, whether it's sooner or later...

Rihko calmly watches as Anbessa finishes off the gryphon, but she doesn't let her guard down; she looks back and forth between the two survivors. "Well. You're not gryphons... are you the advance team? How many more are there? What's going on?"

CaseyRune hrmphs, reloading their pistol. Damn would have thought the other one would have gone down too, but it looks like Anbessa has that covered. "Well we were. Supposedly Zephyr wants this feathered hell cleaned out of hostiles and anything that can be of use to them. I say bollocks to that, The whole city is hostile as far as I know and we haven't found much other than these damned blue feathered bastards."

Loki slows his advance once he sees the gryphons begin to fall - though once the remaining one escapes and is quickly pounced does he speed up again, the dragon moving in with a growl as he sees Anbessa ready for a (possibly presumed) kill. "Fights over. Leave it be." the dragon says, coming to a slow and screeching halt as he slides across the ground towards the Talakai.

The gryphon beneath the Talakai goes still, fully understanding that it's beaten and wounded too badly too fight. It shoots him the most hateful of glares before sagging to the ground, going limp in hopes of avoiding death in much the same way an animal might, even going so far as to show its throat. The rest of the theater is calm for the time being, though there's no sign of Casey's diminutive companion and no way yet discovered that he could have left.

Anbessa looks up to Loki after he retrieves his goo fingers from the Gryphon's body. He blinks, having not really seen a creature like him, though he does nod. "Fine fine... Just wanted my fingers back." He says, reaching down to put his paws on the back of the gryphon's neck, lifting up the creature back to it's feet... Though his grip on it's neck makes sure it can't run off for now. He looks up to the large dragon, tilting his head for a moment before smiling. "Nice to meetcha." He says to Loki, still holding the Gryphon carefully. Guess this one goes to the live capture pile, though he doesn't want it running off just yet.

Smokie pins her ears as she hears the bustle in the theatre. She can't help it, and she just sighs. "Should we help them? No... Maybe. No.... Perhaps. I mean, I am hungry... Fuck." She looks at Redd. "Look, I... Call me on the comm if something happens, I'm going in!" She cries a shrill, shrieking battlecry as she charges into the theatre, wings flared and altered gun in her talon'd grip.

Rihko sighs, and rubs her free hand at her muzzle, as none of her questions get answered. "Fine, fine. Take a minute to patch up if you need it, I-" she cuts off as she hears the shriek, turning and facing Smokie. The kitsune's wisp darts and weaves in the air, in front of Rihko, hungry and barely holding back.

CaseyRune is already, thankfully mostly healed, so they don't need medical attention. (Attempting it would just be more complicated than its worth) And now there's another Gryphon, carrying an M16... Now they would start shooting, and in fact they do fire off a round before realizing that its probably the same gryphon that's supposed to be on their side "Goddamnit, that

CaseyRune says, "s twice now!""

Loki narrows his eyes - but this detail goes unnoticed behind the visor of his helm. He offers a nod as Anbessa relents and seems to relax. "Nice to meet you too." he murmurs, then turning back towards the others and tilting his head and then rolls his shoulders, simply idling for now - but that stops when he hears the shriek, the dragon once more poising and then turning to face the direction of the sound.

And so there is one more gryphon...but mercifully, it's successfully been identified as Smokie, meaning it (probably) won't get blasted to pieces. Those with sensitive noses will pick up a curious aroma of something akin to ozone - more like electricity, really - in the air. Anbessa might well recognize the scent from the beginning of the mission and recall what it preceded, but what's to be done about it - if anything - remains to be seen, depending largely on the actions of the group as it stands!

CaseyRune being human, or at least pretending to be human, can't smell anything, however a small feeling of vauge doom does linger anout them. Given what they've been through, this is never a good thing. "What is that? Is there something else trying to kill us now?"

Smokie sniffed at the air, and tilted her head. That same smell from earlier, but... stronger maybe? "Guys, smell that?" She sniffs again, head low to the ground, then high.

Rihko frowns, still watching the strange gryphon. At least, though, it wasn't attacking... her hackles rise and she sniffs at the air, then glances around the room. "S' not me," she says. "Come on, let's not piss around. Where to next?"